Subete no aware
Hah, honestly I'm going to get around to it. I've been very reluctant to catch up on the "canon" mostly because it's so daunting. There's something relaxing about just following the junk that gets aired now.
while the duels stay a core element of the series it gets much more story oriented and focused as it goes on. keep watchin yo!flawfuls said:Sounds like a plan. I just started watching it because of Jexhius' thread. I like the weird style, but I'm not sure I like how formulaic it is. Does it keep up this fight a new character each episode formula the whole series?
flawfuls said:Sounds like a plan. I just started watching it because of Jexhius' thread. I like the weird style, but I'm not sure I like how formulaic it is. Does it keep up this fight a new character each episode formula the whole series?
firehawk12 said:Hah, honestly I'm going to get around to it. I've been very reluctant to catch up on the "canon" mostly because it's so daunting. There's something relaxing about just following the junk that gets aired now.
Jexhius said:Theres a heck of a lot of shows in the past, but a much smaller amount that were ever made really deserve your attention. Since roughly the start of 2008, when some crazy man introduced me to Cowboy Bebop, I used the GAF anime list and a few others to decide what to watch if I was going to gain some sense of 'history' and I've watched about 135 shows/OVA's/movies since then just because there wasn't enough cool new stuff. Still I'd say about 20 of those shows weren't worth watching. Mainly my motives were things like - "Well, there are plenty of e.g. Romantic Comedy type shows being made. Yet if I was to go back could I find thee show and not need to watch the others? Yep - Maison Ikkoku." Some works are so influential they define their whole subgenre like that.
firehawk12 said:God, I don't know if I can go back to the 80s. :lol
I will say, random exploring got me Planetes and Aria. I'll just have to set some time for backlog and just bite the bullet. Bebop and Utena would be on the top of that list for sure.
survivor said:This thread just reminded that I need to catch up in Durarara. Last time I was on episode 6.
BTW is there anything else I should watch from the winter season? Not exactly looking into slice of life anime so I guess that eliminates a lot of options. Cobra the Animation any good? If it's full of action scenes then it will be great.
Jexhius said:Back to the 80's? More like forward to the 80's - where production value, budget, talent, animation skill etc all improve massively, especially comapred to today.
Making a backlog is super difficult because there are few trustowrthy sites and sources to tell you what you need to have watched. There's a whole selection of stuff that if you haven't seen it is like never having seen Star Wars or something - massive cultural milestones in the medium like Gunbuster, Gundam, The Super Dimensional Fortress Macross : Do You Remember love?, Bubblegum Crisis, Maison Ikkoku, Akira, Fist of the North Star, The Patlabor Franchise etc etc. . It's especially odd going back because it's not like CG or something - which just keeps getting better on a straight curve. Anime started in the 60's and by the 80's the quality of animation was insane - but then you see the economic bubble burst and quality and range of crazy stuff starts to decline.
And thats just the 80's! The 70's and 90's are pretty sweet as well.
firehawk12 said:Well, I watched a lot of 80s and 90s stuff in Chinese. It's just after a 10-15 year absence, a lot of that stuff has drifted into the realm of nostalgic memory more than anything else.
And I'm sure I'll get crucified for saying this, but I generally prefer the look adopted by most artists now to the ones from the previous decades. Although, I suppose that's part of the charm with something like Cross Game. The characters still have that old timey 80s look, even if it looks more modern than Adachi's other stuff.
firehawk12 said:Yeah, culminating with the expected ending. It was a fun little slice of life show, but the contrivance of having someone who looks exactly like an integral character show up to shake things up still seems a bit silly.
Jexhius said:Not really, no. I can only recommend Cobra and that's only in a fairly "this show is dumb" kidn of way, it doesn't even have the budget to be well animated. Still I've kept watching that and nothing else .
who? akane? she was in the manga. she appeared about past the halfway through the series.bigmit3737 said:Was she in the manga? It seemed a little out of place...a little too late into the show I think.
r - b - x said:still sittin' on the fence on durarara. recommended by a couple of my friends, but i'm just watching for the fallout afterward. just because it's good for the season doesn't mean it's actually good.
Yeah, I agree. Overall Durarara's one of the best shows this season. I was really let down by it though, as I was expecting something at least comparable to the quality of Baccano, and I feel like Durarara really doesn't even come close to that.Jexhius said:Brutal but true - people judge relatively to recent seasons and these seasons have been awful. Still it is mainly competent with flashes of brilliance - and flashes of stupidity.
r - b - x said:i was (and maybe still am) considering watching cross game. but if there's much overlap with the manga, i figure to skip it.
It gradually gets darker, more twisted, and more involved, but yes, you'll be seeing lots of stock footage along the way. However, it's entirely worth it by the end.flawfuls said:Sounds like a plan. I just started watching it because of Jexhius' thread. I like the weird style, but I'm not sure I like how formulaic it is. Does it keep up this fight a new character each episode formula the whole series?
Kodiak said:you guys
I watched aki sora
: (
Hitokage said:It gradually gets darker, more twisted, and more involved, but yes, you'll be seeing lots of stock footage along the way. However, it's entirely worth it by the end.
Oh, and watch the recap episodes.
One aspect of the first recap episode isn't brought up again for a while then pays off huge later. One of my favorite moments of the show.Jexhius said:Trust that show to put huge events in recap episodes...
I've been using gaps in current seasons to watch old stuff for a long time now. Armed with a good backlog selection, you can ride out the worst assault of otaku pandering tripe.Jexhius said:Since roughly the start of 2008, when some crazy man introduced me to Cowboy Bebop, I used the GAF anime list and a few others to decide what to watch if I was going to gain some sense of 'history' and I've watched about 135 shows/OVA's/movies since then just because there wasn't enough cool new stuff.
Hitokage said:One aspect of the first recap episode isn't brought up again for a while then pays off huge later. One of my favorite moments of the show.
Hitokage said:I've been using gaps in current seasons to watch old stuff for a long time now. Armed with a good backlog selection, you can ride out the worst assault of otaku pandering tripe.
Kodiak said:you guys
I watched aki sora
: (
Well, honestly it's kind of theoretical to me, because when you've seen over four hundred titles a hefty chunk of them are going to be crap, some of it mindnumbingly stupid. :/Jexhius said:That's the only way to survive.
Hitokage said:Well, honestly it's kind of theoretical to me, because when you've seen over four hundred titles a hefty chunk of them are going to be crap, some of it mindnumbingly stupid. :/
April 6th I think.Vox-Pop said:Anyone know what day the second season of K-On airs, all I know it that it premieres April?
firehawk12 said:Reading about how Paradise Lost ends, I can imagine a lot of disappointment. Personally, I still feel that thematically Eden of the East is interesting... of course, the movie suffers the "middle installment" problem, where stuff happens but nothing is resolved. Still, as some light social commentary on a society I really have no right to comment upon, it's interesting in so much as it condemns the audience that's most likely to watch it. Like Welcome to the NHK I guess.
firehawk12 said:As for the movie itself, yeah, the lack of any sense of an increase in scale - thematically or in terms of the plot - makes the move to film feel unnecessary. I have nothing against exposition - certainly the charm of the original series came from the characters talking to each other about whatever was going on... but sustained over a 90 minute movie? Those scenes ran way too long.
Jexhius said:Also Welcome to the NHK (manga) is the only tale that can truly expose the world of NEETs. Only with such endless cynicism can it be done. Also, the author himself has returned to being a trapped NEET so it all makes sense.
firehawk12 said:Oh man, really? Now that's just depressing.
I thought Welcome to the NHK was a novel, though?Jexhius said:If you think about is as a movie, it just doesn't work. As a series of episodes it makes perfect sense, which makes we wish they had just found a way to do that instead. (Indeed, some things that are exposition certainly feel like they were part of a cut episode). Man, you really can hear the restraint in my post. I'm pretty defensive becuase I imagine these people had no choice but to make it how they did, but still. I mean, they could have thrown away their plan and re-drafted everything to make it into a movie-form (although that would have no doubt been hard) but they didn't. I like it for what it is.
Also Welcome to the NHK (manga) is the only tale that can truly expose the world of NEETs. Only with such endless cynicism can it be done. Also, the author himself has returned to being a trapped NEET so it all makes sense.
Angry Grimace said:I thought Welcome to the NHK was a novel, though?
Jexhius said:Well so Wikipedia, and it's sources tell me. Not in itself hugely shocking - the tale itself, while commically exaggerated, speaks of someone who at least knows someone with first hand experience.