Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Do you want Wedding Ra as a sub? He seems worse than regular Ra as a lead because a light rainbow lead is better than fire rainbow.
Yeah, pretty much as a useful sub. His skill is always useful. I wouldn't mind using him as a leader sometimes in certain dungeons. My A.Ra is already hyper, but having a different one would be useful. I like the artwork too...more than the regular A.Ra.

During this past GH event they also listed the top sub character rankings.
1) Rodin
2) F/L Ares
3) Urd
4) Yamato Takeru
5) LKali
6) A.Ra
7) DKali
8) Ronia
9) A.Isis
10) A.Haku



There's a little shield by your HP bar when it's active.
Oh, yeah there is. I didn't even notice it...Guess I should have watched the video full screen. I was looking for something to show up on the right side like standard shield skills. I wonder if this means that you can stack shields? Say you use Susano (50% shield) and then you use the cross heart skill, would that give you 75% damage reduction for that turn?


I have 7 of those top 10 Jp subs, I'm only missing Rodin, Urd, and Isis.

I also have 17 of the top 25 in the Players Choice Godfest.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Oh, yeah there is. I didn't even notice it...Guess I should have watched the video full screen. I was looking for something to show up on the right side like standard shield skills. I wonder if this means that you can stack shields? Say you use Susano (50% shield) and then you use the cross heart skill, would that give you 75% damage reduction for that turn?

I dont know if you can stack the different shields but with 2 leaders you already have 75% damage reduction anyway...have been playing Sumire for a while and she can take pretty much any hit. Stalling with her is fun xD


Sumire System at work lol


Kaede will be even crazier.


They really took their time with Vitra and Indra...they better OP as fuck to make up for it xD

Im happy about Awoken SQ - no need to pull for I&I anymore. 2x Boost for all my Water units i more worth to me than the healer boost - which i really didnt really use after dropping U&Y.

No +SBR is a bummer though - dont think more than a single Australis makes sense. Would need double SBR awakening subs ala Freyja and Perseus as well.

Yeah but I figure I'll be able to slap his skill one someone. I have 3 and no real teams where it'll work otherwise.

EDIT: oops meant to add this to the previous post


Just hit rank 500 today thanks to the Monday dungeon. Got my 11th team slot.

Congrats on the milestone and reaching the tier of the 0.2%!

Monday dungeon has been good tome today as well. Inching oh-so-close to 250 stamina, I can almost taste it.


Out of 12 pulls I only got 2 dupes and they were silver (DS) & troll gold (Fuu). I run water as main element, this was really nice. My team before todays pulls:
Blonia / U&Y / U&Y / Sumire / A.Freyr /


For lower ranked players is it better to feed plus 50s or sell for MPs?

+s are only getting easier to get. We get 10Xs regularly, 20X Mechdragon Rush decently often, and we might get the + pal egg machine at some point. MP is much harder to grind. I would take the MP every time if you don't want the card for skill inheritance or anything.

EDIT: Holy shit. Absolute trash Godfest for me.

Yomi (Only GFest pull. Arguably the only bad pull in the bunch. Dupe too. Ugh)
Cinderella (Dupe)
Light Cyberdragon
Thor (OK, I guess)
Arcline (Fine. Useful for inheritance)
Sea Serpant (This trash is still in the REM?)
Kopis (Screw this)
Green Zhuge Liang (Rare, but worthless to me)
Kurone (Dammit)


First pull was Isis, one of my most wanted cards. Next two were troll golds. I will wait to pull again when I feel lucky, still have enough for 3 pulls.

You Yu seeming like my card, unless I get a couple Uriels with those pulls.

Ars Nova(Dupe)
Ivory Dragon(Crap Dupe)
Riding Hood(Crap Dupe)
Dark Swordsman(Crap Dupe)

Kinda bummed out. Eschamali, Susano, Dkali, Pandora all things I wanted most. Not too bad though. 60 stones in total.
Ars Nova(Dupe)
Ivory Dragon(Crap Dupe)
Riding Hood(Crap Dupe)
Dark Swordsman(Crap Dupe)

Kinda bummed out. Eschamali, Susano, Dkali, Pandora all things I wanted most. Not too bad though. 60 stones in total.
I'll trade my 3rd Pandora for that Rodin. Hell, I'll throw in my hypermax ult ult Pandora too.

I don't know how I pulled blue/dark wizard dupes instead of featured stuff but I did it. 3rd Haku, 2nd Ama, 3rd Pandora - surely some are good for skill transfer? Shiva was my only decent non dupe and it was my first roll, sigh.


Only 5 trash rolls out of 12? I think I might hate you.

My phone had pretty terrible luck, only really useful roll was Susano. The others are trash, dupes, or things I don't have team to use with them. Is there any point in having a 2nd AAL? I don't think his skill is really worth inheriting. The dupe dqxq is nice to save me from awokening my skilled up one

My Ipad had much better luck. Not sure I have the subs for I&I, but at least I can put her up as a lead for the Ryune on my other account. And lots of Akechis for skill inheriting onto my panda team (and haku will help for that too)

Wonder if CTW is worth using for skill inheritance...


Got anuff for ten pulls, First two were trash and third I got a second Pandora whoop! Not sure if I wanna roll again as a non IAP, but then again I could use a lot of the cards!


I&I (dupe)
Liu Bei (dupe)
Susano (dupe)
Rei Sirius (ahahaha)
Angelious (what???)
Fuu (dupe)
Grape Dragon (OF COURSE A DUPE! WHAT??????????)

Ugh. Is there any reason for dupe I&I, Liu Bei or Susano...?


Unconfirmed Member
I have mixed feelings about my pulls

WoodBahn (great start, #2)
DKali (!?)
Cerberus Rider
Gryps Rider
Rei Sirius
Kano (#3!)

I can possibly improve my Ama and Saria teams with Venus, but DKali is the real get here. She's no Raphael, but I can deal with a consolation prize for some of the other garbage that got spat out.


Ars Nova
Maeda Keiji
Chimera (huh???)
Orochi (dupe)
Dragonette (what???)
Cinderella (It's like I'm rolling for Heaven's Gala at this point)
Orochi (lololol)
Haku (dupe)
Lemon Dragon (......................)
Akechi (dupe, but hey, finally something I could use!)

Blew all my stones for this. Simply awful.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Wow - first Haku FINALLY, first Akechi and Eschmali :eek:

I wanted DKali for so long its weird that i got Eschmali before her. Aint complaing though lol.


Wow - first Haku FINALLY, first Akechi and Eschmali :eek:
I wanted DKali for so long its weird that i got Eschmali before her. Aint complaing though lol.

Grats. One friend pulled all those too, then I asked YomiDra next "Not prolly getting it". Ok :p

Btw this is were Iam now:
GungHoNA said:
Thank you for contacting the Puzzle & Dragons support team.
*snip, new email*
Please be aware that we will require some time to investigate this issue.
We will contact you as soon as we have further information regarding this matter.
Thank you for your patience.
I managed to get PAD working after many boots / deletes & redownloads. My account was tied to Google but I couldnt restore it. Oh well, here is the hope I can pull trash pulls(tm) during PCGF, or not.


debating buying a pack, free pulls:

I&I - wanted forever (until they announced Asq lol)
Ryune - (second, but lovely MP maybe)
Susano - (I don't know - I've sold countless dupes of this)

- all from the PCGF


I guess I won't be buying XM since I didn't pull Uriel... But got my 4th Gadius. I have been saving stones for a long time.

At least I got all the great utility subs I never had from this fest. Isis, Indra, susano.

Dragon rider (dupe)
Izinagi (dupe)
Chrono turtle
Gadius (#4)
Facet (after selling all those 2 prong skill ups)
Sadamelik (blue cyber beast)
Haku (dupe)
FA Lucifer (dupe)
Genie (dupe)
Dark swordsman
Red Chester (dupe)
Dark Dill sirius

I do know have a Ra Dragon team with 2 dkali, and Isis. But I play lkali forever and wanted something different than a rainbow combo team to play, which is why I wanted XM.


2 rolls with free stones. Got nothing.

Snow white and some lightning dragon. Ate them both because they were only 6k mp and I wanted the eggs for xm team.


well - I bought stones - part of my recent wtf attitude - probably a bit dangerous.

this was the best PCGF I've ever participated in.

I was thinking about creating a xiang mei team but did not have gadius - I now have two.

all told I rolled every card I have been looking for - including eschimali, akechi, skuld, 2 additional rodins o.0.

granted there were a ton of troll rolls, but with the +50 they sting less, and its perhaps the first fest I really feel good about.

While the base game has gotten kind of stale for me - I'm excited because it opens up three new team creation options I wanted to work on - which should keep me complaining about skill up problems for months!


Pulled Uriel and Indra, both new to me and from PCGF. Can't complain with that

EDIT: Did one more pull, got Sim Wukong. Nifty.


Went crazy. 20 pulls. I got some decent cards

From the PCGF list:
Uriel (WOOOOOO XM here I come!)
Fallen Angel Lucifer (2nd, might save for skill inherit)
The Norn Skuld (WOOOOO Finally the Norns are complete!)
Akechi (4th one...)
Haku (4th one... already have all three evos)

Susano, Uriel, and Skuld were new gets

Gala Gets:
Ganesha (new and now I don't have to rely on others for coin farming)
Apollo (dupe, will awaken since I max skilled my L/B)
Kopis (saw him used on a gimmick team with Machine zeus, might keeo)
Cinderella (will eat since I have enough light bind clearers)
Yellow fruit dragon
Wee Jas

Random non gala/PCGF:
Dino Rider
Dark Dragon Swordsman x2


So many trash rolls this gf I really should have stopped while I was ahead.

Notable rolls
Second D.Kali
2x maeda keiji
dupe haku

And a lot of galafest bs that I instantly sold out of rage.
Good news: I finally pulled a Kirin.
Bad news: it took me 10 rolls (8 of them trash or dupes to get her)

Has the meta passed A.Shiva (and to a lesser extent) A.Sak by? Buffed Lkali seems better unless I can churn out 8+ combos...


4 pulls, all gold

Haku - dupe but useful (D/D for A Pandora, or D/F for the Dragon and God killers)
DQXQ - dupe but will keep for Awoken form
Baal - dupe, useless
Ganesha - niche use


Good news: I finally pulled a Kirin.
Bad news: it took me 10 rolls (8 of them trash or dupes to get her)

Has the meta passed A.Shiva (and to a lesser extent) A.Sak by? Buffed Lkali seems better unless I can churn out 8+ combos...

A. Shiva yes, sadly as he carried me to where I am.

A. Sakuya is still real good if you can hit the combo counts and colors. I figure as long as she can clear Arena she's good enough for pretty much anything (Solo Mech Zeus/Hera excluded).

Is it bad that I'm pissed I still haven't pulled Isis? What are some alternate Ra Dragon teams? In order to have a solution for "everything" you need 100% SBR, 100% Bind immunity (for the colors at the very least), a shield capable of tanking DQ Hera, a delay, and ways to get around board trolling.

I feel like Isis is the only sub to fit that hole. Assuming Indra and Muse are flex slots who covers the right spots? Indra is huge because of 2 SBR and a critical shield, Muse gets you to 100% SBR, covers Green and Blue, provides a spike, but is bindable. are there two subs that can collectively cover the Green and Blue, provide 3 SBR, Bind immunity (or enough recovery to not care)? Maybe I slot a bind recover ability on D. Kali instead of A. Ra? L Meta's skill would be good there, but I'd rather slot her on my coop Mech Zeus team.

Should I give up on the dream and hop on the XM bandwagon since I have Gadius and Uriel now?

Also for Awoken Liu Bei I'm thinking I actually have a team for him:
A. LB, Verdandi, Perseus, Hamal, Australis, A. LB
Bind immune leads with bind recovery, 100% SBR, 11 rows, 7 Orb Enhance, RCV for days. Replace Verdandi for Kushinadahime if you need a shield or maybe Australis for Susano.

Either way I'm happy about getting Uriel and Skuld, they were two of the three I really wanted to get (Isis obviously being the third)

EDIT: Because I'm bored at work and impatient
I have a team capable of farming Coop Nordis with Mechazeus, I think I'm a bunch of +eggs from Scarlet farming but maybe not. I watched a couple videos of some trivial clears of Scarlet and the teams being used:

P1: A. Machine Zeus, Raphael, A. Apollo, Sun Wukong, Superman (I'd swap in Apocalypse since I don't have Superman)
P2: A. Machine Zeus, Raphael, Chibi Valk, A. Ra, Superman

If we assume we can replace Superman with Apocalypse and Valk for Chibi Valk I could bring either side of that.

Since Nordis doesn't have any pre-emptives Raphael could be swapped for an orb changer. I'd be willing to try Scarlet as well but lacking Superman's Devil Killer might be a problem given my lack of +eggs.


Well, I think I had the worst RNG luck ever. 19 pulls and *1* god. Thankfully I got Thor (non-PCGF featured), who I had been hoping for, but holy crap. I got 3 blue Cyberdragons and 2 light Cyberdragons.

Abysmal pull rate that makes me question drop rates. My calculations are a little off, but I have about 60ish% gods from other Godfests... 19 isn't a huge sample size, but it's not tiny.


Well, I think I had the worst RNG luck ever. 19 pulls and *1* god. Thankfully I got Thor (non-PCGF featured), who I had been hoping for, but holy crap. I got 3 blue Cyberdragons and 2 light Cyberdragons.

Abysmal pull rate that makes me question drop rates. My calculations are a little off, but I have about 60ish% gods from other Godfests... 19 isn't a huge sample size, but it's not tiny.

That's terrible luck. Out of 4 pulls I got 2 PCGF featured gods and 2 gala gods.
Well, I think I had the worst RNG luck ever. 19 pulls and *1* god. Thankfully I got Thor (non-PCGF featured), who I had been hoping for, but holy crap. I got 3 blue Cyberdragons and 2 light Cyberdragons.

Abysmal pull rate that makes me question drop rates. My calculations are a little off, but I have about 60ish% gods from other Godfests... 19 isn't a huge sample size, but it's not tiny.

Do you mean silvers? Not all good cards are god-type. I'd have to really see the rolls to judge how good they were, but the dupe cyber dragons is a downer, though you can possibly find a use for them or their skills. They're not objectively bad.


Rolled a few more times and got nothing new.

Fed all the eggs for the pluses. Orchid will be fully maxed tomorrow, valen is close behind, need 90 or so eggs for the hyper and my team will be complete.


After my rolls from PCGF I have a bunch of stuff I need to skill up and evolve and work on. Currently I use Verdandi for easy farming, and Awoken Bastet for descends but I want to branch off from that and was wondering what teams I could focus on that have good capabilities.
I am thinking about working on Ryune, Gadius, or Karin teams but not sure what I have the best subs for.
My PADherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Pixfix/monsters

Any advice?


After my rolls from PCGF I have a bunch of stuff I need to skill up and evolve and work on. Currently I use Verdandi for easy farming, and Awoken Bastet for descends but I want to branch off from that and was wondering what teams I could focus on that have good capabilities.
I am thinking about working on Ryune, Gadius, or Karin teams but not sure what I have the best subs for.
My PADherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Pixfix/monsters

Any advice?

Your blue box looks good for Ryune/I&I
Flex (Sun Quan, Isis)

Hell you could pair Skuld with You Yu when he comes out with most of the same subs.

Gadius is a glass cannon (low HP, good recovery) which probably won't get you anywhere Bastet isn't already capable of.

I'd take the I&I/Ryune team over Karin unless you know you're dealing with her resist colors. Hatsume pairs with Ryune for a 2 color board for bursting, Andromeda gives you hearts to heal up plus 3 rows.

You also have a couple pieces of an Awoken Archdemon Lucifer team. FA Luci, D/R Haku (you have an extra to awaken) Haku, Hanzo, Loki, Flex

Flex could be Diza, another Haku, Lilith, or Aamir
After my rolls from PCGF I have a bunch of stuff I need to skill up and evolve and work on. Currently I use Verdandi for easy farming, and Awoken Bastet for descends but I want to branch off from that and was wondering what teams I could focus on that have good capabilities.
I am thinking about working on Ryune, Gadius, or Karin teams but not sure what I have the best subs for.
My PADherder: https://www.padherder.com/user/Pixfix/monsters

Any advice?

You have a pretty strong blue box.

You can run

Awoken I&I / Hatsume / Hermes / Andromeda / Flex / Ryune

Flex options would be Isis for bind clear.
Ryune or Blue Sonia for board changer.
Orochi for delay.

You also have some decent skill inheritance options in Skuld, Urd, Verdandi, Orochi and Sun Quan.

Alternatively you can run a Blue Sonia team.

Blue Sonia / Awoken I&I / Andromeda / Orochi / Flex / Blue Sonia.

Flex here being Hermes and Skuld. You can also sub out I&I if you don't need the burst.

My suggestions is to +297 as many of your subs/leaders as possible. Should be a huge increase in damage/tankiness.


Radious (I see he's a mini-Bastet, but I have a real one. Is there any reason to keep this?)
Haku (Yay! My first one!)
Akechi (Dupe, but there are teams that use two of him, right?)
Berzerker Z (Any reason to keep it?)
Amaterasu (Woohoo!)


Your blue box looks good for Ryune/I&I
Flex (Sun Quan, Isis)

Hell you could pair Skuld with You Yu when he comes out with most of the same subs.

Gadius is a glass cannon (low HP, good recovery) which probably won't get you anywhere Bastet isn't already capable of.

I'd take the I&I/Ryune team over Karin unless you know you're dealing with her resist colors. Hatsume pairs with Ryune for a 2 color board for bursting, Andromeda gives you hearts to heal up plus 3 rows.

You also have a couple pieces of an Awoken Archdemon Lucifer team. FA Luci, D/R Haku (you have an extra to awaken) Haku, Hanzo, Loki, Flex

Flex could be Diza, another Haku, Lilith, or Aamir

Is Ryune/I&I a team worth investing plus eggs on? Can it carry more than Bastet?
Radious (I see he's a mini-Bastet, but I have a real one. Is there any reason to keep this?)
Haku (Yay! My first one!)
Akechi (Dupe, but there are teams that use two of him, right?)
Berzerker Z (Any reason to keep it?)
Amaterasu (Woohoo!)

I use 2 akechis in a couple teams, A. Panda and Typhon. It's also an awesome skill to put on another monster.

Is Ryune/I&I a team worth investing plus eggs on? Can it carry more than Bastet?

I think so. I'm not sure if it can do Arena without a Marionette (the mp monster who change the enemies type), but it has a higher ceiling than Bastet and you'll use most of those subs in other blue teams. I run a lot of Thor/Saria, basically the light version of I&I/Ryune, and it's hard to play other teams when you're used to the huge HP and the ability to heal back and stall forever.


Is Ryune/I&I a team worth investing plus eggs on? Can it carry more than Bastet?

Yes. The extra HP/RCV and I&I's burst make up for the loss of damage that A. Bastet brings to the table. Skill delays are less of an issue on Ryunii since you usually have the ability to stall it out. As Dr_LawyerCop said I haven't seen an Arena clear without an MP monster (Neptune Dragon or Charite) but there's plenty of non-arena content Ryunii clears.

With Ryunii you stall for skills healing as needed then burst with multiple rows if possible. Andromeda is there to clear leader binds and provide hearts. Hatsume + Ryune makes a killer board, I&I's spike is for bosses most of the time. Hermes/Skuld get you more orbs to make rows with.


Thanks guys I appreciate the effort and advice. On another topic does anyone have a present to exchange? I got one I can use.


Well, I think I had the worst RNG luck ever. 19 pulls and *1* god. Thankfully I got Thor (non-PCGF featured), who I had been hoping for, but holy crap. I got 3 blue Cyberdragons and 2 light Cyberdragons.

Abysmal pull rate that makes me question drop rates. My calculations are a little off, but I have about 60ish% gods from other Godfests... 19 isn't a huge sample size, but it's not tiny.
Rage-rolled twice more after getting 6 stones that were low-hanging fruit and pulled DQXQ and Gadius.

RNG is infuriating... crazy that after 19 pulls I get one (admittedly key) card and am frustrated at my bad luck, and after 21 am ecstatic (as DQXQ and Thor give me a near perfect Saria/Thor team and Gadius makes assembling Xiang Mei team something to actually ponder). Thank god I hate actual slot machines.


I'm going to say that this PCGF has been pretty good to me. I got some troll golds and silvers, but with skill inheritance (or transfer) out now I might hold on to them before feeding for the plus stats.

1) Uriel (new)
2) Chester (troll gold)
3) Thumbelina
4) Indra (#3, I might keep just to skill transfer)
5) Alcyone
6) Venus
7) Ur-Chimera
8) Melon Dragon
9) Ra (#2)
10) DQXQ
11) Snow White
12) Haku (#4, I honestly don't know if I should keep or sell for MP)
14) Thor (#2, will probably sell for MP)
15) Shiva
16) Sleeping Beauty
17) Ars Nova
18) Viper Orochi (WOOT!)
19) Ivory Dragon
20) Water Wizard, Sharon
21) Light Wizard, Rei Serius

So overall, about 30% of my pulls were PCGF. Everything else was either Light Gala or just completely random. I was hoping to get Raphael in this pack, but I'm not really going to complain.

The hard part now is to control my urge to buy another pack in hopes of getting Scheat, D. Kali #2, and L. Kali #2...
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