Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends

awoken indra/vritra

edit: full list of buffs coming in about 12 hours. awoken indians and uuvo lu bu are later

edit 2: hahaha thisisstupid.jpg gets even more dumb


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So Apocalypse get a UEVO ? WHat the hell..does this mean GZL might get one after all ? Please ....

edit 2: hahaha thisisstupid.jpg gets even more dumb

looooooooooooooooooooooooooool - haha this is so crazy...i kinda like it - so stupid.


Wow looks like Liu Bei is the Wood Row lead we were waiting for.


Wow, a lot of stuff on the JP side.

FYI, they are doing a reset on a lot of stuff after this Fridays maintenance.

Premium REM (friend one you can do once)
BFF reset
150 rank REM
250 rank REM
and that 480 yen 1 time buy stone set. (includes 1 pull on the special REM, 10 stones and 10k PAL points)

So choose a BFF and use up the REM pulls if you haven't yet on the JP side.

I'm glad to see the FotN collab. coming back as I love that manga/anime.
New collab. of Rurouni Kenshin was also announced. Guess that was the classic one they were hinting about recently. Nice.

Looking forward to Awoken SQ. 3x TPAs, finally has one SBA. 2 turn delay and 2 turn water attack boost. Very nice. No more healer boost, but the water boost should be much better for him. I just picked up Youyuu on my main, so he will go nicely on the team. I just need to evo two Zhou Yu (level 70!!!), one for YY and one for SQ.
I've been using YY with Rukia (on my iPad) as a friend. Works pretty well and gives me a RCV boost.

Oh and did terrible on the GFE REM. Twice on my iPad and got Ronia (dupe) and Satsuki (#5). Pulled once on my main and got Ronia (dupe) and stopped there...Will use the rest of my stones on the upcoming GF...
I might give the special REM one roll...

edit: oh and CTW gets a boost as well. Still has the 10 second free movement time and also includes a 1 turn 2.5x attack boost for God types. Wow, pretty strong! If you didn't change your Yomi over to the Awoken version, could be useful in certain situations or even used as a skill inheritance for another character. (On a YD or Lucifer team with all God type characters for example.)
I have a non Awoken dupe on both of my accounts.

Tried out the new rogue, Miru.
Barely survived her last hit after waiting out the 5 turn over 500k damage does 0 shield.

Finished her off on the next turn.

Was my second try at it. Completely forgot that it was a Rogue dungeon the first time and I wasn't prepared for the Predras...After I threw Furukawa's skill (50k true damage/1 turn delay) on Okuni for them.
That was my iPad team(DMeta1 has Akechi/DMeta2 has Satsuki and YDs have Apocalypse's skill), iPhone was YD/Escha/A.Haku/Okuni/A.Anubis.
I can't believe Awoken Indra/Vritra is actually happening. I knew not skilling them would be worth it.

People seem really excited about Kaede. I'm still trying to process everything and see where it impacts my box.


New buffs seem good. Nice buff to the ninjas. Elementals getting -cd is fantastic for inheritance. Good choices for new evos.

Only complaint is Awoken Sun Quan seems a bit of a let down. Losing healer enahance for water is sort of eh.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Man I need Kaede... I don't wanna a play PaD if I don't run the Top Tier Wood lead lol.

Also lol at DMeta... her teams will hit like +50k HP now.


New buffs seem good. Nice buff to the ninjas. Elementals getting -cd is fantastic for inheritance. Good choices for new evos.

Only complaint is Awoken Sun Quan seems a bit of a let down. Losing healer enahance for water is sort of eh.

Eh considering the Norse have kind of taken hIs? role anyways for enhance I think it is OK.

Excited to see what lubu and the others look like. Mainly Indra and his pal.


For those of us running JP accounts, GungHo is adding a +297 1 time run dungeon to PadRadar. You can't earn special dungeons like ZeusDragon, but you can earn regular orbs. Seems worth messing with it a bit to eventually earn a free +297.


Vritra awoken better be the greatest awoken in history.

Only God that consistently sucked for pretty much the entire lifetime of the game.

He should be this games magi karp


New buffs seem good. Nice buff to the ninjas. Elementals getting -cd is fantastic for inheritance. Good choices for new evos.

Only complaint is Awoken Sun Quan seems a bit of a let down. Losing healer enahance for water is sort of eh.

I guess to each their own to a certain extent - I am more excited for Sun Quan than any other card at the moment

As someone who ran Blonia for almost a year this card checks off so many wants - 2x for 2 turns, 2 turn delay, skill resist - amazing rcv - I mean, holy shit.

edit: higher max rcv then GFE Blodin for physical o.0
edit2: I might switch back to blonia main team when this card is available.


Days like today I wish I could read Japanese.

Psyched about Liu Bei though. I'll finally have a home for all those Austrailis skills.


Days like today I wish I could read Japanese.

Psyched about Liu Bei though. I'll finally have a home for all those Austrailis skills.

I have multiple Liu Bei, Kaede, Verdandi, Sasuke and Gronia, and Ceres on one account and Osiris, Perseus, Artemis and Australis on the other. This continues the trend of me having a complete team spread over two accounts.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Vritra awoken better be the greatest awoken in history.

Only God that consistently sucked for pretty much the entire lifetime of the game.

He should be this games magi karp

They really took their time with Vitra and Indra...they better OP as fuck to make up for it xD
I guess to each their own to a certain extent - I am more excited for Sun Quan than any other card at the moment

As someone who ran Blonia for almost a year this card checks off so many wants - 2x for 2 turns, 2 turn delay, skill resist - amazing rcv - I mean, holy shit.

edit: higher max rcv then GFE Blodin for physical o.0
Im happy about Awoken SQ - no need to pull for I&I anymore. 2x Boost for all my Water units i more worth to me than the healer boost - which i really didnt really use after dropping U&Y.

Days like today I wish I could read Japanese.

Psyched about Liu Bei though. I'll finally have a home for all those Austrailis skills.
No +SBR is a bummer though - dont think more than a single Australis makes sense. Would need double SBR awakening subs ala Freyja and Perseus as well.


I guess to each their own to a certain extent - I am more excited for Sun Quan than any other card at the moment

As someone who ran Blonia for almost a year this card checks off so many wants - 2x for 2 turns, 2 turn delay, skill resist - amazing rcv - I mean, holy shit.

edit: higher max rcv then GFE Blodin for physical o.0
edit2: I might switch back to blonia main team when this card is available.
I agree, SQ is the one I'm most excited about. I don't plan to use him as a leader, but as a sub on my Rukia (iPad) and Youyuu (iPhone) teams. He's great for both of them.

They really took their time with Vitra and Indra...they better OP as fuck to make up for it xD

Im happy about Awoken SQ - no need to pull for I&I anymore. 2x Boost for all my Water units i more worth to me than the healer boost - which i really didnt really use after dropping U&Y.

No +SBR is a bummer though - dont think more than a single Australis makes sense. Would need double SBR awakening subs ala Freyja and Perseus as well.
Yeah, I haven't really used SQ for a healer boost since I stopped using an LMeta team. Considering he was a different color from most of the healers (Light), I'm glad they are giving him a straight water boost with his useful delay.

If you run multi, then your SBRs also stack with those of your partner, so you don't necessarily need to have 100% on your own team if your partner has some as well.

That's why I'm using a second Gadius on the XM on my main account. I don't have 100% SBR by myself (80% including the friend leader), but with my friends (iPad) subs I have over 100%.


Finally we get a stream with a bunch of new ults it's been a while.

I'm hyped for everything I have 3 sun quan so Ill keep one B/G and make another awoken. Though I'm not sure if he even fits on my ryune team? Most of my sub's have rows.

Indra and Vritra about damn time, hoping I can roll indra during pcgf I have a feeling its gonna be beastly. Vritra probably needs a complete overhaul his only use seems to be on farm teams.

I want super ult lu bu to get a new active skill can't wait for his reveal.


New buffs seem good. Nice buff to the ninjas. Elementals getting -cd is fantastic for inheritance. Good choices for new evos.

Only complaint is Awoken Sun Quan seems a bit of a let down. Losing healer enahance for water is sort of eh.

All of the ninjas and wizards (both male and female series) all get double killer awakenings. Given that the ninjas were already resist specialists in one type (jammer, poison, etc.) and that Chesters were SBR specialists, this seems like an unusually strong buff for these series.

Also, all of the elementals are becoming OE specialists. On top of a minor stat buff, they are also going to have 5 OEs for their main color, guaranteeing that all relevant orbs are enhanced.

Does that mean that objectively, the only truly bad pulls in the REM are now fruit dragons?

On SQ, I called the gimpy active skill on Awoken SQ a page or two ago. There was no way GH was going to allow an true Echidna-like delay in the REM, even on an Awoken. Even in the new Wedding REM, Echidna is still 4 stars, as GH does not want a 3 turn delay to ever be inheritable. Personally, I believe that GH also truly regrets making Orochi's delay 5 turns (4 for Awoken), on such an old card. If Orochi had been in a later pantheon, he would never had more than a 2 turn delay. I didn't expect the shift from Healer to Water on his spike, but I guess it is somewhat relevant as anything restricted to a specific type is generally considered to be gimpy. I guess he was designed for Skuld and Scheat?

On UUevo Miru.... wow, GH really did go Inception on this! (benderlaughingharder.gif). So... how long until UUevo Miru required as an evo mat for someone else?


grr finally after 2 full weeks max skilled lightning

not going to be able to skill cecil or yuna. The skill up system just sucks.

Almost punishes people who spend to get the special rem cards.

edit: of course it punishes people who spend (to spend more).
grr finally after 2 full weeks max skilled lightning

not going to be able to skill cecil or yuna. The skill up system just sucks.

Almost punishes people who spend to get the special rem cards.

edit: of course it punishes people who spend (to spend more).

Yeah, FF collab skill ups are horseshit. I can't complain because I got ridiculously lucky with Sephiroth, but I have 4 other FF rolls that won't get skills because there's 2 in each of the dungeons and the drop rate doesn't make me want to run it.


PADX reporting PCGF on Tuesday, the 31st, on Light Gala.

4x rates, all pulls get a random +50 to one random stat.

Also, XM will be in the MP shop on Wednesday, the 1st.


grr finally after 2 full weeks max skilled lightning

not going to be able to skill cecil or yuna. The skill up system just sucks.

Almost punishes people who spend to get the special rem cards.

edit: of course it punishes people who spend (to spend more).

And thus, the cycle of PAD continues....

Seriously though, you nailed the logic here right on the head. You spent to obtain the REM cards, so why not spend a bit more on for stamina refreshes? After all, it may be 6-8 months before the collab comes back around again, so you better hurry....

GungHo knows exactly what it's doing here.
PADX reporting PCGF on Tuesday, the 31st, on Light Gala.

4x rates, all pulls get a random +50 to one random stat.

Also, XM will be in the MP shop on Wednesday, the 1st.

I have 60 stones. This is the first time i get to go balls out on a PCGF. So damn happy i saved all my stones for this.


Yeah, FF collab skill ups are horseshit. I can't complain because I got ridiculously lucky with Sephiroth, but I have 4 other FF rolls that won't get skills because there's 2 in each of the dungeons and the drop rate doesn't make me want to run it.

Seriously. I was "fortunate" to not pull any 6*s here and that all of my cards dropped in the same dungeon. Took almost an entire week farming INT drops for my two pulls. Now, had I needed a boss drop that would have requirement to run a difficulty higher than INT, then this collab could have taken a long walk off a short cliff and then spontaneously combust.


PADX reporting PCGF on Tuesday, the 31st, on Light Gala.

4x rates, all pulls get a random +50 to one random stat.

Also, XM will be in the MP shop on Wednesday, the 1st.

Fairly anticipated to be honest.

Have all the mats and everything ready for XM to be hypered. Need a few more eggs for her, and then Valen. Hopefully will be completely done by the end of the event.


Seriously. I was "fortunate" to not pull any 6*s here and that all of my cards dropped in the same dungeon. Took almost an entire week farming INT drops for my two pulls. Now, had I needed a boss drop that would have requirement to run a difficulty higher than INT, then this collab could have taken a long walk off a short cliff and then spontaneously combust.

I had pretty good luck running both Final Fantasy dungeons on 2x Int. I max skilled Cloud, Squall, Rinoa (good skill for inheritance), and have only 1 skillup left on Shantotto. Natural stamina only, didn't use any stones.


I had pretty good luck running both Final Fantasy dungeons on 2x Int. I max skilled Cloud, Squall, Rinoa (good skill for inheritance), and have only 1 skillup left on Shantotto. Natural stamina only, didn't use any stones.

GungTroll got me of course when my Squall and Zidane were down to their last skillups. I think each of them took at least 10-12 feeds each before the game finally coughed up their last skilliup (I remember that took more than one day on natural stamina of farming for the last skillup).

On the other hand, karma just swung back the other way and give me 3 for 5 on Pollux skillups to max him out. Good riddance to that dungeon! No new dungeons tomorrow, so for the first time in ages, I can actually go and farm plus eggs or stones for PCGF. Wow, this is going to be weird.


PADX reporting PCGF on Tuesday, the 31st, on Light Gala.

4x rates, all pulls get a random +50 to one random stat.

Also, XM will be in the MP shop on Wednesday, the 1st.

That's pretty amazing. Going full out.

For the typical player.

1 stone is like 25+, so if you frequently stone for pluses. This is basically insta pluses grind and 3 stone pulls when you fail.

Plus gung-ho have done an amazing job bring old characters back to relevance (well except Greek 1 and vritra) and some of the characters you want 2 or 3 of them since the super ults are comparable to the awokens.


edit 2: hahaha thisisstupid.jpg gets even more dumb

Maybe they'll change it like that Horus/Bastet armor BS.

Vritra awoken better be the greatest awoken in history.

Only God that consistently sucked for pretty much the entire lifetime of the game.

He should be this games magi karp

My first two Gods back in OT1 were Vritra and Lakshmi. At least Lakshmi got some shine before better blue leads took over.


I love the trend of Trophy cards needing other Trophy cards to evolve. Gives you a reason to mess around with them even after you've cleared their dungeon once. I wish they had a bit more use for that investment, but it's a fun little time waster.


PADX reporting PCGF on Tuesday, the 31st, on Light Gala.

4x rates, all pulls get a random +50 to one random stat.

Also, XM will be in the MP shop on Wednesday, the 1st.

Damn light gala is terrible for me I have almost every light monster I want at this point.

It would be really cool if in the future Gungho let us choose what gala we wanted active during a GF.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
First Skill Inheritance Done. Put Earth Dragon Knight on Awoken Astaroth. 5 turns for bind clear on my standard Astaroth team is pretty solid, dont have to hope pulling Ceres anymore.

Damn light gala is terrible for me I have almost every light monster I want at this point.

It would be really cool if in the future Gungho let us choose what gala we wanted active during a GF.

Yeah - just a couple of day later during Wood Gala and it would have been the perfect event for me. Well and Keaede being voted in.


I want 1 more Uriel, a Gadius and maybe an Indra or Raphael? Haven't thought this out much.

Another Ra or Orochi couldn't hurt, since I inherited Orochi and would like to inherit the other. Muse would be great, but not a GF pull, so I'm not routing for it. A 4th D.Kali would be great to skill inherit on the last of my other 2 for cheap delay resists.


Yeah - just a couple of day later during Wood Gala and it would have been the perfect event for me. Well and Keaede being voted in.

Not even that. The godfest runs all week starting Tuesday until the moment Light Gala ends and switches to Green. (Tues, Wed, and Thurs)

The official list is the exact same as what we knew from before.

The terms stated for draw rates seem odd though. It that normal for a PCGF?

--- If voted in, 4x draw rates.
--- If not voted in, but Light, 1.5x rate (gala rate; that's normal).
--- If not voted in, but a God, and NOT a GFE, 1x rate. (all pantheon gods included; strange?)
--- If not voted in, but a God, and a GFE, 0x rate.


Not even that. The godfest runs all week starting Tuesday until the moment Light Gala ends and switches to Green. (Tues, Wed, and Thurs)

The official list is the exact same as what we knew from before.

The terms stated for draw rates seem odd though. It that normal for a PCGF?

--- If voted in, 4x draw rates.
--- If not voted in, but Light, 1.5x rate (gala rate; that's normal).
--- If not voted in, but a God, and NOT a GFE, 1x rate. (all pantheon gods included; strange?)
--- If not voted in, but a God, and a GFE, 0x rate.
Godfests don't remove things from the REM. They just shift the rates around. That looks normal to me.


Pulled on the Wedding REM:

iPad: 1 pull, Gold, Kano...Okay I guess, don't really have a use for her.
iPhone: 2 pulls, 1 silver Sopdet and 1 gold Akechi. Happy to pick up Akechi although I was hoping more for Ra.

I forgot to wait though. I'll probably try and pull again when the GF starts as they will have 50 plus eggs on them during that time.

Starting to build up my YY water team as well. Need to evo YY and looking forward to A.SQ once I get his mats. Only my YY and Scheat #1 are 297 though.Works pretty well with the Rukia on my iPad.

That cross heart looks pretty interesting. It would be nice if there was some icon or something that let you know if it was active or not.

Wow...so you keep the Cross-Heart ATK multiplier if you dont get hit by a preemptive :eek:
Cant wait to play UEVO Sumire and Kaede is probably one of the strongest leads in the game now - those lucky people who have multipler copies of her. Crazy.
INSANE, just set up cross formation and get free x49 for all round until preemptive hit.
We won't depend too much on heart orbs if the effect still remains. That's amazing.


Pulled on the Wedding REM:

iPad: 1 pull, Gold, Kano...Okay I guess, don't really have a use for her.
iPhone: 2 pulls, 1 silver Sopdet and 1 gold Akechi. Happy to pick up Akechi although I was hoping more for Ra.

I forgot to wait though. I'll probably try and pull again when the GF starts as they will have 50 plus eggs on them during that time.

Starting to build up my YY water team as well. Need to evo YY and looking forward to A.SQ once I get his mats. Only my YY and Scheat #1 are 297 though.Works pretty well with the Rukia on my iPad.

That cross heart looks pretty interesting. It would be nice if there was some icon or something that let you know if it was active or not.

Do you want Wedding Ra as a sub? He seems worse than regular Ra as a lead because a light rainbow lead is better than fire rainbow.
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