Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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This guy isn't wrong, fucking Wales, obviously should have plastered everywhere "this shit was helped paid for by the EU"


I hope there's a lot of studies poring over the data in the future. I think you'll find a lot of similarities to the USA and its more rural/country regions of the South and Midwest.
Makes me wonder if UK posters were some of the ones shitting on the US for letting Trump get this far 👀🤔

Might be seeing this gif a lot over the next few days.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I've lived in England for 25 years and I've never heard of most of these places. lol

Yup, me neither. Lived here all of my 20 years and still heard of like 1/10th of em

Isn't that the whole point of this though?

You've never heard of them and there for know fuck all about these people.

They feel forgotten in the large scheme of things so they probably figure why remain? What has that shit done for ME?
Whoa hold on now

I'm saying this because spent my teenage years in Manchester and my facebook feed has a significant amount of xenophobic posts. But I am anything but arrogant, I was half joking -- I get weird looks even in London when I say I'm English. I know what that's like up north.
Well maybe you just have shitty friends?
I'm from Manchester and my feed is exclusively IN posts


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Moray is the first district in Scotland to really call it close - 50.12 to 49.88.

How's the predictions for Cardiff and Birghingham?
Also, Stroud for Remain. Second district in Wales for remain after Exeter

I swear, you people have the coolest region names.


Before people slag off NW, the places that have voted so far are poor areas of Northern G Manchester and places like Burnley.

Manchester, Salford and Liverpool will push it up.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
We never voted to be dragged out the eu by bigots so yes.

Referendums don't work that way and don't come along every year. It's also rather stupid to assume that with margins this close, everyone voting out is a bigot. There's a lot of reasons why people are voting for both sides.


Wigan voting leave doesn't surprise me at all. I hope Warrington are Remain though, I guess we'll see.

Before people slag off NW, the places that have voted so far are poor areas of Northern G Manchester and places like Burnley.

Manchester, Salford and Liverpool will push it up.

I wouldn't expect Liverpool or Salford to lean Remain.


I fucking live in Watford and honestly, I'm not surprised we voted to leave. Lots of poor people here who think leaving EU is the answer.


The situation will change massively if UK votes Leave.

A massive, massive part of the Better Together campaign during Indy Ref was EU membership.

There will be another referendum within 5 years if this happens.

Some might say any perceived inaction by the SNP would have been with this in mind..


Seriously cant believe Labour are blaming the SNP. Party is becoming fucking irrelevant, hell Tories are the second largest party in Scotland now. Labour are fucked


Gross seeing Conservatives putting more effort in to circling the cart around Cameron rather than trying to show any sympathy or understanding for the average voter.

That surprises you, all the crap Cameron came out with....and people bought it, when in reality it was all about his political suddenly people have voted it is all back to them sticking two fingers up to you

Probably not, there's a 2 year negotiation period before we're allowed to leave anyhoo, so making detailed plans before then wouldn't really be worthwhile, but I'm hoping they have a vague skeleton of a plan worked out so they've got something to take to negotiations in the unlikely event leave wins.

World War 3, higher taxes, inflation, no trading with anyone for 10 years, and more.


As a Californian, I share your pain. This is like our nightmares with ballot propositions (referendums) realized.


American here. I've been watching this spreadsheet, and it looks like everywhere except SW England, London, Scotland and Northern Ireland is voting to leave.

I find this entire thing completely fascinating. Part of me wants you guys to leave just so I can watch the world burn.
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