Limited Run Games - Putting digital games into your hands

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I never have, though I live in the States.
No damage to any cases yet. One PS4 game did have a loose disc inside though. (i've bought everything released so far)

I've heard this to happen before : What did you do?

I've messaged them since my Octodad copy came this way, and I never planned to open it but I'd like to know it will work when I do; In its current state I'm afraid to think how long its been like that and how much its bounced around.
I honestly wonder what the point of sealed collecting even is. You could have a Hello Kitty game in there and you'd never even know until you sold it off years down the line and got railed by a buyer who expected the game that was supposed to be in there. I would honestly like to see that happen one of these days.

Seriously, does it matter if the disc is loose or even if you literally get a box with nothing in it, if you never plan to open what you bought? Making these games a long term investment is going to bite you in the ass, when it's been shown it doesn't work well for retro sealed collectors either, as someone will always be there to bring you back down to reality with their dozens of sealed copies they somehow have.


I've heard this to happen before : What did you do?

I've messaged them since my Octodad copy came this way, and I never planned to open it but I'd like to know it will work when I do; In its current state I'm afraid to think how long its been like that and how much its bounced around.

oh no just think of that disc in there, bouncing around.. so scared.

The disc is fine. PS4 blurays are tanks. Have you ever seen one actually get damaged after becoming loose?

I honestly wonder what the point of sealed collecting even is. You could have a Hello Kitty game in there and you'd never even know until you sold it off years down the line and got railed by a buyer who expected the game that was supposed to be in there. I would honestly like to see that happen one of these days.

True. Nothing really stopping any one from resealing them and making them new again.


A few pages back someone said Breach would be up for sale again. Any more info on this?

Did they actually say it they were putting them back up for sale? Pretty sure they literally only have a handful of copies they held on to. They generally hold a stack or so for replacements disc just in case. I thought they were going to do something special with them and not outright put them up for sale on the store.
The disc is fine. PS4 blurays are tanks. Have you ever seen one actually get damaged after becoming loose?

This. IIRC, Sony specifically engineered the polymer on blu rays to be scratch-resistant. They're not going to get scratched by the plastic spindle. (I can see the annoyance of having a loose disc though.)

I HAVE seen some scratched blu rays but you really have to abuse them with something hard or sharp.

A few pages back someone said Breach would be up for sale again. Any more info on this?

They gave away a loose cartridge during a broadcast on Twitch the other day.


This. IIRC, Sony specifically engineered the polymer on blu rays to be scratch-resistant. They're not going to get scratched by the plastic spindle. (I can see the annoyance of having a loose disc though.)

I HAVE seen some scratched blu rays but you really have to abuse them with something hard or sharp.

They gave away a loose cartridge during a broadcast on Twitch the other day.

Ha, I guess that was it. Thanks.


I'm going to preemptively beg for a physical 999 copy on Vita because I'm not sure Aksys will do it. I need that full collection

It was never ported to the Vita... Probably going to take a little more than just putting the game on a cartridge and calling it a day.

Ha, I guess that was it. Thanks.

You never know, they still might have a couple more lying around somewhere...


nods at old men
I've heard this to happen before : What did you do?

I've messaged them since my Octodad copy came this way, and I never planned to open it but I'd like to know it will work when I do; In its current state I'm afraid to think how long its been like that and how much its bounced around.

Nothing, the discs are fine.

A few pages back someone said Breach would be up for sale again. Any more info on this?

They said they were going on sale as part of a "bundle" likely in July. Nothing concrete yet though.

I'm going to preemptively beg for a physical 999 copy on Vita because I'm not sure Aksys will do it. I need that full collection

I'm really hoping that becomes physical. LRG or otherwise.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm going to preemptively beg for a physical 999 copy on Vita because I'm not sure Aksys will do it. I need that full collection

This is pretty much the one topic where you can "port beg" in a sense, and have it be ok :p Well, in this case it's beg for a physical copy of a port, but yeah.

...I am in favor of this, as well. Will replay for VAs. However, Aksys has been good with Vita physical copies, so I'm really not too worried. I don't think LRG will need to step in for this one.
This is pretty much the one topic where you can "port beg" in a sense, and have it be ok :p Well, in this case it's beg for a physical copy of a port, but yeah.

...I am in favor of this, as well. Will replay for VAs. However, Aksys has been good with Vita physical copies, so I'm really not too worried. I don't think LRG will need to step in for this one.

I was somehow expecting this would be a "cheap" digital re-release for like $25 or something, but that was before they said they'd record new VA for it. So maybe not. Getting in contact early definitely doesn't hurt though :)


I honestly wonder what the point of sealed collecting even is. You could have a Hello Kitty game in there and you'd never even know until you sold it off years down the line and got railed by a buyer who expected the game that was supposed to be in there. I would honestly like to see that happen one of these days.

Seriously, does it matter if the disc is loose or even if you literally get a box with nothing in it, if you never plan to open what you bought? Making these games a long term investment is going to bite you in the ass, when it's been shown it doesn't work well for retro sealed collectors either, as someone will always be there to bring you back down to reality with their dozens of sealed copies they somehow have.

Going to bite investors in the ass? Have you seen the price copies of Breach & Clear sell for? It has increased in value at an insane rate. No one's gonna make millions from it but it's nice pocket money, and I only see the price continuing to increase as more people find out about LRG.
Thought I might recommend watching out for the recently announced System Shock: Remastered now that Nightdive Studios have opened themselves to the possibility of handling a PS4 version. I was initially hopeful that a physical Xbox One version was being offered as a reward tier in the respective Kickstarter, but I realized it just covers the PC platform. Undoubtedly better than nothing for a small studio, of course, but it might be worth checking out if they manage to secure the Sony console before the fundraiser wraps completely.


Please make this happen, LRG! I would love to buy a physical version of REZ VR.
I actually pre-ordered the headset upon announcement believing this project would have a guaranteed retail release and here I am just learning otherwise. It felt almost like a certainty in respect to its legacy as a well-acclaimed cult-classic and the development team re-iterating their willingness to explore the PlayStation platform after the remaster was released a decade ago on last-generation. Heck, distribution plans for a number of PSVR launch titles seem pretty vague on the American front although I'm sure most of them will remain digital in contrast to the UK where even the lower-end stuff appears to be getting the shelf treatment. At least the high-definition port landed on disc for Xbox 360 in the Qubed compilation assuming nothing ever comes out of this demand.

ROM got a release date today for PS4 and Vita, I wonder if we'll get the physical print this year.
It'd be nice if the physical copies [of Phantom Break] came with the Kurisu DLC on it.

Oddworld are asking whether people are interested in Stranger; Munch or both getting limited physical releases.
My wallet would be weeping with joy on the chance Limited Run can fit them into their line-up for the coming year. Slightly ironic that Stranger's Wrath HD could be an option right when I bought the original version at a yard sale around the same time as New 'n' Tasty happened with LRG.

If you've played 999, my advice would be to definitely go VLR's route, and then purchase Zero Time Dilemma which just released a few days ago ;)
But Octodad is a short game so if you have an itch maybe go for it first
It takes a handful of hours to wrap up Octodad so I'm already working on that. Made the harsh mistake of aiming for the ties in the first go-around which has been a frustrating process in an otherwise whimsical premise. I know with absolute certainty that VLR will be the next game on my backlog list.

LimitedRunGames said:
Hopefully Aksys does a physical version for this on Vita. If not, we're going to have to push really hard and knock some doors down to make it happen.
Hear, hear! I think Aksys will be able to handle at least a limited pressing for the handheld and, hopefully, the respective watches will be made available again for pre-order if they're able to go the extra mile. I know they completely botched the latest supplies according to all the fuss around the Net, but I'd be willing to wait it out since I've got the NDS version keeping me company. I fell madly in love with the visual novel and it's probably my favorite play-through this year over the latest releases of 2016. I really disliked that I missed out on the ol' pre-order bonus and I'd really appreciate getting a second chance at nabbing a watch if their claims about improved versions being made available come true.

Also I guess now the trilogy is over we might see a bundle down the line.
Aksys claimed console ports were a possibility for the trilogy leading into the release of Zero Time Dilemma, especially with the support for Steam laying out the high-def foundation. A tangible version that compiles the entire story would be a truly awesome feat, but I can't help thinking it's a bit of a pipe dream with the numerous amount of port time required to make it a reality. We're pretty blessed to have 999 making the leap to Vita and PC. Reaching home consoles would require them buckling down for Virtue's Last Reward on computer and subsequently transitioning all three installments over once more for whichever game system(s) they choose.


If I'm trying to get both Lost Sea and Xeodrifter PS4 tomorrow, is my best bet to add to cart and checkout each game separately or add both to cart and checkout once? I've never had experience trying to buy two titles on the same day on their store before.
If I'm trying to get both Lost Sea and Xeodrifter PS4 tomorrow, is my best bet to add to cart and checkout each game separately or add both to cart and checkout once? I've never had experience trying to buy two titles on the same day on their store before.
You would have to buy both in one go, there won't be enough time for checking out twice. A good idea would be to already have both pages open while refreshing and then add both and check out asap.


I've heard this to happen before : What did you do?

I've messaged them since my Octodad copy came this way, and I never planned to open it but I'd like to know it will work when I do; In its current state I'm afraid to think how long its been like that and how much its bounced around.

You'll either need to get used to it or stop buying the PS4 games. I'm 3 out of 4 with loose disks so far. Just got my Octodad copy yesterday and it was loose too. The only one I've managed to receive not loose was Futuridium. Many here won't sympathize with you because, hey, you don't like to do things the same as them, but you're not alone. As a collector, it sucks. Oh, and before a bunch of people go on rants that all PS4 games come this way in the mail, they don't. I'm sitting at 75% of my copies from LRG coming loose, I am running much better odds with other retailers. I still believe that the main cause is the vita copy stacked on the ps4 copy and pushing in during shipment, as I don't normally get ps4 and vita games shipped together and that seems to be the main difference from my bubble mailers from best buy and amazon. How about you have the fulfilment center start putting the vita game on top of the PS4 copy sideways? Should help cut down on it pushing into the PS4 case.


I really don't understand why people complain about the loose disc. I've gotten loose disc from Amazon, BB, Walmart, etc, it happens. The only way to fix it would be to wedge something on the disc but I doubt they could convince the manufacturer to do that.


I really don't understand why people complain about the loose disc. I've gotten loose disc from Amazon, BB, Walmart, etc, it happens. The only way to fix it would be to wedge something on the disc but I doubt they could convince the manufacturer to do that.

That could work... or they could stop using those cheap recycled pieces of blue plastic to hold the disks. But I don't see either option ever happening.

Really the only options at the moment are to buy a box with your order or continue cheaping out on shipping and hope for the best.

Maybe asking Dougie and Josh nicely and maybe they might replace it after the deal with actual damaged items.


That could work... or they could stop using those cheap recycled pieces of blue plastic to hold the disks. But I don't see either option ever happening.

Really the only options at the moment are to buy a box with your order or continue cheaping out on shipping and hope for the best.

Maybe asking Dougie and Josh nicely and maybe they might replace it after the deal with actual damaged items.

It would work since it had been done before (Saturn/Sega CD/ps1 long box cases, etc, have foam bricks) but it's never been done for basic cases like this. I just can't imagine they would be ok with adding that for such a small thing.
Going to bite investors in the ass? Have you seen the price copies of Breach & Clear sell for? It has increased in value at an insane rate. No one's gonna make millions from it but it's nice pocket money, and I only see the price continuing to increase as more people find out about LRG.

I guess I should have said "long term investors". A few months to a year down the line, sure you could probably at least double or triple your "investment", but these aren't games that are suddenly going to be worth hundreds in several years.

The only games that continue to rise in value past a certain plateau, are those which never had a digital release (retro games), those that didn't have a fanbase when the game originally came out and now want said game (EarthBound), or those that had tiny LE print numbers (Neptunia Rebirth 1).


Won't be grabbing either title tomorrow due to money constraints. Hope there a few copies of Lost Sea left over for a later date though!


I honestly wonder what the point of sealed collecting even is.

I spent money on a sealed disc game I'd assume to be packaged properly, that's the usual agreed upon terms between buyer and seller : It was bought new, I expected it wrapped and handled decently.

My money, my rules sorta thing really. Gears of War is a favorite franchise of mine and I'm a little annoyed I opened my physical copy when I opened a bunch of other games and didnt pay attention. As for Octodad it's a favorite I made a lot of people play and I was gonna frame it - like Gears - as just something cool to look at.

Many people have many tastes : I don't "get" shoe collecting or vampire romance novels but its not my money or hobby so I'm indifferent to those who enjoy those.

You'll either need to get used to it or stop buying the PS4 games. I'm 3 out of 4 with loose disks so far.

Stop buying is what I'll have to go with then sadly.

I really don't understand why people complain about the loose disc. I've gotten loose disc from Amazon, BB, Walmart, etc, it happens. The only way to fix it would be to wedge something on the disc but I doubt they could convince the manufacturer to do that.

I've never had this happen and I buy many games mostly Best Buy in store but also over a dozen on Amazon, Microsoft and and not a single one have been loose. Anecdotal of course but it's clear Limited Run has an issue with this. I consider myself reasonable as to expect a certain quality for my money; As it stands that level falls in the "wont push the issue with the company but also wont buy another game" line. You may fall elsewhere and again your money, your rules.
I spent money on a sealed disc game I'd assume to be packaged properly, that's the usual agreed upon terms between buyer and seller : It was bought new, I expected it wrapped and handled decently.

My money, my rules sorta thing really. Gears of War is a favorite franchise of mine and I'm a little annoyed I opened my physical copy when I opened a bunch of other games and didnt pay attention. As for Octodad it's a favorite I made a lot of people play and I was gonna frame it - like Gears - as just something cool to look at.

Many people have many tastes : I don't "get" shoe collecting or vampire romance novels but its not my money or hobby so I'm indifferent to those who enjoy those.

Stop buying is what I'll have to go with then sadly.

I've never had this happen and I buy many games mostly Best Buy in store but also over a dozen on Amazon, Microsoft and and not a single one have been loose. Anecdotal of course but it's clear Limited Run has an issue with this. I consider myself reasonable as to expect a certain quality for my money; As it stands that level falls in the "wont push the issue with the company but also wont buy another game" line. You may fall elsewhere and again your money, your rules.

loose disks are just something you have to deal with, especially getting them in the mail. Out of my last 10 ps4 games, 3 of them had loose disks.


Unconfirmed Member
So it says that WEE Kickstarters will have early access to the LRG pre-orders? I am intrigued!

I was curious if those reversible covers will be the same or different for the Vita and PS4 version.
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