Owen Smith comes across as very naive here. After Leadsom got destroyed by her "I'm a mum" comments, any leadership candidate has got to avoid being baited with an interviewer saying, "Perhaps your being 'normal' is an asset".
Owen Smith not only fell into that trap but doubled down on it by bringing his wife and kids into it.
I'm going to go with Hanlon's Razor on this one, but he only get to make that mistake once. If he brings up his wife and kids again (while running against Eagle), it's a clear dogwhistle.
I'm also getting confused by some media commentators worrying that Owen/Eagle will split the vote and cause Corbyn to win.
Just checking I'm not insane and that the Labour leader vote uses AV voting, making a split vote impossible.
Voters for 'Anyone but Corbyn' will give Eagle/Owen their first two preferences, so Corbyn is defeated unless he gets >50% of the vote.
Corbyn seems like a shoo-in though. I think we just have to resign ourselves to 9 years of Tory dominance and no real opposition (4 years of Corbyn, 5 years of massive Tory majority).
When May beats Corbyn by a landslide, his support will fall away and we might get someone useful. Maybe Jarvis will go for it once his kids are grown up. Maybe Sadiq Khan can get a parliamentary seat at the end of his mayoral period, like Boris did.
I think Corbyn will have to be shown to fail before his supporters will abandon him. Currently, his supporters actually think he speaks for the 'traditional labour voter' and think he'll somehow get them all voting, and that they vastly outnumber the middle-class centrists that flip-floped between Major/Blair/Cameron.
My biggest worry is that the left becomes a permanent squabble between Old Labour, New Labour, the Liberals, the Greens and the SNP.