Yeah that would be a cool movie, this is a Spider Man movie though?
Why even make it live actionWait this is a documentary movie now?
Spider-Man started out as a drawing. Wouldn't want to mess up the roots.
Yeah that would be a cool movie, this is a Spider Man movie though?
Why even make it live actionWait this is a documentary movie now?
Why even make it live action
Spider-Man started out as a drawing. Wouldn't want to mess up the roots.
Do you feel all of the characters in previous Spider-Man adaptation were correct mirrors of their comic counterparts?
Why even make it live action
Spider-Man started out as a drawing. Wouldn't want to mess up the roots.
What if she doesn't though? What happens then?
Why even make it live action
Spider-Man started out as a drawing. Wouldn't want to mess up the roots.
As another example, Scarlet Witch in the MCU has little connection to her comic counterpart. She's a whole new character with a familiar name. What I find surprising is many are fine with that, assuming they are purists in that regard.
Any lines out there? Some adaptation has already crossed it, many to great accolades.
I wish they were, some actors just can't play the role. At least they tried casting someone physically similar to the comic book character.
And Flash Thompson is Latino now right?
Man, I'm from South America and even I am fucking perplexed at what they are doing with Spider Man's roots on this movie.
Some of you are getting oddly defensive over people wanting red hair.
Her roles in her shows give her that sort of personality MJ has, funny thing her first show was co staring Bella Thorne that looks like your classic MJ.
Do you have any idea how much I hate gingers?!
Guys, the comic book hair wars were lost in 2013 when Zack Snyder didn't give Lois Lane black hair.
I knew you were a ginger racist, you mothafucka!
Got to ease into it.
Then in phase 4, they have Black Panther and Captain Marvel get together in the MCU's first sex scene.
I get the feeling there will be more people expecting people to get mad than actual people that are mad
Yeah, Marvel is smart for staying away from Gwen since she was the love interest in the ASM movies.
I'm just hoping the new MJ has red hair because, yes, it's an iconic part of the character.
But of course.
And most likely the very same people who hoping & dreaming of people freaking out over Black Panther in CA Civil War and yet there was nothing.
I feel you. Whew, Bella Thorne is fire but she can't act her way out of a paper bag. I'd definitely take a non redhead Zendaya over Bella. Z just has way more personality.
Who am I kidding. Id be like yeah yeah dats good if Bella got it too. Lol
All the gingers I know are assholes
I know one ginger
I mean, the previous Peter Parkers were grown ass adults.
God forbid they don't make this yet another white as fuck comic book movie.
It's difficult to tell until we have an idea of what Disney wants MJ to be, she can be useful for Peter or totally uninteresting/useless as many women characters in those type of movies, too early to tell but I don't really care about the character itself that much, never been a fan of her personality.
So then much earlier with smallville louis lane then.
Seriously what's going on with the white hate lmao.
I just can't wrap my head around what you're trying to fight against haha.
Seriously what's going on with the white hate lmao.
I just can't wrap my head around what you're trying to fight against haha.
this movie's gonna be something special
I feel bad for Betty Brant. She was the original love interest and she's never gotten to do that in the movies, even the ones about Peter in high school.
Many small battles were lost before the war.
I wish they were, some actors just can't play the role. At least they tried casting someone physically similar to the comic book character.
Yeah, I know you guys think this little circle jerk is making me feel something just LOL ... this is a forum so I'll keep rolling with my position until I get tired.
Honestly, I feel like Zendaya could pull off any hair color.
She once wore a blonde wig for some magazine cover and she looked great.
Seriously what's going on with the white hate lmao.
I just can't wrap my head around what you're trying to fight against haha.
Because there are a million and one white characters in comic books/comic book movies already? You can't compare it to turning a minority character white when there are barely any minority characters on screen when compared to white ones.
There aren't enough minority characters, and plenty of the ones that are end up being played by white actors anyway.
They should have cast Scarlett Johansson as MJ.
She should play every female role in Hollywood. She would also be a awesome ancient one.
Say what you will but smallville lane is the best lane.
White hate? HahahahahaSeriously what's going on with the white hate lmao.
I just can't wrap my head around what you're trying to fight against haha.