They're all making games for mobile and NX
Which Musou game got a good port to the Vita?
Thinking of buying Samurai Warriors 4-2 but maybe there is a better title for Musou beginners? I already got that One Piece PW3 game on PC.
Which Musou game got a good port to the Vita?
Thinking of buying Samurai Warriors 4-2 but maybe there is a better title for Musou beginners? I already got that One Piece PW3 game on PC.
Do you have PS+? Pretty sure Dynasty Warriors Next was free at one point, and other than the touch nonsense, I think it was well regarded. I know a lot of the other musou games are reported to have some performance issues on Vita (some better than others), but I don't have personal experience with them.
That never happened, unless it was in Japan.
That never happened, unless it was in Japan.
Which Musou game got a good port to the Vita?
Thinking of buying Samurai Warriors 4-2 but maybe there is a better title for Musou beginners? I already got that One Piece PW3 game on PC.
It certainly did in EU
On another subject, is it worth getting SAO:HF on PS4 while it's on sale for 5? I have the vita version, but I know the translation is supposed to be better on PS4. Anyone tried it with remote play?
Samurai Warriors 4 and after that 4-2. Framerate wise they're the most improved ones.
Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 is graphically terrible (it's a 3DS port) but has much more content.
If you don't mind playing a PSP game, DW Strikeforce is an amazing game. It's a coop musou game with different powers & magic.
Do you have PS+? Pretty sure Dynasty Warriors Next was free at one point, and other than the touch nonsense, I think it was well regarded. I know a lot of the other musou games are reported to have some performance issues on Vita (some better than others), but I don't have personal experience with them.
The Samurai Warriors 4 games perform the best, imo, while the Dynasty Warriors 8 games perform the worst.
THanks! :SW4-2 it is![]()
Does anyone have a list of the PlayStation Vita exclusives (with no other console, handheld or PC versions)?
That's the closest you can get, but it's really lacking quite a few titles.
Let's make a list!
i really enjoyed DW Next as well, but some don't like the touch mechanics. [there are only a few, but one involves dueling -- it will seem odd at first but it'll click].
I have a couple other on Vita but haven't beat them, all seem fun for the bit I played. I like how in Next you can send your other officers off to attack/protect areas, added a nice strategic element. My only complaint is that there is a trophy which requires local coop -- 4 missions you need to beat. You can beat two of them solo with absolutely perfect runs, but the other 2 need coop due to time limit vs. amount of ground you need to cover. [i tried. and tried]
Honestly, though? I enjoyed everyone I tried so far.
I just tried the Demo and it's pretty good! I like the touch intereuptions as well. Now I can't decide between this and SW4-2. Loved the music in the Demo as well!
Sadly I do not have Plus.
Why won't Amazon UK ship this to the US? (Sword Art Online)
Was thinking the listing just needed to be updated but it's been a while now.
Want to order that and Lumo together.
Won't link to it, but DT 2-2 finally has a release date of spring 2017. Guess it wasn't cancelled after all!
Woohoo, glad to hear something after so long. Loved the first one, especially the post-game.
*mumbles something about never quite completing* :xthe tower
It's a shame Atlus USA doesn't care about Aquaplus anymore.
Why won't Amazon UK ship this to the US? (Sword Art Online)
Was thinking the listing just needed to be updated but it's been a while now.
Want to order that and Lumo together.
365 Games have it for roughly the same price and they ship to the US.
365 Games have it for roughly the same price and they ship to the US.
Ideally you'd have a list of all Vita games with the additional platforms it's available on. From there you could easily generate multiple other lists, i.e. Vita only, Vita/PC only, Vita/PS3/PS4, etc.
Won't link to it, but DT 2-2 finally has a release date of spring 2017. Guess it wasn't cancelled after all!
Wait, why does DT2-2 have almost no chance? I haven't been following this game or news surrounding it, so I have no idea.
Because Atlus seem to be the only ones that were willing to give them a chance and something may or may not have happened between the 2 of them, which is why we haven't gotten Utawarerumono either. I mean I'd like to believe another company could pick up some of their games (especially if there's a company not really working on much *cough*IFI*cough*), but you would think that something of theirs would have been jumped on by now if that were the case.
Because Atlus seem to be the only ones that were willing to give them a chance and something may or may not have happened between the 2 of them, which is why we haven't gotten Utawarerumono either. I mean I'd like to believe another company could pick up some of their games (especially if there's a company not really working on much *cough*IFI*cough*), but you would think that something of theirs would have been jumped on by now if that were the case.
Is there a complete list of asian english games somewhere?
Much appreciated!
I prefer Amazon due to their CS, but this works for me!
Does it have tracking?
I ran out of space... I just ordered a 64GB memory card, ughhh.
Handheld is becoming my goto gaming right now. Got a 3DS and reactivating my Vita.
Also Soul Sacrifice is fucking awesome.
64gb in 1 vita. 32 in another vita. 2x4gb for PlayStation tv. Git on my level.Just wait until you run out of space on the 64GB and have nowhere to go from there.
Just wait until you run out of space on the 64GB and have nowhere to go from there.
This is basically the catch all Vita thread at this point right? A couple of weeks ago I was using Remote Play (PS4 down the hall, router in my room, direct connect turned off) and it was working well. My vita battery died and when I tried to reconnect to Remote Play just 15 minutes later it tells me the internet is too weak. I have continued to receive that message since.
Has this happened to anyone? Any advice? I had never seen that message before in my house.
64gb in 1 vita. 32 in another vita. 2x4gb for PlayStation tv. Git on my level.
I have a 16gb card since d1, git on my level64gb in 1 vita. 32 in another vita. 2x4gb for PlayStation tv. Git on my level.
Harukanaru Toki no Nake de 3 Ultimate has been announced, due to release in February in Japan.
I have a 16gb card since d1, git on my level![]()
Harukanaru Toki no Nake de 3 Ultimate has been announced, due to release in February in Japan.
It's a fully voiced Vita remake of HaruToki3 and HaruToki3: Izayoiki with redone/remade graphics, more events, and DLC set after the love endings of the characters.
(And also includes stuff that was previously added to the PSP port of Izayoiki).
I think it also says there's a DLC route for Fujiwara no Yasuhira which is a preorder bonus atm, but will be paid content later.
Because it's Tecmo Koei it has the standard Regular/Fancy/MoreFancy variations.
TheExpensive StuffTreasure Box contains
Photo Library
Soundtrack CD
10 badges
Tohko Mizuno Original Book
TheEven More Expensive StuffTheir Hands Change Destiny (?) Box contains
5 Disc Drama CDs.
10... illustrated hand towels? dish cloths? :|
Photo Library
Soundtrack CD
10 badges
Tohko Mizuno Original Book
Harukanaru Toki no Nake de 3 Ultimate has been announced, due to release in February in Japan.
It's a fully voiced Vita remake of HaruToki3 and HaruToki3: Izayoiki with redone/remade graphics, more events, and DLC set after the love endings of the characters.
(And also includes stuff that was previously added to the PSP port of Izayoiki).
I think it also says there's a DLC route for Fujiwara no Yasuhira which is a preorder bonus atm, but will be paid content later.
Because it's Tecmo Koei it has the standard Regular/Fancy/MoreFancy variations.
TheExpensive StuffTreasure Box contains
Photo Library
Soundtrack CD
10 badges
Tohko Mizuno Original Book
TheEven More Expensive StuffTheir Hands Change Destiny (?) Box contains
5 Disc Drama CDs.
10... illustrated towels? :|
Photo Library
Soundtrack CD
10 badges
Tohko Mizuno Original Book