Couple disappear; Man's facebook begins erratic posting; Later, woman found captive

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I heard somewhere that there could be around 50 serial killers in the US at any given time, don't know if that's true or not. Hell there's even people who kill collectively, look up Toy Box Killer.

Considering how many unsolved murder cases there are in the US, that's probably a low number.
Also, I already mentioned it earlier in the thread, but this reminds me of the "Hi Walter" thread. Luckily this woman was found alive despite the awful police work, but she could have been found earlier and who knows if somebody else was still alive at that time? I hope they get asked about why they dragged their feet when there were lives at stake.

I was also thinking of the Hi Walter missing girl. At least that police department checked it out promptly, despite so many people saying it was a hoax and that sort of thing would not be possible. Horrible to think the real girl might still be in a similar situation.

Thank goodness Kala this time was found and I hope the investigation will result in them finding the boyfriend (alive or sadly dead) to give them closure.


My god what a (partial) ending, that is utterly disgusting. I really hope the husband is OK somehow but it doesnt sound very likely. After watching Wolf's Creek the other day for Halloween this doesn't inspire me with hope much.


Guess they probably should have got on that Facebook warrant earlier, huh? But all that paperwork...

Fucking embarrassing.

They probably could have had the IP address within 24 hours.

This is now 10x more fucked up given there was a living victim suffering while we were all reading this nonchalant BS statement from the police.

Just a thought, but maybe the police aren't completely stupid and they selectively choose what info to release to the media in order not to spook the bad guys.
Man this is still fucked up. This guy obviously needs help but how do you help him at this point? He's littered with abominations in his head and heart. It would take a miracle to make him become "normal" again to where he would be able to fit in public. I hope the police are able to find out about any other crimes he might have done, because the ones he has committed have been horrible.....

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Damn... it's like some horrific thriller movie or something.... damn.

Hopefully the guy that's missing turned out okay but, that's a rather dim possibility, isn't it, considering how the lady was chained like that...

Damn, so crazy scary.
This is indeed like the "Hi Walter" thread, if you consider the creepy Facebook account invading and posting creepy teases about the couple equivalent of making a horror video on YouTube, sadly this one is true, where the other one was just a short film making, actor (totally unrelated to the missing person) dude. Fortunately with this one though the girl was found alive and physically not too much abused. Unfortunately we still don't know the welfare of the poor boyfriend. Crossing my fingers he is also still alive, healthy, (holed up) somewhere.

This dude's entire life and background is full of red flags, a natural born psychopath, from his abusive parents and grandparents to his sociopathic ego, (see his own bio on his business website) he boasts about his business degree, his computer science education and "professional" graphic designer who did work for all pro sporting organizations (NBA, NFL, MLB) he describes "riding sports bikes and sports cars" as a hobby and a licensed pilot.

It's also worth mentioning that he went to jail for 15 years for kidnapping a 15 year old at gun point, taking her to his bedroom, duck taping her arms, mouth and feet and sexually assaulting and raping her... threatening to kill her if she called th cops after. He also got in shit ton of trouble and in fights with inmates during his 15 years prison sentence.

I am guessing he faked his way out of prison by proving to be fully rehabilitated after his sentence. Doubt his psychopathic tendencies and urges ever left him, even after 15 years of prison, if not made him more of a demon... also guessing him making a "comeback" post jail release with finding success in his own business:
along with owning lotta rural land...also probably fed his huge sociopathic ego, and gave him the twisted confidence to commit these atrocities, and those Facebook posts his own and posting Charlie (his victim's) Carver's account. (I'm convinced At this point that it was him) all this shit is just super scary, creepy, cold, cruel and barbaric as fuck.

Movie of the week shit indeed. This all reads like a suspense/horror novel and not real life.

I meant it in the sense that this is for cases like this that people like me in that other thread argued that no matter how fake the video seemed, if there's a possibility that a person is still alive right now going through hell, the police should have to investigate it. I'm glad they did, and the people who mocked the idea of taking it even a little seriously, I think, don't really grasp that there could be someone just like the woman in that story, alone, suffering and probably thinking she's gonna die.

Here, we have a police force that probably thought, "Eh, most likely a hack," didn't bother to make sure, and it turned out that it wasn't a hack but thanks to other people actually doing their job, a life was saved. I think the family should be pissed.
Man this is still fucked up. This guy obviously needs help but how do you help him at this point? He's littered with abominations in his head and heart. It would take a miracle to make him become "normal" again to where he would be able to fit in public. I hope the police are able to find out about any other crimes he might have done, because the ones he has committed have been horrible.....
At this point, lock him up and never let him out. It's not worth the risk to other people.

this dude sounds like a complete fucking psychopath

disgusting -- and tragic -- that more measures weren't taken to protect the community at large from someone with a background like his

Yeah, this ain't the "statutory" definition of kidnapping, that's "kidnapping kidnapping." I wonder if his coworkers were aware that this was his MO.

It's disturbing to think that he may have gotten into this line of work for the sole purpose of covering up his crimes.
Jesus, that's like a full season of Dexter except more horrifying.

Yeah that was really bizarre. Maybe the sheriff is this really old white-haired codger who calls grown women "little girls" or something... or it's a transcript error.
Ya'll... sorry, you guys, are clearly not from the south. It's pretty normal for older guys to talk about a younger woman like that. He probably has kids her age. Nothing odd or creepy about it, give the guy a break.

In other news, this happened less than 15 minutes from where I live and it's really been freaking me out.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, this guy is probably the answer to other open cases, the sheriff even mentions one by name.

Just a thought, but maybe the police aren't completely stupid and they selectively choose what info to release to the media in order not to spook the bad guys.
The sheriff says Facebook works with them.


Just a thought, but maybe the police aren't completely stupid and they selectively choose what info to release to the media in order not to spook the bad guys.

This was my thought as well, especially given how quickly they found her after the initial story broke.

Jesus, that's like a full season of Dexter except more horrifying.

Yeah that was really bizarre. Maybe the sheriff is this really old white-haired codger who calls grown women "little girls" or something... or it's a transcript error.

My thought is it was either:

A. The cop was was so shaken he was in pure protective mode and used the term because of that, or
B. The victim was so shaken she had done that thing some victims do when experiencing intense trauma and reverted to child like behavior and the cop picked up on it with A in play.

Or that's just how he talks, a darkest red said. I'm 34 and some of my older aquantiences call me little girl.
Unless the police either get the suspect to admit where the husband is, this is very likely. This is a tragic situation all round.

And it says he's not cooperating with police. Scumbag.

We can only pray the husband's family get some sort of closure.

Yup, unfortunately him not cooperating with police is a very bad sign, basically him
Not willing to admit commiting murder.

I'm no expert in these things, but I'm pretty sure in these scenarios, if a suspect is a kidnapper and has never commited a murder, would definitely come clean and tell police where his other (alive) kidnapped victim(s) are, before they are harmed or die etc. So his charges wouldn't be more severe. At least that's probably what his lawyer would strongly recommend if this guy had another person(s) captive somewhere.

It's looking dim and tragic for Charlie Carver (the boyfriend.) And let's not forget that there maybe a few other victims here, who knows what age and gender. Shit is seriously fucked up, scarier than any TV show/movie.
Just a thought, but maybe the police aren't completely stupid and they selectively choose what info to release to the media in order not to spook the bad guys.
The story also says police tracked a "cellphone ping" that led them to the suspect's property, meaning his home, not the farm Land where he kept the girl in chains. This makes me think they are talking about tracking the location of the IP address of the Facebook posts. I really can't see it any other way.

Edit: or rather simply tracking the signal of either the girl's or (most likely) the boyfriend's cell phone activity (location, online status etc) This would be a very easy thing to track if this shitbag had the poor guy's phone with him all the time, turned on and connected to a network to post those horrific FB posts though his account.
Man this is still fucked up. This guy obviously needs help but how do you help him at this point? He's littered with abominations in his head and heart. It would take a miracle to make him become "normal" again to where he would be able to fit in public. I hope the police are able to find out about any other crimes he might have done, because the ones he has committed have been horrible.....

There is no 'Normal' for a guy like this. The only help he'll get is a long prison sentence and staying away from society.
So he killed the boyfriend likely and imprisoned the girlfriend? And there could be more? More imprisoned women, dead boyfriends? What was his ultimate goal with the women?

And what happens if he doesn't talk? Cant they make him somehow?


So he killed the boyfriend likely and imprisoned the girlfriend? And there could be more? More imprisoned women, dead boyfriends? What was his ultimate goal with the women?

And what happens if he doesn't talk? Cant they make him somehow?

This isn't guantonomo. The only way they could get him to talk would be though a plea deal.
So he killed the boyfriend likely and imprisoned the girlfriend? And there could be more? More imprisoned women, dead boyfriends? What was his ultimate goal with the women?

And what happens if he doesn't talk? Cant they make him somehow?

His 'ultimate goal' seems to just keep finding women to rape.

Killing the boyfriends could very well be a power thing.
Just to be clear I never stepped foot in that "devil real" thread, I was being symbolic about the "Devil" being real inside some human beings on this planet.

I am not particularly saying devil literally exist, but when shit like this is actually happening by real people to real people, the devil might as well exist, it is that bad.

The devil doesn't exist.


41 > 38
I'm honestly surprised in hindsight that he let the dog live. I guess he wanted to cover his tracks, and a dead dog at their house would immediately confirm a kidnapping and initiate a full blown investigation. Given his history going back to childhood, though, it would seem like killing the dog would be a priority in his messed up mind.
The devil doesn't exist.
Nice! My quotes are in green again, I was getting concerned there for a bit, the green highlight was gone and I couldn't even notice who quoted me. Think something messed up when I switched from mobile to desktop Gaf and back on my mobile device. Anyway, yeh he devil does exists Inside the heart of this dude!


This was my thought as well, especially given how quickly they found her after the initial story broke.

My thought is it was either:

A. The cop was was so shaken he was in pure protective mode and used the term because of that, or
B. The victim was so shaken she had done that thing some victims do when experiencing intense trauma and reverted to child like behavior and the cop picked up on it with A in play.

Or that's just how he talks, a darkest red said. I'm 34 and some of my older aquantiences call me little girl.

Yeah this is my thought as well. Dude probably has a daughter or niece her age. Always weirded me out when my mom says little boy or little girl when talking about a teen or 20 something but she does it.

Still weird.


Unconfirmed Member
100 acres is a pretty big property for someone to just own on the side. This will take a long time to search, too.


EDIT: Oh god, his Amazon page is fucking horrifying. He basically reveiwed all the items used to torture her and hide evidence, and has left super fucking creepy reviews for other items.

Just creepy. These are old (so not related to this case) but it still makes me uneasy:


Wow, that Amazon list confirmed to be his?

His review for SOG Entrenching Tool F08-N - Folding Shovel:

"keep in car for when you have to hide the bodies and you left the full size shovel at home.... does not come with a midget, which would have been nice"

Holy shit

Mr. Hyde

Just creepy. These are old (so not relatedto this case) but it still makes me uneasy:

Yeah. Not THIS case but I wonder how many others they might possibly find out about. Ugh. Sad.

Monster High Dvd review stating "kid liked it." I mean, he is 45 but I wonder if he was ever around kids of his siblings. This is so bizarre.
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