I apologize if this seems like rambling, but I've not slept in well over 24 hours. But here it goes:
We've become the republican party having the hierarchy switched. I imagine that many republicans felt about democrats just like we feel about them now. Being in the losing side sucks, because we are always going to be thinking of the worst case scenario. We had people in GAF expressing a want to suicide because of the election results. Let this sink in: Some thought that suicide would be the best option to escape the nightmare scenario they hypothesize. It's a terrible place to be in. We have people on Facebook and Twitter post the phone number of the suicide prevention hotline.
Whether we like it or not, Trump has won fair and square. I have my reservations of course, but until proven otherwise, I will believe in our electoral process. As such, the only thing we can do is hope and pray and maybe even reconcile with the other side of the isle to make things work. We have to encourage Trump's success because if he fails, if the senate and congress fail, we will all fail. We will all feel the consequence of it. It's fine to be angry, to want to cry, to feel cheated even. But we have to move forward, and we have to make the best of what we have. We need to look ahead and start the roadway to the next election so that we can vote for someone that will fight for what we believe in.
Alienating the republicans is not the way to go. We can't label them racist - there's a lot that just wanted an outsider - any outsider - into government to disrupt the status quo. Even if that person happened to be a man with bad character. If we alienate them again, if we choose to label them all with a broad brush, if we think lesser of them because they are sometimes less educated - we're only going to end up on the losing side of an election again. Instead, we need to make people see what we see, and tell them how fighting for what we believe in is also fighting to make life better for them. It shouldn't be an us vs them mentality, I think it needs to be just an us mentality.