COMICS! |OT| November 2016. Wilde for comics, 2 Hickman books this month.


Here's the thing though. I don't feel like I am missing out. Same goes for marvel. I've cut the shit put of that pull too.

It shouldn't be that hard to believe that not everyone is in love with rebirth and it isn't working for them.
Everyone has different taste. What you are saying is a reflection of disinterest in big two comics.Both are popping but if something doesn't interest you no matter if the book is 10/10 you aren't going to buy it. Now you know how x men fans feel lulz.


I would not stop pulling 10/10 batman or suicide squad books. I dropped them because I didn't feel like the quality was there and in Batmans case I think double shipping is actively hurting it.


To be clear, I really like the Rebirth books.

I'm just trying to touch on this contention that Rebirth is doing gangbusters in sales. It's more of a shift in strategy.

As TheFlow noted and I said elsewhere, it's easier to make money selling Justice League twice a month than it is to have Justice League and another Justice League adjacent book. Under the old system, DC would've gotten 100,000 issues of JL for $4 a pop in one month, now they technically get 190,000 issues for $4 a pop. Short term, big gain.

I worry about the long-term prospects of the strategy though. The mid-range play is double-ship but slightly lower the price of the books. Make more money, but not double, but you have the chance to potentially keep some readers.

Okay? There are always events books and launches though. Seems an odd way to attempt to say "The Top 10 is always X". I don't disagree with Batman being a powerhouse. I disagree with "the Top 10 is this". It's not.
Yea what DC is doing is a one hell of a strategy but the long term affect is something to seriously think about.

Sort offtopic of the sale discussion:

Thanks to rebirth I now trade wait/ buy my image books on sale. I also can't keep up with the double shipping and breathe a sigh of relief whenever we get a 5th week like this. I literally buy all my rebirth books in bulk towards the end of the month now to keep up with it. Comics are draining.

Tl;dr rebirth has greatly affected how I purchase books monthly


How many people believe rebirths shipping schedule works 2 years from now and do you believe the short term gain will eventually hurt them.

Right now DC are getting less money from me now than they were pre rebirth. It's a time as much as money concern for me.
Btw, a new press release has been put out for the MMPR comic showing the design of the character in today's issue. I won't link it due to spoilers.


I would not stop pulling 10/10 batman or suicide squad books. I dropped them because I didn't feel like the quality was there and in Batmans case I think double shipping is actively hurting it.
Join the club. I dropped batman at monster men. I would argue more a case for king not being the best fit for bi monthly batman. I think a monthly format would of made his arcs seem less redundant but I don't think it would helped some writing decisions he has made(that I don't mesh with)
How many people believe rebirths shipping schedule works 2 years from now and do you believe the short term gain will eventually hurt them.

Right now DC are getting less money from me now than they were pre rebirth. It's a time as much as money concern for me.

As a trade reader I relish getting a full collection speedier than every 6 months, but thats obviously a different position to judge from, I never have enough comics the way I read. For me it'll still just depend on creative teams, increase in spending and volume/time commitment has no negative connotations.
Btw, a new press release has been put out for the MMPR comic showing the design of the character in today's issue. I won't link it due to spoilers.

It was the most hype thing I've read in comics all year. I am so damn excited.

We have to wait until January for the next chapter in #11, because #10 is a Christmas special.


How many people believe rebirths shipping schedule works 2 years from now and do you believe the short term gain will eventually hurt them.

Right now DC are getting less money from me now than they were pre rebirth. It's a time as much as money concern for me.
To answer the your questions in a short format
-nobody knows the future. Dc is doing something great right now. If they need to change they easily can.
-double shipping was definitely going to lose some readers. You are clearly one of them. It sucks but hey the majority love it. You are an outlier. As someone who used to pull more books than anyone here and probably still do you should know comics is an expensive hobby. Trades and sale waiting are always options

Now for more of my thoughts in a longer format:
But that is just you though I know there other people like who who can't keep up with the aggressive Dc strategy but you are literally implying your feelings as more of a factual state of "rebirth"

The fact is rebirth, Hannah Barbara, and young animal have brought back a lot of readers. Thinking ahead 2 years as to wheather rebirth will work is silly. We all know they will just relaunch/new wave/ push some books to monthly.

As others have said DC can easily revert a lot of double shipping books to monthly. Which is the most likely case of we are getting another big wave next year plus wild storm.


I will be fine, we went to relatives and sleep there.
Mostly worried about my flat and my car, we live pretty close to the place where they found it.

But thanks for your posts^^

Never thought I would experience stuff like that
My mad, mad MMPR theory (SPOILERS FOR #9):

This new character is the version of the White Ranger that would have been played by Brad Hawkins, before they decided to bring back JDF and moved Hawkins off to VR Troopers.


Had my work holiday party today, definitely a few weeks earlier than normal. I got there early and remembered there was a newer comic book store nearby in New Hope PA, so decided to go kill some time.
Walked out with a 1 per comic book store variant cover for the new Ghost Rider reboot and a few other titles.
Today was a good day.


Had my work holiday party today, definitely a few weeks earlier than normal. I got there early and remembered there was a newer comic book store nearby in New Hope PA, so decided to go kill some time.
Walked out with a 1 per comic book store variant cover for the new Ghost Rider reboot and a few other titles.
Today was a good day.
Damn that is a nice variant


I read Ghost Rider #1 earlier this morning. It was good, but too much focus on setting up other characters that don't have a personal stake on Robbie's life.
My mad, mad MMPR theory (SPOILERS FOR #9):

This new character is the version of the White Ranger that would have been played by Brad Hawkins, before they decided to bring back JDF and moved Hawkins off to VR Troopers.

The character shares the motifs of every Ranger Tommy has been. Future evil Tommy?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Ghost Rider #1 was a really bad issue 1 imo. Focused too much on guest characters.

Also, why is Cho always written like an absolute moron?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Saga #40. hory shit. amazing.

like wow. yah might want to trade wait this.
I've got 39 and 40 to read. Excited.

Just finished Annihilation. Was amazing. Riders fight with Annihilus was great. Especially how he won. I'll read conquest throughout the week.


Flow, you were curious about Deathstrokes sales vs quality. These are the diamond numbers so they don't show the full story (we don't have Nov numbers yet):

Deathstroke Rebirth #1 99,318
Deathstroke #1 83,602
Deathstroke #2 55,343
Deathstroke #3 49,916
Deathstroke #4 42,521
Deathstroke #5 39,144

I got curious and looked up another few books

Green Arrow #1 69,833
Green Arrow #8 48,904

I was happy to see most people are buying both stories of wonder woman in equal measure, but also they are dropping it in the same numbers :/

Wonder Woman #1 107,737
Wonder Woman #9 64,555

I took #2 for Harley as the #1 figure is nuts and doesn't represent any number a current ongoing book could ever hold

Harley Quinn #2 116,651
Harley Quinn #6 62,943

Its all very cool to look at even if diamond doesn't give the full picture.


Flow, you were curious about Deathstrokes sales vs quality. These are the diamond numbers so they don't show the full story (we don't have Nov numbers yet):

Deathstroke Rebirth #1 99,318
Deathstroke #1 83,602
Deathstroke #2 55,343
Deathstroke #3 49,916
Deathstroke #4 42,521
Deathstroke #5 39,144

I got curious and looked up another few books

Green Arrow #1 69,833
Green Arrow #8 48,904

I was happy to see most people are buying both stories of wonder woman in equal measure, but also they are dropping it in the same numbers :/

Wonder Woman #1 107,737
Wonder Woman #9 64,555

I took #2 for Harley as the #1 figure is nuts and doesn't represent any number a current ongoing book could ever hold

Harley Quinn #2 116,651
Harley Quinn #6 62,943

Its all very cool to look at even if diamond doesn't give the full picture.
I haven't read deathstroke but I hope the first two issues didn't scare people off. Glad green arrow didn't have a big drop off. Looks like some sales are stabilizing and others are steadily dropping :/


Please tell me hs name isnt actually John Echoshifting.

Image brought the fire today

Deadly Class
Seven To Eternity
Surgeon X
Paper Girls vol 2
Generation X: you know I said X-books should be taking big risks on new talent so let's do this. Let's roll the dice.

A bit weird that the premise is to feature a new band of misfits when I think just about everybody on the cover is a known quantity but I'm in for this band of weirdos regardless
except Bling! UGGGGH hate her
. Eye Boy! That one choice gives me a lot of faith in this project.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Annihilation: What if the wave reached Earth was actually pretty good. I usually hate what ifs.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Generation X: you know I said X-books should be taking big risks on new talent so let's do this. Let's roll the dice.

A bit weird that the premise is to feature a new band of misfits when I think just about everybody on the cover is a known quantity but I'm in for this band of weirdos regardless
except Bling! UGGGGH hate her
. Eye Boy! That one choice gives me a lot of faith in this project.

Other than Jubilee they are all new to me. I'm willing to give them a chance though.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I keep telling everyone Echo is a evil robot and nobody listens to me


I would guess that maybe editorial is more the reason behind that tweet. Just a guess.
I think they changed up the X-office last year. Why knows though lol.
Generation X: you know I said X-books should be taking big risks on new talent so let's do this. Let's roll the dice.

A bit weird that the premise is to feature a new band of misfits when I think just about everybody on the cover is a known quantity but I'm in for this band of weirdos regardless
except Bling! UGGGGH hate her
. Eye Boy! That one choice gives me a lot of faith in this project.
Yeah, this is a really interesting team and I like how it seems they are branching off Glob's group as well as Evan and Idie from this one in a way that makes complete sense.
I keep telling everyone Echo is a evil robot and nobody listens to me

This is an inclusive community for evil robots

Emma and the Cookoos :( You guys promised. :(

Yeah...yeah. It sucks.

Edit: birdie that was your finest work, you know the one. Good god sir. DEAD.

And holy fuck that Hickman tweet. Lmao. I guess I shouldn't expect to see him back at the House of M anytime soon (though, really, he can probably say whatever he wants at this point).


Generation x feels like a sequel to wolverine and the x men and that is all I could ask for.

If jubilee is the mentor for this team I hope that means there will be other teams like new x men.
Just Cable, Jean and Weapon X now yeah? Do we know for sure All-New Wolverine is continuing?

I wonder if we might see Emma as a supporting player in Jean's book? I could see that. I could see the Cuckoos playing a supporting role in any of those books.

Probably wishful thinking but I won't lose hope yet.


Just Cable, Jean and Weapon X now yeah? Do we know for sure All-New Wolverine is continuing?

I wonder if we might see Emma as a supporting player in Jean's book? I could see that. I could see the Cuckoos playing a supporting role in any of those books.

Probably wishful thinking but I won't lose hope yet.
All-New Wolverine is continuing.

There are roles I could see Emma in even if she isn't part of the teams.


Just Cable, Jean and Weapon X now yeah? Do we know for sure All-New Wolverine is continuing?

I wonder if we might see Emma as a supporting player in Jean's book? I could see that. I could see the Cuckoos playing a supporting role in any of those books.

Probably wishful thinking but I won't lose hope yet.

Hope is dead.
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