Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Just woke up, and congrats to the new Noctis owners! Going to do my dailies then pull. Wish me luck!

Alkez and Celegus special congrats on pulling a 5* base!



O yeah. My favourite character is Rikku. Its almost same as my real name and best char in FFX. I haven't played FFXV so no ties to Noctis or other names there.

What I mean, the 10+1 I got is just great. My first Zidane (over 500 pulls made), 2 more Hayates, one Benz. 0 trash 3* units (I consider 3* trash those units that dint't have 5* originally). Only 2 Charlottes diluting the pulls. Perfect stuff for me.

Here is the pull I made earlier:


If I can wish & hope from this banner is to get one more Formula One for the second axe. Yesterday my daily was Chizuru (my 2nd) so I don't need more Chorizos, I don't mind if I get more. That just means faster Blade Mastery

Future plan is to have party:

"Gilgy & Funky bunch"

Gilgy: Genji Glove + BM * Sakurafubuki & Enhancer
Lightning: BM * Sakurafubuki & Excalibur / StQ (depends resists)
Formula One DW * Viking Axe & Viking Axe (or something else if I don't get 2nd F1)
Refia: Dual Cast + Camouflage + 2x Guardian's Authority * Lordly Robe
Cecil: Dual Cast + some tm's * Aegis Shield

Got 2 Snow's (2 Champion's Belt) & 4 Gaffgarions (2 Bracers) in the pipe and other TM stuff.

I see what you mean by nice pulls, although farming these TMs can be really frustrating all the same.

When I started this game , I actually rerolled using two devices for 4 days to get zidane. I was naive enough to think as well that he will always be in my party if I equip him good enough against all trials and challenges ( that didn't work out).

Your gilgy and funky bunch party looks really nice when you're done equipping them all too <3.

I hope one day that they finally do a goddamn ffix event in Japan and he gets the Terra treatment with a new trance form ( although it wouldn't be too good for my wallet :p).

Your nickname for Mercedes cracks me up too xD. I had to think for 5 seconds to get what you meant the first time. Hope you manage to get rikku easily when the ffx banner comes out , unlike what this king did to me just so that he can grace me with his presence.


Bah. 6 tickets and a daily and zero banner units. All I really want is Chizuru, but I guess a Miyuki as a consolation prize isn't so bad. Thinking I'll plow through the story and try to get enough lapis for a 10 pull.


Ok Noctis is totally a Lightning-killer in arena.

His hybrid skills not only bypass cover but also ignore evade skills, like it would be a magic attack.

i told that 2 noctis in arena + golem staff = fuck you all. And the true is more horrifying than fiction.

I didn't notice that he was bypassing cover in arena, goddamn !!

If what you are saying is true then this makes me really happy, since ive been owned by 4 lightnings too many times cause of their dodges :(


sparkle this bitch
Maze feels so good!

Capped off Exdeath and Chizzy in her 60's already, but still looking Fine~

I think I'll be able to get Snow up there too, followed with capping off Tilith and Charlotte.

Overall, I'm just going to keep one Chizzy and one Snow. Get the TMs for both then merge them for Exp on another unit. Same with Zidaine number 2.

Thinking about future TMing, so far I got
- Dual Wield
- Double Hand
- Dual Cast(2x)
- 30% MAG
- Blade Mastery
- Excalibur (2x)
- Miveria Bustier

But the past 2 weeks has basically thrown me for a loop with everything, since now I can get 2x Champion, 2x Sakaf, 1x Blade Mastery, 1x Bracer, 1x Dual Wield, 1x Kraiser Knuckle.

So I'm just going to focus on purely on Luneth first - Sakaf, Bracer, 30% ATK, Black Cowl, Gloves. He'll end up skirting 800 ATK with Ifirt, around 750 with Diablos.

Next, I'll focus on pumping Buttz up. Either him or Chizzy, but while I can get 50 more ATK on Chizzy, Buttz just offer more utility for the fights that matter and with the Knuckles and Belts, he'll be a tank. So both Belts, Knuckles, Blade Mastery, and Sakaf.

Why? Because if I get some one better, everything is transferable over to someone else if they can use Knuckles.

This should probably take me up till April of next year.


I see what you mean by nice pulls, although farming these TMs can be really frustrating all the same.

When I started this game , I actually rerolled using two devices for 4 days to get zidane. I was naive enough to think as well that he will always be in my party if I equip him good enough against all trials and challenges ( that didn't work out).

Your gilgy and funky bunch party looks really nice when you're done equipping them all too <3.

I hope one day that they finally do a goddamn ffix event in Japan and he gets the Terra treatment with a new trance form ( although it wouldn't be too good for my wallet :p).

Your nickname for Mercedes cracks me up too xD. I had to think for 5 seconds to get what you meant the first time. Hope you manage to get rikku easily when the ffx banner comes out , unlike what this king did to me just so that he can grace me with his presence.

Heh :), I did reroll for one of those original "Best" character. After 30ish rerolls I got Vaan and started with it. During those early soft launch days 1 reroll = 1 pull.

Good thing is that I have made "some" TM's already during my 7 months of playtime.
About those TM's I have. They ain't so mage focused anymore.

- 4x MAG 30%
- Ultima (useless, so was bad grind)
- 2x Dual Cast
- Genji Glove
- Blade Mastery
- PoC 30% ATK/MAG
- 3x SoD 20% ATK/MAG 10% HP
- 2x Excalibur
- Melody of Life

TM party is at the moment 2x Miyuki = 2x Sakurafubuki, 2 Agrias = 1 Save the Queen, 1 Hayate = Black Cowl.

So TM train is going nicely, it will take time to get those rest of my planned TM's. But that's nothing new :D.


Ok Noctis is totally a Lightning-killer in arena.

His hybrid skills not only bypass cover but also ignore evade skills, like it would be a magic attack.

i told that 2 noctis in arena + golem staff = fuck you all. And the true is more horrifying than fiction.

Oh damn. I thought it's physical so no bypass. Definitely broken. I'll just auto-giveup when facing 5 Noctis, no need to waste time.


My 5* base DKCecil feel so useless now :(
Enhancements pls!
Or give him a 7* upgrade in 2017, thanks.

How trash Donkey Kong is with DW & Barrage? How big ATK you can get to him?
My alt has DKC and frankly without any TM's he just sucks badly.


My first rainbow was DKC and I never even use him because he's that bad. Trash tier until he gets enhancements and even then, I might not use him.


How trash Donkey Kong is with DW & Barrage? How big ATK you can get to him?
My alt has DKC and frankly without any TM's he just sucks badly.

He has 450 ATK, the problem is that his only great attack is Soul Eater, I was using it in the Arena to element chain with Lightning and Deathbringer, but it don't work anymore.
Now everyone survive and manage to kill him even if I use DC Curaja before finishing my turn, then they proceed to stone all my units :lol


How trash Donkey Kong is with DW & Barrage? How big ATK you can get to him?
My alt has DKC and frankly without any TM's he just sucks badly.
Even with TM, he also suck badly.
Using any of the dark skill is suicidal.
Only thing is Barrage which took freaking long to use.


Heh :), I did reroll for one of those original "Best" character. After 30ish rerolls I got Vaan and started with it. During those early soft launch days 1 reroll = 1 pull.

Good thing is that I have made "some" TM's already during my 7 months of playtime.
About those TM's I have. They ain't so mage focused anymore.

- 4x MAG 30%
- Ultima (useless, so was bad grind)
- 2x Dual Cast
- Genji Glove
- Blade Mastery
- PoC 30% ATK/MAG
- 3x SoD 20% ATK/MAG 10% HP
- 2x Excalibur
- Melody of Life

TM party is at the moment 2x Miyuki = 2x Sakurafubuki, 2 Agrias = 1 Save the Queen, 1 Hayate = Black Cowl.

So TM train is going nicely, it will take time to get those rest of my planned TM's. But that's nothing new :D.

Yeah I remember those shitty rerolls clearly, zidane made sure of it :).

You got a nice collection of TMS there, keep it up!

For me right now, my tm party is a ramza, noctis, Karl,miyuki, chizuru( one can never have enough BMS and sakurufubikis :p).


Daily was Kefka, my 2nd in the last week and 5th overall. Don't feel too lucky so I decided not to spend any tickets yet (although I did get a metal gigantaur in my one run to finish the 200 gear quest).


Yeah I remember those shitty rerolls clearly, zidane made sure of it :).

You got a nice collection of TMS there, keep it up!

For me right now, my tm party is a ramza, noctis, Karl,miyuki, chizuru( one can never have enough BMS and sakurufubikis :p).

Thanks. Let the train go on *choo choo choo* :p

Did another angry pull and got Lightning and more Chizuru and Zidane. Sure why not

Angry Pull Razmos strikes ;). Grats for L and Zid.


Angry Pull Razmos strikes ;). Grats for L and Zid.
I already have 1 dual wield and now I have 6 Zidane. What do I do with all these Zidane?

I also have 6 Chizuru. How many blade mastery's do I need?

I might not have gotten the unit I wanted but I'm pretty much set for life as far as good units and TM's go


Multi-Pull 1:


Multi-Pull 2:


I give up, I'll be without a 5* for eternity. ;_;

Xiao 4*
Hayate 4*
Fang - rainbow...
Mercedes 4*
Rydia 4*
Mercedes 4*
Vanille 4*
Celes 4*

Well, at least I completed a equip heavy shield tm. Did get Mercedes so it's alright. Ironically I didn't pull a single Fang during the ff13 banner

i don't think i could handle another troll rainbow crystal, only reason Bartz didn't break me is because I didn't care that much about Donkey Kong and I didn't have BUTTS. If I got some shit like Duane on the Noctis banner it'd end me.

BUT OFC IT'S FANG!!! It's not like I pulled 12 of her already in the XIII banner, FUCK YOU GUMI!!!

At least I got a Mercedes-Benz but holy shit was that a heartbreaking pull since I went almost 350 pulls since my last rainbow... Tickets got me Celes(new), Vaan(my turd) and some bediles(one of them was 4*) and a Rakshasa because why not, FUCK YOU#2 GUMI!!!

P.s: my main Charlotte is at 35% with another 4 along her to get that TM for Refia(I think I pulled about 15 in total). So yeah, Chrono&lordcyno, I feel your pain and I sent a rage filled complaint to GUMI for what that's worth...


I'm a mess of emotions.. against better judgement I did 2 10 pulls, and I spent all of my tickets... I didn't get Noctis, or any other Rainbow - seriously fuck this game sometimes. I didn't get Chizuru either, so no BM for me. Never going all out again. I knew better...

Beyond disappointed.

I did get some notables. My first Zidane (FINALLY), WoL (FINALLY), and Garland. Another Miuki, which is useless without Chorizo. 2 x Mercedes. A bunch of dupes for TM's I'll never get around to. I need to spend some attack pots.

Mercedes, or Garland?



BUT OFC IT'S FANG!!! It's not like I pulled 12 of her already in the XIII banner, FUCK YOU GUMI!!!

At least I got a Mercedes-Benz but holy shit was that a heartbreaking pull since I went almost 350 pulls since my last rainbow... Tickets got me Celes(new), Vaan(my turd) and some bediles(one of them was 4*) and a Rakshasa because why not, FUCK YOU#2 GUMI!!!


I think I'd have been livid if I'd have pulled a troll 5* Fang considering how many I got last week.


As expected, JP Noctis is even more broken. All skills have higher multiplier except his AoEs.

Example is Warp Break:

Global = 250% + Ignore 40% def + 30% half break

Japan = 250% + Ignore 50% def + 45% half break

His weapon masteries have higher multiplier as well. Could easily get over 1k atk.

And the skill Global omitted,

ST 525% + 50% def ignore + -45% break
I'm a mess of emotions.. against better judgement I did 2 10 pulls, and I spent all of my tickets... I didn't get Noctis, or any other Rainbow - seriously fuck this game sometimes. I didn't get Chizuru either, so no BM for me. Never going all out again. I knew better...

Beyond disappointed.

I did get some notables. My first Zidane (FINALLY), WoL (FINALLY), and Garland. Another Miuki, which is useless without Chorizo. 2 x Mercedes. A bunch of dupes for TM's I'll never get around to. I need to spend some attack pots.

Mercedes, or Garland?

2x Mercedes!

You should to the Double water axe dual weild Sea God strike setup

Could be some interesting damage


Damn CCIE, that is heart broken... but the base of pulls was very small to get a 5star base, maybe with more pulls... but you already said are done pulling.

That sucks.


I'm a mess of emotions.. against better judgement I did 2 10 pulls, and I spent all of my tickets... I didn't get Noctis, or any other Rainbow - seriously fuck this game sometimes. I didn't get Chizuru either, so no BM for me. Never going all out again. I knew better...

Beyond disappointed.

I did get some notables. My first Zidane (FINALLY), WoL (FINALLY), and Garland. Another Miuki, which is useless without Chorizo. 2 x Mercedes. A bunch of dupes for TM's I'll never get around to. I need to spend some attack pots.

:( I'm sorry CCIE. At the very least after everything you went through WoL has finally graced your presence. Long overdue on that one. And a Zidane means you'll be able to have another solid dps unit later on.


IF (big if) I get another Formula One. I could do this build with time given to grind those 2 weapons.


Max pots

Mercedes 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Left Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Black Belt Gi +8ATK+24DEF
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Hero's Ring +3DEF+3SPR+10%ATK+10%MAG
Ability 1: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 2: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 3: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 4: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Total Stats: HP: 5895 MP: 211 ATK: 789 DEF: 198 MAG: 298 SPR: 174

Without pots
Total Stats: HP: 5310 MP: 146 ATK: 694 DEF: 172 MAG: 243 SPR: 148

About same setup with Chorizo + Blade Mastery, max pots:

Chizuru 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Left Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Black Belt Gi +8ATK+24DEF
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Hero's Ring +3DEF+3SPR+10%ATK+10%MAG
Ability 1: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 2: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 3: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 4: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Total Stats: HP: 4423 MP: 198 ATK: 767 DEF: 244 MAG: 285 SPR: 193

Without pots
Total Stats: HP: 3955 MP: 133 ATK: 670 DEF: 212 MAG: 229 SPR: 160

I need to max level my F1 and let Chorizo collect dust.
Just got my Chizuru to level 100, so there's that.

With my current gear and esper set up, that gives me a DPS front line of CoD (Diabolos, 431 ATK), Chiz (Shiva, 414 ATK), and Lightning (Ifrit, 554 ATK). That feels pretty solid to me, especially since it will only get better after my current round of TM farming completes.

I'm pairing that with Cecil (Golem, 294 ATK, 471 DEF) and Refia (Carbuncle, 322 MAG, 339 MP). Any recommendations for esper changes? I feel like that gives me the best overall stats for my team.

My current TM farming progress is:
Maxwell - 37.9%
Gaff - 22.9%
Chiz - 37.8%
Lud - 42.6%
Agrias - 33.2%

Still a long ways to go, but getting closer. I should have a relatively beastly Lightning when I'm done and a dualcast Refia. Not much to complain about there.


Going through some of the old posts I missed.

Ramza as well?? Ramza bois! Congrats man.

Dude, I know you joked about looking like a whale but it's getting a bit ridiculous now lol. Congrats my man.

Lol. I'm also not f2p anymore, spent around $100 between Gilgamesh and this banner since Gilgamesh sucked my entire savings. Used some to refill TM farming.

My team does look like a whale, but I only have enough to gear 1 unit properly, and another semi-decent unit lol.

Wait, what??? How much mp does that even consume??!!

58 MP. But there's a catch, I think you need to use one of his skills before you can use this one. Not sure which skill though.


Well, I spent everything... one more 11 pull out of rage - I have about 500 lapis left. No Noctis, but finally a Chizuru. Now to rerun story for some more lapis...

Wasn't worth it, but at least she will DW Sabuki one of these days. Small consolation I guess.


I'm a mess of emotions..
I did get some notables. My first Zidane (FINALLY), WoL (FINALLY), and Garland. Another Miuki, which is useless without Chorizo. 2 x Mercedes. A bunch of dupes for TM's I'll never get around to. I need to spend some attack pots.

Mercedes, or Garland?

I'm sorry, at least you got Mercedes x2!! I was watching epinkwhales vlog and he dropped over 10 10+1 pulls and only got one. He wanted two of her, which you got pretty easily.

The tickets from my experience usually give worse drops vs 10+1. Don't even recall getting anything good from tickets.


I'm a mess of emotions.. against better judgement I did 2 10 pulls, and I spent all of my tickets... I didn't get Noctis, or any other Rainbow - seriously fuck this game sometimes. I didn't get Chizuru either, so no BM for me. Never going all out again. I knew better...

Beyond disappointed.

I did get some notables. My first Zidane (FINALLY), WoL (FINALLY), and Garland. Another Miuki, which is useless without Chorizo. 2 x Mercedes. A bunch of dupes for TM's I'll never get around to. I need to spend some attack pots.

Mercedes, or Garland?

:( I'm sorry CCIE. At the very least after everything you went through WoL has finally graced your presence. Long overdue on that one. And a Zidane means you'll be able to have another solid dps unit later on.

Later on? Dude, she pulled 2x Mercedes! If she gets those water axes, dual-wield and max atk pots in Mercedes's veins then she will have a monster on her hands :D. I know it sucks CCIE but just look at my pulls, it can always be worse...
I've never been trolled so hard by any game in my whole life, FFRK looks like the promised land(I do get very lucky there tho) by comparison, SMH Gumi!


Congrats to the good pulls.

I'm looking on the bright side of 18 ticket and 11 pull.

I got

Gaffgarrion x3 - Bracers!!
Ludmille DC
Second Chizuru - should I get two BM?
Second Miyuki - should I do 2 Sakura swords?
2 Lenna - is magi staff good??
Second Rwfia - is mentality good?
Second mustafa - dat gun

So no noctis unfortunately but some of the best TM characters
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