Can someone explain to me the "every game needs to be patched in order to unlock other resolutions" thing?
I know a thing or two about engines but do not understand how each Wii U game defines its own resolution and it simply cannot be done as a system-wide setting in the emulator?
My understanding is this: what you want to be able to change universally is the game's internal rendering resolution, or the resolution that the game's rendering pipeline uses to render the graphics. Unfortunately, there is not a simple system level API hook that is used by all games to determine that internal rendering resolution. Instead, each game has its own variable way of handling the resolution in its rendering pipeline, before ultimately spitting the final result out to the framebuffer.
Because of this, you can't just create an option that makes the system tell the game "render at this res!", but instead need a specific patch for each individual game, based on that game's specific rendering pipeline, to tell it how/where to increase the rendering res. I think this fits in to how a lot of people said developing on the WiiU isn't trivial, and/or the fact that a lot of developers probably used a lot of rendering tricks to get a certain level of performance on the WiiU.
That's my understanding from reading the Reddit thread posted in the OP. It'd be awesome if someone who has developed a WiiU game chimed in to correct this/clarify