Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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MS really is a mess if this is true. Crackdown 3 is nowhere to be seen, Darkside shut down and Phantom Dust was put on hold, then Fable Legends is cancelled and Lionhead shut down. Now this. Maybe the problem lies with Kamiya/Platinum, but considered how consistent they are, and Microsoft's recent history, I doubt it.

No place for Kamiya, it seems.


At this point, I think the Xbox brand is clearly leaving the market. Too many canceled games. This makes no sense.


They're notably canceling or discontinuing everything that isn't a service game.

I think they don't want the type of game they signed a bunch of developers up for at the start of the generation.

The things that keep going on are stuff like State of Decay or Gears of War, where they're long lasting multiplayer heavy titles with microtransaction potential.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Yea they're in hot water. Scalebound had to be a huge project for them and considering how deep into development it was, this is really going to fuck them over.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Isn't this where a company steps in and throws some money at a project to get it back on track?

Outside of indie games, it's rare for projects to be saved by a third party. Devil's Third is the only remotely recent example that comes to mind.
I feel badly for all the XB1 owners who looked forward to this and for everyone involved in the development of it. ��
How much would something like this cost Microsoft? I know I know, they have lots of money. But they have been helping with development I assume, for 3 plus years, and if this is true, would have nothing to show for it. Money just flushed!

That has to be a tough little write off to swallow in the ledger book.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Nintendo acquisition + Bayonetta 3?

Kind of a joke, but ... if this situation puts Platinum in mortal danger, I can't think of a better suitor.
Is this the thread we're keeping? There was like 5 of them in a row.

Though this would suck big time if it was cancelled, there's not enough dragon centred games where we get to ride them these days.
Come the fuck on...i get that some times business reality catches up with game developer ambitions but this is shitty. First phantom dust now this? I guess microsoft is just throwing in the towel on anything japaneese focused. Im guessing the troubled development along with recores poor reception didnt help.
Sounds like overly ambitious game, that sounded good in concept, but didn't translate in execution.

Hopefully they can survive this, and be able to get another game outside of this.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Kojima should call them up and work on a spiritual successor to Metal Gear Rising

Nintendo acquisition + Bayonetta 3?

Kind of a joke, but ... if this situation puts Platinum in mortal danger, I can't think of a better suitor.

I think Sony would be a better suitor, tbh
Bloody hell!

I mean I wasn't into its tone and style, but this sucks for everyone looking forward to it if true.

Also fuck knows what's going on with the the Xbox division right now. Both releasing a new console and leaving their first/second party output to wither away to nothing is borderline schizophrenic.


Unconfirmed Member
Why did Microsoft announce these games? Fable Legends, Scalebound, Phantom Dust...There's clearly a problem here.

I agree that games shouldn't be announced until they're near finished but these were all from well established studios. You can't anticipate development going wrong and instead of burning money they're just cutting their loss. Probably the smart thing to do looking at these titles but it still sucks for people who were looking forward to them.


Fable Legends, I understand, its a bit shit and really poorly mismanaged by MS, massive shame about Lionhead

Phantom Dust, the devs on that were incompetent, but again I understand

This one? Bugger off, absolutely bugger off if it's true
This can't be true, right?! Platinum are extremely efficient and reliable as devs go, and this is probably MS's biggest new IP they have in development right now.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Hello Nintendo.
I wanted to be excited for this but I haven't seen enough of the game that actually made me want to play it. It looks like a prettier Monster Hunter, with you being able to have one on your team, but that isn't really enough for me.

I probably would have still given it a shot just because Platinum developed it, but I guess oh well.
My prediction- Xbox fans will now know the pain of waiting for a game Last Guardian/Shenmue style. The game will be shelved but will reappear a couple years later from a different studio to much critical acclaim.
I'm guessing the fault lies in both parties. Microsoft for probably insisting and demanding changes to cater to a western market and platinum for not being able to make those changes in a satisfactory and timely manner.

I'm a big Xbox fan but man Microsoft has gotta stop with the corporate, focus-testing'esque development of their games. I want to buy first party xbox games but nearly everything this generation has been underwhelming, pretty safe, or has been cancelled.

Let the developers make the game they want, and not the game Microsoft wants.


Why screwing over? We dont know the details. Maybe the game was just not really good and not getting any better. Why fund it then even more.

Of couse we don't know the details, but it wouldn't be the first time Microsoft is cancelling a contracted game right under the devs arse.

And it never went over well for said devs.
I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Yeah this is really bad news for them. I expect extensive layoffs probably coming and this will majorly impact their reputation having what was being labeled a major console exclusive canceled.

They better hope Nier performs above expectations


Damn that's disappointing.

I wonder what's happening at MS. Seems like they have some issues with their first/second party games.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Goddamn, all these cancelled Xbox games. Some really piss-poor management on MS' part.


MS really is a mess if this is true. Crackdown 3 is nowhere to be seen, Darkside shut down and Phantom Dust was put on hold, then Fable Legends is cancelled and Lionhead shut down. Now this. Maybe the problem lies with Kamiya/Platinum, but considered how consistent they are, and Microsoft's recent history, I doubt it.

No place for Kamiya, it seems.

The game has looked like a mess at all public showings. This is on Kamiya.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Yep. Pretty big project to have fall through. I think they bit more than they could chew by chucking in co-op on a lot of other features too.

Wonder how much more funding they'd need to complete the game. It seemed quite a lot was done.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I was literally thinking about this game the other day and how we havent heard anything about it in a while and was wondering if they ran into some trouble.
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