Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Nintendo can always swoop in and fund Bayonetta 3.


I hope it can "make the Switch" if MS is indeed done with it (you know, if there aren't any issues there).

I hope this doesn't effect Platinum too much.


Tears of Nintendo
Scalebound may be canceled
Honestly, I won't be suprised at all if true. It's nothing more than a concept now about which we know basically nothing and it was announced 2 years ago if I recall correctly.




Aside from depriving PS4/PC owners of potential good games, what would that achieve?

They clearly will not do that at least as far as PC goes. Anyway, I am just saying that their first party offerings are dwindling and they need to do something. That's all I mean.
the budget on recore compared to this have to be wildly different.

eventually its an opportunity cost right? AAA game costing millions of dollars that just isnt coming together, do you throw another hoard of millions at it or cut your loses and re-invest in something else

Oh absolutely. I'm no business student but it's obvious the project either never came together, or wasn't coming together on a timeframe that it was possible to make money. I'm not judging at all. Of course, your right, Recore will have been on a different budget. When I say it sucks, I mean for everyone. Us, the devs, and I'm sure this wasn't what MS will have particularly wanted either.


No, please don't be true :(

While it didn't look super polished at the showings, I liked what I saw in general... :(


Why not relocate the staff from Scalebound to help? That way, people get to stick around + hopefully speed up development of Granblue. :D

I don't think CyGames budgeted Granblue as a 200 person game, or if it's even necessarily in a position to take that much staff and do anything with ti.


Crackdown is probably gonna be 'Online only on Xbone, playable w/o online on Scorpio due to all the extra FLOPS of processing it has.' At least that's how I perceive it. would be DEVASTATING if it got cancelled.
I think the Cloud Power vision can giving them a lot of trouble in development... I wish they focus only in make the game without that online cloud power.

The game looks good.


This was a game I was watching closely. If it turned out good I would have gotten an XBOX this year. Nothing going else has sold me on the system yet. I hope it is not gone.


It was also a pretty different time period where the only things selling weren't giant open world games and service based multiplayer titles, and for an unreleased system that was following up the success of the Wii instead of the failure of the Wii U.

Open world service-based Bayonetta with multiplayer...?

I'd play it.
The only game that should be laid at Microsoft's feet is Phantom Dust, in that Microsoft was being too cheap. Both Fable Legends and Scalebound looked bad (although Scalebound had promise). They should have canned Legends earlier and Scalebound seems like it was Platinum fucking up.

Legends was fun though. It was maybe an update or two away from being in a state that was good enough for open beta (which was the plan iirc). Granted, it took WAY too long for Lionhead to reach that point in the first place.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

How long do bankroll a train wreck, though?


Hard to say this considering it's a big Platinum project, but I don't feel like that much will be lost if it's truly cancelled. Looked fairly bad from the beginning.


give it to Sony, they don't abandon games that ran into a bit of a trouble
They certainly do, they may well be happy to support a game and throw money at it but they'll only do that if they believe it's worth it for them.

Although I don't think we know the full extent of the deal with Microsoft, we don't really know anything about the game that suggests that Sony would even be interested in being involved in it, particularly when they already have Nier: Automata being released this year.
Didn't they hint on working with Nintendo again not too long ago?
They could have a Nintendo exclusive in the works.

I wonder how willing Platinum would be to be bought out by Sony/Nintendo.

I doubt Sony would buy them. Sony's been more inclined to close studios than acquire them this gen. No need to take risks when you're already #1.


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Gotdammit it's Clover all over again...not exactly, of course. It just sucks to see a quality studio sink.

Hopefully things turn up for them.


Wow.. That sucks.

Although I have absolutely no interest in this game, it sounded like a cool concept coming from a very good developer.


Sony picks it up and then makes it a PS4 exclusive, does big numbers. LOL!! That would be some next level shit.


Looking at the footage I don't even blame Microsoft.

Imagine it from their perspective. They probably thought they were getting Vanquish, and ended up with




I was actually thinking about making a thread about it.

I kinda figured it was in trouble, because last years E3 showing seemed like just a second part of 2015's gameplay showing with zero improvement(or even downgrades) instead of showing something totally new.

This fucking sucks if true. Not Kamiya's next game :(


Batteries the CRISIS!
All those years of Kamiya's life, the work and creativity he expended, wasted

Way to fucking go, Microsoft


I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

I'd be pretty surprised if Nintendo was interested in signing Bayonetta 3.

It would be among their most expensive games by far, Sega won't have footed most of the bill, and it has pretty terrible sales potential.

It was also a pretty different time period where the only things selling weren't giant open world games and service based multiplayer titles, and for an unreleased system that was following up the success of the Wii instead of the failure of the Wii U.

Sorry for triple quoting you but Nintendo seems happy with Platinum's actual work so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave them some work but I imagine it would be working on a Nintendo IP.

It kind of makes sense why Platinum was on the Switch partners list now though...


This is never good when it happens, but Microsoft also has to be careful I think. The game just really never looked as if it was getting Platinum's full talent/resources. Not sure why that was, but it really looked like something big was missing from the traditional platinum games polish and gameplay, and I don't know what the history is like with either Microsoft or other publishers getting burned in this way, but during that time Platinum released quite a few other titles. If this turns out true it makes you wonder now if Scalebound ever truly had Platinum's full arsenal of talent or attention, because, honestly, it didn't appear as if it did.

This game looked to be out of Platinum's typical element, which is making contained action games and crazy setpieces.

It was a more ambitious game than Bayonetta was or Nier is. That's more strain on the entire team.


Why would Nintendo want a game that's so troubled that it may be cancelled?

Nintendo wouldn't mind the money if it was a success, but they would do it to fill the gaps in their portfolio to try and bring people who may not enjoy Nintendo's 1st party output.


Neo Member
I really liked the idea of the game. Open world platinum game with dragons. But the game itself when shown has always looked kind of bad to me. I hoped it would look better closer to launch.

Hopefully Platinum can bounce back if true


This game would have been a huge flop, regardless if it turned out decent in the end. I didn't think it would end up presumably canned though.

Is Bayonetta platinums most successful IP. I mean that's pretty bad from a financial standpoint. Hopefully they can take whatever they can from Scalebound and flip it into a Bayo 3.
It used cloud power because the base model XB1 can't handle the chaos without killing the frame rate. Being able to show it off on Scorpio without the need for "the power of the cloud" would be a positive for that console.

The only way that would be possible is if CD3 was running on Scorpio in only 1080p mode, since the heavy strain on the APU the native 4K buffer would provide would leave no room for a resource draining physics engine the way we've seen from CD3.

Not only that, it would mean the devs would have to make an entirely different physics engine exclusively for Scorpio & offline mode, which is pretty unlikely. It also means that Scorpio MP players would be segmented off from X1 users, which again is not happening.


The game had looked a mess everytime we've seen it. Didn't we more or less pick it as the game we all expected to be a disaster in that " predict your 2017 flop" thread last week ?
Yea I have a feeling ms probably meddled enough to try and make it more appealing to the western audience and platinum just couldn't handle the increase in scope.

I'm sure MS will have some blame in the situation. But it's all too predictable seeing so many people quickly jump to this being all MS fault.

It's not, and Platinum for as talented as they are have put out shitty games in the past. They aren't above reproach and this entire project has looked terrible from the offset. They without a doubt share blame here
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