Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Work on the game took a serious knock last autumn, Eurogamer sources say, when several senior members of the development team were forced to take a month away from the pressure of the project's heavy workload.
Genuinely curious about why they had to do this?

Heard he took time off for his mental health, yea :-/
Holy shit... :(


I wouldn't lay blame entirely on one side or the other, the game was never really good in what we saw anyways.

Was this the last of the games started by Mattrick though? Or did Phil spearhead this one?


Heard he took time off for his mental health, yea :-/

My god... he's hasn't even tweeted anything on the last week or so, I can imagine the amounts of stress (and personal/professional dissapointment) he must be going through right now :( Wishing all the best for him.


So does that make like $200,000,000 that MS has wasted on unreleased games this gen? Between Fable, Scalebound, and some of the smaller projects like Phantom Dust it wouldn't surprise me.


They said that senior staff needed a break, not that the shifted workload between projects. If senior, lead staff is on vacation, is normal that the project falls behind.

Sounds to me like development was hell and they needed time off for their mental health. That's why it specifically states about the workload and major engine problems

That's even worse if they just took a month off.
That's not how I read the article. This line:

doesn't sound like these members went to work on some non-Scalebound project at Platinum, but that they took time off from the company altogether due to presumably having nervous breakdowns, as apparently Kamiya is doing right now as well.

Prioritizing their workers mental health is a good thing, not a bad thing.


I'm not one to hate or anything but man MS managment is a complete and utter disaster. I'm sure Platinum had it's share of a blame in this, but c'mon:

Fable Legends, Press Play, Lionhead, the downfall of Halo and Gears (sales-wise, as Gears 4 is the best in the series)

They need a shake-up.

All of their successes were from basically the same group of producers (Ori, KI, State of Decay), let them run this shit


This is really upsetting.

I said earlier in the thread, but maybe it was the shift to Unreal Engine 4 that was key in development issues. If that transfer went smoothly you'd expect they'd be using UE4 for Nier: Automata too, but they aren't.
It wouldn't shock me if the way Platinum did things with their internal engines didn't gel well with how UE4 works.

But I thought UE4 was suppose to save Japan console developers /s

I don't remember many posters going that far, but it's hard to deny that other Japanese devs have had good results with the engine.
This reminds me a bit of what happened many years ago with True Fantasy, the game they were making with Level 5.
Microsoft and japanese developers don't seem capable of having a positive relationship....
Also I remember that Kamiya slipped on Twitter that things were not going well internally as far as Gamescom 2015.
If I had to guess I'd say that Microsoft asked them to change key aspects of the game too much to try to make the game more appealing for the market but things didn't go well.
Still if Platinum delivered great games with different publishers the fact they couldn't with Microsoft is a bit weird.

I will never recover from the loss of True Fantasy.


This reminds me a bit of what happened many years ago with True Fantasy, the game they were making with Level 5.
Microsoft and japanese developers don't seem capable of having a positive relationship....
Also I remember that Kamiya slipped on Twitter that things were not going well internally as far as Gamescom 2015.
If I had to guess I'd say that Microsoft asked them to change key aspects of the game too much to try to make the game more appealing for the market but things didn't go well.
Still if Platinum delivered great games with different publishers the fact they couldn't with Microsoft is a bit weird.

They also have bad games lately, the biggest one was star fox zero


Let's hope Nier sells well enough so SE decides to fund further P* spinoffs of their popular IP's like Final Fantasy


Of course Microsoft immediately is taking the flack for this and not Platinum for trying to develop 80 games at once.


I do feel like that last video I saw of it didn't feel like it had a specific hook to show off. Unfortunate that it's Kamiya's game having trouble but I could believe that's the case for this game.


God dammit Microsoft. It's literally only Halo Forza and Gears huh? This pisses me off so much.

People should have bought Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break more then.
Its not that they arent coming it new IP's Xbox people just dont buy them. And seem fine with those games and every year a new FIFA and Madden.


this is a really strange position theyre in now. they have a powerful console coming this year and hardly any exclusives hmmm


Only positive point is we won't have to care about Windows Store. But what a waste of time and effort:(

For once Microsoft was publishing a promising game, it was too good to be true.


Nriolak's post:

Thanks for the heads up! Really hope Platinum pull through, they have real talent, far too much to be wasted away on unsuccessful and cheap projects like they have in the last few years. Getting one or more new projects quickly indeed sounds imperative, but they still have their cult status for their combat going for them, so they might pull through relatively unscathed.
This sucks. I love Kamiya and I hate to see a developer's game get cancelled, but...


I remember this.
Just like the awful FF15 """boss fight""" who okayed these demos?


lol, Nintendo. Microsoft own the IP.

It can in part still resurface in some form as something else.

MS cancelled their Obsidian game meant for Xbox One, "Stormlands" - a "AAA RPG". That cancellation nearly sunk Obsidian entirely if it wasn't for Pillars of Eternity keeping it up. However, Obsidian got to keep the rights and eventually from that games demise came Tyranny.

Now of course, no idea of this particular situation, but it is possible the rights bounce back to Platinum or at least some of the property. I don't know.


Looked like shit, PR dude was a giant dick, announced as an exclusive before the console landscape was as clear as it is now.

Not surprising. Seemed like it had some good ideas, but iffy execution.
If they started the project 4 years ago, UE4 wasn't as matured as is now. It might have provoked some problems, specially Scalebound being an open world game.
They also have bad games lately, the biggest one was star fox zero
And korra and tmnt... honestly it's amazing Platinum has survived this long considering 50% of their output has been pretty underwhelming and that's without even getting in to their abysmal sales.


Loving everyone rushing to blame MS and not the studio that is better known for making shitty licensed games or bombas that 4 people bought on Wii U.

The entire sum of people who think P* ate a good studio seem to be located on GAF


I didn't hear about this, can you talk about it?
There's nothing legal preventing me from doing so, but I shouldn't yet. Maybe a year from now :p
Also, before this gets blown out of proportion, it's extremely minor compared to the cancellation of a huge project.

Let's just hope for the best for Platinum, clearly not easy being an independent developer of large-scale games in Japan (or anywhere really).
Speaking of which how many projects have Platinum had on the go while making Scalebound? Could this be a case of stress from developing multiple projects simultaneously?


As a PS4 user, if it was a PS4 exclusive and be cancelled I would be relieved. Sorry but the game looked dull as fuck.
This isn't good for anyone, no matter which side of the fence you land on. I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come when it comes to Microsoft investing in the development of videogames.
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