Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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You mean like Rime? Or Stig's Santa Monica project? Or the Studio San Diego game that was canned like 3 months ago? This is a part of the business. You guys are just trying to create your own narratives around "Good guy" and "bad guy" companies and executives and it's dumb.

Rime looked like shit too, but I agree with your point.


I respect the hell out of Phil Spencer. Under his leadership, Xbox has truly tried to get the games that people have been asking for. But it just hasn't been working out the way he wanted it to. Maybe the Scorpio will turn that around.

LOL no.

Phil has done shit to acquire new studios and bring back old franchises. Also I would argue depending on his muscle he doesn't call the shots on a lot of the financial stuff.

If I took the job first thing would be talked about to the baord is, all that money we wasted on TV/Kinect needs to be put into games. New studios, old franchises revived, and new IP's with great partnerships.

MS should have gone back to their roots, would have been cool to have them contract a game with Bungie, or Sega. Build some bridges, but they have a tendency to just have higher ups dictate the games development. Fable legends should have just come out on PC and xbox, then have content curation be handled by a smaller studio with Lion HEad over seeing while working on a new IP.

Seriously wtf is going on over at Xbox. If people here think a new 6+TF console is going to save or reinvigorate the brand you've got a rude awakening coming. Games sell consoles period.


If Microsoft has the fucking gall to stick to HaloGearsForza4KWindows10 for their next E3 showing after everything their competitors are doing that would make me livid


Well that Kinect sure is fun, oh wait.
Well we still have Project Spark..
Hmm, looking forward to the new Fable game!
At least Lionhead will make something new in the future, oh..
Forget all that, Scalebound!

You can say a lot about Microsoft, afraid to kill of projects is not one of them.


There it goes my most expected game for 2017. Oh, well.
Seems that the cancellation is related to mental issues with Kamiya... is that confirmed?

Stress during development and the cancellation probably led to health issues, all we have is that tweet as proof.


Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)


Saddening news if this is true.

Goodness. Best of luck to the man. Work isn't worth being unwell over.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
One other thing I guess I can say now, and I might've said before.


Seriously, did we honestly need any 4 player co-op bs? Whatever happened to developers just working on one, amazing singelplayer experience and just calling it a fucking day? What is with this obsession of late to shoehorn in a multiplayer component, thinking what is often a very neutered version of the more elaborate and rich singleplayer experience, is going to be something that people will even want to play? That's the shittiest new trend I've seen in games. Not every damn game needs to be multiplayer/co-op enabled. Just fucking stop already.

I think they get people into these meetings and somehow show them statistics on sales for multiplayer games, and people end up drawing the wrong conclusions from those stats, not knowing that it has less to do with multiplayer for the sake of multiplayer, and more to do with the core game just being a more natural fit for extension through a multiplayer based feature. The moment I heard the game would have some kind of multiplayer, I didn't like it. The reason it's getting this focus is because I honestly believe that a misguided search for a multiplayer component likely distracted away from just making the core game itself way better without any such multiplayer consideration.

That's my view too. If PG had made a game tailormade to their strengths it might have worked, but adding 4 player co-op to a massive open world game was probably far too ambitious and overstretched the capabilities of PG.

I don't care for online multiplayer at all and I'm getting tired of open world games where most of the time I'm hunting for flags/boxes/ore/bullets/etc, doing fetch quests, grinding to acquire skills/weapon upgrades/etc and traversing a humongous world instead of fighting foes and having fun.


I'm struggling to see the relevance of who was in charge of Xbox when greenlighting games.

If mattrick greenlit this, that still means that the progress of the title has been under constant supervision of Spencer. And Spencer was the one making the decision to cancel it, likely buckling under the pressure of higher ups and investors. Same with Fable. Same with Phantom Dust. Same with Press Play. Project Spark too.

And even when Mattrick was head of Xbox, Spencer was head of Microsoft first party studios so he would have been the go-to guy supervising these projects anyway.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
This is tragic, especially for Kamiya, hope he gets better. Extra painful that it took 4 years of development to reach this point. The game looked like it was pretty far in, so much work that has to be scrapped. Must admit though that the latest demo they showed last year didn't look too hot. I still hoped it'd turn out out fine eventually, but alas.


you think someone else is going to fund these game? Microsoft have more money than most and even they have their limits.

But do they really care about the game industry? They have a lot money but it seems like they don't invest it in the Xbox Division. I just want Amazon to buy them.


Well this was the only upcoming xbox exclusive I was still excited for. What a bummer. I hope it works out for the development staff in the end.


But really what MS has to offer from 1st party games this year beside Forza 7? Coalition is not ready for next announcement, 343 even if it is ready to announce something it is not ready to release it. That leaves only Sea of Thieves that it is not heavy hitter (and i personally think that it won;t do great). They have nothing and they will need so much luck to get out of this trouble that they need to pray to any god they can think of.


Do we have a running list of games MS has canceled, vaporwared or meddled into garbage over the last 5 or 6 years?

This far from being that clear cut. Platinum's track record in very recent years + them jumping into countless projects say they absolutely have to shoulder some blame.


Can someone update the OP with all of this new information about Microsoft making a statement on it tomorrow and other sites reporting the cancellation?


How far along do you guys think this game was?

We had a very small slice of gameplay in that alpha beta video, showing some basic stuff.

Then that E3 or gamescon(it's all freaking blurry) video that was even more basic and just plain terrible.

Man so frustrated, dragons are some of my favorite fictional beast.
Now is the time and place for Microsoft to start pandering to the fans.

E3 this year should have a teaser Trailer for Banjoo Three. People would flip their shit in joy.

No. Teaser trailers is exactly how they got in this mess. People lambast Sony for this, but MS is just as culpable for announcing games way too far out as well.

MS needs to make a show of committing to new games creation. They need to open at least 1 or 2 new studios, at the very least.


I never thought I'd see the day that GAF proclaimed MS dead over a Platinum Games joint. Incredible times.
That's my view too. If PG had made a game tailormade to their strengths it might have worked, but adding 4 player co-op to a massive open world game was probably far too ambitious and overstretched the capabilities of PG.

I don't care for online multiplayer at all and I'm getting tired of open world games where most of the time I'm hunting for flags/boxes/ore/bullets/etc, doing fetch quests, grinding to acquire skills/weapon upgrades/etc and traversing a humongous world instead of fighting foes and having fun.

I wonder who was the idea of the 4 co-op mode.
Guys microsfot isn't in the business of canceling good games.

They threw away the costs of 3+ years of active development. That should tell you something was seriously wrong.


Originally Posted by wanders
Y'all better blow up Twitter for this. Microsoft can't be getting sway with this all the time

lol, what?

"Sir, the tweets! There's too many!"

"Damn it! Call HQ! I guess the babies gotta have their bottle..."

"So the game isn't canceled, sir?"

"No. Fuck it. We'll sell them that broken piece of shit if that's what they want."

"B....but sir, they'll put a dollar sign in our name and-"

It's unbelievable really. As a community of people who love and breathe games we need to find out where does all this malice come from? This feeling of joy when the other party stumbles or fails this shit is crazy. I like it for one reason only. I keep notes and know who is a fanboy and use that as reference for when I engage in future discussions on this forum.

Like who in the world who is a true PG can get happy at this news?

you see who they are when threads like this appear, it's sad news in general for all gamers that this won't happen.
This is a shame. Scalebound was one of the few upcoming XBO exclusives I was looking forward to, and even though it looked shaky the last time it was shown publicly, I still always figured with Kamiya at the helm that it would come together well enough in the end.

EDIT: Also, very sad to hear that he's been dealing with health problems (if that's true). He's one of my favorite video game designers. Get well soon, Kamiya.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
As, someone who has been enjoying single player adventures, I was looking forward to this game. Sucks to hear it got cancelled.

I wish MS released a triple AAA RPG exclusive nonetheless.
I'm not sure there's anyone out there with the sort of cash on hand to buy that which would be interested.

We are talking billions upon billions of dollars. Certainly Sony / Nintendo don't have the pocketbooks.

there's zero reasons for Sony or Nintendo to be even interested.
only reasonable guess would be Amazon but even that is a quite the stretch.


i'm not excited about Scalebound but this is terrible news, i think this might be the last Xbox console

what happened to Crackdown 3 ? also cancelled ??


From everything I read up to now the only thing that ends up important is Kamiya's health. I'm sure the cancellation will be a good thing for him in the long run, though. I've been through a severe case of anxiety disorder for the past months and know how suffering it can be. But recovering is very possible and I'm sure you will get it soon, mr Kamiya, whatever is your issue.


Stress during development and the cancellation probably led to health issues, all we have is that tweet as proof.

... or the other way. Maybe Kamiya was having issues and cancelling the project he was leading was the only option. We dont know. Wish him the best.
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