Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Get better Kamiya! You're the best!


Best? Dude just got his game terminated.


I can't see myself buying any Microsoft console in the near future... they say one thing and completely drop support


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Its funny hearing about this after watching TheGamingBritShow most anticipate game of 2017 lol.

Yeah its freaky. I was just browsing youtube, saw the new video from gamingbrit earlier, he expressed concern about the project and hoped it wasn't canceled(he made the video before the news obviously)

I literally finish watching the video, flip to Gaf and its canceled


What are repercussions when you fail to deliver a AAA game to a company like Microsoft, how can this affect Platinum Games? I can see them going to Nintendo more often now.


listen to the mad man
Sure, they are significantly paring back their single player lineup, to go after a team specialized on single player JRPG.

Note that Mistwalker isn't actually a development team, it's just Sakaguchi and a few people in Hawaii. They need an external developer to make their games. Feelplus for Lost Odyssey, Artoon for Blue Dragon, Racjin for ASH, etc. So even if they "hired" Sakaguchi to make something, they'd still need to hire a development team.
Scorpio is going to be a lukewarm product launch. I don't think it's going to turn their fortunes. The original console is in a distant second and this is a premium-priced premium console in an age where power doesn't seem to be a big priority.

People talk about Scorpio on GAF like it's the second coming of Christ. I don't see how that plays.

Agreed. I think Xbox's days as a platform are numbered. Microsoft isn't hesitant to embrace UWP or other alternatives. Nothing Spencer does might be able to turn around their situation.


It's a big blow to the Xbox line up. Honestly there's a serious lack of single player story driven games. Well, exclusive ones at least. Everything is literally MP focused. Forza 7, State of Decay, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown...(and I've heard Crackdown isn't going too hot either, though nothing as bad as this).

Unless they have a bunch of first party studios secretly tucked away somewhere (which they don't that I know of), I genuinely struggle to think of what surprises they could have at E3 *as of right now*. Halo 6 is to be expected, and I don't see publishers playing ball much anymore with 3rd party exclusives unless Microsoft gives the Xbox division a huge budget to throw cash around, which I highly doubt. Their major first party IP are on a decline with Halo doing less than before and Gears 4 not selling that well at all relatively speaking (not good enough to sustain a huge studio with that many workers and budget).

What's happening now is the exact opposite of what Xbox fans seemed to want out of a Phil spencer leadership.

I remember when he became head of Xbox and everyone was saying how there'll be tons of new games, but they're still coasting on announcements from 2013-2014 and in that time, games have been cancelled, multiple studios closed including Lionhead...

As a big Xbox fan since day one, I'm not very hopeful for the future. Scorpio won't do anything without software to push it heavily.

Good summary, and I agree. Certainly interesting (and depressing) times.


Junior Member
I wonder how much this had to do with Platinum working on Every Single Japanese Game Ever lately.

Maybe they bit off more than they could chew.

Possibly. Burn out is very real.

We also have to keep in mind that this game was supposed to be released this past holiday. From the sound of it from the Eurogamer article, it seems like it was about to hit another delay.
Well, at least we can support them via Nier: Automata. I do wish that Metal Gear Rising 2 did come to pass instead of being canned. That was the PG game I wanted the most from them. Silly Konami, first game did well.


Phantom Dust
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Crackdown 3
Halo Wars 2

They have five exclusives coming up in 2017 at this moment, FIVE.
I'm not counting small downloadable titles here, but still, you get the point.
I had really hoped for more since the phil spencer era started.

what did I miss?
I wonder the "take a month away from the pressure of the project's heavy workload." part was a sign of PG find out they can't make it for such large project and then they give up, so MS have to cancelled it

If so i would say there's nothing to blame, just a sad ending of a development.
Wow.....that was literally the one game I contemplated buying a Xbox One for. Oh well. All I gotta say is Scorpio better have some amazing games announced at E3.
People are still uninformed about Scorpio. Scorpio is not a new console!

It is an Xbox One with stronger specs. You really think that Microsoft will announce a bunch of new games this year, and have them out on launch?

The loss of Scalebound is not a major catastrophe, but it is not a small event given Microsoft's lack of 2017 games.


Microsoft just run a backwards compatibility reel if you're so hard pressed to fill up your e3 press conferences with games that will just get canceled.


Sucks for everyone involved but it looked terrible.

The Xbox One line-up is woeful this year. Forza 7, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2. Crackdown this year? Yeah I don't think so.

Sony has way more AAA exclusives in the next three months than MS at this point in time has announced. Step up your game, Phil.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
All these people saying fuck MS when it sounds like Platinum were the ones who couldn't deliver.

People don't really understand how bad a budget would be with something in development hell.

It's like, more worthwhile to everyone involved, including the consumers, to cancel.
I can't see myself buying any Microsoft console in the near future... they say one thing and completely drop support


You have no idea on what led to this situation? For all we know it's a case of "this game ain't ever getting made without leadership from Kamiya"

And if Kamiya needs time to get into a better place with his mental health then I'll take cancellations across the board.
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