NeoGAF Anime of the Year 2016 Results

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Yuri on Ice is too low! Shame on all of you.

I actually like everything in the top 4, so I'm cool with this.
That is...all things considered, a fairly good list. One can argue about order or placement but the shows themselves ended up solid.


I'm sure there's quite a few(silently) grumbling over Re:Zero and Erased making top ten.

There's always one or two questionable entries but nothing like prior years where people would need to explain away a mother molesting her daughter as important to the narrative.


My top two are the top two two years in a row.

Decent list with a good mix. Sad that some shows like Girlish Number and Kuromukuro didn't get higher but c'est la vie.


This Top 10, when you think about it, is... pretty good. Nothing to get one's arms up and about.

You know, it's your fault that puppet show finished ahead of Re;Zero!

You decided to post your results after the deadline. WTF were you thinking? You had 1 job to do and a full MONTH to do it!

No wonder Houston fans never make it to the big game; because they would always be late anyway...


Wish RE zero was higher but I understand it's not something that would jive with a lot of people

Nice to see konosuba get the recognition it deserves
Where is The Boy and the Beast? Has no one on GAF seen it?
It was not very good. I think I have a rant on it somewhere here


This is probably the first list I've seen where the only thing that matters is the placing in the list and not why such-and-such show should have made it.

Not too shabby, I must say.


Wheres the spreadsheet link? What happened to below 50th/60th place?

How come only one of the shows I voted for made the lists? This is unreal.
9/10 of the shows you voted for, you were the only one who voted for them iirc.

1-9 unique votes, your 10th would be the one to show up in the top 50.
Only surprise is Yuri on Ice getting boxed out of the Top 10.

Mob Psycho and JoJo were my top 2 in my votes so seeing them get the top 2 spots warms my heart. My Hero Academia also pleasantly surprisingly ranked higher than I expected.


I'll get the full list posted in a bit, but in case anyone was wondering, this is the difference between 10/11:

Erased: 60/314pts
Sound! Euphonium: 42/257pts

It wasn't really close.

Actually the only really "close result was Re; Zero vs Thunderbolt. (4 points difference)

9/10 of the shows you voted for, you were the only one who voted for them iirc.

1-9 unique votes, your 10th would be the one to show up in the top 50.

LOL, I posted this same thing yesterday when I was counting the votes. I literally LOL'd at that.
The year 2016 had better anime than some people would have us expect. I only just started watching Thunderbolt Fantasy and didn't list Osomatsu-San because I finished it too late. That latter was great too. Still haven't watched Euphonium S2 and S1 was fantastic.
Wish RE zero was higher but I understand it's not something that would jive with a lot of people
I bet the ending pissed some people off. I was personally loving it until the ending left me so mad that I didn't put it in my top ten at all. Rem will forever be best girl.

Yeah, I know I'm immature lol.


On average, hand counting the votes while trying to ensure accuracy to what members voted for was taking 35 minutes per page (50ppp).

I counted the list twice and got the same rankings.

Do the math on how much time was spent auditing this.


You know, it's your fault that puppet show finished ahead of Re;Zero!

You decided to post your results after the deadline. WTF were you thinking? You had 1 job to do and a full MONTH to do it!

No wonder Houston fans never make it to the big game; because they would always be late anyway...

It's my fault that Thunderbolt was ahead of your precious Emilia? You shut your cheating mouth, you filthy beta tester, you Beater! I hope the Witch of Wrath uppercuts you!

Pfft, please, I kind of put a throwaway vote because I didn't have time to finish a lot of shows down the stretch of 2016. It's not like I had a list I would be comfortable and fair with or anything.


The year 2016 had better anime than some people would have us expect. I only just started watching Thunderbolt Fantasy and didn't list Osomatsu-San because I finished it too late. That latter was great too. Still haven't watched Euphonium S2 and S1 was fantastic.

I bet the ending pissed some people off. I was personally loving it until the ending left me so mad that I didn't put it in my top ten at all. Rem will forever be best girl.

Yeah, I know I'm immature lol.
I think it's more that, I'm trying to find the word for it, not impressive to some people. Like not here for the most part but I've read crunchyroll threads where people don't get it and assume it's another show in the long list of transported guy in a fantasy world harem show etc. But it's so much deeper. I kinda feel that Konosuba got trapped in that stereotype a little bit also but it's reaching people via WoM.


I didn't vote because I haven't watched much this year, but this list is pretty good.

It helps that is almost entirely composed of stuff I have watched.

Only egregious thing is Erased. that ranked too high for its quality.


I've only seen half of the shows in the top 10 here but this seems like need a pretty good list. I wasn't as high as most others on OPM but I need to give Mob Psycho 100 a watch sometime.


Full results listing now in the OP.

I've only seen half of the shows in the top 10 here but this seems like need a pretty good list. I wasn't as high as most others on OPM but I need to give Mob Psycho 100 a watch sometime.

I didn't care for OPM much either, but MOB was really good.


I wasn't expecting Haikyu to finish in the top 5 so that's pretty pleasing. Can't really complain about anything on the list tbh.


2016 has been the worst year that I remember lately.

Where is The Boy and the Beast? Has no one on GAF seen it?

I have seen twice and own the bluray. I didn't vote movies or OVAs because i didn't watch anything else. It didn't help that I thought it was a 2015 movie.


I'm not familiar with any of the series on the top ten, I only know that the one on 1st place is by the same who created One Punch Man, right? If so then, damn! I gotta start watching this ASAP!


Not a great year. Not great voting either, but it could be worse. Remember the time Angel Beats made the top 10?
Pleasantly surprised actually!

While Rakugo deserved #1 it's still good to see it take the third spot when it evidently lacks (anime-) mainstream appeal. Speaking of a show that has plenty of that, Mob Psycho 100 sure is best suited for the top spot on that lists.


Rakugo should to be higher, but other than that this is a pretty solid list.

More people need to watch Haikyuu though.


A ONE work #1 again. Shall it continue with OPM S2?:p Anyway great list, and I am happy that Kiznaiver made it in the top 10.



Back to back AOTY champs

The top 3 was always going to be the same three shows, just the order that was questionable. They are all fantastic shows in their own right so there isn't anything to complain about.

Glad Kizu beat Your Name but why is Love Live Sunshine so low??? wtf


Was hoping against hope that Rakugo would take #1 because it's just that good, but in the end I'm happy it's so high and above Re:Zero. It is pretty niche after all.


Sorry, you will have to wait. All of the "raters" fell asleep watching the show....

No you dummy, the quality score from votes. The auditors checked and confirmed that Rakugo won the quality ranking. Jeez how bad are you at organizing this "X of the Year" thing. There are standards!
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