February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!


HHH thinks DGUSA is Dragon Gate

HHH has only ever heard of Dragon Gate USA and ROH's STABLE WARZ~! period.

Uh, of course I'm a big followeruh of Dragon Gate, this is my favoriteuh faction



Why not wait for Mania to give Bayley the title?

Anyway, that Jericho/Owens segment was amazing. I really felt bad for Jericho and Owens came off as such an asshole. Loved it.

These dudes should not be playing second field to part timers, waste of a great feud and chemistry.


I just joined the Wrestlegaf faction in WWE Champions. Is it very active? I've hit a wall in the game, I can't get anyone past 1 gold star.


I got a bit sad that I got spoiled. That whole segment was perfect.

I was WWE was that good on a regular basis. Jericho should be booking this shit. It's clear he and Owens had input in this and it wasn't the writers work.


Are we absolutely sure Goldberg/Lesnar is gonna be for the title? We would have a part-timer as champ coming out of WM no matter what, and I can't see Vince doing that.
Are we absolutely sure Goldberg/Lesnar is gonna be for the title? We would have a part-timer as champ coming out of WM no matter what, and I can't see Vince doing that.

We played the doubt game enough before Mania 32, and even before the Brock/Reigns tug of war the year before that. We know what's coming and it'll hurt less if we brace for it instead of deny it
We played the doubt game enough before Mania 32, and even before the Brock/Reigns tug of war the year before that. We know what's coming and it'll hurt less if we brace for it instead of deny it

The only way to enjoy is

Expect nothing, so you will always be pleasantly surprised.
What I liked about KO in NXT was his insistance that he was a prizefighter and he did what he did to provide for his family, but when it came right down to it he was just a sadist with a really short fuse. Added a lot of nuance to his character.


Yup. The ref stopped the Owens/Zayn NXT title match because Owens was pretty much going to legit murder Zayn

Its so sad that they established Owens as this badass, only to throw it all out the window the second he got the title. Because there's only one way to book a heel champ apparently. I almost want to see Stroman get the belt to see if he turns into a cowardly champ.
I remember how the crowd thought the ref stoppage meant Kevin lost by DQ, but winning from ref stoppage and transferring titles was completely unexpected.

God NXT was soo good.


The raw women's title booking is just so, so bad. Holy shit. Happy for Bayley though i guess but she could have won it at mania or even fastlane...

I guess KO is gonna lose his title to goldberg then go to jericho like "I'M THE REASON YOU HAVE THAT U.S TITLE, SO I'M GONNA TAKE IT FROM YOU" or some shit.


What I liked about KO in NXT was his insistance that he was a prizefighter and he did what he did to provide for his family, but when it came right down to it he was just a sadist with a really short fuse. Added a lot of nuance to his character.

And he was also clever, like how he maneuvered Sami and Regal into giving him an NXT title match without doing anything to earn it, by making sure Sami would stop at nothing to face him for revenge, but refuse to have any match unless it was a title match.


I remember how the crowd thought the ref stoppage meant Kevin lost by DQ, but winning from ref stoppage and transferring titles was completely unexpected.

God NXT was soo good.

I really miss that era of NXT.

They should really do some kind of NXT All-Stars PPV where they bring back a bunch of NXT guys and gals. Put KO, Zayn, Breeze, Cesaro, Neville, Roode, Nakamura, etc all under one roof again for one night.
It's almost like the simple team of Dusty Rhodes and Ryan Ward has a tighter vision than a room full of writers working to please a maniac like Vince McMahon.


Character psychology stuff aside, what I miss most about Owens are his matches. His last one with Reigns was ok, but the way he's booked as champ doesn't seem to allow for a pre-championship Owens match.


I guarantee Cody turns on Kenny and becomes new Bullet Club leader. That faction is doomed to eat shit forever.

Face Kenny will be cash dollars though.


Also if they ever do merge the heavy and Jr. tag titles, Okada/Ospreay would be my dream team <3
I really miss that era of NXT.

They should really do some kind of NXT All-Stars PPV where they bring back a bunch of NXT guys and gals. Put KO, Zayn, Breeze, Cesaro, Neville, Roode, Nakamura, etc all under one roof again for one night.
You mean like a tribute show to Dusty for being the reason they were put over the top?
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