February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!

Heh, if Kelly Kelly and Rosa Mendes get inducted before AJ Lee, I riot.

This is more likely.


So uh.

Why are they doing the Owens / Y2J breakup now and not after Owens loses the belt? Like wouldnt make 2x more sense that maybe Chris costs Owens the belt by accident OR doesnt do enough to for Owens to win against Goldberg so Owens get pissed?

I like that it ended with Jericho always having his back and never letting him down once. Jericho was always just a great friend.
I guess its OK they went with a less predictable timing.

The obvious wrestling way would have been even though Jericho got involved in the match, Owens would still lose to Goldberg then on RAW y2j did a similar friendship bit as a attempt at a make good.

This at least maybe attempts to make Owens look tough heading into his squash match with Goldberg.


NOAH the REBORN - V.the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Ohara lost and relinquished the title for reasons??? but WHy


I guess its OK they went with a less predictable timing.

The obvious wrestling way would have been even though Jericho got involved in the match, Owens would still lose to Goldberg then on RAW y2j did a similar friendship bit as a attempt at a make good.

This at least maybe attempts to make Owens look tough heading into his squash match with Goldberg.

Owens is beating Goldberg because the WM main event can't be two minutes long and Goldberg isn't capable of anything else. If they gave it 10 minutes, it would be really terrible.


Owens is beating Goldberg because the WM main event can't be two minutes long and Goldberg isn't capable of anything else. If they gave it 10 minutes, it would be really terrible.

yeah because Vince never pushed some horrible matches to 10 minutes at WM

gotta fill that 8 hours of Sports Entertainment with something!


What's probably going to happen is that Charlotte wins the belt back at Fastlane because she keeps winning at PPVs. And then Bayley will defeat her at Mania to end all of that bullshit.
When was the last time a belt felt important in WWE. The US open challenge era with Cena?

You would have to go back to Brock's original run maybe.

It's one of the things I love about japan is that that they treat the championships well.


When was the last time a belt felt important in WWE. The US open challenge era with Cena?

You would have to go back to Brock's original run maybe.

It's one of the things I love about japan is that that they treat the championships well.

The NXT Championship when Sami Zayn was chasing it
I'm in complete agreement. Why the fuck wouldn't you save that shit for Mania?

agreed, it's a much bigger moment and you only have to make it another few weeks

if only your champion was undefeated at pay per views for some extended time, say 16, that'd make it mean even more


Now that Bayley is the WWE Universe's Universal Women's Champ of the Universe, does she still continue to assume the gimmick of an aw-shucks fan turned wrestler? Is the WWE Universe's Universal Women's Champ of the Universe going to continue dressing, acting, and talking like an 11 year old girl?

The NXT Championship when Sami Zayn was chasing it

That's a bingo


What's probably going to happen is that Charlotte wins the belt back at Fastlane because she keeps winning at PPVs. And then Bayley will defeat her at Mania to end all of that bullshit.

Nah, Sasha will do something again to Charlotte at Fastlane but this time the ref will see. Bayley will then argue with Sasha and they will turn on each other. Sasha vs Bayley vs Charlotte at Mania, with Charlotte winning.
Now that Bayley is the WWE Universe's Universal Women's Champ of the Universe, does she still continue to assume the gimmick of an aw-shucks fan turned wrestler? Is the WWE Universe's Universal Women's Champ of the Universe going to continue dressing, acting, and talking like an 11 year old girl?

"Is Bayley gonna turn heel" is the new "Is Cena gonna turn heel" in that the answer will always be "never"


Went to Raw last night.

No dark match, but when Bayley went to the back they started Roman's entrance for like 45 secs, boos reign down and then stopped it and the lights came on.

Poor Roman.
When was the last time a belt felt important in WWE. The US open challenge era with Cena?

You would have to go back to Brock's original run maybe.

It's one of the things I love about japan is that that they treat the championships well.
I thought Miz made the IC title feel like gold during the No Mercy build up. Would have been further cemented if he retired Ziggler.


Fwiw, James Storm, Moose & Eddie Edwards were the TNA talents announced, which isn't bad, all possibilities considered.

I hope Eddie gets a GHC shot and a match vs Marufuji, Moose vs Suigura could be amazing, don't much care for Storm although very unfamiliar with his work.

I'm just keeping my own expectations low!
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