Hmm. I have been away for a few hours. Where is the original cast?
Hmm. I have been away for a few hours. Where is the original cast?
Hmm. I have been away for a few hours. Where is the original cast?
Hmm. I have been away for a few hours. Where is the original cast?
There's no way Tommy and Kimmy aren't combining their zords in the bedroom.
replaced by body doubles then erased from the timelineHmm. I have been away for a few hours. Where is the original cast?
There's no way Tommy and Kimmy aren't combining their zords in the bedroom.
three left to a world peace summit and are gone forever
exceptjason comes back later
It's weird that Adam becomes the best unmorphed fighter.
This episode just reminds me how sexless these teens are. I mean it's supposed to be highschool right? It's a kids show on Fox so I don't expect druken hook-ups, but come on. I know what high school in the 90's were like! At least hold hands sometime! Looking at you Tommy and Kimberly!
How is it Rita and Zedd will be the only ones getting any action?
Fox's Cybersix Doesn't Rate As Kid-friendly Fare
The one apparently normal person in this half-hour program, Lucas, the dumb- jock high school science teacher, is smitten by Cyber 6, the black-clad, spike- heeled heroine who leaps from building top to building top at night fighting evil.
She's the woman who becomes, by day, Adrian Seidelman, the male literature teacher at the same school where Lucas teaches. Bet Lucas would be surprised to know he's pining after Adrian (who's really Cyber 6, but who, we are led to believe in another episode, may have started life as a boy anyway). It's all just too bizarre for kids.
It's unclear why Fox doesn't put this show on late in its evening schedule.
Well, that sucks. Not very familiar with the PR series. Not often a series replaces the main cast..
The putties level grinded or some shit. Rangers looking bad out there!
He hangs with Tommy step for step for his entire time as a Power ranger. Always loved that.
Well, what's interesting is Fox Kids did air an anime where a heroine disguised herself as a dude, fully dressed like a dude and at night as a super heroine she transformed into a female, anime called CyberSix:
Well, what's interesting is Fox Kids did air an anime where a heroine disguised herself as a dude, fully dressed like a dude and at night as a super heroine she transformed into a female, anime called CyberSix:
I must hunt down footage of this.
Cybersix was great.
I must hunt down footage of this.
Are they gonna show the movie I wonder.