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The Nintendo Switch has become the system people love to love


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Polygon made an article about how Nintendo changed the conversation: https://www.polygon.com/2017/5/7/15569862/nintendo-switch-love

That thing from the commercials where people crowd around the screen while holding Joy-Cons and playing games during social events? The situation that many in the gaming community insisted would never happen? People are doing it.

Nintendo launched a piece of hardware that came with a variety of use cases and ways to play, and anecdotally I’ve found that my friends, family, coworkers and myself use almost all of them, and they work.

I have yet to hear many players complain that the Switch is underpowered. I have heard an overwhelming number say how cool it is to take Mario Kart on the literal road.

I keep asking people if they still like their Switch as much as they did when they bought it, and I have gotten used to the response. People tend to look to the heavens and make a noise of satisfaction. Many people do that wide-eyed nodding thing that loosely translates to “yes, I’m super into this in a nearly dangerous way.”

There was a similar article this weekend from Verge, the word of mouth is excellent and it seems more and more likely it explains Switch's success.

I love this system for various reasons, and it appears I'm not the only one, the positivity surrounding it can hardly be denied, don't you think?
It is crazy how much I love to play with friends on my switch.

We played Mario Kart or some Bomberman rounds in breaks between classes.
Even with my big hands I love to play with the side way Joycon
Nintendo launched a very attractive piece of hardware, that's for sure. And they knew it, being so confident to launch this thing with a half-assed OS and just a bunch of games.

This bodes well for the future of Nintendo and all Switch owners, let's just hope it quickly translates to lots of games.
I like that first quote from the Polygon article, when I first saw those scenes in the Switch reveal trailer I thought it looked cute but impractical. Fast forward to, after taking my Switch out with me a handful of times to social gatherings, and I've personal recreated this scenario many times.


Yup. Anecdotally speaking the switch does all of this and more.

If i want super powerful graphics-heavy games i'll do PC - but rarely do I care about that.

I honestly just want as many games on this thing as humanly possible. I'll take the convenience over power any day of the week.


I said it and I'll say it again.. they've got a hit on their hands if they support the shit out of this thing properly. It's hitting all the right notes so far, but who knows?


Nice, anecdotally this is what I've been hearing in different places (online and otherwise) as well. The Switch really is a practical device and I think that is the biggest reason it will be a success in the long run: I've heard plenty say they think the portability of the Switch makes it the best platform to play console games on, and if that feeling is shared more generally, then Switch could be a really big success.
Nintendo did a damn good job with the Switch! I bring it with me literally everywhere that I can just in case I have a chance to play. I didn't even do that with my 3DS.
Before I got mine I figured I'd like it a lot, since I loved Wii U's off-tv play. But it's not until you actually have your hands on it or see it in use right in front of you that you actually realize how utterly game changing it is. Nintendo really knocked it out of the park again. I feel comfortably saying it will be a viral Wii-style hit, though not necessarily selling quite as well.


Is the Switch worth it if you don't really have anyone to play with?

Been wondering if I should go with a Switch or a new PC this summer.

Edit - Just wandering if I need IRL friends who have a Switch to enjoy it like the above posters seem to do.


Anecdotally I've seen this as well. The Switch's killer app is the actual hardware itself. It's just so appealing to hold in the hands.


The best, most versatile gaming device i've owned in 25 years (of gaming).

This thing is legit and just needs the continued support to make it meaningful.


Is the Switch worth it if you don't really have anyone to play with?

Been wondering if I should go with a Switch or a new PC this summer.
Do you care about its portability and current software output?
If yes, buy one, if not, wait until you're 100% sure.


Somehow basing this assessment to the anecdotal evidence from a gaming journalist's colleagues and immediate circle of friends seems like a very flawed way of making that assessment.
A friend and I went to the library to study but ended up playing mk for 2 hours.

Went to wild wings with a large group of friends on Saturday. Played mk while waiting for our food and after we finished eating.

This system is exactly what I hoped for it to be.


It's a very likable system. It knows its limitations and focuses on its strengths.

What a weird article. It reads like advertorial.

I think the point here is that people actually do #SHARETHEJOYTM. Something we thought was just stupid marketing nonsense.


I get the feeling people want to try to sell the Switch as the new Wii where everybody is wanting one.

I believe the truth is the opposite. I personly love to play games, even collect them but Im just emberassed to play them in public places (train, metro etc).


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I agree with the article fully. I love this thing to an unreasonable degree and I want to share it as much as possible.

Although, this is a saying I've never heard before...

People get that look on their face that says “I went to the bathroom and by the time I returned, the cheese sticks were on the table.”

Every time I want to play Persona 5 on the go I get a little resentful now

I put about 10 hours into P5, had to leave for a few days for work (took Switch, of course) and now I can't even bring myself to boot up my PS4 Pro to get back into it. I just look across the room at the steelbook, angry that there's not a Switch cartridge in there.
I think you're putting more thought into this than that poster did.

...And now it looks like I'm quoting a conversation by ghosts. Huh.

But yeah, the Switch as basically the most powerful handheld ever, and capable enough to carry 'full' versions of Nintendo's major franchises, seems to be doing pretty well as an inherent premise. Not to mention the built-in multiplayer capacity of the two joy-cons.


Do you care about its portability and current software output?
If yes, buy one, if not, wait until you're 100% sure.

Yeah, it's probably smart to wait and see. Portability and the current/upcoming software is appealing. My only fear is I won't be able to enjoy games like Mario Kart if I can't play them locally.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I was forced to go on a 2.5 hour drive yesterday to go on a hike, you better believe I made the women drive while I played mario kart with my buddy in the back seat. Then at night my nephew (who I bought MK8 for for his birthday) added me online and I played against him and my brother on the big screen.

Every time I want to play Persona 5 on the go I get a little resentful now


I may be alone o this but I REALLY like the Switch as a home console... because is as fast and snappy as a portable. So fast and simple to boot up, jump in. Moving it around is awesome too and lets you have a home console experience elseswhere if you have to move around for a little time. I thought it would replace my 3DS but I actually get what Nintendo says about it being a home console you can carry. The experience is not the one of a handheld device even if you can carry it around.
I can say all the same things have happened with me. I've had impromptu gaming sessions in public spaces with both friends and near strangers using Switch, and the appeal is instantly apparent to them. Now that MK is out, I only suspect that happening even more.

I can certainly see Iwata's guiding design ethos in the thing. It's a brilliant concept executed very very well. Congrats to Nintendo for carrying out Iwata's final vision with success. I love my Switch and I'm getting loads of use from it already (approaching 200 hours in Zelda; already many hours in MK8DX; and time with a smattering of brilliant digital titles like Shovel Knight, World of Goo, Snake Pass, and Snipperclips).


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
They get a few more great games and some actual long term third party support and I'll be picking one up, so I'll know by holidays next year for sure whether I want one for sure or not.


Last week between classes, my friend and I set up a picnic blanket on the quad, propped the Switch against my backpack, and played Mario Kart. The weather was beautiful and it was maybe one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I love this thing. If something like Horizon, Mass Effect, Dishonored, or Persona were on here, I would've finished it by now.


Got mine at launch and I'm surprised how much I play it. It really has taken off. Surprised at how many WWE people have one. I guess it makes sense for travelers.
i haven't even unpacked the dock yet. having it with me and handing someone a controller and play is just a blast. love the system.

Dies Iræ

One of the contributing factors is the social acceptance of gaming and of Nintendo's properties. People used to view gaming as something only young children did. Nintendo's properties were mocked as childish. Young adults and older gamers would feel socially awkward gaming in public. The rise of gaming on smartphones changed a lot of this and the sort of nostalgia coolness factor of Nintendo's properties also helps.


All I know is that I purchased on a whim. EB games in Canada had a double trade in bonus towards switch system and gear and I had a boatload of beaten Ps4 and Xbox one Games in my collection.

I figured why not, I did it just because it was a good deal and I figured I would simply sell it. I had ZERO excitement for the system. Zilch. I'm not really a Nintendo guy so Zelda didn't even make me excited

Then I decided to open the box, and Zelda a few weeks after launch. It is by far, the most fun I had with gaming in a decade. I love the hardware and I'm in love with Zelda and Mario Kart 8. I recommend this system to EVERYONE.

I constantly see threads of people in gaming slumps, or bored with the hobby. This is your fix. Trust me, you will feel like your 7 again.


I knew I would like the Switch. I knew I would probably love it. I just wasn't prepared for just how much I love it.

I received it from Amazon a week ago today and it hasn't left my side. In fact, I'm going to play some Zelda right now.

What a weird article. It reads like advertorial.

That's because you have a cynical, cold, cold heart.


It's the system that changes the way I look at video gaming. It makes me hope all video game systems will be like this in the future.

Nintendo created a smash hit of a device and now I hope third parties show up and make great content for it.


I may be alone o this but I REALLY like the Switch as a home console... because is as fast and snappy as a portable. So fast and simple to boot up, jump in. Moving it around is awesome too and lets you have a home console experience elseswhere if you have to move around for a little time. I thought it would replace my 3DS but I actually get what Nintendo says about it being a home console you can carry. The experience is not the one of a handheld device even if you can carry it around.

Yes, it definitely is... Feels just like a console when docked, and feels like a handheld when undocked, which is far from a bad thing. It feels really good either way.
It does seem to have that weird fanaticism that defined vita owners.
As a huge vita fan I totally agree with this 😂😂. It's a successful (fingers crossed) vita with nintendo IP and portable multiplayer. I honestly couldn't ask for anything more.
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