They didn't address anything. They said they were addressing the major criticisms, then they showed more of the same shit. If this amazing new content that changes the structure of the game is in there, I want to fucking see it. It's perfectly valid to complain about what we've seen so far.
It looks like an expansion. That's a factual statement. If it's more than that, show me, Bungie. I'm sick of waiting at this point.
That's really cool.Hmm 4 worlds??
Here's an interesting factoid from Destiny 2's reveal: the new world Nessus is on a "visiting orbit" according to world design lead, Steve Cotton.
In the game the planet is a Vex machine world and, speaking to GamesRadar, Cotton said, "Nessus is a centaur, we called it a planetoid in the presentation but its a centaur." A centaur is a minor planet with an irregular orbit, which he explains means it's "a planet that orbits in our solar system in a weird way, a visiting orbit thing. We thought that was really fascinating. The Hunters catalogued this planet and thats how the Vex built their thing and now its coming into our solar system. So thats why its here."
Even more curious is that when we asked if that meant there might be a limited window to deal with it, he stated, "limited window."
It does add up: Destiny is set in our solar system and, last time I checked, there's no Nessus planet mentioned. As for what the idea of a "limited window" could mean? That's unclear. It could be a narrative time pressure in the story, but given Destiny's love of time-restricted events - Xur, Rise of Iron and so on - could it mean Nessus and it's content isn't always available every day?
And, finally, just to make things more interesting, it looks like it's a real planet: 7066 Nessus, to be precise. An icy minor planet discovered by David L. Rabinowitz in 1993. It has an orbital period of 122.4 years and at its closest point to the sun it's nearer than Uranus, while its furthest point takes it beyond Neptune.
So weekends at Nessus then! lol
It can definitely get frustrating.More so than other games, it really seems impossible for people here to talk about Destiny without being totally immature. Such a bummer.
I mean I'll give you Earth.
I need to watch more PVP I guess but I am not sure I understand why they switched to a 4v4, dropping the player count per match.
They're not going to change the structure of something that has worked for the community for the past 3 years. Simple as that. Its gameplay loop is its strongest asset.
Destiny will always consist of Strikes, Raids, PVP etc.
If you don't want that, then you should be looking elsewhere.
More so than other games, it really seems impossible for people here to talk about Destiny without being totally immature. Such a bummer.
Destiny might be. Many of us hoped Destiny 2 would be something else. Specifically because they had the balls to call it Destiny 2 and imply that it was something else. If all they cared about was "the community" they wouldn't slap a giant number 2 on this game and go out of their way to emphasize that it's a fresh start. Y'all are already gonna play the same garbage for years on end. They got you.
They're also targeting people who passed on the first game or were burnt out on it. And so far they have failed miserably.
Destiny might be. Many of us hoped Destiny 2 would be something else. Specifically because they had the balls to call it Destiny 2 and imply that it was something else. If all they cared about was "the community" they wouldn't slap a giant number 2 on this game and go out of their way to emphasize that it's a fresh start. Y'all are already gonna play the same garbage for years on end. They got you.
They're also targeting people who passed on the first game or are burnt out on it. So far they have failed miserably.
No, you only have yourself to blame for hoping this would be a new IP and not a follow-up to Destiny. Yes, it's still called Destiny, with a 2 in front of it.
I get that you want something different, but you're not going to get that here. There's no need to call Destiny fans "so fucking annoying" because they're happy with the sequel to Destiny being more Destiny, but with major criticisms of the first game being addressed, so players who were turned off from the first game being unfriendly to them may have a better time with this one.
I am not sure why you are criticizing Destiny 2 for (seemingly) doing what the vast majority of sequels do. Take what the first game did and iterate on it. Sounds like you were hoping it would be a completely different game, and I don't know how anyone could have gotten the impression that's what was happening.
What problems aren't being addressed. The only thing that I can find is it's not 60 fps and no dedicated server. That about it.That's not what I call them annoying. I call them annoying because of how they annoyingly hand-waive off anyone else's criticisms as shitposting or trolling and act like the entirety of NeoGAF is out to belittle them. Destiny is a game that has real problems and this sequel is not addressing all of them. It's totally cool to discuss such issues in the reveal thread. If you don't want to engage in those discussions then don't, but don't come in here acting like you're the one true fan standing against the trolling hordes out to get you.
I disagree, the "lol dlc" posts completely ruined the thread.
People need to use some common sense. It's basically just trolling to call D2 an expansion.
Should people go into every sports and racing game thread and say "lol dlc?"
What problems aren't being addressed. The only thing that I can find is not 60 fps and no dedicated server. That about it.
...They didn't address anything. They said they were addressing the major criticisms, then they showed more of the same shit. If this amazing new content that changes the structure of the game is in there, I want to fucking see it. It's perfectly valid to complain about what we've seen so far.
It looks like an expansion. That's a factual statement. If it's more than that, show me, Bungie. I'm sick of waiting at this point...
Destiny might be. Many of us hoped Destiny 2 would be something else. Specifically because they had the balls to call it Destiny 2 and imply that it was something else. If all they cared about was "the community" they wouldn't slap a giant number 2 on this game and go out of their way to emphasize that it's a fresh start. Y'all are already gonna play the same garbage for years on end. They got you.
They're also targeting people who passed on the first game or are burnt out on it. So far they have failed miserably.
Man you need to get a grip. It's Destiny, what more were you looking for? It's a continuation of the first game. Given that it's perfectly reasonable to expect some continuity with regards to look and feel. In fact I'd be more disappointed if they went in another direction with the game given what we've come to expect with the series as it wouldn't fit with the pre-established world.
Also stop trying to remove yourself from the fold with the "Y'all" and "the community" remarks. It's highly annoying and the "community" as you call it dictated what they did with the game with how we all played it the first 3 years. You included.
The Destiny defense force on GAF is so fucking annoying. Nah. We don't trash Destiny for fun. We trash Destiny because Bungie continue to fuck it up.
Come into any thread with valid criticisms of Destiny and you see the same DGAF figures come out of the woodwork to call you a troll or a shitposter. Go back to your community thread safe space if you don't want to engage in actual discussion.
Destiny 2 will have more content, better visuals, QoL improvements and the same great gameplay. It's everything i need.
That's not what I call them annoying. I call them annoying because of how they annoyingly hand-waive off anyone else's criticisms as shitposting or trolling and act like the entirety of NeoGAF is out to belittle them. Destiny is a game that has real problems and this sequel is not addressing all of them. It's totally cool to discuss such issues in the reveal thread. If you don't want to engage in those discussions then don't, but don't come in here acting like you're the one true fan standing against the trolling hordes out to get you.
What did Bungie fuck up lmao?
You have shown zero semblance of actual discussion.
Seems like quite a lot has been addressed, not to mention how much they've been addressing since TTK and RoI.What problems aren't being addressed. The only thing that I can find is it's not 60 fps and no dedicated server. That about it.
We criticise the game plenty in the community thread. I've been criticising the game since day one, myself. There's a difference between valid criticisms and your incessant toy pram hurling which in your own words, is "so fucking annoying".
Bungie just spent an hour yesterday addressing the major criticisms that Destiny 1 received. That's not good for you though because "it feels like an expansion". Okay.
... Ok your just fucking trolling now. This was just the first time they showed off gameplay. They are going to show off more in 3 weeks. They haven't even showed off exploration. How the fuck do you know they haven't changed anything when they haven't shown off the new open areas besides in strike form and THEY FUCKING TELL US THEY ARE MAKING THE EXPLORATION BETTER.The sense of exploration through actual open world environments? One of the major promises from the first game's marketing. In the conference yesterday they paid more lip service to this and tried to drive the point home by showing a bunch of icons on a blank map. Motherfucker, that's not good enough. What have you actually got now, Bungie? Show me something real. I don't believe your sales pitches anymore.
I was never a part of this rabid defense force that thinks Bungie could do no wrong.
I was the guy begrudgingly playing Destiny with his buddies while constantly being annoyed by Bungie's incompetence.
I don't know why this game doesn't have dedicated servers. The technolgy is there with azure, and battlenet. I could be wrong about battlenet though. There really is no excuse as to why this game doesn't have dedicated servers for PVP.
The sense of exploration through actual open world environments? One of the major promises from the first game's marketing. In the conference yesterday they paid more lip service to this and tried to drive the point home by showing a bunch of icons on a blank map. Motherfucker, that's not good enough. What have you actually got now, Bungie? Show me something real. I don't believe your sales pitches anymore.
They didn't address anything. They said they were addressing the major criticisms, then they showed more of the same shit. If this amazing new content that changes the structure of the game is in there, I want to fucking see it. It's perfectly valid to complain about what we've seen so far.
It looks like an expansion. That's a factual statement. If it's more than that, show me, Bungie. I'm sick of waiting at this point.
Side note: Splatoon 2 also looks like DLC for the first game. Another perfectly valid criticism.
They touched on this during the presentation regarding Patrol Exploration, Lost Sectors, Public Events, Heroic Activities, Adventures, and Side Missions in what is supposed to be vastly larger play-spaces.
... Ok your just fucking trolling now. This was just the first time they showed off gameplay. They are going to show off more in 3 weeks. They haven't even showed off exploration. How the fuck do you know they haven't changed anything when they haven't shown off the new open areas besides in strike form and THEY FUCKING TELL US THEY ARE MAKING THE EXPLORATION BETTER.
Which issues do you feel are not being addressed?
For me, I'd like to see what they're doing with gun/armour perks to make them more compelling and meaningful. I'd also like to know if they're going to make loot drops exciting again, something that hasn't been much of a thing since Year 1 ended. I was hoping for something different to Light Level but I understand that it's not easy to do, with MMOs and MMO-likes relying on a "Gear Score" system so much maybe that desire was unrealistic.
Destiny 2 will have more content, better visuals, QoL improvements and the same great gameplay. It's everything i need.
Let me take a stab at this.
Destiny 1 has a few problems in its PvP that are indirectly contributed to by player count. In 6v6, players have found that the abilities in the game can effectively turn the game into a chess match of well-placed grenades and supers rather than gun fights. Also, it is harder to develop smart maps that can be coerced to reasonably balanced encounters when you shift from 6 players to 3 players as dictated by numerous game modes.
"Pro" Destiny players, if you can call them that seeing as how Destiny doesn't actually have true ranked competitive play, have found in private matches that the game feels more fun and balanced in 4v4. Supers take longer to build for better players, grenade spam is also more controllable, and in general you are much less likely to be "spawn killed" (having a player spawn in an unsafe area and immediately begin to take damage).
Now, obviously the maps in Destiny weren't designed for 4v4, it just so happens that they work a little better this way.
The move to 4v4 across all game modes is probably to ensure that the maps are designed appropriately. And of course, in support of abilities. So while it may feel like a step back, when you actually get in the game you may find that it alleviates some of the pain and suffering found in both 6v6 and 3v3 modes.
Also, I have a theory that it may make it easier for them to do some load balancing when it comes to P2P play. Cutting out 2 players worth of data that needs to get reported can maybe help reduce lag. Not sure on that, but it's certainly stands to reason (3v3 modes in Destiny tend to lag a bit less for me than say 6v6 IB)
After watching more footage, the game seems rather uneven graphically. I was really impressed with what I saw in the opening mission demo from start to finish. More texture variety, better lighting, higher quality post processing effects, screen space Reflections, huge increase in particle effects, and more. It was really a great demo to give a nice first impression. However the Inverted Spire demo started off very underwhelming and I here I could see the complaints that it looks like an expansion. As the strike continued on, and the level opened up with the red scenery with platforming, those complaints became less valid. While drab, I did like how the open area with the drop ship and hounds looked.
The boss battle at the end also followed this inconsistent look with the game. You could easily mistaken the beginning of the fight for Destiny 1 gameplay but as the floors disintegrated, the boss fight became more visually impressive.
Outside of some nice lighting, the crucible gameplay I've seen also failed to impress.
It'll be interesting to see how the final game holds up overall and if the game can graphically more often than not in the end.
In no way did I refer to the game as DLC yet my criticism was mocked and dismissed. Fans here have been equally aggressive towards those who hold a different opinion or impression.
I was never a part of this rabid defense force that thinks Bungie could do no wrong.
I was the guy begrudgingly playing Destiny with his buddies while constantly being annoyed by Bungie's incompetence.
Oh, Bungie said they made it better? Well great, it must be better. They've proven to be completely reliable over the years when it comes to delivering on the promises of their games.
Until I fucking see it, I don't believe them.
No, that's not trolling. Just being realistic after the shitshow that went on with D1.
As someone who played Destiny for many hours and became burnt out on it, the main issue that I don't see being addressed is that D2 looks like more of the same. The same was good for me for a looong time, but that time has passed. I wanted them to completely shake things up. New races, new classes, flying vehicles, different structure for strikesor hell, maybe replacing strikes altogether with something bigger and badder. I don't know. It's not my job to design the game for them. I just wanted to see something different. Many of the leaks from press sneak fuck made it sound like something different was coming. And shit, maybe something different is comingbut they didn't show anything different. I'm not about to just take them at their word. Not after D1.
If all they cared about was "the community" they wouldn't slap a giant number 2 on this game and go out of their way to emphasize that it's a fresh start. Y'all are already gonna play the same garbage for years on end. They got you.
They're also targeting people who passed on the first game or are burnt out on it. So far they have failed miserably.
Here we go. Hand waives and reaction GIFs. You sure showed me!
You have more posts in this thread than almost anyone else on the forum. This thread that's about sequel to a game you didn't even like or enjoy. It seems like you're the one that's obsessed -- how can you call other people rabid?