Action Figure GAF |OT| Articulated figures murdered my wallet

- J - D -


Nice! I actually received my Shin yesterday and am about to break him out of his package right now.

Just thought I'd pop in here and show off my Bandai figure kit collection. Some of them are pretty clean (just thrown together) but I do have fun painting and weathering them also. The Shadow Trooper in the back was just a regular Stormtrooper but sprayed gloss black with a spray can and then added a few silver highlights. I'm planning to do some more clones with custom paint jobs, and got a couple of Boba Fetts, one of which will be my own Mandalorian creation!

Awesome job!
hey guys, a bit of overkill... but i got my 5th copy of Bandai's Macross Delta VF-31F


GI Joe as a regular toy store release is pretty much dead, Hasbro has pretty much admitted that only old school fans and collectors buy GI Joes anymore, so stores like Target and Walmart don't really want em. They still have been putting out new released each year but last two years they were Toys R Us and Big Bad Toy Store exclusives, targeting the collectors market. Last year's run was pretty limited, TRU and BBTS sold out of most of it, BBTS is sitting on a few cases for sale, but no one wants that since it's 2 figure packs only so why buy a case with 8?

Next month is JoeCon, fans are hoping to hear if there will be any sets released this year.

GI Joe is also not getting a presence as Hascon, hence them allowing the stand alone JoeCon to continue. Once they figure out how to get the movies back on track, we assume Hasbro is gonna shut down the collectors club's license and bring back GI Joe in force along with having it as part of Hascon.

Pretty much. I've been looking at Joes for a while. The recent anniversary figures are largely reissues and repaints. There's a few exceptions, but the line is pretty much dead. Getting into them seems like a pretty limited commitment. Especially in comparison to stuff like Marvel Legends, and the NECA Predator / Aliens line where new product is constantly coming out. You can grab the Joes you want and be done with it. I honestly expect this to be the status quo until Hasbro gets their Cinematic Universe off the ground.

The Marauder figures are pretty awesome looking. I keep going back and forth about them as well. They're all so detailed and well thought out. Definitely a logical next step in what GI Joe could have become, had GI Joe: Retaliation not buried the line.

This is crazy! I'm so thankful for the community who continues to develope and create 1/18 scale figures and accessories. We got H.A.C.K.S, Marauder Task Force, Dime Novel Legends, Eagle Force Returns, and Zombie Lab and custom figure creators helping tremendously with this void!


Unboxed the Dragonzord and it's pretty awesome to finally own this figure. I do wish the fin on the head and the hands were hard plastic. They're just more rubber-like and I can see them warping over time. Hopefully the fin will stay in its shape for a while. Also, I forgot how massive the tail is so displaying it facing forward in a shelf will be a challenge.

Edit: looks like Messi finally changed his avy to his dream girl.


Unboxed the Dragonzord and it's pretty awesome to finally own this figure. I do wish the fin on the head and the hands were hard plastic. They're just more rubber-like and I can see them warping over time. Hopefully the fin will stay in its shape for a while. Also, I forgot how massive the tail is so displaying it facing forward in a shelf will be a challenge.

Edit: looks like Messi finally changed his avy to his dream girl.

I switch between Harley, Olivia and Sunstone avatars pls
Unboxed the Dragonzord and it's pretty awesome to finally own this figure. I do wish the fin on the head and the hands were hard plastic. They're just more rubber-like and I can see them warping over time. Hopefully the fin will stay in its shape for a while. Also, I forgot how massive the tail is so displaying it facing forward in a shelf will be a challenge.

Edit: looks like Messi finally changed his avy to his dream girl.

I keep waiting for BBTS to send a 10 day notice for the SoC Megazord. Then I'll wait like five years for them to make a Dragonzord.
This is crazy! I'm so thankful for the community who continues to develope and create 1/18 scale figures and accessories. We got H.A.C.K.S, Marauder Task Force, Dime Novel Legends, Eagle Force Returns, and Zombie Lab and custom figure creators helping tremendously with this void!

Hasbro has bungled GI Joe for a long time, it's not all their fault of course, military toys are just a hard sell to kids and GI Joe is a product of the 80's that is difficult to sell today with it's military themes. There attempts to make it more '"modern" haven't gone over great. The movies provided bumps to the product line, but those have just been temporary without backup of a ongoing cartoon or regular movie releases.

The custom and "knock off" makers are really upping their game to fill in the void, course the collectors see no value in these types of figures.

If they release the classic GI Joe characters in a deluxe black series style 6" line, it's gonna hit all kinds of nostalgia points with people, and they need to get people buying that aren't just the hardcore old school collectors


Local comic store had their 20% off sale and I coun't let this one go.


Has anyones used these display cases from The Container Store? Any thoughts?
Just thought I'd pop in here and show off my Bandai figure kit collection. Some of them are pretty clean (just thrown together) but I do have fun painting and weathering them also. The Shadow Trooper in the back was just a regular Stormtrooper but sprayed gloss black with a spray can and then added a few silver highlights. I'm planning to do some more clones with custom paint jobs, and got a couple of Boba Fetts, one of which will be my own Mandalorian creation!


pics aren't showing up for me. Would really like to see them.


Oh man, Lik was not kidding about Dragonzord's length, especially when it stretches. It's going to be hard to fit it in.

Has anyones used these display cases from The Container Store? Any thoughts?

I was tempted to buy one for my Artorias my it would have cost me $200 so I noped out.
Statues are boring if I had any faith in Sideshow releasing the 1/6 scale McQuarrie Vader they teased forever ago I wouldn't be stuck buying this static hunk of junk.

I had to look that one up because I don't remember seeing it before. I'll pick up the 1/6 if they ever release it. Really nice. But unfortunately it seems like Sideshow doesn't work in 1/6 too often anymore. They like the overpriced PF's that come out looking nothing like the prototype.

You should be safe though, since it's a helmet and not a human face, you don't need to worry about likeness.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Couldnt wait at work. He is so adorable!


Wow, that's great. That would have made late-90s me jizz in his pants.
But the prequels ruined Yoda for me completely and, it seems, permanently.


So I've basically been out of the 1/6 collectibles game due to cost, wanting to sell off/downsize, and changing interest.

Today, arrived the Fallout 4 T-60 Atom Cats variant power armor that I forgot I preordered last year, and it is a thing of beauty. Still done, but wow they do such a great job with these that I would be tempted to pick up more.


Thank you!

No problem. Would hate to miss out on something I want as well. Speaking off...

Tamashii Mix Mechagodzilla is now available for preorder at BBTS! It was originally a P-Bandai exclusive so this is a great chance for us outside of Japan to get it. This thing looks absolutely amazing and is the defenitive design of Mechagodzilla IMO. The figure can even split into its component parts!

While it might seem kinda overpriced considering that it's only 7 inches tall, I just can't resist it. This is one of those things that really speak to me.


Damn, MechaGodzilla looks awesome. I'll preorder for now. Might cancel later cuz it's def expensive for the size.
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