yes it's crazy next level trolling
pretty obvious, but at least well written and not a bad troll
pretty obvious, but at least well written and not a bad troll
yes it's crazy next level trolling
pretty obvious, but at least well written and not a bad troll
You Be Soft, just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about American culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in France where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the American public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Far Cry 5 for either system, nor will they purchase any of You Be Soft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but You Be Soft has alienated an entire market with this move.
You Be Soft, publicly apologize and cancel Far Cry 5 or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Change the villains. Its not so hard, really. Just change the villains to something more realistic. Islam is on the rise in America, as is the violence of inner city gangs. Are you scared to do so? In the words of Boltair To learn who rules you, simply find out whos not being criticized.
Grammatical errors are of course not completely uncommon, but this is especially telling. In French, we say « demander à quelqu'un de faire quelque chose » — literally, "to ask to someone to do something". Splitting the infinitive is not unheard of in English (e.g. "to boldly go"), however splitting the infinitive with the object in this way is very unusual.demand to you cancel this game
This is really interesting. The use of "construed" in this way is extremely unusual for English speakers. An English speaker will think of "construe" as meaning "to interpret". For someone to say "construed of" meaning "comprised of" or "made up of", highly suggests a native French speaker. Most likely the author of this text is thinking of the French verb « construire », which means to construct, build, or form.Have the villains simply be misguided patriots forced into making their own nation vs. the will of an oppressive over-government, construed of all the people they turn their wrath against in their immediate surroundings.
Often in forensic linguistics we see that someone tries to disguise their identity by intentionally misspelling words the "target voice" is assumed not to know. As dumb as the goal of this petition may be, the author isn't a complete moron—punctuation is used correctly, the arguments are coherently presented even if fundamentally absurd, and so on.In the words of Boltair
This is a bit unusual, but not a particularly strong example. In English, the more common construction would be "are you afraid to do so?" Usually in English "scared to do" occurs when you're saying you are "too scared to do" something.Are you scared to do so?
the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby
Some seem to think it's a parody tbf.
- Change the setting, but only for certain markets. Look, I get that anti-Americanism plays in France, and Im not telling you to give up on potential profits due to complaints. Wouldnt want to be thought as one of those hypocrite feminists, right? But for America, right now, Anti-Americanism is out. You gotta play your market. Change the setting to Canada for America. This way you dont turn away potential players due to offensiveness. Just trying to help you make more money.
Well you have me convinced. It would appear that Ubisoft is on top of that viral marketing. Well played if that is the case, and I am leaning towards it definitely is thanks to your detective work.The more I read over this petition, the more I'm beginning to think this was written by someone whose first language is French, and not English.
The more I read over this petition, the more I'm beginning to think this was written by someone whose first language is French, and not English.
You know, I can definitely see this being the case, since this gives me a greater desire to buy the game than before.With writing like that I assume it's ubi viral marketing
You know, I can definitely see this being the case, since this gives me a greater desire to buy the game than before.
This really reads like a parody. But even if it's not, it's still fucking funny.
There's no way this is real. The quotes and references this petition makes actively parody itself. This feels like a surrealist art piece more than an actual call-to-action.
But if this is real, and oh boy do I think some of my fellow Americans are capable, then this is just super depressing.
With writing like that I assume it's ubi viral marketing
this was my first thought too. it's definitely a troll, but who would take the time to do this besides someone who has skin in the game?
Surprised to see so many people thinking it's legit. You only need to read it to know that it's obviously a joke.
Yeah, I don't get this...
There were things equally as crazy written during the GG fiasco. Remember the responses to the Bayo 2 Polygon review and anything written by Anita?
That's why people are saying it's a case of Poe's law. It's indistinguishable from what people have actually posted. It doesn't go far enough to be good satire.
Surprised to see so many people thinking it's legit. You only need to read it to know that it's obviously a joke.
This has to be trolling .. right ?
There were things equally as crazy written during the GG fiasco. Remember the responses to the Bayo 2 Polygon review and anything written by Anita?
That's why people are saying it's a case of Poe's law. It's indistinguishable from what people have actually posted. It doesn't go far enough to be good satire.
If it's trolling, it's nearly identical to the "trolling" going on in the Steam forums. I don't know whether this was intended as a joke or not, but deciding it is because what they're saying is ridiculously beyond the pale ignores the people saying the exact same stuff that clearly aren't kidding or trolling.
I'm a delicate little flower who is okay with shooting brown people, foreigners, and liberals who work the EVIL corporations, but you, Ubisoft, have gone too far. How dare make a game about that antagonizes a group of criminal white christian zealots terrorizing a small town community that for some reason I okay with and agree on a ideological level. This is 2017, you can't make a game about killing doomsday cultist that are primarily white...unless they're gay or Muslim, then it's acceptable.
I hope you're ready for retribution, because after this, I going to write an angry post on twitter and facebook that will largely go ignored. That will show you! #Ubisoftdead
yes it's crazy next level trolling
pretty obvious, but at least well written and not a bad troll
Are Steam forums saying stuff like this?
It's not obvious at all.
I read it knowing (at least according to this forum), that it's a troll and I could still see it being legit.
That's bad, isn't it. I could totally fucking see this being real.