Reptars Revenge
Satire is dead. The internet killed it
That's the point though? It's obviously a dumb joke, but some people ITT take this super serious. Shit ain't even thread worthy. Then again, we have a 30+ page thread on how using darker shades on some villians is highly reprehensible.
But we can harp on the literal meaning of the word "offended" if you guys want to, sure.
There is a clear difference between the stuff you're talking about and this obviously satirical petitiont. It's on you for not seeing it.Then you haven't read enough alt-right and/or The_Donald! Can be difficult to parse the satire when you have that stuff floating around with a combination of RedPill populating the gaming scene
That would be insane!I can't tell if this is elaborate viral marketing from Ubisoft (to generate controversy and thus hype around the game) or if this simply someone trolling online. It definitely doesn't seem real.
Something something snowflakes.
It's about ethics in Ubisoft games
OOoh, this gonna be gud!
I so hope it's real so I can lick them salty tears for how a French Publisher, publishing a German Game, made by a studio started by some Turkish descendant Germans... is not changing their "MURICAN GAME!".
- Consider mixing the races a bit to not target white people exclusively.
Change the villains. Its not so hard, really. Just change the villains to something more realistic. Islam is on the rise in America, as is the violence of inner city gangs. Are you scared to do so? In the words of Boltair To learn who rules you, simply find out whos not being criticized.
`Islam is on the Rise'
Think I'm beginning to understand how Trump got elected. Good luck America,wr got enough shit to deal with over here in UK.
Viral marketing at its best.
Its time to draw a line in the sand. We, the American gamers that make up the majority of your userbase, demand to you cancel this game, or alter it to be less offensive to your main player base. In these times, you must understand that there might be some violent repurcussions if you intend to follow through with your pointless criticism.
Some seem to think it's a parody tbf.
My first thought after reading this. No way this is real.
I'm leaning towards it not being satire. After all the gamergate nonsense, the genuine lack of self awareness in there feels too real.