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Petition to stop Far Cry 5 - this is next level craziness.

What i meant by my post is that these are all very real sentiments being expressed by the conservatives in the alt right and far right.

Calling these positions "silly" reflects how little you care (or know?) about their increasing menace.

I'm not sure you understand what I mean by "silly". It doesn't make them any less real or menacing.
In these times, you must understand that there might be some violent repurcussions if you intend to follow through with your pointless criticism.

Are they seriously sending threats of violence to Ubisoft? Umm, how is that legal?

Someone photoshop the FarCry 5 logo into there. I'm too lazy.

YES YES YES I need evil hoser Far Cry in my life!


Bonus points if you have fight off zombie-like hordes of Canada Geese.


How crazy is this? A lot less crazy than the Metroid Prime FF petition. Let the people bitch, Far Cry sales in the multi-millions, about 800 people not playing won't really be missed.

Enough is enough UbiSoft. We've sat through your multicultural lectures and your preachy games aimed at degenerates and miscegenators. We've tolerated it in the name of gameplay design and innovation. But no more! Far Cry 5 is an insult to your fanbase, the Americans who make up the majority of your customers, and it's time you woke up to that fact. Change this, or cancel it.

Where do I begin with this? What multicultural lectures and preachy games? Innovation? Ubisoft is a French based company and have yet to ever change anything in their games, even when the thing is bad. And like I explained with the whole "it's easy to take a male character and make it female" thing, you can't just easily change these things in a video game without taking more time to fix the game around that. That's time and money that Ubi could afford but doesn't want to.


Have you never read Change.org petitions? Whether conservative or liberal, they're pretty much all bananas written by bananas people. The fact that it's so hard to tell this is satire or genuine kind of proves the point.


This is several levels ago craziness. Donald Trump is the President now. This was probably meant to be satire but it's more like an average am radio tirade.


I wish the main villain was a muslim (But one who has broken away and formed his own church with his own interpretations)

But also a 100% red blooded, white American who can and does trace his heritage back to the first white settlers

Now that would be an intresting set up

And would also make these crybabies explode



I think its troubling that these people see a religious cult taking over a small american town, and you think they are the good guys.



I mean, this just some guy thinking it's fake, and on Nichegamer, where being an angry upset gamer is pretty common place (notice they don't dissect the part about Gamergate, which NG was pretty ridiculous about, when it's easily the most ridiculous paragraph in the petition).

There's plenty of silly morons in the gamergate crowd that fit this stereotype. NG leans more toward the "they censored my waifu's panties" sort of angry than white nationalist, but nobody should take their view on this as anything concrete.


I mean, this just some guy thinking it's fake, and on Nichegamer, where being an angry upset gamer is pretty common place (notice they don't dissect the part about Gamergate, where NG was pretty ridiculous about, when it's easily the most ridiculous paragraph in the petition).

There's plenty of silly morons in the gamergate crowd that fit this stereotype.

Now to be fair, does the 4Chan thread they link in the article (which contains sections identitcal to the petition) pre-date the petition itself? I'd check, but the main petition page has a "HTTP ERROR 503."

Leon Raycloud

Neo Member
I mean, this just some guy thinking it's fake, and on Nichegamer, where being an angry upset gamer is pretty common place (notice they don't dissect the part about Gamergate, which NG was pretty ridiculous about, when it's easily the most ridiculous paragraph in the petition).

There's plenty of silly morons in the gamergate crowd that fit this stereotype. NG leans more toward the "they censored my waifu's panties" sort of angry than white nationalist, but nobody should take their view on this as anything concrete.

There is also a forbes piece about the same , but the site doesn't open for me.


It's very likely a product of Poe's law. That being said, I've seen sincere objections to the game by certain individuals. These people really do exist even if this is fake.


Not sure if this is the most non self aware thing, or the most self aware thing in the fact its so ridiculous it was probably made with the intention of riling people up as the usual "some guy found some obscure petition and shares it, and then everyone jumps on to criticize it because they are riled up"


This is as dumb as any other case of someone trying to start a petition to ban a game cause reasons. Seriously just as it's alright to kill "EXTREMIST" Muslims in a modern fps it's ok to kill white extremists in red neck country. Fml I'm sure these same people would complain about different kind of censorship if it came to it, amazed they don't see the irony.
That some of the game's critics sympathize with a violent religious cult is a much, MUCH bigger problem than Ubisoft making a game about one.

Not only sympathize with. If these quotes are to be believed, the people posting them ARE the violent religious cults. Apparently thats about where Ubisoft's main fan base is these days...
Sorry I am Asian and I don't get this thing. What happened and why?

If FC5 is a parody and someone in US gone mad, then what about GTA V? Isn't that game is also about parody of US?

This petition isn't real. There's so many signs of it being satirical and meant to dump on the morons who would do something like this, of which there are a tiny minority.

I love how this is used as "see, all videogame players are white hateful manchildren" when 800 people signed a fake petition on change.org.

I think the majority are cool people who don't hate amd. Are much like the cool people we have on neogaf here.


Honestly, I think when it comes to Far Cry Ubi's marketing team is genius.

They just release an image of the boxart, which is usually provocative, sit back, and watch the fireworks.

Like if you read any of the information that came out about the game on friday, they said the focus is solely on cult groups, not christianity or real religion (they even said they are trying to go out of their way to make the cult beliefs seem almost alien), not the alt-right, not white people.

But when you see an infowars video entitled "Video game depicts Christians as Cannibals" and watch it and seeing them try to justify "but what if this was the prophet Muhammad" I just close the video and laugh.

Honestly, this is some of the best marketing Ubi is getting for this game, because the awareness of the game has increased significantly because people who don't pay attention to games suddenly are aware of its existence.


But when you see an infowars video entitled "Video game depicts Christians as Cannibals" and watch it and seeing them try to justify "but what if this was the prophet Muhammad" I just close the video and laugh.

Honestly, this is some of the best marketing Ubi is getting for this game, because the awareness of the game has increased significantly because people who don't pay attention to games suddenly are aware of its existence.

I am shocked at how many people didn't get the wakeup call that was the last US election.

This shit isn't funny anymore. This is real life.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
That may or may not be so, but keep in mind that the parody and edgy humor is being used as cover by that nasty evil. At the present time, both roads lead to the same place.

Quite simply, it's a paradigm we haven't had to deal with at this strength in the modern liberal order world in quite some time, and must be exposed and stopped until civility is back in full control.

While I appreciate what you're saying, I'm not convinced that's the case with this here petition. Like, the target of the humour is the writer, isn't it? All the key comedic exaggerations are about him/her, and they're pretty obvious.

I don't want to give it too much credit because it isn't that funny or particularly sophisticated. Still, it appears to have hit some kind of 'Poe's Sweetspot' (which I just made up and is now a thing) with people. Not sure what that means in the grand scheme of things.


Maybe this is just brilliant marketing? This is the most invested in a Far Cry game being successful that I have ever been...

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

I have no doubt there are morons like that guy (Christ, he's SO far gone), but that isn't the same as what's displayed in the petition.

The difference is, Incest Man is always outwardly attacking his target; there is no room for self-doubt with him. Real idiots have massively belt inflated opinions of themselves and their opinions (like me!). Petition Man, on the other hand, sprinkles in a lot of self-deprecation; little glimpses into his own exaggerated neuroses. If anything, that video has made me more certain the petition is a joke. :D

Again, I don't want to give the impression that I think this is a particularly clever bit of (for lack of a better word) 'satire', but it seems to have worked....
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