I've been playing games on console for my entire life. I recently built up the courage to build a PC. I never planned to go all in like I did but it just happened and I ended up never looking back to consoles except for one thing...
I couldn't help but feeling depressed about trying to get used to KB+M specifically for shooters. You see, I've been playing shooters competitively on console for the better part of my life. And now that I had switched to PC I was struggling a lot with shooters specifically.
It was getting to the point that I was having health issues. I would get so tense because my brain was going faster than my fingers could get used to with KB+M that I would sometimes get severe pain in my shoulders in between my shoulder blades.
You see, I thought it was the mouse that was screwing me up. I was wrong.
So, there I was, trying out Warframe. This time I was determined to try to get used to KB+M even though it was such a bear in the past. This time I would take it slow and play in small amounts. See, Warframe had grabbed me and I was loving it. I wanted to get used to KB+M with a game that I loved that would make it harder for me to quit because I am anticipating playing Anthem on PC when it releases and would like to actually start to try to play competitively again. So I had time.
Anyway, I was messing around with the keybindings trying to find something that didn't jar me so much and that felt efficient (to no avail). After I exited the menu I reached across my IRL desk for a cherry (farmers markets are awesome) and I accidentally bumped my controller while at the same time my other hand was moving the mouse... I saw my character move and at the same time the mouse was moving the view. There was no UI change or lag like I've seen in some games where you switch inputs. I thought that was standard...
That's when it hit me. Oh snap. No way this is going to work... But it did. I put the controller in my left hand and the mouse in my right and everything clicked. Like, I swear, it was like my world had changed. As if my pituitary gland was laying in wait for it's chance to strike and decided to drop an endorphin bomb on my brain.
I then did some quick keybinding to both controller and mouse, I have a naga with 12 side buttons so plenty of room for skills. And then it dawned on me again... I have an Elite controller! Two extra buttons with just the left hand and in the flipping perfect position.
This combination INSTANTLY increased my performance 100 fold. I was able to switch to public play and constantly came in second and third playing with KB+M users when before I was always last. Remember, I've only discovered this yesterday and I've only been trying hard to play with a mouse for 4 days. Every other time I'd end up giving up.
This time there was no pain. I don't get so tense at all and I can play for hours take quick break and come back. Where before I could play for hours... if I wanted to have pain and have to take at least an entire day off of playing.
I figured out that it wasn't the mouse that was messing me up. It was the left hand trying to get used to the keyboard and the awkward way that I had to press buttons that where no where near where my fingers felt comfortable. Not to mention button combos. All of this not matching up to how I had trained my brain my whole life was making me stress out.
A huge part of it was the lack of precision that you have using WASD over a joystick with movement. There is hardly any granularity on the keyboard but with the joystick you can move slower or faster depending on how far you press the stick out. On KB you are also taking up three fingers with WASD where on a controller you are only using your thumb freeing up other fingers to be ready on buttons that you could be pressing faster.
So now, I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I have the AMAZING precision of the mouse and the FAR more comfortable and precise use of my left hand for movement and finger utilization.
I was being serious when I said that it was really bumming me out trying to get used to KB+M before. There are so many FPS's coming out and are already out that I want to get into and experience on PC and be competitive again because I love it and it would have nagged at me that I was at a disadvantage using solely a controller. I had tears in my eyes after trying this and it working so well.
Have any of you heard of this? I'm prepared to feel like a dunce if this is common knowledge but I had never heard of it before.
If you've never heard of it though and you can relate to my story, you should definitely give this a try! It could change everything.
So far I've tried this with Warframe, Metro and DOOM and they all work flawlessly! How many other games let you do this?! I held off buying SO many games because of my previous situation but this would get me into them for sure.
I couldn't help but feeling depressed about trying to get used to KB+M specifically for shooters. You see, I've been playing shooters competitively on console for the better part of my life. And now that I had switched to PC I was struggling a lot with shooters specifically.
It was getting to the point that I was having health issues. I would get so tense because my brain was going faster than my fingers could get used to with KB+M that I would sometimes get severe pain in my shoulders in between my shoulder blades.
You see, I thought it was the mouse that was screwing me up. I was wrong.
So, there I was, trying out Warframe. This time I was determined to try to get used to KB+M even though it was such a bear in the past. This time I would take it slow and play in small amounts. See, Warframe had grabbed me and I was loving it. I wanted to get used to KB+M with a game that I loved that would make it harder for me to quit because I am anticipating playing Anthem on PC when it releases and would like to actually start to try to play competitively again. So I had time.
Anyway, I was messing around with the keybindings trying to find something that didn't jar me so much and that felt efficient (to no avail). After I exited the menu I reached across my IRL desk for a cherry (farmers markets are awesome) and I accidentally bumped my controller while at the same time my other hand was moving the mouse... I saw my character move and at the same time the mouse was moving the view. There was no UI change or lag like I've seen in some games where you switch inputs. I thought that was standard...
That's when it hit me. Oh snap. No way this is going to work... But it did. I put the controller in my left hand and the mouse in my right and everything clicked. Like, I swear, it was like my world had changed. As if my pituitary gland was laying in wait for it's chance to strike and decided to drop an endorphin bomb on my brain.
I then did some quick keybinding to both controller and mouse, I have a naga with 12 side buttons so plenty of room for skills. And then it dawned on me again... I have an Elite controller! Two extra buttons with just the left hand and in the flipping perfect position.
This combination INSTANTLY increased my performance 100 fold. I was able to switch to public play and constantly came in second and third playing with KB+M users when before I was always last. Remember, I've only discovered this yesterday and I've only been trying hard to play with a mouse for 4 days. Every other time I'd end up giving up.
This time there was no pain. I don't get so tense at all and I can play for hours take quick break and come back. Where before I could play for hours... if I wanted to have pain and have to take at least an entire day off of playing.
I figured out that it wasn't the mouse that was messing me up. It was the left hand trying to get used to the keyboard and the awkward way that I had to press buttons that where no where near where my fingers felt comfortable. Not to mention button combos. All of this not matching up to how I had trained my brain my whole life was making me stress out.
A huge part of it was the lack of precision that you have using WASD over a joystick with movement. There is hardly any granularity on the keyboard but with the joystick you can move slower or faster depending on how far you press the stick out. On KB you are also taking up three fingers with WASD where on a controller you are only using your thumb freeing up other fingers to be ready on buttons that you could be pressing faster.
So now, I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I have the AMAZING precision of the mouse and the FAR more comfortable and precise use of my left hand for movement and finger utilization.
I was being serious when I said that it was really bumming me out trying to get used to KB+M before. There are so many FPS's coming out and are already out that I want to get into and experience on PC and be competitive again because I love it and it would have nagged at me that I was at a disadvantage using solely a controller. I had tears in my eyes after trying this and it working so well.
Have any of you heard of this? I'm prepared to feel like a dunce if this is common knowledge but I had never heard of it before.
If you've never heard of it though and you can relate to my story, you should definitely give this a try! It could change everything.
So far I've tried this with Warframe, Metro and DOOM and they all work flawlessly! How many other games let you do this?! I held off buying SO many games because of my previous situation but this would get me into them for sure.