Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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Subete no aware

Ahhh, bootleg Cantonese-Malaysian anime. lol

I'm surprised at how well the main trio are cast - they seem to be doing good approximation of the Japanese cast, which is probably all you can ask for. The audio mixing just sounds terrible at times though.


Tokyo Ravens ep.23-END
Whelp, I guess nothing was really wrapped up with this ending... I mean, they threw a couple cute and campy scenes in there, but literally nothing was solved, explained or tied up... ugghh.

Adult Kon though, hell yes! Awesome stuff!!


And right now it's $8 off the normal price when preordering via Amazon. I have no experience with the Lodoss series directly, so should be an interesting first introduction to the series. If nothing else it seems like I'm getting an D&D type novel.

A few bucks cheaper on TRSI than amazon and also no tax right now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Now, that's just my own take on the matter and I certainly don't see it as anyone else's responsibility to point out these issues when they comment on a show. But I feel the need to flag up these things, especially when it occurs in relation to a series that could have some mainstream appeal.
I seems like an odd time to start planting flags to me. Like if I look at stuff pushed for AotY there are few if any shows that have clean hands when it comes to the way they treat women. I don't see as many warning labels attached to something like Kizumonogatari.

For Ballroom it's kind of similar. It's certainly stepping on toes with just these weird pregnant pauses on needlessly misogynistic moments, but at least it isn't completely sidelining or undermining the women in the cast. I understand if it's the final straw for people who are disinterested in the show but you see similar stuff all over the place, whether that's Haikyuu, My Hero Academia, Girls und Panzer, etc.


No offense taken. By the way, since I haven't seen you comment on it, I did end up watching all of Planetes after you pestered me several times about not having seen it. It's mostly pretty good.

All I really need to know is what you thought about the space ninjas episode in order to have an informed opinion on what I think of you as a person. Also, congratulations, your fate as Firehawk II has been averted. For now.
When I comment on ugly stuff like the naked 12 year old tortured for sleeping in class in Made in Abyss it's because it personally took me out of the show and wasn't something that I was expecting. I watch Prisma Ilya and that show is in many dimensions pure trash not least it's sexualisation of it's young cast but it's not surprising, it's not a show that hides it's ugly side (to be honest I'm not sure I'd even start it now).

MiA annoys me because otherwise it's a pretty good show but it's attitude to how cheaply it treats it's protagonists suggests there's a lot more on the way like those two seconds even without the warnings from people familiar with the source. For the record the gender of the tortured child is irrelevant, from the constant commentary on the boy's dick I'm guessing there will be a scene soon that exploits him at least as much.

Why the hell they didn't just cut all of this I cannot understand but I suspect the worst.


That's pretty unexpected! I really did think that Disney would at least keep the Ghibli titles they had in print, but I guess they don't care as much about home video anymore.

The best news out of this is that My Neighbours the Yamadas is finally going to get a BD release over here! I knew GKids would pull through.

I am so excited for Mononoke HIme with real subs again.
So I just went ahead and finished 7 Deadly Sins since I didn't finish it a while back.

Its Shonen as you can get, but its entertaining so I enjoyed it for what it was. I will definitely watch season 2 when it comes out.

Now I just need to catch up with Gintama.


I think we have hit peak Isekai. There's an isekai about a pest exterminator dying and being reincarnated into a fantasy world ....... using his prowess in exterminating to level up quickly by poisoning rats festering in the sewer (like any good jrpg) and then throwing the poisoned dead rats corpses in a high level forest area. The higher level monsters eat the poisoned rats, die from the poison, and the exterminator gets credit (exp) for the kill lmao.
Yeah I'm sick of Isekai premises.Interesting the first time when Zero no Tsukaima came around,it blew up with Re:Zero, Kono Suba and GATE debut and now the clones are flooding in trying to cash it.

I guess the last Isekai show I'm gonna watch is the upcoming Shield Hero unless something really interesting turns up. After that Isekai can join in with magical arms school, 4 girls 1 plot and idols into the overused genres/premises.

Or at least do a different setting Isekai instead of the usual high fantasy medieval era. Like Now or then,Here or there.


I seems like an odd time to start planting flags to me. Like if I look at stuff pushed for AotY there are few if any shows that have clean hands when it comes to the way they treat women. I don't see as many warning labels attached to something like Kizumonogatari.

I'm a huge fan of the Monogatari series as a whole, but I know for sure I wouldn't ever go around telling everyone to watch it because I am well aware of all the dubious fanservice it contains (with the pacing being pretty quirky on top of that).

Personally, I'd rather have some wholesome shows and some others that revel in their lewdness, as opposed to ecchi fanservice encroaching itself into every single show and genre imaginable to the point it's supposed to be forgiven and even accepted as a necessary evil, or that a show has to be commended for avoiding such phoned-in content in the first place (thank you, Tsuki ga Kirei).

Edit: Woah woah woah... I just decided to give that show with girls in a band another chance, and it isn't a minute into the second episode that I've just had to stop the stream. Like, what the heck was that crap?! Double meanings plus little girls is a recipe for disaster, I tell you...
Restaurant Isekai 3

I love how chill the show is, but at this point it might be a good idea to break the status quo. The show so far consists of

1. Person who doesn't know the restaurant enters

2. Gets served delicious food.

3. Tastes food, loves it, and goes through a monologue over how the taste is delicious.

4. "This restaurant is open every 7 days please come back!", "I will!"

5. Rinse and repeat.

And for every single visitor they always visit when the restaurant is empty. I would understand if the restaurant is a brand new discovery, but at this point the assumption is that it's well known among a decent amount of people where if open every 7 days on specific hours it would be at least decently busy. I'm curious if it opens entirely on one fantasy universe or on multiple? Still, the monotony is starting to set in.

I'm not saying it needs to change drastically, but at least introduce more recurring characters and different situations. Have some returning customers who get to know and talk with the staff more. Have returning customers interact with one another. Have the blue hair elf girl in the cover introduced already as a big side character.

But I don't know if my interest in the show can keep up if they just keep up the above formula until the end.

Just T

My Hero Academia: 28

They might can’t fully capture the visual intensity Shigaraki gives off in the manga but the voice actor has been doing a pretty good job with him.

Sakura Quest: 7

The movie filming has wrapped up, got the answer why Shiori was attached the house, figured it would be a reason like that. Yoshino’s confrontation with her was something, she kind of went off a bit and it’s understandable why she would be upset since Shiori had her looking for an answer from someone that they already had, essentially wasting her time. She did kinda overdo it a bit with the living in past remark and Shiori had a comeback ready lol obviously been thinking that for a minute. Yoshino having the woman credited was a really nice gesture to make it up to Shiori and showing she paid attention to her words. Surprised Shiori watched it go down though without a word. As for Maki, looks like some reflecting did her some good.


Here's the answer for me, at least: I believe this thread should always be useful as a tool for people who are just casually interested in anime/the current season of anime. There are always people new to the medium for whom this could be their first season that they're following shows as they air. I feel like it's my duty to give these people fair warning of the kind of content they could be experiencing in their shows. It's very easy to become desensitized to the problematic elements present in some (but not all) anime productions, but I think it's important to try and come at an anime with a fresh perspective to help better serve this audience.

The alternative is that someone hears the glowing praise around, say, Made in the Abyss, and as a result they decide to check out the show for themselves. They will then surely run into the objectionable material and wonder why no-one in the thread even thought it was worth mentioning? They'd have to assume we're just a bunch of very insular anime fans who aren't bothered by scenes which are clearly objectionable. I'd rather try and prevent such a thing from occurring.

Now, that's just my own take on the matter and I certainly don't see it as anyone else's responsibility to point out these issues when they comment on a show. But I feel the need to flag up these things, especially when it occurs in relation to a series that could have some mainstream appeal.

On the other hand, dragging the show through the mud for nothing may turn people off of ever trying to experience it in the first place.

There is nothing objectionable about this unless you're concerned about child cruelty/abuse to begin with (which may be a perfectly valid reason to skip the series entirely, even before episode 2). The equivalent of a genderless blob with a head is shown, focus on her face, situation and background. It's a brief moment in a montage of life at the orphanage, mentioned prior by a character, not thrown in for a cheap loli kick. Nothing sexual or 'fan service' about it. I honestly think that only someone familiar with anime 'loli culture' could even see it that way.


My Hero Academia S2 14

really bored with this ep aside from the flashbacks of Bakugo being illustrative or Stain's reaction to facehanddude and warpdude whatever their names are


On the other hand, dragging the show through the mud for nothing may turn people off of ever trying to experience it in the first place.

There is nothing objectionable about this unless you're concerned about child cruelty/abuse to begin with (which may be a perfectly valid reason to skip the series entirely, even before episode 2). The equivalent of a genderless blob with a head is shown, focus on her face, situation and background. It's a brief moment in a montage of life at the orphanage, mentioned prior by a character, not thrown in for a cheap loli kick. Nothing sexual or 'fan service' about it. I honestly think that only someone familiar with anime 'loli culture' could even see it that way.

People keep focusing on that one scene for now but there are a bit more like that later on. The manga artist also draws her underdeveloped breasts and puts it as the main focus in some panels and it is super awkward. Reg reacts in a sexual way in a later scene as well which makes it even worse.
People keep focusing on that one scene but there are a bit more like that later on. The manga artist also draws her underdeveloped breasts and puts it as the main focus in some panels and it is super awkward. Reg reacts in a sexual way in a later scene as well which makes it even worse.

yyyyyyyyyyyeah now I gotta wait for more impressions to see if the show is so good you can ignore this but not a good sign.


yyyyyyyyyyyeah now I gotta wait for more impressions to see if the show is so good you can ignore this but not a good sign.

That's the thing. We're waiting to see if this is one-off gag material or just the the first warning sign. Ideally it'll be more restrained but who knows. It's not like this is an original show where we have no idea about what's coming.


Ai Yori Aoshi ep.15
Now that was a damn cute episode which highlights the character developement between the main ship throughout the show to this point. It was a love confession dobe in a sweet and earnest way without any distractions from the subject at hand.... yup, I loved this one...


People keep focusing on that one scene for now but there are a bit more like that later on. The manga artist also draws her underdeveloped breasts and puts it as the main focus in some panels and it is super awkward. Reg reacts in a sexual way in a later scene as well which makes it even worse.

I'll reserve judgment for when/if the adaptation gets there.
Knights und Magic 03

Why is it always that denizens of whatever isekai world are always so stupid to their own technology? I'll let them handwave over whatever scripts or programming that somehow maps perfectly from real world to magical world, but just design-wise, am I to believe that Ernesti is the very first person in history to think "let's add more limbs" or "let's shrink it"?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Why do you think these isekai worlds are always stuck in a pre-industrial feudal society?

Everyone's fucking stupid.

Also it makes the viewers feel competent because even their useless wikipedia gleaned knowledge will have applications in stupid world.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
School Rumble is one of my all time favorite shows...but the ending is terrible.

They also messed up the ending in the manga. Then again in the manga sequel meant to fix the awful ending!


Why do you think these isekai worlds are always stuck in a pre-industrial feudal society?

Because that's whats popular in fantasy worlds, be they in japan with jrpgs or in the west with high and low fantasy novels. Being able to escape the boring as fuck modern world to another modern world isn't that interesting.

I guess in the end you can probably blame Tolkien or Gygax or Howard.
Ai Yori Aoshi ep.15

Now that was a damn cute episode which highlights the character developement between the main ship throughout the show to this point. It was a love confession dobe in a sweet and earnest way without any distractions from the subject at hand.... yup, I loved this one...

Translation: She got wet


How dare you! It was actually really good, lol..

Casshern Sins ep.10

Dio and this crazy woman need to cross paths with Casshern so they can die horribly!

I forgot Casshern Sins was a thing. I don't even remember if it was good which probably means it wasn't.


Bravest Warriors - Season 3 - Well, this isn't what I wanted. Boo. Boo, I say. I hope the 50+ episodes they say they have in the works are more serial than this.

Netflix's Castlevania - I don't like the goofiness. When the silly bar fight music started my enjoyment was nearly extinguished. But overall it wasn't awful, didn't feature any more silly music after the bar scene, and seemed like a decent setup, so I'll certainly continue watching in the hope that it's all up from here.

House of Cards - Season 5 - This season was all time-skips and filler episodes.


My Hero Academia S2 15

Stain's so delightfully edgelord but I dig how his presence brings back the old Batman argument as to whether he's there because of the crazies or if they're there become of him, especially since crime drops after he murders a few.

Feels like a bit of Hunter Zolomon too in creating better heroes through tragedy.
Was the space ninja episode always part of the discussion of Planetes? I just always accepted it was one of these dividing episodes where some may love it but many would dislike it. I think kiritobread (?) or someone else recently watched this and didn't mention the
180 in attitude of the male lead
for the last few arcs. It bothered me quite a bit to the point the beginning of the show compared to the ending are like two different shows I'd rate differently and it has almost killed my desire to ever go back, but maybe I should if people who have watched it recently don't think it's that bothersome or jarring.


Was the space ninja episode always part of the discussion of Planetes? I just always accepted it was one of these dividing episodes where some may love it but many would dislike it. I think kiritobread (?) or someone else recently watched this and didn't mention the
180 in attitude of the male lead
for the last few arcs. It bothered me quite a bit to the point the beginning of the show compared to the ending are like two different shows I'd rate differently and it has almost killed my desire to ever go back, but maybe I should if people who have watched it recently don't think it's that bothersome or jarring.

Oh no, I definitely called him out for being a douch.... bad senpai..

They made him "human" again at the end though...
Why do you think these isekai worlds are always stuck in a pre-industrial feudal society?

Everyone's fucking stupid.

Also it makes the viewers feel competent because even their useless wikipedia gleaned knowledge will have applications in stupid world.

But this knowledge that he's using isn't even some sort of random wikipedia trivia from the modern world! I've come to at least accept that as something that would be in every isekai already, but this is literally just thinking "how do we put more weapons on a mech?"


People keep focusing on that one scene for now but there are a bit more like that later on. The manga artist also draws her underdeveloped breasts and puts it as the main focus in some panels and it is super awkward. Reg reacts in a sexual way in a later scene as well which makes it even worse.

Woah. That's... not good.

The space ninjas episode... sure was a thing.

So what you're saying is?


because they have always been called that even though they are 2-4 weeks behind.

a lot of the anime isn't done to much before it airs on tv, dubs aren't instant thus they need some time to be able to dub it.

it sucks, but it is still way better than waiting a year+ like we used to.
Not always.
They initially called it "Broadcast Dubs".
They started using "Simuldubs" relatively recently. Maybe even with My Hero Academia season 2.


Why do you think these isekai worlds are always stuck in a pre-industrial feudal society?

Everyone's fucking stupid.

Also it makes the viewers feel competent because even their useless wikipedia gleaned knowledge will have applications in stupid world.

it was good enough for Army of Darkness so it is good enough for me


Not always.
They initially called it "Broadcast Dubs".
They started using "Simuldubs" relatively recently. Maybe even with My Hero Academia season 2.

Well they are dubs of currently simulcast shows. Of course even 'simulcast' is untrue from what I understand.
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