Violence will win you nothing.
It is not the way to fight these heartless racists.
Worked before.
Violence will win you nothing.
It is not the way to fight these heartless racists.
Imagine being this proud of such a shitty car![]()
Adrian Morrow
Totally crazy scene as Kessler, organiser of the white power march here yesterday, fled through the street, chased by a crowd of townsfolk
1:07pm · 13 Aug 2017 · Twitter for iPhone
So much for the "tolerant" leftI hope someone has video of this.
What a timeline. Nonstop shitting on Dems, then still vowing to vote 3rd party unless the perfect candidate comes across. He is a Nazi enabler.
The problem is that you have people in this thread and a few of the others who are not airing ideas or encouraging violence through self defense (which is a legitimate reason for violence!) but who suggest violence as a means of retaliation. This combined with this rhetoric that all people who voted for Trump are literally nazis along with the 90+ million registered voters who didn't bother voting are as bad as actual nazis for allowing this to happen, is a bad look that sounds like the extremism from someone who is deranged and extremist.
Furthermore it is problematic and counter productive to encourage senseless revenge based violence against conservatives and trump supporters in general because the emboldened alt right trolls want the left wingers to come out and fight them. They use attacks on conservative as a recruitment tool, and if you google "trump supporter beaten" you can see endless amounts of this shit already.
So we know that punching them will not do anything to dissaude them, and we know that it will feed into their talking points of white people being oppressed minorities who seek to ostrize them from America.
Showing white people being beaten by POC and left wing groups is the best thing that can happen to them. The nuance of the situation will be completely lost once the right wing media spins these stories and it will backfire massively.
My friends would go to anti nazi protests and throw rocks at them. They'd go on a bus with other anarchists and go down to germany and sweden and scream at the top of their lungs. And what I noticed about them every time I was with them, was how much they were just sucked into this hole. It doesn't work to engage with far right trolls.
And they are far right trolls. They wear the nazi symbols to be infamous and to get attention. I don't for a second believe that a lot of these have read meine kampf or understand it. Remember that Nazi ideology is a contradiction. It was heavily critized and laughed at by some of the pioneers of fascism, because Nazism is a bunch of incoherent nonsense. It doesn't make sense, which is why nazis are so fun to have as baddies in video games and movies and to talk about in historic contexts.
Clearly these people are shitheads, but it's important to reflect on the motivations of why they are doing this, what their objective is, and if your response would benefit them. It's not that they do something that should cause your immediate reaction, but why.
And that is the key. Because like with other forms of terrorism, they depend on guerilla style warfare of cowardly attacks. They cannot beat their enemy in the open, so they try to get them agitated that they'll get off balance and make mistakes in frustrations.
The US being baited into wars in afghanistan and Iraq are good examples of why not to take the bait. Shit just got a lot worse and the terrorists got what they wanted; lots of people hurt, more recruitment and they got a lot closer to their vision of united global war between the western world and the middle eastern world.
Instead of giving the alt-right what they want- I think the best defense the left can do is to mobilize. If they organize a nazi rally with 500 people, the left should organize a peaceful counter protest with 5000, or 10000, or 20000. For solidarity and sticking together and for protection and remembrance. There are many ways to show strength, be powerful and be engaging in political activism that doesn't revolve around revenge based violence or falling into your enemys setup.
Lastly, a previous poster said that other countries don't have these problems because they shut down nazis. This is not true. In most European countries, nazis hold rallies, they recruit, they have radio channels, they are allowed to exist. Just like we have quite a few hateful extremist fundamentalist Islamic group who if they where in power would hurt a lot of innocent people.
We allow these people to exist because our liberal views make us better than that and because our response to conflict is different. Don't mistake this for pacifism or think that this means we don't stand up for each other. You stand up for one another in self defense, but there is a time and place to strike. To give into bloodlust in battles that will only benefit your enemy is stupid and counter productive.
After what happened on the promenade in Nice, a lot of people wanted to throw every fundamentalist muslim who sympathized with the driver for the fucking lions. But we don't do that. Those people are the worst type of shitheads, but even they are allowed to exist and express their views. People have to stay their hand regardless of what type of fanatical hateful human being it is.
protecting people, is what matters most. Showing the contrast between the left and the right needs to be maintained. The comparison with antifa being a terrorist organization is a classic attempt to make a selffulfilling properchy. It's designed to make them come out and engage and inadvertently dox them to make them look they are.
It's best to show that they are not, and give the far right spin media machine as little ammo as possible to work with.
Violence through self defense, yes. To protect others from harm. Organizing and political activism spent on helping victims and union style protections that give various support, financial and otherwise to vulnerable people.
It's a false equivalency to argue that history proves that unmitigated violence is the best option. There is also plenty of history that shows that being absolutely disastrous. You have a situation where half the country is split, with a unstable government, and a far right media that is brain washing many millions of people. Don't think this cannot get a lot worse if hundreds of thousands of armed white people escalate. The outfall and the army and police being involved will be favorable to POC with the way the police and military is structured. It's a recipe for disaster.
That sounds easy to say when it's not your car or business that's getting destroyed. All the good they do they could still do without hurting random people. That's why they have the reputation of rioters who just riot for the sake of itThey also challenge authority, and Hamburg showed that this was necessary as well.
I like that after the initial condemnations of the riots the german media mostly sided with protestors, against the police. (Which I think must be news to most Gaffers who aren't german because international media didn't cover beyond the initial reports of the riots)
We give a lot of authority and even guns to cops, its important to keep that power in check and if that takes the eventual provocation - so be it.
The Antifa is not supposed to be peaceful, calm and politically correct, their job is to shout down nazis and challenge authority. Thats an important job and if a few glasses break and cars burn in the process I think thats a fair price to pay for that service.
Violence obviously isn't the answer, this isn't a military war.
If a lot of western nations can stomp out Nazis, White Supremacists etc. in the populace to almost nothing but a cowardly life choice hidden away for the few scumbags with policing, justice, laws then so can America.
Look, if their target list was entirely just "your_real_name_here" instead of "inferior races", would you feel threatened? Or do you think that maybe something could be worked out because they're not actually violent? Despite, you know, all evidence to the contrary?
I thought this happened already. Either way they have no problem putting up posters constantly so I wouldn't doubt that they would have a protest or something.I doubt anyone has the balls to stage an alt-right/nazi protest in Toronto, but I'd consider countering it. I've been to my share of protests. Shout them down by massively outnumbering them.
Just the idea that they're in America of all places while stating that is ridiculous in and of itself.the people who come around and say "violence never solves anything" should have never passed elementary school history.
Being a nazi is not in and of itself an act of physical violence.
Or is "pre-emptive self-defense" only obviously dumb when Republicans invoke it?
By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.and the way is what
I thought this happened already. Either way they have no problem putting up posters constantly so I wouldn't doubt that they would have a protest or something.
That sounds easy to say when it's not your car or business that's getting destroyed. All the good they do they could still do without hurting random people. That's why they have the reputation of rioters who just riot for the sake of it
By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.
With the events of yesterday, the Nazis did everything they could to destroy themselves. They received no blessing from anyone other than other racists for their demonstration and actions. Thankfully, they lost yesterday.
Are you going to drive a car through a crowd of Nazis in retaliation for yesterdays events? What exactly do you think that will accomplish? You aren't going to kill enough to actually do anything other than scare and embolden them. What is the endgame of the violent approach? Civil War?
By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.
They received no blessing from anyone other than other racists for their demonstration and actions. Thankfully, they lost yesterday.
They received the blessing from the white house my dude.By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.
With the events of yesterday, the Nazis did everything they could to destroy themselves. They received no blessing from anyone other than other racists for their demonstration and actions. Thankfully, they lost yesterday.
Are you going to drive a car through a crowd of Nazis in retaliation for yesterdays events? What exactly do you think that will accomplish? You aren't going to kill enough to actually do anything other than scare and embolden them. What is the endgame of the violent approach? Civil War?
I don't think they would stage a rally in my town. It's a liberal bubble here.
Next week, by the same organizers:
It is a declaration of intent.Being a nazi is not in and of itself an act of physical violence.
What a timeline. Nonstop shitting on Dems, then still vowing to vote 3rd party unless the perfect candidate comes across. He is a Nazi enabler.
3rd party is not a viable option in the US.
I know. I'm just tired of the question.
I'd rather respond with another question: instead of sitting around debating about whether violence against white men is justified for any reason, what does a "pacifist" think we should do when it's obvious that cops and the current administration empathize more with angry white men than any other human alive, no matter their position?
By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.
With the events of yesterday, the Nazis did everything they could to destroy themselves. They received no blessing from anyone other than the President of the United States, conservative news networks, and other racists for their demonstration and actions. Thankfully, they "lost" yesterday.
At this point aren't alt-right and white supremacy basically synonymous? In any case, sure, let's restrict our analysis to people who have a swastika tatooed on their forehead.
Anyway, people are literally advocating vigilantism in this thread -- assaulting people who are not engaged in physical violence that threatens your safety or that of others. Like the guys saying you should go beat up a Nazi having lunch in the park. Being a nazi is not in and of itself an act of physical violence. Or is "pre-emptive self-defense" only obviously dumb when Republicans invoke it?
It's not the be all end all. But for now, it's the only option.Treating voting for Democrats as the be-all and end-all of political action is a large part of what got us to this point, so have fun with that.
Being a nazi is not in and of itself an act of physical violence. Or is "pre-emptive self-defense" only obviously dumb when Republicans invoke it?
"Feeling threatened" is not, in and of itself, a valid reason for physical violence. I can't believe I have to say that. If you want physical violence to intimidate white-supremacists into silence, then go ahead and say so. I think that strategy would backfire horrifically.
Again. What does the violent approach accomplish? What does it do to gain support in the fight against racism and intolerance? What is the endgame?
By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.
With the events of yesterday, the Nazis did everything they could to destroy themselves. They received no blessing from anyone other than other racists for their demonstration and actions. Thankfully, they lost yesterday.
Are you going to drive a car through a crowd of Nazis in retaliation for yesterdays events? What exactly do you think that will accomplish? You aren't going to kill enough to actually do anything other than scare and embolden them. What is the endgame of the violent approach? Civil War?
Again. What does the violent approach accomplish? What does it do to gain support in the fight against racism and intolerance? What is the endgame?
At this point aren't alt-right and white supremacy basically synonymous? In any case, sure, let's restrict our analysis to people who have a swastika tatooed on their forehead.
Anyway, people are literally advocating vigilantism in this thread -- assaulting people who are not engaged in physical violence that threatens your safety or that of others. Like the guys saying you should go beat up a Nazi having lunch in the park. Being a nazi is not in and of itself an act of physical violence. Or is "pre-emptive self-defense" only obviously dumb when Republicans invoke it?
By winning the battle of ideas. Which we have done in the past.
With the events of yesterday, the Nazis did everything they could to destroy themselves. They received no blessing from anyone other than other racists for their demonstration and actions. Thankfully, they lost yesterday.
Are you going to drive a car through a crowd of Nazis in retaliation for yesterdays events? What exactly do you think that will accomplish? You aren't going to kill enough to actually do anything other than scare and embolden them. What is the endgame of the violent approach? Civil War?
This is fucking pathetic.
How the hell do you add to your ignore list on mobile GAF? I don't want to see that fucking avatar again.
"Feeling threatened" is not, in and of itself, a valid reason for physical violence.
Again. What does the violent approach accomplish? What does it do to gain support in the fight against racism and intolerance? What is the endgame?
Pragmatically speaking will it work?
I am not for violence, but i am not going to spend my time defending nazis and chastize the oppressed to be nicer to those that would kill them. Richard Spencer catching hands did more to delegatimize him more then any "debate" ever has
People are chanting "blood and soil" and people are literally saying "lets hear them out" and find out out what makes them feel that way. Like this is some therapy session. Instead of something that cost 3 lives, and have many more fighting for theirs
"Being a Nazi" is permitting the killing of nonwhite people. Period. Period. Goddamn period, The Wart. I know they're all white guys and they most likely look like you and that's got your empathy meter all frazzled.
But if you say you're a Nazi, that should be viewed as akin to an actual act of violence, along with the rest of hate speech. Cut that shit down before it spreads. Before more Heather Heyers get killed.
I'm serious. Anti-Nazi demonstration laws now. The line has been crossed.
Again. What does the violent approach accomplish? What does it do to gain support in the fight against racism and intolerance? What is the endgame?
Pragmatically speaking will it work?
This is fucking pathetic.
How the hell do you add to your ignore list on mobile GAF? I don't want to see that fucking avatar again.