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Polygon "exposes" toxicity among male gamers

This is simply not true and is nothing more than historical revisionism and/or ignorance as to what programming was and is. The nature of "programming" completely changed over time, and this is what led to women leaving the field.

"Programming" in the days when many women did it was simply loading programs that had been written by almost entirely male academics and engineers into machines. This was repetitive manual labour and was often performed by women. Then, when hardware designs became much more sophisticated, those male academics and researchers became able to write and load programs into machines themselves, digitally. Thus the repetitive manual step became unnecessary, and thus women, who were never involved in the actual devising of programs in large numbers, were no longer involved in the field at all.

"Programming" (i.e. writing code and devising algorithms) as we know it today has *always* been dominated by men. The work that women did simply became unnecessary. Nobody "decided" that anything in particular was for men to do. Women in general have simply never shown interest in this work in significant numbers compared to men.
You aren't exactly painting an accurate representation of history either. Uncle Bob lived through it and has a different take.

I suggest watching:

He goes into women in the industry around 9:40 but it's a fantastic talk I suggest watching it in its entirety.
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Don't say shit like this in the form of broad nonspecific statements. If you feel so strongly that this is the case, let's see see some posts that reveal this alleged hypocrisy.

Meh, I don't really want to get into it. It's just dumb how many here shit all over Era for having a long threads full of terrible arguments and outrage anytime there's some article that's a real or perceived slight against women or minorities, yet any time there's some slight against men or whites in some article you get a thread like this full of shitty arguments and outrage--just from the other side.

Frankly, both communities suck as they're both toxic as fuck and make everything about politics when they should be about games first and foremost, and other media hobbies and fun threads in off topic. Off Topic here is particularly bad as the front page is full of politics and most movie, show etc. threads get little traffic. The people talking politics scare off people just wanting to chat about hobbies. There just aren't any good gaming forums any more as they're either full of politics from one side or the other, or they're poorly moderated and full of fanboy console warring nonsense. And that's a damn shame as game forums were great up until 5 years or so ago. I wish EviLore would give a politics subforum a try and see if getting that toxicity out of gaming and off topic helps drum up traffic from people who stay away because of it.

Anyway, that's all I'll say about that and I'll just stay out of any political-related threads if I keep coming here at all (gaming side is slow as hell).


I don't care about Zoe Quinn or Gamergate. I care about exposing parasitic games 'journalists' that attempt to bully or pressure developers into changing their vision. I also despise the relationships many of these so-called 'journalists' have with developers and publishers (giving out great reviews in exchange for trinkets or trips). Video Game journalism has been going downhill since the early 2000s, and it has accelerated its downward spiral since the Kane and Lynch debacle with Gurtsmann. I doubt current games journalists even fully play through the games they review.

It's always been shit. Pick up any EGM from the 90s. It'll come off like it was written by some easily impressionable child that totally bought all the marketing bullshit. People just need to understand that the video game "press" has never been anything besides thinly veiled marketing. That's all it is.

If anyone actually got critical, started asking hard questions, and didn't give the "right" games a free pass, they'd get blacklisted. Anyone remember the minor controversy behind Brandon Sheffield's Rage interview? All the guy did was not buy their marketing bullshit and actually questioned the developers. Was blacklisted, employer was basically sent a threatening e-mail. And gamers still bought Bethesda games after this.


They're all the same, though, and if you think this isn't happening on a wide scale, I've got a bridge to sell you. There are games that are too big to fail, and there are conversations happening that basically amount to, "if you don't give this game a 90+, you're not getting invited to the locker room after the game anymore," and these pussy media outlets let them get away with it every single time because they just want to sell ads and couldn't give less of a shit about quality video games.

All you really have to do is look at games that have a huge variance between the critic and user rating, and you know something's up. These are sacred cows that you can't call out on their bullshit because there's too much riding on their success.

Uncharted 4, for example, was a piece of fucking crap. Thing basically played like Dragon's Lair. 93 my ass. Game critics talking about how wonderful it's "gameplay" was. There's a reason that there's a 10 point difference between the critic and user score even after all the Playstation fanboys propped the game up.


Another funny example is Dark Souls. So Dark Souls was just a normal good game that hadn't achieved sacred cow status yet. There wasn't a lot of publisher pressure and people could generally be honest about it.


Game is a watershed, seminal, huge hit. Dark Souls 2 rolls around. The franchise is too big to fail now. Bandai decides to pay attention to it, put a lot of money into marketing, start pressuring the media outlets to make sure it's a success. Game's a piece of shit, yet look at the critic reviews. The fucking douches rated Dark Souls 2 more highly than 1. Of course the user scores are actually realistic.


What's going on is comically transparent. I don't understand why anyone even visits commercial gaming news/review sites anymore when you can just watch gameplay video on Youtube and Twitch and know whether a game is good in 5 seconds.


Neo Member
I mean in your examples, all 3 games have very good reviews both from the users and from the press, which makes them by definition good games. Not sure it proves your point.


I mean in your examples, all 3 games have very good reviews both from the users and from the press, which makes them by definition good games. Not sure it proves your point.

7.9 is not a good score for a tent pole game. Can you imagine Uncharted 4 with "8.3" in huge letters on the box?

Rage is a good example of a game that was a complete piece of shit but was given a pass.

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So these reviews are bad but the standards they establish (7.9 is bad lolololololol) are fine.

You need to clean up your game.

If you honestly think that a score like 7.9 looks fine for a $60 game you're trying to sell as the best thing ever, you're fooling yourself. Also, I didn't say it was good or bad. In fact, I suggested watching gameplay videos on Youtube or Twitch instead of reading any of it, so way to completely ignore what I wrote! You've unlocked Achievement #492049: Can't Read™.
If you honestly think that a score like 7.9 looks fine for a $60 game you're trying to sell as the best thing ever, you're fooling yourself. Also, I didn't say it was good or bad. In fact, I suggested watching gameplay videos on Youtube or Twitch instead of reading any of it, so way to completely ignore what I wrote! You've unlocked Achievement #492049: Can't Read™.

What part of "7.9 is not a good score for a tent pole game" has you not saying "if it's good or bad".

Dr. Claus

Meh, I don't really want to get into it. It's just dumb how many here shit all over Era for having a long threads full of terrible arguments and outrage anytime there's some article that's a real or perceived slight against women or minorities, yet any time there's some slight against men or whites in some article you get a thread like this full of shitty arguments and outrage--just from the other side.

Frankly, both communities suck as they're both toxic as fuck and make everything about politics when they should be about games first and foremost, and other media hobbies and fun threads in off topic. Off Topic here is particularly bad as the front page is full of politics and most movie, show etc. threads get little traffic. The people talking politics scare off people just wanting to chat about hobbies. There just aren't any good gaming forums any more as they're either full of politics from one side or the other, or they're poorly moderated and full of fanboy console warring nonsense. And that's a damn shame as game forums were great up until 5 years or so ago. I wish EviLore would give a politics subforum a try and see if getting that toxicity out of gaming and off topic helps drum up traffic from people who stay away because of it.

Anyway, that's all I'll say about that and I'll just stay out of any political-related threads if I keep coming here at all (gaming side is slow as hell).

Again with the broadly generalized statements devoid of substance. You are greatly over-exaggerating the amount of politics in the gaming and OT communities. The former barely had 4-5 threads on the front page that has anything to do with politics, unless you are trying to suggest that a few shitposts/references to "SJWs" suddenly turns a non-political thread into a political one. As for OT, it is about 50/50 with political talk and non-political talk. If you truly have an issue with it then make some non-political threads and start discussions. It really is not that hard. I find more people commenting/whining about the politics than actually doing something to improve/change the issue they have with it.

If you honestly think that a score like 7.9 looks fine for a $60 game you're trying to sell as the best thing ever, you're fooling yourself. Also, I didn't say it was good or bad. In fact, I suggested watching gameplay videos on Youtube or Twitch instead of reading any of it, so way to completely ignore what I wrote! You've unlocked Achievement #492049: Can't Read™.

7.9 is a good game for 60 dollars. I have had some of my best gaming moments in full priced titles that have been rated below an 8 or even 7. Not sure what you are smokin', mate. Also no need for such passive aggressive posts.
A lot of the vocal posters seem more interested in talking politics than games.

Turns out the problem before the Great Schism wasn't "too much politics", it was "too much politics I don't agree with".

We are right back where we started but with less infighting. It will drive people away.
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Uncharted 4, for example, was a piece of fucking crap. Thing basically played like Dragon's Lair. 93 my ass. Game critics talking about how wonderful it's "gameplay" was. There's a reason that there's a 10 point difference between the critic and user score even after all the Playstation fanboys propped the game up.

8.3 user score is in the top 2.7% of games on the PS4 on metacritic, and you are seriously deluded if you don't think for every PS fanboy propping it up there is an Xbox fanboy giving it a 0 because they are pissed that it's not on their precious little console.

Switch's best rated game, Breath of the Wild, has a user score is 1.2 points below its review score. Forza Horizon 3, the best rated Xbox One exclusive game, is 1.1 points down on user compared to review. Guess no console actually has good games, after all user scores are so much more reflective of reality or something.

All your little rant did is prove just how little you understand how userscores work on Metacritic.
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8.3 user score is in the top 2.7% of games on the PS4 on metacritic, and you are seriously deluded if you don't think for every PS fanboy propping it up there is an Xbox fanboy giving it a 0 because they are pissed that it's not on their precious little console.

Switch's best rated game, Breath of the Wild, has a user score is 1.2 points below its review score. Forza Horizon 3, the best rated Xbox One exclusive game, is 1.1 points down on user compared to review. Guess no console actually has good games, after all user scores are so much more reflective of reality or something.

All your little rant did is prove just how little you understand how userscores work on Metacritic.

Your examples actually prove my point. BOTW for example is another wildly overrated "too big to fail" game like Uncharted 4. Thanks for providing more evidence!
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There's a strong argument for Rage as the worst AAA FPS ever released. The racing sequences were borderline unplayable, they didn't integrate vehicles into the core game at all, the game had a broken engine with textures constantly popping in and out. And to get their glitchy texture streaming technology working, they had to make a game in 2011 that didn't even have real time lighting so half the scenes looked like you were playing Myst. The levels ranged from forgettable to laughably basic. The sound effects in it were limp and weak. Nothing had any punch or impact.

It's shockingly bad.


I don't agree that Rage was given a pass. It was lambasted actually.

I know the Metacritic score may suggest otherwise, but it's padded and doesn't actually reflect what was going down.
It's shockingly bad.

I had to check my steam profile. I put 20 hours into it over the course (according to my achievements) of 8 days in Aug 2014 and beat it on normal difficulty. I believe I got it for $5.

Your critique doesn't surprise me, lots of people hated it.
I read the first part of the article and it claims that in the PS1 commercial the guy locked his girlfriend in a closet.

But it doesn't show a closet, you can only hear knocking and his girlfriend saying "let me in" - which implies she's outside the apartment. Not locked in a closet, or she would be saying "let me out."
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I don't agree that Rage was given a pass. It was lambasted actually.

I know the Metacritic score may suggest otherwise, but it's padded and doesn't actually reflect what was going down.

Which is kind of my whole point. Critics don't reflect reality at all because they want a spot in the locker room after the game, and as I keep having to say, there are sacred cow games that you can't really be honest about if you want that spot in the locker room.


Gold Member
I read the first part of the article and it claims that in the PS1 commercial the guy locked his girlfriend in a closet.

But it doesn't show a closet, you can only hear knocking and his girlfriend saying "let me in" - which implies she's outside the apartment. Not locked in a closet, or she would be saying "let me out."

Hey now, they needed the spice up their narrative.
Just don't be oversensitive about unknown people online and enjoy the games with or without a little bit of trash talk. I heard countless times who had my mother last night and other rather hilarious rants, yet I'm still all good. In a way it's kind of a part of multiplayer gaming culture, especially on Xbox Live. More than that, many of the insults made my laugh my ass off or surprised me with their creativity.

Someone harasses you in a very direct and distastefull manner? Report the idiot, simple as that.


mod edit: removed the OP opinion/prejudice on the source so as to not shape the discussion around that.

"especially on Xbox Live " I hate when opinion is presented as facts.... while you cant explain how toxic gamers are, sadly gamers are toxic...instead of enjoying a game, they feel like its productive to tear down another company, or game... and throw out statements like i quoted with no substance behind it, and to in a way cause a childish debate about an opinion.
"especially on Xbox Live " I hate when opinion is presented as facts.... while you cant explain how toxic gamers are, sadly gamers are toxic...instead of enjoying a game, they feel like its productive to tear down another company, or game... and throw out statements like i quoted with no substance behind it, and to in a way cause a childish debate about an opinion.
If you are going to ridicule someone for presenting opinion as facts it might not be wise to broad stroke gamers in general as being toxic. Gaming is just a hobby. People have hobbies and can do mean things and they can do them at the same time.


A lot of the vocal posters seem more interested in talking politics than games.

Turns out the problem before the Great Schism wasn't "too much politics", it was "too much politics I don't agree with".

We are right back where we started but with less infighting. It will drive people away.

What will drive some people away is moderators using their moderator privileges to give a specific kind of opinions the traction their merit alone won't earn them.

It seems peculiar that some would have endured the authoritarian horror show this forum once was but would now - now that people are finally able to express divergent views without mod interference - would now complain about political discussions.

The real problem may be the unsavoury discovery that no, this forum is not aligned as a whole with your views. That no, your views will not get a free pass just because they coincide with what used to be the forum political creed. That no, your opinions will not escape unscathed if you don't present facts, if you don't present an argument, if you don't try to argue your case.

Tough luck.
What will drive some people away is moderators using their moderator privileges to give a specific kind of opinions the traction their merit alone won't earn them.

It seems peculiar that some would have endured the authoritarian horror show this forum once was but would now - now that people are finally able to express divergent views without mod interference - would now complain about political discussions.

The real problem may be the unsavoury discovery that no, this forum is not aligned as a whole with your views. That no, your views will not get a free pass just because they coincide with what used to be the forum political creed. That no, your opinions will not escape unscathed if you don't present facts, if you don't present an argument, if you don't try to argue your case.

Tough luck.

So the real problem is that I don't come here to read about internet drama?



So the real problem is that I don't come here to read about internet drama?


The problem is that some people only find political discussions problematic insomuch as alternative points of view to theirs are presented. t's not my problem, mind you. But it does seem to be a problem. A member even described current NeoGAF as "weird". Yes, when you've grown accustomed to totalitarianism, at first freedom might feel strange.

powdered milk

Neo Member
The problem is that some people only find political discussions problematic insomuch as alternative points of view to theirs are presented. t's not my problem, mind you. But it does seem to be a problem. A member even described current NeoGAF as "weird". Yes, when you've grown accustomed to totalitarianism, at first freedom might feel strange.
Or they just dont care about internet drama that much? I was never fully on board with old GAF at times, but at least before if you didnt want to talk about politics, there were various other active threads to participate in. Thats definitely not the case here, I have never seen political and outrage threads fill up the front page as bad as it is now. Fuck I know this place is kind of dead, but fuck all anyone wants to talk about is "SJWs this!" and "agenda that!," and its just unbearable.

The Skull

Or they just dont care about internet drama that much? I was never fully on board with old GAF at times, but at least before if you didnt want to talk about politics, there were various other active threads to participate in. Thats definitely not the case here, I have never seen political and outrage threads fill up the front page as bad as it is now. Fuck I know this place is kind of dead, but fuck all anyone wants to talk about is "SJWs this!" and "agenda that!," and its just unbearable.

Therein lies the problem. When games "Journalism" is just politcally fueled opinion pieces, then that's what's gonna be discussed. Hell, I dare you to look at Resetera if you think this place is bad.


Or they just dont care about internet drama that much?

That is not what participating in explicitly political gaining threads indicates. I don't care about gardening. You won't find me taking part in GAF threads on gardening.

I was never fully on board with old GAF at times, but at least before if you didnt want to talk about politics, there were various other active threads to participate in.

Oh, I see now. NeoGAF members are somehow being coerced into taking part in threads they otherwise would avoid.

Thats definitely not the case here, I have never seen political and outrage threads fill up the front page as bad as it is now. Fuck I know this place is kind of dead, but fuck all anyone wants to talk about is "SJWs this!" and "agenda that!," and its just unbearable.

Unbearable, but not to the point of stopping you from chiming in and thus helping to keep this thread on the from page.


Gold Member
FFS people, have some accountability. Nobody forces you to click on threads and partake in things you are not interested in.

Not everything is about you.

powdered milk

Neo Member
Therein lies the problem. When games "Journalism" is just politcally fueled opinion pieces, then that's what's gonna be discussed. Hell, I dare you to look at Resetera if you think this place is bad.
Dude on Era first page alone I see...
  • A large active EVO thread
  • Multiple threads about Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
  • And general threads like "Which games have aged well visually?"
All incredibly active.

Oh sure, the GAF Gaming side has game related threads, but fuck me do none of them get a fucking lick of activity compared to outrage shit.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
It's always been shit. Pick up any EGM from the 90s. It'll come off like it was written by some easily impressionable child that totally bought all the marketing bullshit. People just need to understand that the video game "press" has never been anything besides thinly veiled marketing. That's all it is.

If anyone actually got critical, started asking hard questions, and didn't give the "right" games a free pass, they'd get blacklisted. Anyone remember the minor controversy behind Brandon Sheffield's Rage interview? All the guy did was not buy their marketing bullshit and actually questioned the developers. Was blacklisted, employer was basically sent a threatening e-mail. And gamers still bought Bethesda games after this.


They're all the same, though, and if you think this isn't happening on a wide scale, I've got a bridge to sell you. There are games that are too big to fail, and there are conversations happening that basically amount to, "if you don't give this game a 90+, you're not getting invited to the locker room after the game anymore," and these pussy media outlets let them get away with it every single time because they just want to sell ads and couldn't give less of a shit about quality video games.

All you really have to do is look at games that have a huge variance between the critic and user rating, and you know something's up. These are sacred cows that you can't call out on their bullshit because there's too much riding on their success.

Uncharted 4, for example, was a piece of fucking crap. Thing basically played like Dragon's Lair. 93 my ass. Game critics talking about how wonderful it's "gameplay" was. There's a reason that there's a 10 point difference between the critic and user score even after all the Playstation fanboys propped the game up.


Another funny example is Dark Souls. So Dark Souls was just a normal good game that hadn't achieved sacred cow status yet. There wasn't a lot of publisher pressure and people could generally be honest about it.


Game is a watershed, seminal, huge hit. Dark Souls 2 rolls around. The franchise is too big to fail now. Bandai decides to pay attention to it, put a lot of money into marketing, start pressuring the media outlets to make sure it's a success. Game's a piece of shit, yet look at the critic reviews. The fucking douches rated Dark Souls 2 more highly than 1. Of course the user scores are actually realistic.


What's going on is comically transparent. I don't understand why anyone even visits commercial gaming news/review sites anymore when you can just watch gameplay video on Youtube and Twitch and know whether a game is good in 5 seconds.
You should consider a contributing factor: With the first game of a series, the journalists do not know what to expect, so the choice of the reviewer is mostly random, maybe by genre preference. WIth a later game in a series, chances are there are fans of the series in the team and they more often get the review assigned. This has two consequences: Fans might be less sensible to some issues, fans might be hyped and overrating because of this, fans might be more susceptible for pr / marketing efforts for the game and you don't have so many "random game population" sample reviewing the game. Therefore, for many sequels, the reviews automatically get improved over the first game just by having an established fanbase among the journalists? Is this very professionial? It depends on who you target with your review. If you target the general audience, you run at a risk over inflated reviews, but f you target players who know the original, they might actually prefer the perspective of someone who is in the same boat.

The Skull

Dude on Era first page alone I see...
  • A large active EVO thread
  • Multiple threads about Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
  • And general threads like "Which games have aged well visually?"
All incredibly active.

Oh sure, the GAF Gaming side has game related threads, but fuck me do none of them get a fucking lick of activity compared to outrage shit.

That's a fair point, but boy do they come out with some absolute bat shit insane stuff when they discuss the same topics. I mean come on, the word female is banned over there. I'd rather be part of a smaller collective that are allowed to engage and challenge other's opinions with the fear of being silenced if you don't agree with the echo chamber.

powdered milk

Neo Member
That is not what participating in explicitly political gaining threads indicates. I don't care about gardening. You won't find me taking part in GAF threads on gardening.

Oh, I see now. NeoGAF members are somehow being coerced into taking part in threads they otherwise would avoid.

Unbearable, but not to the point of stopping you from chiming in and thus helping to keep this thread on the from page.
I never said you were coerced, somehow you are putting words in my mouth I didnt even imply but whatever. I guess I wouldn't mind your gardening analogy so much if gardening threads were just a small niche. Political threads are basically this places bread and butter now. I dont think its bad per say, if people want to talk about they should, but on the other hand nothing constructive or productive ever comes out of them. Its whining and gnashing at the teeth for a couple of pages till the next outrage shit hits,.

powdered milk

Neo Member
That's a fair point, but boy do they come out with some absolute bat shit insane stuff when they discuss the same topics. I mean come on, the word female is banned over there. I'd rather be part of a smaller collective that are allowed to engage and challenge other's opinions with the fear of being silenced if you don't agree with the echo chamber.
Sure, but I would like to talk about games, movies, anime, and weird news with a large active userbase, and unfortunately GAF dosent provide that.

The Skull

Sure, but I would like to talk about games, movies, anime, and weird news with a large active userbase, and unfortunately GAF dosent provide that.

Yeah true, and hopefully that'll become the norm once the membership ramps up eventually. I imagine that any of the banned Era members might find refuge at Gaf if they haven't already, as they seem to culling thousands recently.


I never said you were coerced, somehow you are putting words in my mouth I didnt even imply but whatever.

You need to pay closer attention to what you write.

You've said [some] people don't care much about internet drama. I've pointed out this can't be the case with people such as yourself, because you keep taking part in political threads such as this.

If you voluntarily take part, then you don't get to claim disinterest.

I guess I wouldn't mind your gardening analogy so much if gardening threads were just a small niche.

The percentage of political threads is irrelevant.

No one is forcing you to read, to post. There are countless other gaming forums out there. You voluntarily being here has at least one unequivocal meaning, that, somehow, you find GAF worth spending time on.

Political threads are basically this places bread and butter now. I dont think its bad per say, if people want to talk about they should, but on the other hand nothing constructive or productive ever comes out of them.

That might be because you're not terribly interested in an intelectual debate. Honest debate is its own reward.
"If you’d like to comment on this article, you can contact us via our email form, or on Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. We will publish the best comments in a follow-up article."

Translation: We will decide what comments we deem worthy and in agreement with what we say. The ironically facist left is at it again!

powdered milk

Neo Member
That might be because you're not terribly interested in an intelectual debate. Honest debate is its own reward.
What honest debate? No one debates anything, for the most part its the same people agreeing on everything in every political thread. If you came to a gaming forum for "intellectual" debate, Im sorry but you are in the wrong place.

You know, its not really that this place has much to offer me, but I was really curious to check back in to see if things had stabilized around here. But no, this place definitely isnt going to be a gaming forum first anymore.


What honest debate? No one debates anything, for the most part its the same people agreeing on everything in every political thread.

Patently false.

If you came to a gaming forum for "intellectual" debate, Im sorry but you are in the wrong place.

Should I not count on you to raise the level of the debate then?

You know, its not really that this place has much to offer me, but I was really curious to check back in to see if things had stabilized around here. But no, this place definitely isnt going to be a gaming forum first anymore.

I wouldn't want to prolong an exercise in cynicism whereby certain threads are condemned in the very same act of taking part in them.

Dr. Claus

What honest debate? No one debates anything, for the most part its the same people agreeing on everything in every political thread. If you came to a gaming forum for "intellectual" debate, Im sorry but you are in the wrong place.

You know, its not really that this place has much to offer me, but I was really curious to check back in to see if things had stabilized around here. But no, this place definitely isnt going to be a gaming forum first anymore.

Sorry, but what have you been reading? There is constant debate between members such as Mikado, Strange Headache, and others over various subjects. Insinuating that it is the "Same people agreeing on everything in every political thread" is absolute bollocks and you know it. That is Era and its form of "discussion".

You mentioned the "front page" of Gaming on Era and when I looked as of 12:50, I have seen 19 topics that are either based around politics or involve them out of the 40 total. Except, unlike here - you are banned if you do not tow the line of what the moderators deem the "correct" opinions. This can easily be seen here: http://resetera.kiwifarms.net/

This has been discussed ad nauseum in various topics on the site as well as primarily in the dedicated Off-Site topic in the OT Communities. I suggest you give that a read.

However, it seems you are more likely just a drive-by and had no intention of anything other than poor hot-takes. I hope you can prove me wrong and contribute something worthwhile in discussions/debates instead of false generalizations and posts devoid of substance.


I'm not sure about OT. I've never really spent much time there on either old or new GAF, but the gaming side has been pretty terrible. The knee-high right on GAF doing work.

Because anything one inch to the right of the totalitarian left is already knee-high right, right?

Sulking, bitterness and resentfulness won't excuse you from presenting a case. The fact you keep missing the opportunity to do so, but instead go straight for the jugular of alt-right accusations shows your unwillingness and unpreparedness to enter the debate.
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Gold Member
Dude on Era first page alone I see...

Oh sure, the GAF Gaming side has game related threads, but fuck me do none of them get a fucking lick of activity compared to outrage shit.
The political threads here are spillover from ResetEra. A dual member typically brings it here after the initial outrage occurs there. Then more dual members argue in a more free and open manner than ResetEra. You can't separate the 2, whatever threads GAF has are a mirror of Era with less traffic and less neo-puritanical oversight.

I see you've put time into going out of your way to post in this thread. Would you kindly share your Era username here or pm so I can peruse your post history to confirm your lack of interest in such topics? Then I will say "good day!" and be on my way.
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Being able to get over things is one of the most important life skills one can learn. Far from toxic, it's healthy as hell. Our body heals. Our mind heals. If you don't get over something, it festers. It becomes infected. It gets bigger not better. the truly toxic idea is that 'get over it' is toxic. Sure, some people use it to minimize their guilt over the impact of their bad behavior. But in general? it's fantastic advice.
quoting just in case someone missed it


Honestly, I am thinking of selling my pro and and be done with gaming and just stick to building cars. The current trend of western developers shoving their ideological agendas down our throats or forcing political beliefs in their games has just crossed the line.

Just taking a glimpse at some of western devs twitter just reinforces this. Its not only naughty dog but majority of sony developers that all gather in some cringy sjw circle jerk about gay pride, female rights and rainbow colored dicks, and how their political beliefs should shoved down our throats, and to no surprise they act in a hostile manner when you have a different opinion.

Gaming over a decade ago was never about this. Every damn game released now has to have some sjw bullshit shoe-horned in.

I couldn't give a fuck if someone decides to take it up the ass, and I am all for equality but there is a time and place for that shit. Western devs should take some estrogen blockers and shut the fuck up already.


It's always been shit. Pick up any EGM from the 90s. It'll come off like it was written by some easily impressionable child that totally bought all the marketing bullshit. People just need to understand that the video game "press" has never been anything besides thinly veiled marketing. That's all it is.

If anyone actually got critical, started asking hard questions, and didn't give the "right" games a free pass, they'd get blacklisted. Anyone remember the minor controversy behind Brandon Sheffield's Rage interview? All the guy did was not buy their marketing bullshit and actually questioned the developers. Was blacklisted, employer was basically sent a threatening e-mail. And gamers still bought Bethesda games after this.


They're all the same, though, and if you think this isn't happening on a wide scale, I've got a bridge to sell you. There are games that are too big to fail, and there are conversations happening that basically amount to, "if you don't give this game a 90+, you're not getting invited to the locker room after the game anymore," and these pussy media outlets let them get away with it every single time because they just want to sell ads and couldn't give less of a shit about quality video games.

All you really have to do is look at games that have a huge variance between the critic and user rating, and you know something's up. These are sacred cows that you can't call out on their bullshit because there's too much riding on their success.

Uncharted 4, for example, was a piece of fucking crap. Thing basically played like Dragon's Lair. 93 my ass. Game critics talking about how wonderful it's "gameplay" was. There's a reason that there's a 10 point difference between the critic and user score even after all the Playstation fanboys propped the game up.


Another funny example is Dark Souls. So Dark Souls was just a normal good game that hadn't achieved sacred cow status yet. There wasn't a lot of publisher pressure and people could generally be honest about it.


Game is a watershed, seminal, huge hit. Dark Souls 2 rolls around. The franchise is too big to fail now. Bandai decides to pay attention to it, put a lot of money into marketing, start pressuring the media outlets to make sure it's a success. Game's a piece of shit, yet look at the critic reviews. The fucking douches rated Dark Souls 2 more highly than 1. Of course the user scores are actually realistic.


What's going on is comically transparent. I don't understand why anyone even visits commercial gaming news/review sites anymore when you can just watch gameplay video on Youtube and Twitch and know whether a game is good in 5 seconds.

You are spot on with your assessment. I definitely put FIFA and PES in that category of 'too big to fail' games. For years both franchises have been sacrificing their offline game mechanics and features for online FUT Modes and not one review outlet has brought it up. This is a trend that has been happening since at least 2009-2010. I haven't read a single quote from a game reviewer or journalist that has panned EA for keeping classic players exclusively in their online modes. As a customer that paid 79.99, why shouldn't I have access to those players at my leisure? Or at least allow me to unlock those players through a gameplay sequence.

Game journalists in their current form are merely propagandists. They are basically the thought police, socially coniditioning gamers to hate themselves. Remember those articles that accused gamers of being 'entitled'? Why? Because we are sick and tired of being sold limited pre-order bonuses, seasons passes, gold/platinum/silver versions of the same game? Because we want value for the hard earned money we spend? I have been a gamer since my Dad got me a Nintendo on my 5th birthday, and never, ever, have I seen an industry treat its customers with such utter contempt.

Maybe gamers are dead. Perhaps they don't need to be an audience anymore. Who cares about playing your old games afterall when the shiny new console comes out? Oh, don't worry, you can re-buy the HD re-mastered versions of all the games you already previously bought! Microsoft got taken to task for being anti-consumer, when has any games journalist taken Nintendo and Sony to task for being perhaps just as anti-consumer? Oh, thank you Sony for allowing me to share games, something you have been able to do with every other console ever! Now pay 50.00 dollars for our online service that was free last generation! Don't get me started on Nintendo's absolutely archaic online system and licensing issues.

I love Uncharted, but quite frankly Uncharted 4 was simply an abomination. It takes control away from the player for far too long. It also pisses on the legacy of one of Sony's most marketable and likeable heroes, but fuck him, he is a 'colonizing white male', and despite the fact that he has defeated thousands of mercenaries and supernatural forces, a throwaway NPC character is going to beat him down because she is a strong and independent 'woc'. This is not unlike what Halo 4 and 5 did to the Masterchief, by pissing on his legacy. The first thing Sarah Palmer says to the Chief is, "I thought you'd be taller", not "Thanks for saving the Earth, three times, singlehandidly". Seems these developers are willing to piss away their solid foundations to appease an audience that doesn't exist and the gaming press is their propaganda arm when shit hits the fan.
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You are spot on with your assessment. I definitely put FIFA and PES in that category of 'too big to fail' games. For years both franchises have been sacrificing their offline game mechanics and features for online FUT Modes and not one review outlet has brought it up.
PES was my jam since ISS on SNES. Ever since last gen, the game's been going downhill. And with these asshole clowns at the helm in the UK office now, it's become even worse, chasing after the FUT crowd to play myclub and throw crazy money on it.


PES was my jam since ISS on SNES. Ever since last gen, the game's been going downhill. And with these asshole clowns at the helm in the UK office now, it's become even worse, chasing after the FUT crowd to play myclub and throw crazy money on it.

Since 09 I have been playing PES less and less. The series peaked on the PS2 in my opinion. Two of my most played football games, PES 2009 and Super Sidekicks III For the Neo Geo. No bullshit online mechanics, just incredibly fun gameplay with my buddies.
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