I thought the answer would be: NeoGAF.Since we're on GAF, the answer is "Sony".
Scandinavian/swedish word for LOCK is LÅS (ascii code 0xc5 in iso8859)
As the letter 'Å' is missing from non swedish/scandinavian keyboards a common
anglification is to write it instead as AA , this chacacter was originally a A with a small A above it and it eventually became A-oring.
So, Anglified spelling of the swedish/scandinavian LOCK would be LAAS
That is actually how I would spell LÅS when chatting with swedish friends and I don't have a swedish keyboard
and could not be bothered to install a swedish keymap.
We all understand that AA == Å
So I suggest LAAS anglican spelling of the swedish word for LOCK
Boy: Loot, middle name box.
Girl: Key
Edit: "Stadia" Go on, I dare you.
Stadia Infant Death Syndrome.That's a horrible name for a baby. Stadia literally means, "dead within 2 years".
because they like video games and are inspired by them?Why anyone would name their kids after videogame characters is beyond me, but as others have said; At least keep it normal.
Cirilla is such a beautiful name. If I ever have a girl I'd want to call her that.Ciri
Lego Batman
because they like video games and are inspired by them?
just like how people are inspired by character names in movies/books/tv etc.
I bet you have a boring name like Ted Biddy Jr or Ted Biddy VI.
Lucinda for a girl.
It's going to be a girl!
Has to be Lou!
For what it's worth OP, Squall was called Leon in Kingdom HeartsSquall Whatever
That's actually part of a door, too.Letterbox
Rico is the Spanish form of Ricky, did you name him Richard or Ricardo? Or just Rico?When my (now ex) wife and I knew we would get a son, we couldn't find a name which was both badass and uncommon.
Eventually she saw me playing Just Cause and saw that the protoganist was called Rico.
Well, we stuck with that and it fits the now 10-year old Satan more than perfectly...........
Rico is the Spanish form of Ricky, did you name him Richard or Ricardo? Or just Rico?
Hold on, let me send out a survey to every Spanish speaker.ehh.. which spanish country? I've never heard Rico for a Ricardo. At least here in Argentina is quite common to call Ricardos as Rickys.
I love you Vawn but I can't believe you called your kid Link![]()
Rico. Plain and simple.Rico is the Spanish form of Ricky, did you name him Richard or Ricardo? Or just Rico?