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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)

Really we're going here again?

Every alien so far in Star Wars has been a "racist stereotype" to thess people whether it's Watto or the Nimodians (or whatever the Trade Federation guys were called).

If there is one BIG complaint I have about the new SW movies it's how much of a backseat aliens got.

We get no new prominent aliens unless you count Maz. The OT and PT gave us all these new weird aliens. One of the things I love about Star Wars are the bizarre and diverse aliens.

I guess Disney is more concerned with human diversity than alien diversity.

Really disappointed in how they're handling extraterrestrials in film.


TLJ screwed the trilogy.
The trilogy was screwed as soon as they made TFA a soft reboot/ remake. Completely limited what the possibilities could be for a new story and destined the end of the trilogy to be a remake of ROTJ.

This whole trilogy just reeks of corporate control to the point where it's disgusting. TROS felt like a product constructed to get people back on Disneys side after TLJ. Also, that Lando dialogue with that other black girl at the end felt like such an obvious setup for a future Disney+ show or movie. Completely shameless.

I just hate Disney and Star Wars now.
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Unconfirmed Member
Has Chewie's miraculous survival been discussed yet, I looked in the thread, but couldn't see anything? There was one spaceship there. Chewie walked on it. All Character's eyes were on it. It explodes. But 5 minutes later surprise surprise Chewie was on another ship...!? What's worse is that we are shown as viewers to believe Chewie died, confirming that indeed all character's eyes witnessed that explosion. That was super lame. What was the fucking point then?

Worst part of the film for me. Otherwise, ah, it was good. I'm kind of a blind fanboy, but I don't cry over it all. They're still just movies.
... There were two.


I found it to be pretty mediocre. Extremely contrived writing full of deus ex machinas. Some of the actors were doing they best they could with what they're given.

Despite the amazing production values and visual affects, there's hardly much I can appreciate about the cinematography. There were hardly any moments where I can digest and take in the scenes. Mostly due to the pacing of the film, which was bordering on ADHD.

Jedi, Sith, the force, the rebellion, blah blah blah. I've always found Star Wars to be very overrated, and found the over reliance on nostalgia rather obnoxious., and the lack of any new ideas and themes reinforces that. After the original trilogy they've been returning to the same well and that well has officially dried up. Which is kind of sad, as there's so much creatively they could've done to make these new films actually push things forward without bleeding that nostalgia stone dry.

Imo, it would've been more interesting if the narrative had the Rey and Kylo cross paths as their inner conflicts lead them to change over the course of the three films. Seeing Rey fall to the dark side, and Kylo find redemption in the force. They certainly could've handled the arcs of Luke, Leia, and Han much more gracefully, having them involved in the narrative from the get go.

Now that this trilogy is done, I'd recommend they take a very long break from making more films. Let people actually miss Star Wars. Let ideas stew, and give the next production more time to actually structure a proper narrative and write better characters.
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We get no new prominent aliens unless you count Maz. The OT and PT gave us all these new weird aliens. One of the things I love about Star Wars are the bizarre and diverse aliens.
And Maz kinda sucks tbh. I also think the CG on her is real bad for some reason. Well not read bad, but I think it's not a very convincing character.

Now that this trilogy is done, I'd recommend they take a very long break from making more films. Let people actually miss Star Wars. Let ideas stew, and give the next production more time to actually structure a proper narrative and write better characters. I've always found the over reliance on nostalgia rather obnoxious.

Next movie coming 2022 lol
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
And Maz kinda sucks tbh. I also think the CG on her is real bad for some reason. Well not read bad, but I think it's not a very convincing character.
Agreed. I never liked her either.

Wish there was a Jabba or Chewie or Yoda type of character but new.


Watched it Sunday evening with my 2 little boys. 1 of them fell asleep. I wanted to leave right after they revealed she was a Palpatine . Movie was just awful. Totally ruins and invalidates the previous 2 trilogies before it.
I can't fathom how Palpatine can knock massive ships out of the sky with his force lightning, yet a lightsaber can hold back his force lightning!?! Force healing? Rey holding a ship back from taking off whilst fighting Ben Solo? Creating force lightning as well?! Just because your grandpa is Palpatine doesn't automatically make you a super human. Didn't work for Luke/Leia, so why does it work here? There are SO many things like this that built up and ruined this film...

Movie was just really awful. So very disappointed in this trilogy. My expectations were so high going into TFA and I left a shattered man. Movie was average at best. TLJ left me broken. This has me shattered.


Watched it Sunday evening with my 2 little boys. 1 of them fell asleep. I wanted to leave right after they revealed she was a Palpatine . Movie was just awful. Totally ruins and invalidates the previous 2 trilogies before it.
I can't fathom how Palpatine can knock massive ships out of the sky with his force lightning, yet a lightsaber can hold back his force lightning!?! Force healing? Rey holding a ship back from taking off whilst fighting Ben Solo? Creating force lightning as well?! Just because your grandpa is Palpatine doesn't automatically make you a super human. Didn't work for Luke/Leia, so why does it work here? There are SO many things like this that built up and ruined this film...

Movie was just really awful. So very disappointed in this trilogy. My expectations were so high going into TFA and I left a shattered man. Movie was average at best. TLJ left me broken. This has me shattered.

Time to introduce the kids to Star Trek TOS


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Watched it Sunday evening with my 2 little boys. 1 of them fell asleep. I wanted to leave right after they revealed she was a Palpatine . Movie was just awful. Totally ruins and invalidates the previous 2 trilogies before it.
I can't fathom how Palpatine can knock massive ships out of the sky with his force lightning, yet a lightsaber can hold back his force lightning!?! Force healing? Rey holding a ship back from taking off whilst fighting Ben Solo? Creating force lightning as well?! Just because your grandpa is Palpatine doesn't automatically make you a super human. Didn't work for Luke/Leia, so why does it work here? There are SO many things like this that built up and ruined this film...

Movie was just really awful. So very disappointed in this trilogy. My expectations were so high going into TFA and I left a shattered man. Movie was average at best. TLJ left me broken. This has me shattered.
I was really conflicted when I left the theater with MetalAlien MetalAlien

I had to sleep on it and digest it like a Sarlaac on pantoprazole but I've come to the conclusion that it's my favorite of the sequel trilogy.

However my main reason for this is because of Palpatine. I'm one of the few people who actually liked the idea of bringing him back.

I like how he had absorbed previous Sith and can drain essence and something truly terrifying out of Wh40k. In fact everything Sidious is imo the best thing about the trilogy. Props to Abrams for that. He had little to work with after RJ bungled it all up and discount Spielberg did good here.

I think Disney needs to take a break but alas they aren't and in only 3 years we are getting a new movie. Remembet when 3 was the time between the next movie in OT and PT?

FFS give it a break.

Fret Runner

How sad is it that the Jay and Silent Bob film gave Mark Hamill a better action scene than anything he got in these sequels. Plus, it actually looks like he is enjoying himself here instead of having a constant look of "why did I agree to this shit" on his face. Which is really saying something, considering this is a Jay and Silent Bob cameo afterall.

From "Don't fuck with a Jedi Master, Son." to "Don't bother a self loathing jedi hermit, Girl"


Unconfirmed Member
Why are people pissed off about the dagger? Seems to be a big bone of contention on the web but I can't work out why !?


I was really conflicted when I left the theater with MetalAlien MetalAlien

I had to sleep on it and digest it like a Sarlaac on pantoprazole but I've come to the conclusion that it's my favorite of the sequel trilogy.

However my main reason for this is because of Palpatine. I'm one of the few people who actually liked the idea of bringing him back.

I like how he had absorbed previous Sith and can drain essence and something truly terrifying out of Wh40k. In fact everything Sidious is imo the best thing about the trilogy. Props to Abrams for that. He had little to work with after RJ bungled it all up and discount Spielberg did good here.

I think Disney needs to take a break but alas they aren't and in only 3 years we are getting a new movie. Remembet when 3 was the time between the next movie in OT and PT?

FFS give it a break.

Discount Spielberg!!! Fuck I called him something similar to my younger brother after the movie yesterday!

Palpatine was my fav in the prequels. I just thought he was wasted here. No need for it. This probably sits just a touch above TLJ in ranking order, with TFA being the best of a pathetic bunch of films.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Okay I have a question.

Why did they pretty much do away with the "Darth" title in the ST? No Darth Ren or Darth Snoke or w/e.

Was there ever mentioned a reason for that?


Because the Sith were supposedly dead and so was the Darth title.


I am curious as to how they explain Palpatine being alive to begin with. So Rey blew him up? That kinda don’t mean shit either.

I guess he’s just Ganon now.
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Just watched The Last Jedi again on Netflix. Christ, it’s still so damn good. Someone take me to the alternate dimension where a proper follow-up to this film was made.
It introduced some themes that are new to Star Wars which was cool, but the plot is just nonsensical and the tone is off. There are all of these plot lines which lead nowhere. The entire movie as a whole is just nothing and doesn't really set up anything.

At this point we can all agree that one thing TLJ has going on for itself is that rey looked way better in it :

to this:


I thought it was dumb how she just wears the same clothes as TFA. Could they just not think of anything else or something new?
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I'll throw out a simple theory, no idea if it's been mentioned anywhere else.

But basically Palpatine's most trusted soldiers and high ranking officers were taken to the Unknown region and spent the 30+ years building their armada and recruiting in secret. It's the originating place of the Sith and so they'd have many sympathisers there.

Meanwhile, Palpatine also uses Snoke as a puppet and uses the remaining Empire forces to create the First Order and hid in the Outer Rim. They were basically stealing babies to grow their army.

So he was building his forces in 2 different areas, biding his time.

And as I have defended these ST films before, the Galactic Empire still had a massive army that encompassed thousands of planets after episode 6. Blowing up the Death Star 2 and "killing" Palpatine is in all honesty too easy of a defeat for their size. In both the old EU and the current cannon the Empire and Palpatine lived on and in both instances war proceeded for another 30+ years or so.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. It's cool though, it's star wars so I'm not gonna pick it apart, it was fun.


Neo Member
That definitely was the wrong movie to watch after the mr robot final lol what a contrast.
I like the new trilogy definitely more than the prequels but when it comes down to it the force awakens is the only movie i thought was actually great.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Because the Sith were supposedly dead and so was the Darth title.


I am curious as to how they explain Palpatine being alive to begin with. So Rey blew him up? That kinda don’t mean shit either.

I guess he’s just Ganon now.

Well I hope the "DARTH" title is not something DisneyLucas is going to retcon if they decide to do Old Republic films and whatnot.


Surprised no one mentioned Lukes rebel helmet.

Its like JJ was saying to us see Rey is the new Luke, accept it, bow to it.

Lukes old ass X-Wing that was under water for years (decades ???) still works and happens to still have his old rebel helmet. Its like see she flys an X-Wing, wears a Rebel helmet, just like LUKE, she is JUST LIKE LUKE everyone.
... There were two.
shown visually or just mentioned? If it is just mentioned they could have backtracked on killing chewie and reshot.

I also heard there were like a dozen different versions of the film being tested. In some even the millenium falcon was shot and exploded but the scene supposedly got cut.
Because the Sith were supposedly dead and so was the Darth title.


I am curious as to how they explain Palpatine being alive to begin with. So Rey blew him up? That kinda don’t mean shit either.

I guess he’s just Ganon now.
I heard there was an explanation that the palpatine in the original trilogy was actually a clone because Palpatine always knew vader would betray him, but the explanation was cut out of the final cut of the film because that didn't go well with test audiences.


Unconfirmed Member
shown visually or just mentioned? If it is just mentioned they could have backtracked on killing chewie and reshot.

I also heard there were like a dozen different versions of the film being tested. In some even the millenium falcon was shot and exploded but the scene supposedly got cut.

I heard there was an explanation that the palpatine in the original trilogy was actually a clone because Palpatine always knew vader would betray him, but the explanation was cut out of the final cut of the film because that didn't go well with test audiences.
I'm pretty sure you see two in the initial shot of him being led into the back of one of them. He goes in the right but there's a second to the left.


Unconfirmed Member
Surprised no one mentioned Lukes rebel helmet.

Its like JJ was saying to us see Rey is the new Luke, accept it, bow to it.

Lukes old ass X-Wing that was under water for years (decades ???) still works and happens to still have his old rebel helmet. Its like see she flys an X-Wing, wears a Rebel helmet, just like LUKE, she is JUST LIKE LUKE everyone.

I wondered about this but in the end I decided if it can survive in space, it's probably alright in water. We don't know that it was put there the day Luke arrived anyway. He could have moved it at any point. It's unlikely he would have crashed into the ocean being a decent pilot.


I wondered about this but in the end I decided if it can survive in space, it's probably alright in water. We don't know that it was put there the day Luke arrived anyway. He could have moved it at any point. It's unlikely he would have crashed into the ocean being a decent pilot.

Looked pretty flooded to me. Drop your car in a river and fish it out a year later.

Its a movie gotta let things slide, but its just part and parcel with how batshit insane the last hour of the movie gets and how many conveniences there are. Especially that part where Luke is you have everything right here, 2 lightsabers (you know incase she needs an extra one should another Jedi just happen to show up), the wayfinder (at least makes sense its in Kylo's ship) and a ship. Rey you don't need to do anything its all at your feet anyways.

They just needed a way to get her to Exxegol and like I said more torch passing and hammering home Rey=Skywalker. See she is flying LUKES X-Wing and wearing LUKES old helmet. Luke, Rey, one and the same.
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Why are people pissed off about the dagger? Seems to be a big bone of contention on the web but I can't work out why !?

Because it’s stupid.
They carved a map into a dagger. Who does this? To what purpose? For whom?

What not just write down the location. Think of the manufacturing process to make the dagger with a sexton included in it WITH the assumption the person stands on the right beach to use it.

Who is it even made for?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
shown visually or just mentioned? If it is just mentioned they could have backtracked on killing chewie and reshot.

I also heard there were like a dozen different versions of the film being tested. In some even the millenium falcon was shot and exploded but the scene supposedly got cut.

I heard there was an explanation that the palpatine in the original trilogy was actually a clone because Palpatine always knew vader would betray him, but the explanation was cut out of the final cut of the film because that didn't go well with test audiences.
First I've heard of this.

But Abrams pretty much "borrowed" the Palps ides in RoS from Dark Empire.


Unconfirmed Member
Surprised no one mentioned Lukes rebel helmet.

Its like JJ was saying to us see Rey is the new Luke, accept it, bow to it.

Lukes old ass X-Wing that was under water for years (decades ???) still works and happens to still have his old rebel helmet. Its like see she flys an X-Wing, wears a Rebel helmet, just like LUKE, she is JUST LIKE LUKE everyone.

I wondered about this but in the end I decided if it can survive in space, it's probably alright in water. We don't know that it was put there the day Luke arrived anyway. He could have moved it at any point. It's unlikely he would have crashed into the ocean being a decent pilot.
Because it’s stupid.
They carved a map into a dagger. Who does this? To what purpose? For whom?

What not just write down the location. Think of the manufacturing process to make the dagger with a sexton included in it WITH the assumption the person stands on the right beach to use it.

Who is it even made for?

To obscure its use so that people wouldn't stumble across the holocron I assume, to pass on to anyone else should the original creator need help or fail in their mission.

They can make laser swords, is making a shaped dagger that far fetched?

And wasn't there only one beach facing the wreckage?


shown visually or just mentioned? If it is just mentioned they could have backtracked on killing chewie and reshot.

I also heard there were like a dozen different versions of the film being tested. In some even the millenium falcon was shot and exploded but the scene supposedly got cut.

I heard there was an explanation that the palpatine in the original trilogy was actually a clone because Palpatine always knew vader would betray him, but the explanation was cut out of the final cut of the film because that didn't go well with test audiences.

Matt Smith was supposed to be in it and was going to be Palps younger body. They cut him out entirely from the movie.

Its interesting that the leaks were true, but a lot of the earlier stuff that was rumored to be changed wasn't there so how much of that stuff was true to? I also heard the Falcon stuff and I wonder if that was true and changed in editing or just false info?

The whole movie was different in the original leaks. Longer scenes of Luke training Leia. Kylo had his whole adventure finding the wayfinder which was like half the movie. Lando/Chewie/Falcon being blown up. Palps being a clone and having a younger clone body. I am actually curious to see the other edits of the movie. If this was the best they had I can't imagine the other ones.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm pretty sure you see two in the initial shot of him being led into the back of one of them. He goes in the right but there's a second to the left.
I think everyone missed this but that whole Chewie thing was a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark I think. Remember the scene Marion gets kidnapped and Indy shoots those Egyptians accidentally blowing up the car and he thought Marion was in it....


To obscure its use so that people wouldn't stumble across the holocron I assume, to pass on to anyone else should the original creator need help or fail in their mission.

They can make laser swords, is making a shaped dagger that far fetched?

And wasn't there only one beach facing the wreckage?

It was coded in Sith so a holocron would be ok. Even c3po could not translate without a hack.

Its not making the dagger that is odd, its why would someone make the dagger. Its so specific and without purpose unless its only purpose was for Rey to find it. But then she found it in a snake pit.
Then think about what is the point of the dagger? its a map right, but what is it a map to that makes someone go to tall the trouble of carving it and setting up the beach sexton? Oh ya. another map that happens to be in a destroyed death star. If the map is so precious enough to make a weird odd map dagger, why leave it in rubble? how the sith nav computer not destroyed anyway ? Why do the sith have their own technology like their was ever more than 2 of them. (dont get me started on sith troopers)

The death star was 150km dimater at smallest and 900km at largest. Lets say its 200km diameter. if that crashes into your ocean, its not physical possible to view it from one beach only. Its about as wide as the Florida pan handle. In the movie they only showed one beach you are right. but logic dictates that is not possible.



Just rewatched TLJ and I honestly cannot believe how much better it is than TROS. Like wow an actual Star Wars film, with a plot and a message that is thematically consistent.

The characters feel like they are actually talking to each other, the pacing gives things time to breathe, and the you can actually understand the choreography in the fight scenes and space battles.

Also there is some epic dialogue in that movie. I really appreciated Yoda's part much more this time.

Would've loved to see RJ's Episode IX...
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Because it’s stupid.
They carved a map into a dagger. Who does this? To what purpose? For whom?

What not just write down the location. Think of the manufacturing process to make the dagger with a sexton included in it WITH the assumption the person stands on the right beach to use it.

Who is it even made for?

You'd almost think this shit was space opera fantasy shit with cool shit like maps on daggers.
Just came back from the theatres... It's not outright bad like TLJ but it's pretty subpar. This is basically Rise of hte Retcons. It's like ep8 never happened.

The pacing was all over the place. Some of fights and action sequences were just boring. Oh yeah...the plotholes and plot conveniences. There's actually a lot of dialogue that's just there to tell the audience what's going on. The opening text scroll made no sense. It just mentions Palpatine is back like we are supposed to know this. How does Palpatine get the funding or manpower to build another giant fleet? How is he still alive?? This was never explained. If he had a fleet, what's the point of creating the first order in the first place? Who made the dagger? Why is the dagger made so that it lines up with the death star wreckage? Why does Leia have her own lightsaber? Since when does the Force have healing powers ?? The bait-&-switch with Chewy's "death" was fucking stupid and unnecessary, as anyone with half a brain knows he's not really dead.

This is really GoT S8 level of writing. They were so obsessed with undoing everything in TLJ that they just forgot about everything else. If they had ended it with Rey dying and had Ben live on to take on the Skywalker name, that would've made more sense, since afterall, he is a Skywalker.

The VFX was very impressive, as expected from ILM, but as a movie to end the trilogy/saga, it is a fail.


Just rewatched TLJ and I honestly cannot believe how much better it is than TROS. Like wow an actual Star Wars film, with a plot and a message that is thematically consistent.

The characters feel like they are actually talking to each other, the pacing gives things time to breathe, and the you can actually understand the choreography in the fight scenes and space battles.

Also there is some epic dialogue in that movie. I really appreciated Yoda's part much more this time.

Would've loved to see RJ's Episode IX...
Fuck Rian Johnson. I hope he never lays another finger on Star Wars ever again.


Imagine if Mace Windu turned up to face the Emperor after he soul sucked Ren and Rey.
‘We have unfinished business, mother fucker.’ Drop the f-bomb. Make him a cyborg or force ghost . I don’t care. The movie was already filled to the brim with shallow fan service. It at least would have had the chance to be epic as fuck.

Seeing Chewie fall to the ground after Leia died was heartbreaking and bloody awful. At least he finally got that medal and he can still play that holo monster game on the falcon.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Imagine if Mace Windu turned up to face the Emperor after he soul sucked Ren and Rey.
‘We have unfinished business, mother fucker.’ Drop the f-bomb. Make him a cyborg or force ghost . I don’t care. The movie was already filled to the brim with shallow fan service. It at least would have had the chance to be epic as fuck.

Seeing Chewie fall to the ground after Leia died was heartbreaking and bloody awful. At least he finally got that medal and he can still play that holo monster game on the falcon.
There's apparently talks of a Mace Windu TV show.

Guessing it'll probably be a young Windu played by a different actor.
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It set up the idea of them inspiring others to join, it set up the connection Kylo and Rey have and it put Poe and Finn in the spots they're currently in, with fulfilled arcs and renewed purpose. It also set up the idea of Rey being the final legacy of the Jedi. In addition few would believe Hux to be a spy without the conflict between him and Kylo which continued in TLJ.

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