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18 years since Rockstar revealed GTA: Vice City, and can you imagine the reveal for GTA VI?

On May 22, 2002, Rockstar Games announced Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the highly-anticipated sequel to Grand Theft Auto III. Since its release later that year in October, it has become something of a cultural phenomenom in modern gaming and the latest rumors for GTA VI - the next entry in the series yet to be officially unveiled - hint at a return to Vice City. By the time GTA VI does release (most likely for the PS5 and Series X), it will have been almost 20 years since the trailer below was first showcased to the world.

Also, consider that the first trailer for GTA V released almost 10 years ago, which is nearly two console generations. It's kind of exciting to imagine what the newest GTA will look like, the atmosphere they will go for, and what licensed song they will use for the first trailer.

Michael's dialogue is kind of interesting to think about: "I wanted to retire from what I was doing..." In the years that have passed since GTA V's release, there was an increased focus on releasing new content for GTA Online, the multiplayer portion of GTA V. Then there was the news that Leslie Benzies and Dan Houser were departing Rockstar Games, in 2016 and 2020 respectively. As someone who has played GTA games since GTA 2 on the Dreamcast and thinks the series peaked during the 3D era (2001 to 2006), the news of such prominent figures in the company leaving really does feel like the end of a long era.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't still interested to see the official reveal for GTA VI. Because every time a new GTA is announced it's like an event. People posting screencaps of the first trailer with their speculations on what the developer is teasing for the gameplay and story. And I think it's pretty much a given we will see the series return to Vice City, a great way to wrap up the HD era of GTA games that began with 2008's GTA IV - from the subpar HD rainy streets of Liberty City to the maybe in 4K sun-drenched beaches of Vice City. :messenger_sunglasses:


VC is probably one of those games where you can’t go home again, in terms of playing the original game. It has to stay as a cherished memory, appropriate for the time.

That said, it will always remain in my memory as an absolutely magical time, and one of the standouts of that generation.

I don’t think GTA has ever been better. The concept was still brand new, the setting and tone absolutely perfect for the series, all sorts of expansions and new features over 3, like the helicopter and property buying, the music fantastic, the gameplay still open-ended and allowing for the player to approach goals however they wanted, and the story that archetypical mob/drug kingpin style that’s so much fun.

I’ve tried so many times, but I’ve never gotten into a GTA the same way since. The closest was probably San Andreas, because the scale expansion there was absolutely, pants-on-head insane for the time, but it never captured me the same way.


Gold Member
I'm surprised its almost been 7 years since GTA5 released. This must be the longest we've gone without a new GTA.


What time is it?
Unless Rockstar can let us do missions OUR way, rather than follow their path, I could care less. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch this vid from NakeyJakey.

Watched that video recently. and it's great. Sadly that freedom of solutions seems more like an accident of programming found in GTA3 and "corrected" in all the sequels that followed.


I almost shit myself when Vice City was announced. There was no game before or after that got me that hyped, and boy did it deliver. If GTA VI is a return to Vice City AND the 80’s, I will certainly be hyped. But not as much as I was back in 2002 when I wasn’t exposed to as many GTA style open world games as I am now.


Unless Rockstar can let us do missions OUR way, rather than follow their path, I could care less. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch this vid from NakeyJakey.

It’s crazy, because the earlier 3D GTA games were all about that, and probably helped kickstart this kind of freedom for players, arguably propelling Rockstar to those historic successes in the first place. It was never about the scripts or story, yet that seems to have completely taken over the design, while there’s nothing left of player agency.

I actually like RDR2 a lot so far, but I miss that kind of approach from them. A world to play your story out, any way you want to, not their story.
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Never played VC.

Personally speaking, SA was all I've wanted out of GTA and everything after that just feels like elaborated rehashes.

My son will undoubtly buy GTA VI, so I'll definitely want to check it out tonsee the progress made with PS5.
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Unless Rockstar can let us do missions OUR way, rather than follow their path, I could care less. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch this vid from NakeyJakey.

Yeah, I've seen that video before and it's pretty good. Unfortunately we likely won't see a return to the more open-ended mission designs of earlier GTA games.


That's peak GTA for me.

GTA 3 was so good, but VC blew me away.

SA didn't affect me at all. After that I didn't care anymore, though I played 4 a little bit.

The Shepard

Crazy to think that vice City came out the year after 3, how times have changed.

It's definitely time to return to the 80's for GTA. With the ssd's in the next gen consoles we should be able to change timeliness like you could change characters in 5 if they won't commit to a 80's only game, can do modern and 80s in one game.


Unless Rockstar can let us do missions OUR way, rather than follow their path, I could care less. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch this vid from NakeyJakey.

Yeah I love RDR2 but with some rare exceptions (break Micah out of jail) there's usually only one set mission path.


For me, nothing will top the build up to VC. The teaser website with music samples from its brilliant licensed soundtrack, graphics and car pictures, little snippets of pre-release gameplay. I loved that little Flash site. The game itself was the sequel to the game that changed everything, and everything suggested it would live up to expectations.

I don't remember much about the lead up to 4. Maybe that says something about it, maybe it doesn't. But after it got its mixed response as a game, 5 inevitably suffered when it came to pre-release hype. 6 will be met with the same scepticism from me.

I just watched the trailers from VC, SA, 4 and 5 to compare. 4 and 5 trailers are boring. VC and SA brought so much new to the table and did it in an exciting way, with their music, quick cuts of new features, and footage that screamed "This is going to be fun". All 4 and 5 did was say "Look at my story". Which seems to be a reflection of the games themselves. 6 won't be any different if the pattern is anything to go by.
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I've been nothing but an avid admirer of the past 10+ years of Rockstar products. Whatever they touched, they always had this undeniable vibe infusing with such an elegance which made them unbeatable in the result. It's like they were competing with themself from game to game as there were very few games or studios which could have rise up to their level.

However, Red Dead Redemption 2 was the very first title in a long time where it felt the whole Rockstar mirage is getting faded a bit. I felt such tiredness throughout the whole game like a farewell letter to themself and their audience. No wonder, their high profile talents started to leave the company (Benzies, Hauser) and whatever comes next, I'm pretty sure it will be drastically different (in tone and execution). I'm aware that no company is based upon in just a few people, as it's hundreds and hundreds of talented people are behind these games, but it just seems that whatever Grand Theft Auto VI will be, might provide a completely different atmosphere than the Rockstar games in the previous 10+ years. It feels like a new era even without knowing anything about it... Hope I got prove wrong.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It'll come down to the characters and dialogue. After RDR2 everyone knows to expect ridiculous graphics like always. The gameplay never evolves a lot. And the setting has already been explored.

Great Hair

Have to agree with the quattro occhi guy f#cking the medicine ball. Remove GTA from their portfolio and they´re doomed. They just got GTA, Bully and table tennis.

GTA3 "Italo-Newyork-Gansta" .. ok
GTA SA"HipOP, Street Gansta" .. terrific follow up*
GTA VC "Scarface, Cuban, 80s" .. even better follow up*
GTA4 "boring, only the cousin made it fun" ok
GTA5 "redneck? boring, but playable, but seen, done that" ok

GTA6 Tokyo "Kill Bill esque, Noir, Flashy Lights, Night only, Yakuza Story written by the Yakuza Team"
GTA6 London "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch"


Unconfirmed Member
VC is probably one of those games where you can’t go home again, in terms of playing the original game. It has to stay as a cherished memory, appropriate for the time.

That said, it will always remain in my memory as an absolutely magical time, and one of the standouts of that generation.

I don’t think GTA has ever been better. The concept was still brand new, the setting and tone absolutely perfect for the series, all sorts of expansions and new features over 3, like the helicopter and property buying, the music fantastic, the gameplay still open-ended and allowing for the player to approach goals however they wanted, and the story that archetypical mob/drug kingpin style that’s so much fun.

I’ve tried so many times, but I’ve never gotten into a GTA the same way since. The closest was probably San Andreas, because the scale expansion there was absolutely, pants-on-head insane for the time, but it never captured me the same way.

I still go back every now and then and it’s still fabulous. Just driving around listening to the fantastic music is a pleasure in itself.


I still remember having to escape feral dogs in order to get to the Internet Cafe that had it because I had no copy for a while, and how excited I was to play it. GTA 3 still sticks more with me, and I have no issue replaying it today, it still holds up great as a game. But man, Vice City was a wild time alright. I spent a summer and change doing nothing but playing through it. SA didn't end up making as much of an impact on me and by IV I was bored with the whole thing (and they fucked up with GFWL, performance etc), and V was just trash (SP-only).

Tbf, I don't know that R* has it in them to get back to those days. I know GTA V sells a lot, but that's kinda misleading because a lot of that are just MTX disguised as copies, and it's not for the SP that it sells that well. Plus that sort of momentum doesn't necessarily carry forward for a sequel. Hell, even RDR 2 while a step forward in so many ways (again, SP), at least in terms of the open world, also kinda fell apart half-way through the story (oh, to have stayed Ch3 forever..) & their online isn't doing that hot.

There's a lot of automatic hype for a R* game but personally I'm feeling more reserved. We'll see what the new writers cook up & how the game design evolves.


I started my playthrough of vice city ps4 tonight. Going for the platinum. Currently rubber banding the controller after spending 6 hours setting up the criminal rating trophy. It better be popped when I wake up!

Anyway what a game it was, can't wait to go through the story again.
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