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Sony invests $250 million in Epic Games

My dream scenario would be for PS Store games to be linked with Epic Game Store and vice versa
Also for Epic Game Store games to be playable on the PS5. lol
It appears Sony will indeed put their exclusives on Epic store.
MS on the other hand, is teaming up with Steam by putting their games on it. I think MS should work with Valve in getting Oculur VR on XSX and making Half Life Alyx console exclusive.
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See payments and investments are different, Sony can make money off an investment, while a payment is one way. Econ 101 class, what is it?

Epic has been gushing over the PS5 like no other. People including me have been saying all along that their is something fishy going on. There is a marketing deal going on behind the scenes. Turns out to be true.

If sony had not invested 250 million in to Epic... you would not be getting all the hilarious marketing sound bites by Tim Sweeny.

I have a degree in Management. Take your nonsense else where.


On first glance seems like a good move. Sony gains more hold on the PC platform (were MS is already for obvious reasons). UE is also used in movies and TV-shows, so securing access to that tech and gaining influence in its future development sound like a good idea.
Plus if Epic and UE are doing good, Sony makes money, which means, even if a lot of the MS exclusive games that are being developed for UE4/5 sell really well, Sony still makes money.
I've said it before but thats what companies do. Invest in the tech that your competitor uses, so even if they are successful you still make some money of their success.

And yes of course, having some influence on the tech that most devs use to create games is never a bad thing. Maybe they even go into strategic partnerships when it comes to developing Sony in house engines.
It appears Sony will indeed put their exclusives on Epic store.
MS on the other hand, is teaming up with Steam by putting their games on it. I think MS should work with Valve in getting Oculur VR on XSX and making Half Life Alyx console exclusive.

I have a degree in Management. Take your nonsense else where.

FUD management?
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The Jason

Epic has been gushing over the PS5 like no other. People including me have been saying all along that their is something fishy going on. There is a marketing deal going on behind the scenes. Turns out to be true.

If sony had not invested 250 million in to Epic... you would not be getting all the hilarious marketing sound bites by Tim Sweeny.

I have a degree in Management. Take your nonsense else where.
LOL your degree is leading to comments like "Sony has to pay Epic 250 million" take your butt hurt somewhere else. Investments happen everyday bro, it does not indicate any kind of marketing deal
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Most people who are commenting on this are looking at this from console war view, conspiracy theories abound in their heads. Microsoft owns Minecraft, is the PS version of Minecraft gimped? Are they receiving less attention? MS picked them up for monetary reasons.

Epic's technology is used in movies right? Sony has a very big production house. People should realize that owning a minority stake is not like owning a majority stake in a company. If Sony wanted to gimp all other version of UE5, which is the paranoia going around right now, that would just hurt their investment. That doesn't make any business sense. The UE engine makes more money on all the other platforms combined versus the one on just the PS platform. The majority stake holders would not have it, that would hurt their investment, their money.

Until I start seeing some weird moves by Epic, I really don't think the majority stake owners of EPIC would allow their profits to be toyed with. I don't think people realized how many subsidiaries both Sony/Miscrosoft own, have a minority stake, or a controlling stake in. I bet if you dug little you'd find that there are partnerships between these companies, just through their subsidiaries. Same way Google and Apple have deals. They just published some findings in the UK that Google is paying Apple to have their search engine as the default search engine in Safari, they pay them Billions every year. These companies are about $$$ they don't care about us, they don't care about your console war, it's about what makes them the most money.

Just relax guys. It's not the end of the world, UE5 will not be "gimped" because Sony has a minority stake in EPIC, just think about it not as a gamer, but as business person.
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Why people think this only has to do with PlayStation? Has anyone seen this for example?

[Culver City, CA – July 8, 2019] – Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) today announced that Sony Innovation Studios Inc., a division of SPE, recently acquired Nurulize, a software development house which specializes in delivering creative realism and enabling virtual production of content. Nurulize will now be part of Sony Innovation Studios, a state-of-the-art facility that launched last year on the Sony Pictures Studios lot. The advanced software technology from Nurulize will further strengthen Sony Innovation Studios’ virtual production workflow for film, television, gaming and other platforms across Sony companies – and the broader industry – to help create a variety of immersive entertainment experiences.
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I doubt it too, but hey you never know. Once money changes hands, it doesn’t take much effort to prioritise one feature set for one platform over another. That happens today even. I don’t think it will, that leaves too much on the table. But anything is possible in the world of money.

UE5 is going to take advantage of the fast I/O of the PS5 that is already known but is not gimping the Xbox , Xbox is going to perform whoever it was going to perform to begin with.

Sound like some of you are already looking for a cop-out for when some games run or look better on PS5.


Pretty fuckin hilarious that you got people on this thread thinking they know more than the CEO of Epic Games and the guy behind the creation of UE who actually understands the tech behind all this. Every time they talk about the PlayStation 5, they specifically praise it’s storage architecture (AKA the SSD) because it’s a key piece of tech that was used to demonstrate one of UE5’s highlight features, Nanite. Why is it a big deal then and why did they choose to show the demo off on PS5? It’s because of the SSD’s ability to load in highly detailed geometry (approx. changing detail/LOD per frame on 20 million triangles, through the primitive shaders feature) in a matter of seconds through 16GB of GDDR6 RAM. Cerny talks about this during the “Road to PS5” event, he talks about how RAM is being used more efficiently since it only has to contain data for the next 1 second of gameplay. (Compared to PS4 containing data 30 seconds prior to it actually being used, inefficient use of RAM) Just being able to load high-quality assets ON THE FLY has a huge impact on game design, which we have yet to see in 2-3 years when devs get more and more familiar with the hardware itself. That demo approximately contained about 100’s of billions of triangles being crunched down to just about 20 million at very high speeds (SSD bandwidth) per frame depending on how close to/far away from an object you are. (LOD’s won’t be noticeable) Especially, during that last sequence of the demo where she starts flying, what you’re seeing is highly-detailed geometry being instantly streamed in from the SSD and through RAM with no visible pop-ins. Now, obviously the Series X can this demo, low-end and high-end PC’s can run this demo, hell even smartphones will be able to run this demo. That’s the whole point of an engine like this, it’s supposed to be scalable to run on the appropriate hardware. But will it run the demo with the same level of geometric detail being streamed in at instantaneous speeds? No. Like Sweeney said, PS5’s storage architecture blows high-end PC’s out of the water and yea he isn’t wrong. A high-end PC with the current architecture it uses won’t be running the demo at the exact same geometric level as the PS5. This reminds me of the time when Linus Tech Tips literally mocked Sweeney for saying that PS5’s storage architecture is way ahead of current high-end PC’s. Then the guy literally proceeds to bring out a $1,900+ SSD and talks about how it has a higher read/write speed than the PS5’s SSD, only to put out an apology video a few days later. My point being, the hardware you saw Nanite being demonstrated on (PS5) is the absolute best hardware (AS OF RIGHT NOW) that’s capable of handling geometry at that level of fidelity. PC’s are gonna be adopting this tech in the near-future as well, this is a win-win situation for gamers in the end and helps drive the industry forward.

And LOL at the ones thinking Sony’s 1.4% stake/investment in a company already worth billions means “SONY PS5 EXCLUSIVES ON EPIC STORE” “THEY PAID THEM FOR DEMO” “MARKETING DEAL”. If it was a marketing deal, then why the hell didn’t I see PlayStation themselves advertising it on their social media handles that very same day the demo was shown off? I mean, they paid Epic right, would be a waste of money if you don’t even bother to advertise it on your social media handles which have a massive following as well.

Anyone expecting a massive difference between these two consoles when it comes to third-party games are pretty much setting themselves up for disappointment. Both of these consoles are gonna be awesome and more capable than people think and the future of gaming is looking brighter than ever before. Whether you’re “team blue” or “team green” or an “Xbot” or a “Sony pony”, we’re all gamers in the end and all I see is that, we’re in for a hell of a treat next-gen.

Damn, I haven't seen this thicc of a wall of text in a while. No formatting, no nothing just pouring out your heart and getting what you have to say of your chest, I know that must have felt good and therapeutic to get all the rage out.

But for real this shouldn't get you this heated its just shedding some truth on what has been quite obvious biased push from Timmy boy in regards to PS. We all know the SSD is superior, but all the unnecessary talk of it only being capable of on the PS SSD is just hyperbolic.
UE5 is going to take advantage of the fast I/O of the PS5 that is already known but is not gimping the Xbox , Xbox is going to perform whoever it was going to perform to begin with.

Sound like some of you are already looking for a cop-out for when some games run or look better on PS5.
Does an SSD affect framerate and resolution? Or shadows, effects, anti-aliasing solutions, etc?


Damn, I haven't seen this thicc of a wall of text in a while. No formatting, no nothing just pouring out your heart and getting what you have to say of your chest, I know that must have felt good and therapeutic to get all the rage out.

But for real this shouldn't get you this heated its just shedding some truth on what has been quite obvious biased push from Timmy boy in regards to PS. We all know the SSD is superior, but all the unnecessary talk of it only being capable of on the PS SSD is just hyperbolic.
If this is ur counter argument... lol alright then.
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Epic has been gushing over the PS5 like no other. People including me have been saying all along that their is something fishy going on. There is a marketing deal going on behind the scenes. Turns out to be true.

If sony had not invested 250 million in to Epic... you would not be getting all the hilarious marketing sound bites by Tim Sweeny.

I have a degree in Management. Take your nonsense else where.
I mean a lot of people are gushing over the PlayStation 5. Journalist interview Epic and then they take out excerpts (or sound bites) to create articles with headlines featuring those excerpts for clicks and then other people share those headlines or create basically the same article also highlighting the headline. Sony and Epic are probably working together to show off the PS5 but that doesn't necessarily mean what they are saying isn't true. Epic is also a big deal being a tech company who also makes games so people are far more likely to ask them for their opinion and highlight it than some random developer.

If Sony didn't invest, they probably would still say the same things unless the technical statements they made about the PS5 SSD has been lies or deliberately not completely accurate. Which your management degree isn't going to give you clairvoyance; or give you the best judgement on from a technical level.
Hey remember when we kept saying there was a business/PR relationship between Sony and Epic with the UE5 demo showcase and how everyone kept saying we were just making stuff up....

...how's that crow taste? :LOL:

Pretty good for Sony and Epic I presume, but it definitely does explain some of Sweeney's rather very enthusiastic tweets the past month or so about PS5. It doesn't mean the gist of what he's saying isn't true, but he's definitely been embellishing and exaggerating his language essentially as some bit of PR for the platform and that can't be denied any longer.

Tencent already owns 40% of Epic Games.

Tencent and Sony made big joint investment in gaming and music together before this.

I wonder how much Tencent stake in Sony is?

With this recent investment Tencent (Chinese government) is probably the majority owner instead of Tim Sweeny.

This is actually pretty troubling, considering how much an extension of the Chinese Communist Party Tencent virtually is.

Wow, I wonder what % that minority stake is. I also wonder how/if this will have an impact on future Epic releases.

I've suggested that it would make sense for Microsoft to adopt more broad in studio usage and standardize of some of their proprietary engine technology like EA with frostbite-only not making the mistake of limiting yourself to only one engine but rather a small selection. I wonder if this will make them consider moving away from their reliance on unreal?

I think something will have to give. SlipSpace has generally been developed with Halo Infinite in mind but it'd be crazy to consider it not being a viable engine for other types of games. Plus, some of the people who have purportedly seen the game running in the engine say it's extremely impressive.

Can't picture MS moving away from UE completely, there's no reason to. But there may be security reasons and just overall financial reasons to have internal studios start prioritizing SlipSpace and other internal engines. OTOH, I think we'll be seeing a lot more Sony games utilizing UE5 going into next-gen, since that brings a great deal of cost savings which is something they'll want to prioritize.
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This sucks as a fan of all consoles. Seeing that money put into epic is disappointing. Would be happier if it went towards something else. Not sure what’s gonna come out of this. Sony has been moneyhatting a lot over the last couple years. It would suck to see exclusive skins for fortnite or whatever. This might be Sony’s way of getting more of that online MP money because their first party is lacking in that department. It surely bought positive talk about their new console though.
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LOL your degree is leading to comments like "Sony has to pay Epic 250 million" take your butt hurt somewhere else. Investments happen everyday bro, it does not indicate any kind of marketing deal

Investing 250 into a company gets you a ton of gushing praise while totally ignoring the competitions platform, even though its the more powerful machine.
See payments and investments are different, Sony can make money off an investment, while a payment is one way. Econ 101 class, what is it?

250 million Investments lead to preferential treatment and gushing over a single platform while totally pretending the more powerful console doesn't even exist. Thats shilling and considered the same as marketing.

You invest 250 million(insanely substantial amount of money probably to put sony 1st party exclusives on the Epic store) and i'll gush over your platform all over the interwebs while pretending the XSX doesn't exist.

The sony moneyhatting doesn't end there. They've been on a spending spree buying marketing deals for Destiny, COD, shitty 1 year timed exclusivity over major 3rd party games etc...
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Tencent already owns 40% of Epic Games.

Tencent and Sony made big joint investment in gaming and music together before this.

I wonder how much Tencent stake in Sony is?

With this recent investment Tencent (Chinese government) is probably the majority owner instead of Tim Sweeny.

Era gonna boycott the ps5 because of tencent. They stay true to their allies
I mean a lot of people are gushing over the PlayStation 5. Journalist interview Epic and then they take out excerpts (or sound bites) to create articles with headlines featuring those excerpts for clicks and then other people share those headlines or create basically the same article also highlighting the headline. Sony and Epic are probably working together to show off the PS5 but that doesn't necessarily mean what they are saying isn't true. Epic is also a big deal being a tech company who also makes games so people are far more likely to ask them for their opinion and highlight it than some random developer.

If Sony didn't invest, they probably would still say the same things unless the technical statements they made about the PS5 SSD has been lies or deliberately not completely accurate. Which your management degree isn't going to give you clairvoyance; or give you the best judgement on from a technical level.

Sony 1st party exclusives from the E3 event didn't even come close to the UE3 demo. That should tell you something.

And no, i 100% disagree. Had sony not invested 250 million in Timmy's company, he would not be gushing over the weaker platform while excluding the XSX. He's selling a multiplatform engine after all.

This is about Sony 1st party exclusives releasing on Epics store to combat Steam. Thats what this is about.

Most of what i've been hearing in terms of gushing over PS5 are audio, controller features,ease of development and SSD hyperbolic statements. Nobody including sony have said PS5 is more powerful than XSX. That should tell you something.
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Sony 1st party exclusives from the E3 event didn't even come close to the UE3 demo. That should tell you something.

And no, i 100% disagree. Had sony not invested 250 million in Timmy's company, he would not be gushing over the weaker platform while excluding the XSX. He's selling a multiplatform engine after all.

This is about Sony 1st party exclusives releasing on Epics store to combat Steam. Thats what this is about.

Most of what i've been hearing in terms of gushing over PS5 are audio, controller features,ease of development and SSD hyperbolic statements. Nobody including sony have said PS5 is more powerful than XSX. That should tell you something.
There is no way that tim didn't know they were courting investment from sony. it's a really bad look.
Most people who are commenting on this are looking at this from console war view, conspiracy theories abound in their heads. Microsoft owns Minecraft, is the PS version of Minecraft gimped? Are they receiving less attention? MS picked them up for monetary reasons.

Epic's technology is used in movies right? Sony has a very big production house. People should realize that owning a minority stake is not like owning a majority stake in a company. If Sony wanted to gimp all other version of UE5, which is the paranoia going around right now, that would just hurt their investment. That doesn't make any business sense. The UE engine makes more money on all the other platforms combined versus the one on just the PS platform. The majority stake holders would not have it, that would hurt their investment, their money.

Until I start seeing some weird moves by Epic, I really don't think the majority stake owners of EPIC would allow their profits to be toyed with. I don't think people realized how many subsidiaries both Sony/Miscrosoft own, have a minority stake, or a controlling stake in. I bet if you dug little you'd find that there are partnerships between these companies, just through their subsidiaries. Same way Google and Apple have deals. They just published some findings in the UK that Google is paying Apple to have their search engine as the default search engine in Safari, they pay them Billions every year. These companies are about $$$ they don't care about us, they don't care about your console war, it's about what makes them the most money.

Just relax guys. It's not the end of the world, UE5 will not be "gimped" because Sony has a minority stake in EPIC, just think about it not as a gamer, but as business person.

All of this is well true; unfortunately we're dealing with a ton of people who don't bother to think about things from this perspective. Particularly, when some of us kind of noticed the, well, constant praise Sweeney kept lavishing on PS5 well after the UE5 demo as being a bit unusual, and speculating it was probably more than just a technology partnership.

But whenever this was brought up, a lot of particular folks would always shoot it down or write it off. Seems like they shouldn't of done that, but they could've saved themselves some crow by just considering the possibility in the first place. The reason they didn't, is because they thought by doing so it would invalidate the good points Sweeney was mentioning, but that's their problem for treating this as a zero-sum game instead of what it actually is: a case of some truths being embellished and exaggerated for PR purposes due to a backroom financial deal/partnership.

Which is basically what some of us were trying to say the entire time, but it took until this confirmation for folks scoffing at the idea to even acknowledge it now. And clearly, some are STILL finding ways to twist the logic to their favor instead of accepting things for what they are.
Yes to everything even Anti-Aliasing if it's used to store a large database of images that can be used for a AA solution.
Ok. So, theoretically speaking, say Google or Apple develop a console with a I/O-SSD solution twice faster than the PS5’s, but with slower CPU and GPU of the same architecture as well. Would that console possibly be able run UE5 demo at 1440p/60fps? AC: Valhalla at 4k/60fps? Maybe add higher quality shadows?


This doesn't negate what was said about the architecture of the ps5. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

If you want to cancel all this ''PR'' you need to falsify Cerny's presentation because what he said was reasonable and most of the developers that spoke about it testified that it is true that the PS5 has a unique and an impressive architecture that works without bottlenecks with the SSD in a way that the series X can't. All i see here is a selective memory from few fanboys. :messenger_tongue:
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Just how big are these hands we're talking here? :pie_roffles:
This doesn't negate what was said about the architecture of the ps5. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

If you want to cancel all this ''PR'' you need to falsify Cerny's presentation because what he said was reasonable and most of the developers that spoke about it testified that it is true that the PS5 has a unique and an impressive architecture that works without bottlenecks with the SSD in a way that the series X can't. All i see here is a selective memory from few fanboys. :messenger_tongue:

I guess thats why the sony 1st party games didn't even come close to the UE5 demo. Just you wait guys..i know PS5 is weaker than the XSX on paper, but it's.... super effecient,...its got cool audio features...its got cool controller features....and just......it's.... revolutionary!!!
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Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
I think something will have to give. SlipSpace has generally been developed with Halo Infinite in mind but it'd be crazy to consider it not being a viable engine for other types of games. Plus, some of the people who have purportedly seen the game running in the engine say it's extremely impressive.

Can't picture MS moving away from UE completely, there's no reason to. But there may be security reasons and just overall financial reasons to have internal studios start prioritizing SlipSpace and other internal engines. OTOH, I think we'll be seeing a lot more Sony games utilizing UE5 going into next-gen, since that brings a great deal of cost savings which is something they'll want to prioritize.
Certainly. I think keeping Unreal (and perhaps unity) in the mix is important from talent acquisition point of view. Lets you recruit and have new hires instantly familiar with development tools.

I think it would make sense to share engine tech between studios-if Obsidian, inXile, and Playground's RPG team are all developing open world RPGs it might make sense to develop them on the same engine. Similarly that open world tech might make sense for Everwild, etc. (I'm sure all of those are already in dev on Unreal 4 a this point though).

Ironically enough I think Halo and Gears could absolutely be developed on the same engine.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
This doesn't negate what was said about the architecture of the ps5. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

If you want to cancel all this ''PR'' you need to falsify Cerny's presentation because what he said was reasonable and most of the developers that spoke about it testified that it is true that the PS5 has a unique and an impressive architecture that works without bottlenecks with the SSD in a way that the series X can't. All i see here is a selective memory from few fanboys. :messenger_tongue:

There you go:
Logic 101

You are welcome.
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I guess thats why the sony 1st party games didn't even come close to the UE5 demo. Just you wait guys..i know PS5 is weaker than the XSX on paper, but it's.... super effecient,...its got cool audio features...its got cool controller features....and just......it's.... revolutionary!!!

Does it hurt you so much that no developer, including Epic, really gives a rats ass about your precious two tewafwops?
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Dr Bass

All of this is well true; unfortunately we're dealing with a ton of people who don't bother to think about things from this perspective. Particularly, when some of us kind of noticed the, well, constant praise Sweeney kept lavishing on PS5 well after the UE5 demo as being a bit unusual, and speculating it was probably more than just a technology partnership.

But whenever this was brought up, a lot of particular folks would always shoot it down or write it off. Seems like they shouldn't of done that, but they could've saved themselves some crow by just considering the possibility in the first place. The reason they didn't, is because they thought by doing so it would invalidate the good points Sweeney was mentioning, but that's their problem for treating this as a zero-sum game instead of what it actually is: a case of some truths being embellished and exaggerated for PR purposes due to a backroom financial deal/partnership.

Which is basically what some of us were trying to say the entire time, but it took until this confirmation for folks scoffing at the idea to even acknowledge it now. And clearly, some are STILL finding ways to twist the logic to their favor instead of accepting things for what they are.

Thing is, we don't know that that's true either. There is no way Sony engineered their SSD the way they did without a damn good reason. It clearly took up a decent portion of the cost of the system that could have been allocated to silicon for the GPU/CPU. So we know Sony made those choices/tradeoffs for a reason. I'm sure they worked closely with Epic on the tech, they even said as much when the demo was revealed. You're conflating financial investments with bad faith statements out of assumption. It's certainly possible that's the case but the bottom line is none of us really know. Epic is on record as saying the demo at that level was only possible through the PS5 SSD speed for reasons of how the technology works and loads assets directly into RAM on a per frame basis, or something akin to that. If it turns out in a year or two that they can do the same or better on the Xbox Series X then we will know it was a straight up lie. If the tech bears out their statements in the future, then they didn't. Unfortunately it's going to be a decent wait.

Again I understand the skepticism, but do you think Sony is putting up 250 million for hush money or for something dirty? Is Sony the video game mob? Or does Epic have great tech on their hands and Sony wants a tiny slice of the pie? Remember, a studio bought out by Microsoft will have great things to say about Microsoft and Xbox. Is that looked at like this, when Sony has a tiny, tiny stake in the company?

There you go:
Logic 101

You are welcome.

I don't think you know what a conflict of interest is.
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All of this is well true; unfortunately we're dealing with a ton of people who don't bother to think about things from this perspective. Particularly, when some of us kind of noticed the, well, constant praise Sweeney kept lavishing on PS5 well after the UE5 demo as being a bit unusual, and speculating it was probably more than just a technology partnership.

But whenever this was brought up, a lot of particular folks would always shoot it down or write it off. Seems like they shouldn't of done that, but they could've saved themselves some crow by just considering the possibility in the first place. The reason they didn't, is because they thought by doing so it would invalidate the good points Sweeney was mentioning, but that's their problem for treating this as a zero-sum game instead of what it actually is: a case of some truths being embellished and exaggerated for PR purposes due to a backroom financial deal/partnership.

Which is basically what some of us were trying to say the entire time, but it took until this confirmation for folks scoffing at the idea to even acknowledge it now. And clearly, some are STILL finding ways to twist the logic to their favor instead of accepting things for what they are.
Investing $250 Million into a company has to come with some benefit, am I right? LOL I don't think that's farfetched at all. The extra step in claiming it was specifically a marketing deal, a secret one at that, is a little farfetched to me. The claim that EPIC was holding on showing the demo on Series X doesn't make dollars and sense to me. Because that demo will come out later, UE5 will be on Series X. That demo and the games in UE5, on Series X, will look as good as it does on PS5 or better.

For me, it doesn't make sense to spend money on something like that, as at the end it's net loss cause the truth comes out that it looks better on the competitions machine. At the end we will have games that look better than that UE5 demo, it may come as soon as the end of July. I'm looking at it as a money thing. You're paying possibly tens of millions of dollars for a few months good press about having great graphics, only to then have that image smashed by the competition. Not to mention that after the demo is was revealed to running at 1440/30. Which absolutely hurt PS's 4k/8k talking points.

The marketing deal theory would have made more sense to me only if soon after the UE5 demo the PS5 preorders went live, right? Amazing press about this demo. A demo showing, at the time, the best next gen graphics. What better time to capitalize with preorders and locking people in?
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Ok. So, theoretically speaking, say Google or Apple develop a console with a I/O-SSD solution twice faster than the PS5’s, but with slower CPU and GPU of the same architecture as well. Would that console possibly be able run UE5 demo at 1440p/60fps? AC: Valhalla at 4k/60fps? Maybe add higher quality shadows?

If the demo is made around streaming over 16GB of data in & out of RAM & the I/O is the 1st limit they reach when rendering yes a console with 2X the bandwidth will be able to run the demo better.


Sony invested in the company, so Tim and the boys lavished some praise on an investor.

Seems normal to me. It doesn't diminish the ps5 in anyway, so some of you can calm down, no one is stating otherwise.

But it is obvious why they haven't mentioned the XsX in any way imo. I honestly think that epic won't be saying too much anymore about the ps5 now that this is out on the open.

But if they do, the threads will be shitshows of epic proportions. Masterpieces of console warring and trolling......
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Sony 1st party exclusives from the E3 even didn't even come close to the UE3 demo. That should tell you something.

And no, i 100% disagree. Had sony not invested 250 million in Timmy's company, he would not be gushing over the weaker platform while excluding the XSX. He's running a multiplatform engine.

This is about Sony 1st party exclusives releasing on Epics store to combat Steam. Thats what this is about.

Most of what i've been hearing in terms of gushing over PS5 are audio, controller features and SSD hyperbolic statements. Nobody including sony have said PS5 is more powerful than XSX. That should tell you something.
Tells me that a vertical slice of a non-real game designed to be super pretty looks better than games in the real world.

He's a technical person gushing over the custom silicone in an arguably carefully well-designed system that Sony implemented that greatly removes bottlenecks. Why would he gush over having more raw compute power? Shoving in extra CUs for extra raw theoretical performance is not interesting to a technical person. It's not anything special to talk about, it's extremely iterative. Sony could have shoved in a better GPU if they wanted to spend more money, that's why it's not interesting and not worth talking about. Sony did a lot more than shove in a faster SSD, there's a lot of custom silicone and design decisions that made that they think and Epic probably agrees with, that lets them get better performance given the same machine with the same rated theoretical performance. Microsoft has done their own custom work as well but attacking different problems or the same problems with different levels of efficiencies. It's not as simple as the technical person is going to like the one that has the more theoretical performance.

I highly doubt this has anything to do with Epic Games store. Sony has a tiny stake in Epic that it's not worth sacrificing profits to indirectly grow their small 1-3% holdings in Epic. Sony doesn't own enough for Epic to really do anything special for them. Epic has been looking for someone to invest in them after they already created the demo, regardless of who it was. They just wanted funding. This investment also doesn't even come from the PlayStation division. Sony as a whole has also been bidding on other gaming companies like Leyou that don't compliment PlayStation very well.

I'm pretty sure Epic hasn't even said either console is more powerful than the other. Because I'm pretty sure they know what console gets better performance will ultimately depend on the game and the specific workloads it requires. I'm pretty sure all they did was praise the SSD and say that the system was balanced.
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