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Kotaku: "Call Of Duty Trailer Recklessly Promotes Far-Right Conspiracy Theory"

GamerGate was correct, kinda. Game journos were subverted for the sake of political activism. We already knew they'd been subverted for corpo V-bucks. GG's problem was that it centered on the Zoe Quinn scandal and were too easily drawn into a "gamers vs SJWs" collectivist thinking. Whether it was intentional or not, the drawing of the battle lines dragged a lot of otherwise-disinterested people onto a side and dragged a smaller percent of those further down into political extremism. That extremism part was intentional, I guess. Collectivist thinking spread further within the gaming community and caused a lot of damage.

Vaaaaaanguard effort, I'll keep singin' it. 🎶
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
So are you saying Call of Duty is being made by Naughty Dog, and that politics is more important than gameplay?


Sorry but the Left is a lot more transparent with their agenda.

You can play a game without it also being a form of indoctrination.
LOL, thank you for demonstrating my point for me.

What's sad is that it's considered by anyone to be a political agenda to include greater diversity in media.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Neogaf: Keep PoLitCs OuT of GamEs!

COD: Puts far-right politics in games, Kotaku complains.

NeoGAF: KoTakU R So Stupid!
There is a difference between politics as plot/setting and political messaging.

Pretty much every game has political themes: Division, Ghost Recon, COD, Rainbow Six, Battlefield, Metal Gear, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Halo, Bioshock, Half Life, GTA etc. These serve as the the back drop in the story and setup the plot. Nobody truly has a problem with that.

Political messaging on the other hand is a direct response to and value judgement on a current political topic. When a game practically breaks the fourth wall to either parrot or refute a current political talking point, that is where people take issue.

In this case, Kotaku is calling Soviet subversion a conspiracy, and an alt-right one at that. It's certainly not that, it's history, again something borrowed from the real world for plot. They aren't using it to make a value judgment on current politics.


advanced basic bitch
LOL, thank you for demonstrating my point for me.

What's sad is that it's considered by anyone to be a political agenda to include greater diversity in media.
Take it up with your allies for complaining about being able to be non binary in this game. OMG A non binary person working for Reagan and killing communists!(lefties)


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Take it up with your allies for complaining about being able to be non binary in this game. OMG A non binary person working for Reagan and killing communists!(lefties)
Those people are idiots too.

Diversity in media is not some hot button issue for ME.. it just has nothing to do with politics.

I don't really give a shit if my games are all hot white chicks.. or a mix of races.. but like I said, I don't give a shit. The people who cry when a black or gay person appears in the game are the one's I think are funny and would be highly hypocritical if right wing politics showed up in a game.
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LOL, thank you for demonstrating my point for me.

What's sad is that it's considered by anyone to be a political agenda to include greater diversity in media.
Well what are the reasons for "more" diversity? And why does it make sense to literally throw out gameplay to satisfy it?

Maybe gaming is the wrong industry to push this nonsense, since the first video games never even mentioned race at all, but now it's #1 most important thing ever?


Sorry, but that is an agenda....
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Fuck em I've been watching a few vids on this bloke I'm not far right by any means but alot of things he says about subversion etc are the very things happening to our society and institution's today and for the last 20yrs.
Link? Sounds interesting

But based on that article, nothing groundbreaking. Standard stuff if you follow how CIA operates in foreign countries. Or even domestically. No doubt KGB uses similar methods.

Its Call of Duty. Anything political is a window dressing for a shallow dudebro story. Somethin tells me it won't turn a generation of 12 year olds into Qanon anti-vaxxer rightwing death squads, because Black Ops 1 and 2 did the same thing.
COD is pretty blatant pro western military propaganda. Its normalised now, but it certainly helps provide a more positive image for the military. Same with movies.

Ah yes I forgot how important feminism was during the Cold War

seriously these nuts have lost their freakin minds
Um yeah? Feminism has been around since th early 1900s and the second big wave was in the 60s and 70sq



Alexander Zubatov, an attorney writing in Tablet, countered that the “somewhat unclear and contested” term cultural Marxism “has been in circulation for over forty years.” It has, moreover, “perfectly respectable uses outside the dark, dank silos of the far right.” He concluded that cultural Marxism is neither a “conspiracy” nor a “mere right-wing ‘phantasmagoria,’” but a “coherent intellectual program, a constellation of dangerous ideas.”

In this debate, I side with Zubatov. Here’s why.

Cultural Marxism is not a conspiracy theory, it is real and demonstrable in the historical record. That doesn't mean that equal rights are a trojan horse or that the overwhelming vast majority of people who fight for them aren't good people we should listen to. It just means you shouldn't blindly follow every person you ever meet.
Well what are the reasons for "more" diversity? And why does it make sense to literally throw out gameplay to satisfy it?

Maybe gaming is the wrong industry to push this nonsense, since the first video games never even mentioned race at all, but now it's #1 most important thing ever?


Sorry, but that is an agenda....


The marketing an distribution of Tetris was very important for the cultural exchange between the east and the west. hell, one could say it had as much influence like mc donalds in moscow.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Journalists: "cod promotes alt right politics"
Activision: removes teaser clip from communist China
Also activision: adds mental illness genders.


Nice try Kotaku but I ain't buying it. Everything that doesn't support communism is far right to you guys.
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Cultural Marxism is not a conspiracy theory, it is real and demonstrable in the historical record. That doesn't mean that equal rights are a trojan horse or that the overwhelming vast majority of people who fight for them aren't good people we should listen to. It just means you shouldn't blindly follow every person you ever meet.
People use "Cultural Marxism" as scapegoat for anything they don't like :

Women rights, African Americans rights, gay rights were all considered "Cultural Marxism".

Add to that, abortion, progressive taxation, workers unions, evolution by natural selection...

And we have the current blend of things conservatives don't like.
Link? Sounds interesting

But based on that article, nothing groundbreaking. Standard stuff if you follow how CIA operates in foreign countries. Or even domestically. No doubt KGB uses similar methods.

COD is pretty blatant pro western military propaganda. Its normalised now, but it certainly helps provide a more positive image for the military. Same with movies.

Um yeah? Feminism has been around since th early 1900s and the second big wave was in the 60s and 70sq

It's an hour long interview with him on YouTube it might be the one Activision uses segments from but I recommend watching the whole thing , yes the cia are USA's equivalent and have caused damage at home and abroad every major country has its version of the KGB ..... Give it a watch 👍
Neogaf: Keep PoLitCs OuT of GamEs!

COD: Puts far-right politics in games, Kotaku complains.

NeoGAF: KoTakU R So Stupid!

Some people here complain about inserting real-life left-wing politics in games. What about that should prevent them and possibly other people from complaining about Kotuku's rant against alleged far-right politics in CoD and a number of other peculiar takes on the game?

Where is the inconsistency, even granting for the sake of argument that we're talking about the exact same GAF members?

It should be easy to answer, given how you thought this though.

Literally merely having a gay character in a game is labeled as "having a political agenda" widely on this forum.. but "it's just Call of Duty" if they include a bunch of right-wing politics?

From what I watched, it's clearly political, and my initial reaction was that the trailer wasn't going to go down well with the mainstream press, which seems to lean heavily to the left.

You play a specific role in a fictional but supposedly credible episode of the Cold War. Some people are dissatisfied with how the Cold War ended, to the point they, possibly, might be tempted to brand the victor as far-right/alt-right avant la lettre, so to speak. But remember - and it does seem like you need to be reminded - arguments are not invalid by virtue of those who use them. Arguments are not invalid simply because Kotaku, Antifa or the KKK use them.

Case in point, Kotaku's take on cultural Marxism is an example of a Genetic Fallacy (source). The other arguments are the usual variations on the theme of Strawmaning one's opponent, which should be expected. Objectivity doesn't seem to be their top priority, does it? Do they even know what a logical fallacy is? Do they care?

I don't have any issue with COD BTW.. they can put whatever they want in their game.

Agreed. Same goes if they wanted to portray the Soviets as the good guys. Their game, their politics, their right to do whatever the hell they want.

However, should they insert real-life politics in their games, I have the right to examine and criticize, not the right to do it per se, but the specific content There's no contradiction whatsoever between these two positions.

I'm laughing at the fact nobody who thinks "gay people in a game is a political agenda" will do anything but strongly support this stuff showing up in COD on this forum.. you can pretty much guarantee that.

I'm sure you've been keeping track of who's been saying what about gay characters around here....

Is it even possible to make a game centred around the Cold War, where you play on the American side, actively supporting the Cold War effort, strictly non-political?


This article is another proof of where Kotaku and other gaming media outlets feel the most confortable: using games as a platform to talk about social issues and write political essays. They have almost nothing else to provide. They are a product of cultural criticism being taken over by social studies and other social pseudo sciences in college.

Doesn't matter if you ignore them or not, they are already shaping the future of the videogames industry. Although I'm very interested in politics but gaming is escapism to me, if people don't fight these ideas they will be imposed on any game.


I thought perhaps there was only a matter of time before someone out there found something to get offended about from that trailer, it's par for the course with the COD franchise, but especially when it depicts a republican in a good light, or features themes of patriotism.


Yeah I know man all these annoying right-wing articles on these popular gaming websites, I tell ya. Can Both Sides™ stop tearing us apart? Games will not divide us hashtag. Gamers are dead hashtag.

I mean, you could just not be bothered by what any of these sites write in the first place... we’re all inherently now giving it the air time they want.

You are right that there isn’t a mainstream right wing mouthpiece (well, an intelligent one anyway) in this industry, but come out of the gaming world, both sides are equally frustrating.
"Wah wah!! Call of Duty isn't putting in the kind of politics we approve of!!" - Kotaku

If anything, they should be more upset about Activision cowtowing to the CCP.

They always had space in gaming.






I think you're conflating the criticism of an obvious political agenda with the censorship of muscle women.

It's the stupidest strawman ever, but at this point we are all accustomed to that low IQ shenanigans.
Don't forget Sakura Ogami from Danganronpa. Great character. She gets mistaken from being a man by a lot of people, but she doesn't get offended unlike the "Did you just assume my gender?!?!" snowflakes.



4-Time GIF/Meme God
Nutella people with video that shows something with leftist being bad= far right promotion
Nutella people with video that shows something with right wing being bad= yeah, they're bad


Don't forget Sakura Ogami from Danganronpa. Great character. She gets mistaken from being a man by a lot of people, but she doesn't get offended unlike the "Did you just assume my gender?!?!" snowflakes.


I'll also throw in Daidōji of Senran Kagura.


This is now a muscle girl thread (or Closer Closer is free to start beating off if he pleases).
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However Putin and Trump are definitely conspiring to ruin America.....

'Our conspiracies are valid but yours are bullshit...... because!' basically.
You know what I'm so tired of among many other things? That some posters consider SJWs and anti-SJWs equal but on the different sides of the same coin. No. We, who speak against SJW nonsense are coming from a place of thousands of years of natural civilization development while they are just fucking this in the ass.


After so many years of killing nazis in games we finally (maybe) get the opportunity to kill their rivals in terms of oppressive totalitarian murderous dictatorship: socialists. I applaud that!
I mean, we got people in the U.S government right now who call themselves "Democratic Socialists".

Or they go on record and cite Chairman Mao.

Read between the lines and not every movement that claims to be a force good doesn't also have baggage with it.
AFAIK America has free speech and free association.
There could be any kind of fringe group that defend whatever BS.
Neogaf: Keep PoLitCs OuT of GamEs!

COD: Puts far-right politics in games, Kotaku complains.

NeoGAF: KoTakU R So Stupid!

edit: Look if Kotaku are just totally wrong here, and this isn't actually "right wing politics".. then yeah, that's stupid..
I think it is far right politics, and they should be allowed to insert them If they feel like it serves their story. Obviously theres going to be poptarts that bitch about gays in games but will suck this game off.
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