God of War vs. Nier: Automata

Vote for your Game Of The Generation!

  • God of War

    Votes: 306 57.6%
  • Nier: Automata

    Votes: 225 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



God of War wins by default, can't believe someone made that poll


Mr Branding

How is a casual cinematic OTS action game better than Nier?
It is to me. Gow kept me entertained all the way. Dropped first Nier halfway and got most endings in Automata and I honestly don’t see what the fuss is about. As an action game it’s pretty meh compared to Ng or Bayo, as an Rpg... you get the point. Gow Ascension is my favourite

Silent Duck

This is a tough one. God of War bored me about three hours in so I stopped playing. And I stopped playing Nier and started hitting my backlog. Of the two, I do intend to go back to Nier... eventually. Just not any time soon.

So, I guess.... Nier? Maybe?



Oof, this one was hard.

I really love both games, but I have to give this one to God of War since I'm a huge fan of norse mythology.


I would choose Nier Automata.

I liked God of War as well, but it was a bit too long for me. Towards the end the gameplay didn't do it for me anymore and I just wanted to get to the credits as fast as possible.

I had much more fun with Nier. The gameplay was so much fun. It was fast and fluid. It actually enjoyed it so much that I even got the platinum trophy.


I would choose Nier Automata.

I liked God of War as well, but it was a bit too long for me. Towards the end the gameplay didn't do it for me anymore and I just wanted to get to the credits as fast as possible.

I had much more fun with Nier. The gameplay was so much fun. It was fast and fluid. It actually enjoyed it so much that I even got the platinum trophy.
The end game is where the gameplay peaks. Tell me you fought the Valkyries?


Easy vote for God of War here.
First, because I didn't like Nier Automata that much to begin with.
Second, because it's the only Sony exclusive I bought that didn't make me regret the money I wasted on a PS4 Pro.
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People have no taste confirmed.

Nier's combat is all flash and no substance. The world is also boring to look at.

Let me guess, you think that GoW's combat is deep?



GoW. Easily. No contest, really.

Not because Nier is a bad game, no. But I just can't appreciate any game that requires multiple playthroughs.

It's a garbage concept masking the lack of content and development resources. I just don't support it. I prefer a shorter game if needed.



People praise GoW for turning the franchise into the most generic Hollywood trope story imaginable but trash Nier Automata for doing something genuinely unique and fresh lol.
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People have no taste confirmed.

Let me guess, you think that GoW's combat is deep?


People praise GoW for turning the franchise into the most generic Hollywood trope story imaginable but trash Nier Automata for doing something genuinely unique and fresh lol.
Let it go man.

GoW is a quality made game that has its own flaws, it's not a perfect 10, but at least it respects your time and not masking lack of resources as an artsy smartsy way of telling a compelling story.

Keep dat unique talk out of ma gaems please. More asses and abs, less artsy noises tyvm.


God of War PS4 is among my least favourites in the series, almost certainly due to nostalgia factors, but at the same it had what’s by far the best combat i’ve ever experienced in my almost 30 years of gaming.. it blew me away for how complex, deep, precise, visceral and satisfying it felt and how insanely badass it looked and sounded.
I swear, all the loosers on this forum i’ve read calling it “cinematic movie” and this sort of bs have no idea how fucking ridiculous they sound to people who actually played the thing.
I never had any issues with combat in the others even if i’ve always preferred the more sophisticated jap counterparts philosophy, but this one was something else and i have to vote it, with all due respect to astonishing looking asses.

And here we go:
Let me guess, you think that GoW's combat is deep?

Man, this fucking Forum sometimes..
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
So who is winning? Not voting in this one. I didn't play GoW, the Dad of war thing was a big turn off to me. I DID play Nier and didn't like it.


God of War PS4 is among my least favourites in the series, almost certainly due to nostalgia factors, but at the same it had what’s by far the best combat i’ve ever experienced in my almost 30 years of gaming.. it blew me away for how complex, deep, precise, visceral and satisfying it felt and how insanely badass it looked and sounded.
I swear, all the loosers on this forum i’ve read calling it “cinematic movie” and this sort of bs have no idea how fucking ridiculous they sound to people who actually played the thing.
I never had any issues with combat in the others even if i’ve always preferred the more sophisticated jap counterparts philosophy, but this one was something else and i have to vote it, with all due respect to astonishing looking asses.

And here we go:

Man, this fucking Forum sometimes..

Beat Sigrun on Give me God of War normal and NG+.. no one can’t come to me and say GoW’s combat is shallow, It takes effort to master and it’s rewarding as hell.
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Mister Wolf

People have no taste confirmed.

Let me guess, you think that GoW's combat is deep?


People praise GoW for turning the franchise into the most generic Hollywood trope story imaginable but trash Nier Automata for doing something genuinely unique and fresh lol.

Deeper than Automata.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
I downloaded the Neir demo after hearing all the hype and it was a bland looking game with a generic design and janky combat which became laughably bad when it forced me into a shooter segment versus a giant robot iirc. Yeah the girl has a booty and I hear the game has an interesting story, but jrpg stories tend to be bloated and obtuse, so I didn't follow it further. God of War on the other hand has spectacular graphics, an interesting story and satisfying combat. When they announce a sequel to God of War, I will pick it up day one. If they announce a sequel to Neir, I will wait for someone to create a new booty thread and subscribe to it.

But hey what do I know 🙃


God of War PS4 is among my least favourites in the series, almost certainly due to nostalgia factors, but at the same it had what’s by far the best combat i’ve ever experienced in my almost 30 years of gaming.. it blew me away for how complex, deep, precise, visceral and satisfying it felt and how insanely badass it looked and sounded.
I swear, all the loosers on this forum i’ve read calling it “cinematic movie” and this sort of bs have no idea how fucking ridiculous they sound to people who actually played the thing.
I never had any issues with combat in the others even if i’ve always preferred the more sophisticated jap counterparts philosophy, but this one was something else and i have to vote it, with all due respect to astonishing looking asses.

And here we go:

Man, this fucking Forum sometimes..
I do feel that GOW went from the DMC lite copy that it was combat wise to something very unique even with it's own flaws, combat finally feels very unique inside the genre.

Disclaimer, i voted GOW despite being a Platinum games fan, if the vote was Santa Monica vs Platinum games i would of voted Platinum games everytime.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
I do feel that GOW went from the DMC lite copy that it was combat wise to something very unique even with it's own flaws, combat finally feels very unique inside the genre.

Disclaimer, i voted GOW despite being a Platinum games fan, if the vote was Santa Monica vs Platinum games i would of voted Platinum games everytime.

Its nothing like DMC, its a sequel that largely repeats the formula of the first game in offering a variety of styles of action gameplay. Games like DMC, Bayonetta, etc. are laser focused on flashy melee action, Automata is not aiming for that so expecting it will only lead to disappointment.
I think they're actually well matched to be pinned against one another as both single-handedly elevate the videogame medium.

That said, I do think Nier is the better choice, it's just magical how everything just falls together but I know God of War will win. Though luck.
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