God of War vs. Nier: Automata

Vote for your Game Of The Generation!

  • God of War

    Votes: 306 57.6%
  • Nier: Automata

    Votes: 225 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Yet GAF at the moment is filled with Sony haters more than any other neutral Forum on the Internet i’ve been in my entire life, to the point of being absolutely ridiculous.
So much in fact, that i honestly believe if currently works as a dumpster of people banned in other places for being children who can’t resist from spreading bullshit on games they never played under the disguise of “matter of taste!”.

Reading the “Max Payne 3 is a masterpiece” Thread was truly eyes opening. Lots of people calling Sony games “movies”, “not games” praising this multiplatform corridor shooter with unskippable, long and tedious cutscenes like it was the second coming, a game i’ve always liked especially on PC, but which is objectively ten times more limited, less replayable and worthy of being called “movie” than any Sony game i’ve played since those Cage games in the past gen.

This place is sadly a mere shadow of what it was the past decade, leaving us navigted, objective multiplatform players who just want to enthusiastically discuss games with no place to go.
The fact i’ve spent most of my time here defending Sony exclusives legitimately piss me off.
Tell Microsoft fans about that hard destiny. The Microsoft haters here outnumber the Sony haters easily even more than the Sony die-hard fanboys outnumber Xbox die-hard fanboys. You want a neutral forum without console warriors? Good luck with that, you will more likely find Atlantis. Sad but true. The only options are pure Xbox or PlayStation dedicated sites, but those suck even more in my opinion. So i stay here with a really huge ignore list, that makes it much better.
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Really surprised that it's so close. I expected GoW would have a significant lead given it's incredible production values and rock solid familiar game design.

I'm a huge fan of the original trilogy but have yet to play GoW 2018, so I can't make a fully informed vote. But overall, I find the way Nier handles narrative, gameplay, player perspective, expectations etc. to be incredibly novel and interesting, so I have to give it my vote.

From all accounts though, both are great GotG contenders.


Nier Automata for me . It resonates with me better and drives emotion .

God of War on the other hand is pretty solid , amazing looking graphics , and decent combat . But I don't really think much about the game after finishing it , just a solid 8/10 game to me . Nier Automata is something special , and it's soundtrack is legendary .

Nah, it was just okay. Everything about it was just okay, the only thing that's cool about it is how it changes in new game+ though I'd honestly argue it's weird hiding so much of the game behind new game+.

This is kinda wrong . Nier Automata is different than traditional games that it doesn't really end at first , every playthroughs from A until E is like a chapter .
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Two shitty games. Gow is an amalgamation of every modern design trope in one game and Nier is a cringe anime with atrocious gameplay.

Voted for Nier


Gold Member
No matter the outcome, 2B will always beat Kratos's ass.
Yeah but what about female kratos?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I said that it went from DMC lite to something very different in the PS4 sequel. It is no secret, even admitted by the devs, that the game was always very much inspired by DMC in how you fight.
The PS4 GOW it's very much not like the games before it in the franchise, the combat it's completely different and the structure of the game too, so instead of trying to copy Platinum/clover/littledevils combat design it is now making something very unique while staying somewhat in the same genre.

Think we got our wires crossed, I was talking solely about Nier: Automata not being a pure "stylish action" game. No comment about GoW whatsoever.


GOW is an amazing game but Nier has more soul and more personality, but, above all, Nier has better gameplay, and that is the ultimate deciding factor for a videogame.

Vote for Nier.


I'm salty that Nier beat Resi, but here I am slapping a big fat vote for Nier. Don't get me wrong because God of War is good, but the moment to moment gameplay just isn't there for me. Over the shoulder, stripping control from the player too often, shallow RPG mechanics, some weird design choices with combat where Kratos will snap to opponents and fucking ice skate to them when attacking. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game despite this negative post, but I am only highlighting why I view the game as "enjoyable" and not "masterpiece" like everyone else thinks it is.

Nier is just far superior when it comes to moment to moment gameplay.
I’ll always vote for Nier Automata above anything else this gen except Witcher 3 or RDR 2. That doesn’t mean GoW isn’t tremendous game because it is.


Neo Member
I'm salty that Nier beat Resi, but here I am slapping a big fat vote for Nier. Don't get me wrong because God of War is good, but the moment to moment gameplay just isn't there for me. Over the shoulder, stripping control from the player too often, shallow RPG mechanics, some weird design choices with combat where Kratos will snap to opponents and fucking ice skate to them when attacking. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game despite this negative post, but I am only highlighting why I view the game as "enjoyable" and not "masterpiece" like everyone else thinks it is.

Nier is just far superior when it comes to moment to moment gameplay.

The camera tracking in the game (on both ends) was infuriating. Why do I need my cursor to lock onto an enemy when I have a lock on mechanic already in the R3 button. It made aiming the axe in a pack infuriating. And an enemy tracking you to the last second with their overhead strike is such a lazy way to make enemies "difficult" and made analyzing the animations of the enemy a chore.


Nier Automata by a country mile, and i don't even think Nier Automata is a bonafide masterpiece, it's just that God of War is a mediocre ass game but it's dumbed down for the masses and has gigantic production values, of course it will win.


Two more hours. Nier is down by 20 with 2 minutes left, like the Clippers last night. There’s still hope.


I see this as "Which one did you hate more? B ending or unlikeable predictable Kratos?". So it's a draw for me. But overall, Nier was the better game. Even with those difficulty spikes. You can't die on normal, you can't live on hard(everyone one shots you).

"God of war was the flawless product of a risk-free project(8/10), Nier was the beatiful artwork from passionate gamers(9/10)"- ChoosableOne.
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