Dino Crisis AKA Who else loves tank controls in their games? Recommend me a game with these controls.

After rage-quitting Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom on Switch, I decided to play a better game: Dino Crisis on PS1.


Man, going back to these kind of games feels so good. I know it works more for Survival Horror games like Dino Crisis, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill, due to the fixed camera angles, but Croc didn't control too bad as well. Maybe I'm just used to jank, but I'm a sucker for tank controls.

Recommend me some good games that have tank controls. :)
Dino Crisis 2.

I went for the low hanging fruit.

I didn't hate tank-controls at the time like most did, but I don't exactly miss them either.

Re1 ReMake is good and has tank controls, though be sure not to switch to "updated" as it completely nerfs the difficulty being so easy to juke everything.

Grim Fandango was another game that had tank controls and it worked fine for that game. Though again, the update has better controls in my opinion, but I think tank-control is still an option.

Tank-controls made better by that fact that Grim Fandango is one of the best adventure games of all time.
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|Maybe try the old Silent hill titles? or have you tried RE: code veronica?
I've only played the first Silent Hill. My god, did it hold up to the test of time. Probably one of the scariest games I've played.
Yes, I've played Code Veronica. Another awesome game. They should remake that game!

Dino Crisis 2.

I went for the low hanging fruit.

I didn't hate tank-controls at the time like most did, but I don't exactly miss them either.

Re1 ReMake is good and has tank controls, though be sure not to switch to "updated" as it completely nerfs the difficulty being so easy to juke everything.

Grim Fandango was another game that had tank controls and it worked fine for that game. Though again, the update has better controls in my opinion, but I think tank-control is still an option.

Tank-controls made better by that fact that Grim Fandango is one of the best adventure games of all time.

I'll get to DC2 once I'm done with the first.
Grim Fandango was a good game, from the little I've played of it. I can never finish point-and-click adventure games. I don't know, maybe I'm just stupid, lol.

re5 is still pretty tanky and it's relatively modern.
same for dead space.

Those are both good games you just mentioned, especially Dead Space.

The 360 version of Deadly Premonition

They "fixed" the controls in all the rereleases, but to me it feels so much better in its janky original form

Is it only the 360 version? I've been eyeing the Switch version recently and was wondering whether I should spend the money.
I've only played the first Silent Hill. My god, did it hold up to the test of time. Probably one of the scariest games I've played.
SH1 is fantastic, it was straight up horrorfying when it originally released. MY GOD, my buddy and I playing that shit in the dark with the sound blasted up and mountain dew as like 13 year old's was such a fond memory. RE2 as well. If you want a good chuckle go read up how much Kindergarten Cop(the movie) played a roll in Silent Hill 1's development. You absolutely need to play Silent Hill 2, it's better in every way and has tank controls.
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SH1 is fantastic, it was straight up horrorfying when it originally released. MY GOD, my buddy and I playing that shit in the dark with the sound blasted up and mountain dew as like 13 year old's was such a fond memory. RE2 as well. If you want a good chuckle go read up how much Kindergarten Cop(the movie) played a roll in Silent Hill 1's development. You absolutely need to play Silent Hill 2, it's better in every way and has tank controls.
I would've shat my pants if I was a kid if I played Silent Hill 1. The closest I've played that was scary when I was 7-8 was Gex 2, when he's in the haunted mansion. That scared me something good. Oh, and Psycho Mantis in MGS1. The Hideocam fourth wall break got my brother and I.
As for Silent Hill 2, I'm waiting until it goes down in sale in lukiegames. I hear very good things about the sequel.

Fatal Frame 2

What do you think of Fatal Frame 1? That's another game I've been eyeing.


Great taste man. The sequel is one of my favourite games ever, although very different from the first entry.

The atmosphere in it is just something else, and those backgrounds, man:

Always loved how the Hydroponics Deck in Dead Space recaptured the feeling.
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tank controls? well, Resident Evil 4 has to he the best game with tank controls, another great one would be God Hand.

Mad World on Wii also has tank controls, and it can be fun but it is not nearly on the same level as RE4 and God Hand

re5 is still pretty tanky and it's relatively modern.
same for dead space.

yes, you actually can play RE5 with RE4 controls, it plwys basically the same then, but you can tell that it was designed with strafing in mind in some scenes, it is totally playable tho with RE4 tank controls... unlike RE6, which tried to offer such a mode but that one just feels super wrong since RE6 is more comparable to Vanquish than to RE4 lol
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Great taste man. The sequel is one of my favourite games ever, although very different from the first entry.

The atmosphere in it is just something else, and those backgrounds, man:

Always loved how the Hydroponics Deck in Dead Space recaptured the feeling.

I'm having a blast with the first one and you're telling me the second one's gonna be better? I can't wait!

The first one had one of the best fight encounter music. PE2's in my to-do lists for games.
I would've shat my pants if I was a kid if I played Silent Hill 1. The closest I've played that was scary when I was 7-8 was Gex 2, when he's in the haunted mansion. That scared me something good. Oh, and Psycho Mantis in MGS1. The Hideocam fourth wall break got my brother and I.
As for Silent Hill 2, I'm waiting until it goes down in sale in lukiegames. I hear very good things about the sequel.

What do you think of Fatal Frame 1? That's another game I've been eyeing.

Not sure what they think, but FF2 is better in just about every way and I've never found the continuity of stories, if there even is one(I don't quite remember) to be a big deal. It just has better atmosphere, graphics, and gameplay. Which is really what you'll play Fatal Frame for. It's been forever though, I think the last time I played FF2 was probably 5 or 6 years ago that I downloaded off of PSN.

And yeah, don't sleep on SH2, probably the single greatest horror game ever made. SH3 is good too, graphics still hold up surprisingly well, but SH2 is still the pinnacle of the series. Pour one out for ol' Team Silent.

M Magnus I still remember the first time I saw that PE1 fmv intro and just being blown away. When she's singing in the opera house and the whole world goes to shit....Good times.
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Not sure what they think, but FF2 is better in just about every way and I've never found the continuity of stories, if there even is one(I don't quite remember) to be a big deal. It just has better atmosphere, graphics, and gameplay. Which is really what you'll play Fatal Frame for. It's been forever though, I think the last time I played FF2 was probably 5 or 6 years ago that I downloaded off of PSN.

And yeah, don't sleep on SH2, probably the single greatest horror game ever made. SH3 is good too, graphics still hold up surprisingly well, but SH2 is still the pinnacle of the series. Pour one out for ol' Team Silent.

M Magnus I still remember the first time I saw that PE1 fmv intro and just being blown away. When she's singing in the opera house and the whole world goes to shit....Good times.
Okay, I'll take your word for it. I've been holding off on it, because hearing good things about a horror game is kind of intimidating. But I feel like I'm missing out if I don't play it, lol.



Hard Edge

Resident Evil in a futuristic building with more melee than ranged, fighting robots and other not-quite-human looking folk. You play as 2 characters you can swap between at any time, and you unlock 2 more along the way. Each has their unique moves and advantages.

I have it on PS3 via the Hong Kong store, which has English VA but not text. Manageable, but not perfect.
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Onimusha 1 and especially 2 also great games with tank controls AND fixed camera, running on the REmake engine
O man, fuck yeah. Both of these are great. Onimusha 1 was an amazing game at launch. Samurai Resident Evil. And you wouldn't think that a fixed camera and tank controls would handle an action game so well but it totally does. I've been meaning to pick up the rerelease they put out on Steam. Totally forgot all about that. Thanks for the reminder.
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Onimusha 1 and especially 2 also great games with tank controls AND fixed camera, running on the REmake engine
Good thing the first Onimusha's on PS4! At least, I think it is...

Hard Edge

Resident Evil in a futuristic building with more melee than ranged, fighting robots and other not-quite-human looking folk.

I have it on PS3 via the Hong Kong store, which has English VA but not text. Manageable, but not perfect.

I recently just bought myself a copy for PS1! I thought it was an obscure game, but I'm glad someone mentioned it here!


I'm having a blast with the first one and you're telling me the second one's gonna be better? I can't wait!

Not exactly. The first is an hardcore survival experience, the second basically an action game (more action than RE2), with some puzzles here and there.
It's much easier than the first one, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on it, free from the nostalgia that i have.

Not exactly. The first is an hardcore survival experience, the second basically an action game (more action than RE2), with some puzzles here and there.
It's much easier than the first one, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on it, free from the nostalgia that i have.
So... Kinda like RE2 to RE3? If so, then I definitely won't have a problem!

Not exactly. The first is an hardcore survival experience, the second basically an action game (more action than RE2), with some puzzles here and there.
It's much easier than the first one, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on it, free from the nostalgia that i have.
I'd say this a pretty spot on assessment. It's still defintiely worth a play through, but it leans way more on action than horror.

Whatever we do, we don't mention Dino Crisis 3


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
You want tank controls with fixed camera or not? It's the camera that makes DC and RE. Othewise the tank controls are in many games where there's no real "strafe" capability (or it's very limited compared to normal movement). Like RE4+ (with classic controls options) or classic Tomb Raider.

I actually didn't like the pre-rendered backgrounds of DC2, sure they technically looked way beyond anything that could be done real time visually but with that they took away much of what made DC look distinct (moving camera etc) and the polygonal characters and objects didn't fit in so well.
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You want tank controls with fixed camera or not? It's the camera that makes DC and RE. Othewise the tank controls are in many games where there's no real "strafe" capability (or it's very limited compared to normal movement). Like RE4+ (with classic controls options) or classic Tomb Raider.

Both, but preferably fixed camera. Whenever I traverse a room, it always feels nice whenever I go from one end of a room to another flawlessly. It's a really smooth feel, you know?


Both, but preferably fixed camera. Whenever I traverse a room, it always feels nice whenever I go from one end of a room to another flawlessly. It's a really smooth feel, you know?

can you believe that there are people that play RE with normal analog controls?... the remaster of REmake and the Dualshock editions on PS1 had that option and people actually use it... (I think RE2 on N64 had it to if you used the analog stick)

I tried it and it werids me out, it really feels bad to play that way. I don't get why someone would prefer that over tank controls
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Also as good as some of the backgrounds in DC2 can look some of the angles chosen are just plain boring, especially I seem to recall outdoor areas almost having top down-ish views which were just eh.
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Though, thinking back, I can't remember if this was a good game or not. Probably not as I don't have much memory of it other than it's cool story. I'm gonna have to go YouTube some shit.
Whether or not it's good, if it has tank controls with PS1 graphics, I'm all in! Though, looking at snippets of the game in Youtube, it looks like a game right up my alley!

Probably more because of it's arcade-style structure. There's no dodge in DC2, but there's also no item-management and you can actually buy ammo.


Noted. I'll let you know what I think of it when I get the chance to finish it! :)

can you believe that there are people that play RE with normal analog controls?... the remaster of REmake and the Dualshock editions on PS1 had that option and people actually use it... (I think RE2 on N64 had it to if you used the analog stick)

I tried it and it werids me out, it really feels bad to play that way. I don't get why someone would prefer that over tank controls

I tried doing that and... No, it looks really bad. Whenever you transition from angle to another, your movement fucks up. It's unnatural, imo lol.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Other less known (still known, just not as much as Alone in the Dark) fixed camera + tank control games (cos plenty games are fixed camera but no tank controls, like Final Fantasy or DMC) are Deep Fear for Saturn, Vampire Hunter D and Hard Edge/T.R.A.G. for PlayStation. Fear Effect maybe?

I should do Vampire Hunter D again some time, it looks better than I thought or understood back then, although the slow pace and loading and such in the old pre-rendered background games is painful nowadays. I mean, look at this early boss fight, with blocks and everything, that's just cool.
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I tried it and it werids me out, it really feels bad to play that way. I don't get why someone would prefer that over tank controls
True, it's honestly unbelievable how many people played Remake like that.

Noted. I'll let you know what I think of it when I get the chance to finish it! :)
Please do. I'm pretty confident you'll love the controls, which are some of the smoothest tank controls ever, the astonishing improvement in CG cutscenes, years ahead any other Capcom game from the time and still absolutely stunning to this day, and how the same CG quality is extended to the game backgrounds (my favourites from that generation) giving the game it's eerie atmosphere.
Other less known (still known, just not as much as Alone in the Dark) fixed camera + tank control games (cos plenty games are fixed camera but no tank controls, like Final Fantasy or DMC) are Deep Fear for Saturn, Vampire Hunter D and Hard Edge/T.R.A.G. for PlayStation. Fear Effect maybe?
Fear Effect looks like a good one! Looking at gameplay, I'm surprised the 3d models are from PS1. Doesn't look like it. Will definitely buy that one!

Please do. I'm pretty confident you'll love the controls, which are some of the smoothest tank controls ever, the astonishing improvement in CG cutscenes, years ahead any other Capcom game from the time and still absolutely stunning to this day, and how the same CG quality is extended to the game backgrounds (my favourites from that generation) giving the game it's eerie atmosphere.

Nice! I'm excited!


Is it only the 360 version? I've been eyeing the Switch version recently and was wondering whether I should spend the money.
Yeah, only the 360 version has tank controls. The PS3, Switch and PC versions changed the camera and controls, doesn't feel quite the same to me.

The 360 version is vastly superior to the rest of them for other reasons too. The newer versions are buggier, have worse textures, and the PS3/PC versions add extra prologue and epilogue cutscenes that are really out of place and were later retconned by Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise.

360 > Switch > PS3 > PC as far as the ports go

If you happen to have an Xbox One, it is backwards compatible and runs better on there than it does anywhere else
Yeah, only the 360 version has tank controls. The PS3, Switch and PC versions changed the camera and controls, doesn't feel quite the same to me.

The 360 version is vastly superior to the rest of them for other reasons too. The newer versions are buggier, have worse textures, and the PS3/PC versions add extra prologue and epilogue cutscenes that are really out of place and were later retconned by Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise.

360 > Switch > PS3 > PC as far as the ports go

If you happen to have an Xbox One, it is backwards compatible and runs better on there than it does anywhere else
Unfortunately, I don't game on Xbox, so I'll just have to settle with the Switch version.

Cold Fear iirc. Bit short and nothing to write home about, but it was ok for me.
Cool! Don't wanna spoil too much, but it looks like fun!
True, it's honestly unbelievable how many people played Remake like that.
Not to mention how much it just nerfs the difficulty, it's so easy to dodge shit that the fear of planning out a route or making last minute decisions completely goes away and it becomes just a puzzle game with a slight enemy nuisance. The difficulty is designed around the controls in RE1. And it may have been a product of it's time in that regard because of pre-rendered backgrounds, but it's a unique experience that should be experienced the way it was originally intended to play imo. Otherwise, you may as just watch a let's play.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This upcoming game by a small Chilean studio is a very promising entry in the survival horror genre too.

There's newer footage with combat which admitedly doesn't look great but I'm sure it will also improve...
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I'm trying to replay Resident Evil 0 and can't stand the clunkyness anymore.

The tank controls, the no camera control, the 10s loading screens every time you open a door or access the inventory, the half a second hitch whenever changing perspective


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Resident Evil 4 and 5 are tank controls, but since you change the camera at every movement, you feel like Spiderman is alternative

- Onimusha series
- Killer 7
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
- Overblood 1 and 2
- Parasite Eve 1 and 2
- Deep Fear



Really good game that I'm in the mood to play through again.
I hope the PS5 can play it, as I wouldn't mind trying to get all the trophies :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
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