Review platform: PS5, Performance mode.
Get your blades sharp again, Drengr! If you enjoyed the generous base game then be ready for more! This DLC adds few spices here and there with a very good length. I've spent 22 hours to collect everything in the 4-region map. I started sluggish and sloppy, as you'll see in one gameplay video down, but then restored my skills back! Pretty addictive.
Glitches: Let's get this one out of our way! There are the regular glitches here and there, non-game-breaking ones, but like execution placement when on uneven grounds. Overall, the game is pretty solid. Had only one glitch which I flied outside the map to the sky! Hilarious but respawned back at the same spot few seconds later. Don't remember encountering screen tearing this time, also the base game seems to have solved it in that snow village.
Game Difficulty: At Drengr (very hard) I'm very disappointed at how easy it is, part of it me being a tank due to extensive exploration in the base game. Now setting at around 93 mastery points. It should give the option to scale the enemies accordingly like in AC Odyssey. This is the worst part of the game to me. They made it worst by making Ireland fitting a new fresh start with pretty low level requirements. I think the ones who don't play thoroughly would appreciate the difficulty though.
Difficulty is something like 3/10.
Exploration and map design: Very addictive with a nice, fresh taste. It has breathtaking sceneries, and nice side quests to play. Although being addictive doesn't mean that the game has brought many ground-breaking side quests, but gamers who loved the base game will feel a nice, fresh taste here with amazing scenes along the way.
Story: I think the story was overall decent, and if I had to put a number I would say 7/10. Although they tried to make us have deep feelings towards some, we didn't spend enough time to build that with them. Overall I can say that the main characters are memorable enough and each have unique characters like the base game.
So what's new?
The focus in witchcraft here is pretty obvious, and the design of some woods with creepy visual and sound effects that make you turn around are a welcome change of atmosphere. And if you loved the "Order" hit list, it's back with but smaller which is nice. They made the regenerated side quest more Assassin-focused in terms of objectives, although you don't lose much if you break them but great challenges for those who wanna continue playing.
There are a lot of new outfits and gear, if anything I believe Assassin's Creed Valhalla has the best loot variety in looks, at least, than most RPG games, if not all of them. Looking back at The Witcher 3 it barely had any good-looking outfits. But they made you "pay" for each visual choice you wanna look like (dressing with another outfit but keeping the perks of the main/hidden, unwanted outfit), so you need to go to the shop to change everything which is a hinderance. I stick with 2 outfits because of that and because of upgrading is extremely expensive for a collector.
For those who bought the base game and loved it and gave it 8/10 or higher, I highly recommend it. If you didn't then overall it provides more of the good things that AC fans loved.
Previous review of the base game:
Some videos I made, if interested:

Get your blades sharp again, Drengr! If you enjoyed the generous base game then be ready for more! This DLC adds few spices here and there with a very good length. I've spent 22 hours to collect everything in the 4-region map. I started sluggish and sloppy, as you'll see in one gameplay video down, but then restored my skills back! Pretty addictive.
Glitches: Let's get this one out of our way! There are the regular glitches here and there, non-game-breaking ones, but like execution placement when on uneven grounds. Overall, the game is pretty solid. Had only one glitch which I flied outside the map to the sky! Hilarious but respawned back at the same spot few seconds later. Don't remember encountering screen tearing this time, also the base game seems to have solved it in that snow village.

Game Difficulty: At Drengr (very hard) I'm very disappointed at how easy it is, part of it me being a tank due to extensive exploration in the base game. Now setting at around 93 mastery points. It should give the option to scale the enemies accordingly like in AC Odyssey. This is the worst part of the game to me. They made it worst by making Ireland fitting a new fresh start with pretty low level requirements. I think the ones who don't play thoroughly would appreciate the difficulty though.
Difficulty is something like 3/10.

Exploration and map design: Very addictive with a nice, fresh taste. It has breathtaking sceneries, and nice side quests to play. Although being addictive doesn't mean that the game has brought many ground-breaking side quests, but gamers who loved the base game will feel a nice, fresh taste here with amazing scenes along the way.

Story: I think the story was overall decent, and if I had to put a number I would say 7/10. Although they tried to make us have deep feelings towards some, we didn't spend enough time to build that with them. Overall I can say that the main characters are memorable enough and each have unique characters like the base game.

So what's new?
The focus in witchcraft here is pretty obvious, and the design of some woods with creepy visual and sound effects that make you turn around are a welcome change of atmosphere. And if you loved the "Order" hit list, it's back with but smaller which is nice. They made the regenerated side quest more Assassin-focused in terms of objectives, although you don't lose much if you break them but great challenges for those who wanna continue playing.

There are a lot of new outfits and gear, if anything I believe Assassin's Creed Valhalla has the best loot variety in looks, at least, than most RPG games, if not all of them. Looking back at The Witcher 3 it barely had any good-looking outfits. But they made you "pay" for each visual choice you wanna look like (dressing with another outfit but keeping the perks of the main/hidden, unwanted outfit), so you need to go to the shop to change everything which is a hinderance. I stick with 2 outfits because of that and because of upgrading is extremely expensive for a collector.

For those who bought the base game and loved it and gave it 8/10 or higher, I highly recommend it. If you didn't then overall it provides more of the good things that AC fans loved.
Previous review of the base game:

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla after 160+ hours. A Wonderful Journey!
[UPDATE] The bugged side boss and treasure I faced are fixed with the latest update, there is no bugged mission/collectable remaining. Hello guys! I've been pouring so much time on AC Valhalla that took me around a month to finish. I know that Ubisoft is some kind of a villain to some, like EA...

Some videos I made, if interested:
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