I'm getting back into the groove and just hit 20k kills in MCC pvp, woot! 20k kills vs 15.5k deaths, which is nothing epic, but somewhat respectable. I've been hitting it kinda hard here of late and have gone from 17k to 20k kills in just about two weeks. My last two games to put me over 20k were really strong.
From Req Packs to Snack Paqs

.....Sorry just hit me with a couple of sticky grenades and I'll run into the enemy flag base and take one for the team.
I've been achievement hunting in MCC as well. I just finished speed runs of Halo CE and Halo 2. I'm also playing through the MC Saga Playlist for that Achievement and just started Halo 2. I've completed all the MCC campaigns on Legendary, but I'll help you with whatever. I'm always down for PVE challenges for rank. GT: MajorHavoc 2049