Battlefield 2042 | Review Thread


Remember this? What schedule exactly lol.


Also I can't believe 2042 has had "the largest development team for a Battlefield game in franchise history" (4 studios if I'm not mistaken) yet they couldn't get the basics right!? How does this happen? Unreal.


Holy shit.


Not sure how long EA will stay on Steam this time. :messenger_neutral:

The EA defenders will brush this off as a non-story..... foolishly.

These reviews have a massive impact on people buying the game or not.

AngryJoe... a channel with 3+Millions subs, the BF2042 rant vid is nearing 1 millions views now along with 100s of other YouTubers who will collectively get millions of views

EA/DICE really need to release a statement for damage control telling us what they are going to do about this shit show.


Can someone explain Portal to me btw?

I've seen plenty of footage now but still don't get if it's just the maps and soldier skins from past games or if they also incorporate (weapon) animations, TTK, movement, audio and other such aspects of the original games? Also are the maps totally remade or simply ported over? Are all maps included from the original games or just a selection?
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Can someone explain Portal to me btw?

I've seen plenty of footage now but still don't get if it's just the maps and soldier skins from past games or if they also incorporate (weapon) animations, TTK, movement, audio and other such aspects of the original games? Also are the maps totally remade or simply ported over? Are all maps included from the original games or just a selection?

Yes, the visuals are updated using the 2042 Frostbite engine however the game plays like it did in the original build...

...minus the crazy blur effect from suppression in BF3. That was removed so that is missing in the portal build. Wouldnt be surprised given the number of features offered in Portal that it couldn't be brought back. But that's was crazy.

Also, it's only two maps from each game. I assume we will see more of these maps brought over as time goes on.


Yes, the visuals are updated using the 2042 Frostbite engine however the game plays like it did in the original build...

...minus the crazy blur effect from suppression in BF3. That was removed so that is missing in the portal build. Wouldnt be surprised given the number of features offered in Portal that it couldn't be brought back. But that's was crazy.

Also, it's only two maps from each game. I assume we will see more of these maps brought over as time goes on.

Portal is actually one of the few good things about 2024.

Mainly because the gameplay is reminiscent of the good BF games.

You could earn XP playing portal and progress however DICE suspended this due to XP Bot farm servers, which were quite funny, someone would create a server where you have 64 Nazi bots with knives only vs 64 fully kitted players.

No idea when/if they will re-instate it.
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That steam score is very telling. Absolutely deserved too, the game is shockingly terrible! There’s no defending all out warfare, its shit and that’s all that needs to be said. With a score like that I can absolutely see EA dropping the game and moving on.

DICE have lost their way, not sure what’s happened but it’s been downhill since BF4 and now they’re here. Proper sad stuff. I’m even scared to ask that they simply remaster BC2 and release a resolution boost for BF4 as they could fuck that up too.
Portal is actually one of the few good things about 2024.

Mainly because the gameplay is reminiscent of the good BF games.

You could earn XP playing portal and progress however DICE suspended this due to XP Bot farm servers, which were quite funny, someone would create a server where you have 64 Nazi bots with knives only vs 64 fully kitted players.

No idea when/if they will re-instate it.

Wait, so you can't earn xo in Portal anymore? I'd thst what you mean by "suspended"?


ChatGPT 0.001
Preload for the standard edition did a fine job playing at midnight launch was great I want to settle down with the game and give it its respect but playing throwback bad company 2 rush was one of the best experiences.


This game is an aggregation of bad game designs... BF is my favorite game franchise and i'm not against trying new things to evolve the franchise, but there's absolutely nothing right about this game. I can't think of a single thing that it does better than a previous entry, or something whorthwhile brought by it. And I can't see them turning this around in a reasonnable time frame (or ever to be honest).


Portal is actually one of the few good things about 2024.

Mainly because the gameplay is reminiscent of the good BF games.

You could earn XP playing portal and progress however DICE suspended this due to XP Bot farm servers, which were quite funny, someone would create a server where you have 64 Nazi bots with knives only vs 64 fully kitted players.

No idea when/if they will re-instate it.
I thought they just suspended XP for certain things..could have sworn I leveled up while playing Portal recently.


Portal so far has been super cool. Game finally crashed on me last night as I was trying to quit. Got to try some breakthrough and Portal. Really enjoyed my time in Portal.... Breakthrough was eh... I kept getting matched into lobbies that were stomps with no balance. Now I am used to this in Battlefield games but it seems amplified with all of the vehicles and people. Also spawn dying feels worse in this than in previous titles. Like the only way to not get murdered in spawn is while defending a base is to spawn at the way back base and that takes away from the experience. It is fine in conquest but not so much in breakthrough

Also the sound design is really bad. Like even COD Vanguard had this issue too. Everything just sounds meh. I still remember being blown away by the sound in previous Battlefield games. In fact they did that way better than COD games by far.
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I love how the reviews were all glowing (even one 10/10 lol) and when I voiced my concern here due to the beta and that theres no way they will fix this in time, some people were saying how the game runs great. Well finally the majority got the game and absolutely everybody is shitting on it. I said it before as a joke but now Im serious...this is just like Cyberpunk 2077 except BF was never an overhyped title. Theres hundreds of glitches, say theres ones that aren't the worst but by no means will any of these ever become a classic. You are so fucking far away from combat especially when playing objectives. Everything is jank, TTK is either non existent (invincible soldiers) or it takes forever. As gamers I just dont get how we get this shit served to us constantly, its like they dont care anymore because everything will be fixed over time.

Remember when you used to get a jam-packed game with modes and maps and it worked day one? This goes for COD as well. I thought Cyberpunk was a wakeup call for everyone but instead it seems like, they give even less shit and still count on marketing and day one sales versus longterm sales. 9/10....10/10...where?

Bonfires Down Bonfires Down

You serious...a single mode in a MP only game which is already skinny enough is worth $70 to you? Jesus, there is no hope, we will be served shit for the rest of eternity if this is the mindset of the majority.
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so i'm now level 41. i know, nerd status high. playing on series x. now that i've gotten over as much as i can (or maybe just adjusted my shooting) to the bullet bloom, AND the oversized maps that can lead to long spells of running around aimlessly, my newest GOD DAMMIT are the vehicles!!! anyone else?? SO OVERPOWERED. takes MULTIPLE rockets to take any of them down unless like you're right on top of a jeep. and by the time you get your first rocket off, now you've alerted everyone where you're at and boom. dead. and then the helicopters that you launch ordinance at and they just use their flares that regen super fast and fly off and boom dead. it's just not fun. does ANYONE AT DICE PLAY THIS SHIT???? someone in a hovercraft can just circle a point and blind fire the noobtube in the general direction of soldiers and you're just dead. nothing you can do. it's BEYOND FRUSTRATING. what's the god damn fascination with playing the vehicles?? like if you wanted to do vehicle warfare, then make it a game that's main focus is on that and being a foot soldier is secondary. maybe it is supposed to be played that way, and i'm just missing it. THEY ABSOLUTELY need to nerf the vehicles. 1 set of flares per aircraft. 2 rockets MAX to take down light vehicles. tanks need to be slowed down and make it 3 rockets for them. there needs to be more focus on being a soldier on foot!!! because the game sure as shit isn't focused on squad or team play so you can't coordinate attacks on vehicles for damn sure. god i hope they fix all this. it HAS to be obvious to anyone that plays this game that this is a huge problem. spawning in and running for 10 minutes only to get in the area of where you want to be and then be blasted by a vehicle and back to repeating it over again is simply not fun.
I love how the reviews were all glowing (even one 10/10 lol) and when I voiced my concern here due to the beta and that theres no way they will fix this in time, some people were saying how the game runs great. Well finally the majority got the game and absolutely everybody is shitting on it. I said it before as a joke but now Im serious...this is just like Cyberpunk 2077 except BF was never an overhyped title. Theres hundreds of glitches, say theres ones that aren't the worst but by no means will any of these ever become a classic. You are so fucking far away from combat especially when playing objectives. Everything is jank, TTK is either non existent (invincible soldiers) or it takes forever. As gamers I just dont get how we get this shit served to us constantly, its like they dont care anymore because everything will be fixed over time.

Remember when you used to get a jam-packed game with modes and maps and it worked day one? This goes for COD as well. I thought Cyberpunk was a wakeup call for everyone but instead it seems like, they give even less shit and still count on marketing and day one sales versus longterm sales. 9/10....10/10...where?

Bonfires Down Bonfires Down

You serious...a single mode in a MP only game which is already skinny enough is worth $70 to you? Jesus, there is no hope, we will be served shit for the rest of eternity if this is the mindset of the majority.

The publisher servants are sell outs and a fucking disgrace. Only in it for themselves. Access and freebies and some are certainly not shy in gloating at what they get.

They will deny it of course, have their armies of mindless shitheads abuse you however they can’t deny it, it’s all there for everyone to see.

I remember one being very defensive over Halo Infinite’s initial showing , oh what a surprise they had a interview with Aaron Greenberg the same day. And guess what? It got delayed and improved. Haters be damned eh!

This is going to go on, more and more of these types have growing audiences and will continue to arse kiss publishers. How does anything substantially improve if the people you chose to listen to tell you no wrong ?

Halo Infinite only got better because of a overwhelming number of fans were not having it, otherwise they would likely have been less stern in their determination to improve the game.


so i'm now level 41. i know, nerd status high. playing on series x. now that i've gotten over as much as i can (or maybe just adjusted my shooting) to the bullet bloom, AND the oversized maps that can lead to long spells of running around aimlessly, my newest GOD DAMMIT are the vehicles!!! anyone else?? SO OVERPOWERED. takes MULTIPLE rockets to take any of them down unless like you're right on top of a jeep. and by the time you get your first rocket off, now you've alerted everyone where you're at and boom. dead. and then the helicopters that you launch ordinance at and they just use their flares that regen super fast and fly off and boom dead. it's just not fun. does ANYONE AT DICE PLAY THIS SHIT???? someone in a hovercraft can just circle a point and blind fire the noobtube in the general direction of soldiers and you're just dead. nothing you can do. it's BEYOND FRUSTRATING. what's the god damn fascination with playing the vehicles?? like if you wanted to do vehicle warfare, then make it a game that's main focus is on that and being a foot soldier is secondary. maybe it is supposed to be played that way, and i'm just missing it. THEY ABSOLUTELY need to nerf the vehicles. 1 set of flares per aircraft. 2 rockets MAX to take down light vehicles. tanks need to be slowed down and make it 3 rockets for them. there needs to be more focus on being a soldier on foot!!! because the game sure as shit isn't focused on squad or team play so you can't coordinate attacks on vehicles for damn sure. god i hope they fix all this. it HAS to be obvious to anyone that plays this game that this is a huge problem. spawning in and running for 10 minutes only to get in the area of where you want to be and then be blasted by a vehicle and back to repeating it over again is simply not fun.

The reason they do this is because otherwise people going to 1 shot with rocketlaunchers everything to the point u can't use any of it. This was a huge issue people had in earlier battlefields. That's why they made them tanky to rockets and even more now because of more people on the map, and why explosives exists that take more time and skill to apply.
The reason they do this is because otherwise people going to 1 shot with rocketlaunchers everything to the point u can't use any of it. This was a huge issue people had in earlier battlefields. That's why they made them tanky to rockets and even more now because of more people on the map, and why explosives exists that take more time and skill to apply.
i get it but now with 64 on each team, unless you're working really coordinated with other players, you're just not taking them down. i DOMINATE in BFV even though tanks are a nuisance. here it's just not fun. you can focus on taking out one vehicle yet there are 3 - 5 others in the area that easily take you out. no matter what gadget or skill you're using.


That steam score is very telling. Absolutely deserved too, the game is shockingly terrible! There’s no defending all out warfare, its shit and that’s all that needs to be said. With a score like that I can absolutely see EA dropping the game and moving on.

DICE have lost their way, not sure what’s happened but it’s been downhill since BF4 and now they’re here. Proper sad stuff. I’m even scared to ask that they simply remaster BC2 and release a resolution boost for BF4 as they could fuck that up too.

Game has 100K players on STEAM alone despite the user reviews and the lukewarm scores and word of mouth before the game ever released. EA is unlikely to enjoy the narrative that will come out over the user scores however I doubt they are in "throw their hands up mode. . ."


I want to play it so bad! I had fun with the Beta. I’m not that of a Battlefield gamer so I can’t compare them to the other ones. With the technical performance and bugs aside , it’s a good shooter !? If it wouldn’t have the BF name on it , it might not be seen so negatively?
Game has 100K players on STEAM alone despite the user reviews and the lukewarm scores and word of mouth before the game ever released. EA is unlikely to enjoy the narrative that will come out over the user scores however I doubt they are in "throw their hands up mode. . ."
This is the official day one of the games release. I think that despite the game releasing in early access, anyone who didn’t have access will still want to see for themselves, so I don’t think 100K players on Steam is a fair metric of the games ongoing success (or failure to be fair!).

I sure hope the game does well because I’d like to play a good Battlefield game in the next year or so. DICE have got an absolute mountain of work in front of them to get it to that stage though as I think the foundations of the game itself are bad. They’ll need to strip out all the crap and start from scratch on a lot of it for it to be good in my opinion.

I am super sick of the bullshit developers seem to be talking though. Just admit the games not ready and that you’re not ahead of schedule. Publishers and perhaps even developers aren’t stupid and know that the majority of players will lap their shit up and buy into whatever it is they’re selling, regardless of the finished product. It’s a buy it now and maybe we’ll fix it later kind of deal these days and it’s really frustrating.


I'm dumbfounded that after all the bs about being ahead of schedule, all the criticism they have received over the years for shipping too early, bugs, etc., they somehow launched a team based shooter without voice chat (unless what I am reading is inaccurate).

I'm genuinely wondering if the lack of voice chat was initially planned as a feature to prevent "toxicity." It's the only explanation my brain can accept for something this bizarre. They can't really be that inept, right???
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Gold Member
I want to play it so bad! I had fun with the Beta. I’m not that of a Battlefield gamer so I can’t compare them to the other ones. With the technical performance and bugs aside , it’s a good shooter !? If it wouldn’t have the BF name on it , it might not be seen so negatively?
The performance on PS5 has been great. The first day of early access had some server issues and I occasionally get some lag on the server, but otherwise fine.


Gold Member
Remember this? What schedule exactly lol.


Also I can't believe 2042 has had "the largest development team for a Battlefield game in franchise history" (4 studios if I'm not mistaken) yet they couldn't get the basics right!? How does this happen? Unreal.
Plus I kept hearing there was a big push to get BF on Gamepass to help pump number of players up at launch which obviously didn't happen

I could still see this heading to Gamepass sooner rather than later though


I can't remember my sensitivity values, but for me:

Aim Assists: OFF
Uniform Aiming: ON
Vertical lower than Horizontal sensitivity
Aiming/ADS FOV: ON
Scope Sensitivities are all the same
Aim Acceleration: OFF
FOV: 74 (90 horizontal)

Did this the first day and it's felt great.
Everyone suggests to drop aim acceleration to 0 but I have it at 100. I sucked at aiming in BF4 because default acceleration value was 0, yet in BF1 it's 100 and I managed to play a lot better due to this reason.

I think having aim acceleration helps if you aren't able to make small aim corrections on command, like in firefights.


The backlash on Steam is strong.

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Hipster Princess
The backlash on Steam is strong.

At least some people have standards I guess.


so i'm now level 41. i know, nerd status high. playing on series x. now that i've gotten over as much as i can (or maybe just adjusted my shooting) to the bullet bloom, AND the oversized maps that can lead to long spells of running around aimlessly, my newest GOD DAMMIT are the vehicles!!! anyone else?? SO OVERPOWERED. takes MULTIPLE rockets to take any of them down unless like you're right on top of a jeep. and by the time you get your first rocket off, now you've alerted everyone where you're at and boom. dead. and then the helicopters that you launch ordinance at and they just use their flares that regen super fast and fly off and boom dead. it's just not fun. does ANYONE AT DICE PLAY THIS SHIT???? someone in a hovercraft can just circle a point and blind fire the noobtube in the general direction of soldiers and you're just dead. nothing you can do. it's BEYOND FRUSTRATING. what's the god damn fascination with playing the vehicles?? like if you wanted to do vehicle warfare, then make it a game that's main focus is on that and being a foot soldier is secondary. maybe it is supposed to be played that way, and i'm just missing it. THEY ABSOLUTELY need to nerf the vehicles. 1 set of flares per aircraft. 2 rockets MAX to take down light vehicles. tanks need to be slowed down and make it 3 rockets for them. there needs to be more focus on being a soldier on foot!!! because the game sure as shit isn't focused on squad or team play so you can't coordinate attacks on vehicles for damn sure. god i hope they fix all this. it HAS to be obvious to anyone that plays this game that this is a huge problem. spawning in and running for 10 minutes only to get in the area of where you want to be and then be blasted by a vehicle and back to repeating it over again is simply not fun.
Tip for helicopters if you're using the AA Launcher, lock on to them and hold it, dont fire, most will pop their flares when they hear the lock on sound, then you have enough time to hit them twice more before their flares regen if they don't pussy out and hide behind a building or something.


This game is EVERYTHING wrong with gaming today- an unfinished, basically beta released "game" that will get patched to "fix" all the issues that SHOULD have been fixed prior to launch. And some people try to tell me gaming today is better than it's every been... This is a fucking disgrace. These devs will NEVER learn. We just came off the debacle that is the GTA definitive trilogy bullshit and last year had Cyberpunk. When does this shit end? Just keep feeding these idiots money and this crap will continue...


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Guys, give the COD trial a try. I was surprised at how good the shooting feels. This BF just felt off from the beginning.


A Sheep
Guys, give the COD trial a try. I was surprised at how good the shooting feels. This BF just felt off from the beginning.
I have the new call of duty does feel good.
But with some tweaks this feels better than any battlefield.
set the aim sensitivity from 20 to 35 and adjust both dead zones from 15 to 2. Huge difference. I’m on PS5. Heard PC is having issues so not sure what your on.
Can someone explain Portal to me btw?

I've seen plenty of footage now but still don't get if it's just the maps and soldier skins from past games or if they also incorporate (weapon) animations, TTK, movement, audio and other such aspects of the original games? Also are the maps totally remade or simply ported over? Are all maps included from the original games or just a selection?

u can fiddle with making ur own server to see for urself.
I played a few hours over the past week thanks to Game Pass. I uninstalled it yesterday because I came to the conclusion that it's a poorly designed game on so many levels. Glad to see it getting review bombed by actual paying customers, maybe EA will actually do something about it over time.
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Tip for helicopters if you're using the AA Launcher, lock on to them and hold it, dont fire, most will pop their flares when they hear the lock on sound, then you have enough time to hit them twice more before their flares regen if they don't pussy out and hide behind a building or something.
Thanks dawg!
Portal will eventualy be worth the $60 price tag. YMMV on whether its worth it rn at launch tho.

For me, who has never played BF3 or 1942......i have no nostalgia for those maps. Except maybe Caspian Border because i think it was also in BF4. So i really only care about the Bad Company 2 maps.


i get it but now with 64 on each team, unless you're working really coordinated with other players, you're just not taking them down. i DOMINATE in BFV even though tanks are a nuisance. here it's just not fun. you can focus on taking out one vehicle yet there are 3 - 5 others in the area that easily take you out. no matter what gadget or skill you're using.

Yea i get the issue, i got hovercrafted 20 times today. Feels bad man.

Also a funny thing.

Ultra 4k + RT ( zonder DLSS ) = 10,4gb usage ( buddy with 3090 tested it for me )

A 3080 for example:


That's what it looks like when u run out of v-ram.

However its not a issue because u won't be playing it without DLSS anyway and DLSS lowers v-ram consumption so the problem goes away. Still funny tho.
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Neo Member
so i'm now level 41. i know, nerd status high. playing on series x. now that i've gotten over as much as i can (or maybe just adjusted my shooting) to the bullet bloom, AND the oversized maps that can lead to long spells of running around aimlessly, my newest GOD DAMMIT are the vehicles!!! anyone else?? SO OVERPOWERED. takes MULTIPLE rockets to take any of them down unless like you're right on top of a jeep. and by the time you get your first rocket off, now you've alerted everyone where you're at and boom. dead. and then the helicopters that you launch ordinance at and they just use their flares that regen super fast and fly off and boom dead. it's just not fun. does ANYONE AT DICE PLAY THIS SHIT???? someone in a hovercraft can just circle a point and blind fire the noobtube in the general direction of soldiers and you're just dead. nothing you can do. it's BEYOND FRUSTRATING. what's the god damn fascination with playing the vehicles?? like if you wanted to do vehicle warfare, then make it a game that's main focus is on that and being a foot soldier is secondary. maybe it is supposed to be played that way, and i'm just missing it. THEY ABSOLUTELY need to nerf the vehicles. 1 set of flares per aircraft. 2 rockets MAX to take down light vehicles. tanks need to be slowed down and make it 3 rockets for them. there needs to be more focus on being a soldier on foot!!! because the game sure as shit isn't focused on squad or team play so you can't coordinate attacks on vehicles for damn sure. god i hope they fix all this. it HAS to be obvious to anyone that plays this game that this is a huge problem. spawning in and running for 10 minutes only to get in the area of where you want to be and then be blasted by a vehicle and back to repeating it over again is simply not fun.
If you play as Sundance it’s much easier to get vehicle kills , that why you always see her as the specialist at the end with the most destroyed.

Just do something Ike this:



Flashless at the Golden Globes
I've been saying this over and over and over for the past week while everyone has been shitting on the game without even trying it!
Nah I saw posts like yours and gave the trial a shot. So dont feel too bad. Your voice was heard. ;p

For example, I never bothered to install any trials for the Cold War. Didnt even rent it from my local video store, but twitter, era and gaf had people singing its praises which is very rare for CoD.
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