Battlefield 2042 | Review Thread


Hipster Princess
How can a game that supposedly deserves good reviews have an update a month after launch with several hundred bug fixes and adjustments while still not fixing several glaring faults?

Oh, that's right. It actually deserved every shred of criticism it got, if not more.

As if anyone needed more evidence that it was pushed out in an entirely unfinished state.


Can I just play the Battlefield 1942 Conquest, Battlefield Bad Company 2: Rush and Battlefield 3 Conquest in it’s purest form?

I’m not really keen on playing revised, edited versions just want to go back and play them in their original form, remastered of course.
Can I just play the Battlefield 1942 Conquest, Battlefield Bad Company 2: Rush and Battlefield 3 Conquest in it’s purest form?

I’m not really keen on playing revised, edited versions just want to go back and play them in their original form, remastered of course.
kinda, yeh. U can make great versions urself. Or hope someone else did. Wont be perfect tho. but close
Most BF fans ignore the reviews because we've been here so many times at launch and ended up with one of the best multiplayer experiences out, several months later. Yeah it's shitty and unacceptable, but it is what it is. You just don't get Battlefield anywhere else.

Like, if I'm going to protest this game and DICE, what the fuck is the alternative to this lol:

Damn those people got no situational awareness lmao


Sheeeeeeesh this and Halo Infinite with that dry valley of content

Just read the patch notes and while the fixes are appreciated. You would think that this long after release that we would have SOMETHING.
Rao might actually be worth playing with that new spotting system of his though.


Writes a lot, says very little
f2p wont help this game at all


I'm not even sure why people keep making it sound like that is the answer lol The game must still be good for people to play it, price imho was never really the main issue with BF 2042.

Their focus should be on correcting those issues and redoing that design.

manfestival manfestival true, but they probably had to redo all of that anyway. So if they didn't have those issues with BF 2042, something tells me what ever was suppose to come in spring, couldn't be released if they had design issues in the main game.
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I'm not even sure why people keep making it sound like that is the answer lol The game must still be good for people to play it, price imho was never really the main issue with BF 2042.

Their focus should be on correcting those issues and redoing that design.

manfestival manfestival true, but they probably had to redo all of that anyway. So if they didn't have those issues with BF 2042, something tells me what ever was suppose to come in spring, couldn't be released if they had design issues in the main game.
Yeah it seems to be the case. They did mention that there is another update next month but they were careful with their words to not be too revealing. I imagine it is an actual content drop being so close to a 400+ update for the game. Especially with leaks of 3 other operators. Since they have their "season pass" obligations after all.


Gold Member
Just let it die already. No point in trying to polish a turd.
Better to send the few devs that are working on it, to work in the next BF.


Writes a lot, says very little
Yeah it seems to be the case. They did mention that there is another update next month but they were careful with their words to not be too revealing. I imagine it is an actual content drop being so close to a 400+ update for the game. Especially with leaks of 3 other operators. Since they have their "season pass" obligations after all.

True, so we'll see what they do with all of that as I'm sure many things changed after that release, reaction, feedback etc.

Just let it die already. No point in trying to polish a turd.
Better to send the few devs that are working on it, to work in the next BF.

Maybe, maybe not. This is a weird one as, I see a point to fixing this, I see the point to moving on.

To move on to the next BF, is to loose the trust even more of those even playing 2042 or bought it etc. They might look at the reveal of another BF like "ohhhh and watch you ditch support within months?".

I think they should split the baby on this one lol

Half the team working on BF 2042 redesigning, half the team working on the new BF using the concepts that work from the redesign. (consider that they are not working on another Star Wars game, so that massive team can do both right now).

Even think about the next BF, why should we wait to see if those ideas work for the NEXT BF? Why not just redesign 2042 right now, see if those changes work with the feedback, use what we like during the development of the next BF. So I think it makes sense to do both, even if 2042 is bad right now, cause why would we want them testing that shit out on a whole new BF? Look what happened to this one with that mindset. I don't see this having some No Man Sky revival, even with Free To Play as that to me isn't a magical switch, I do however see what good can be done with that feedback and redesign to avoid those issues with the next BF.

They are already experimenting with 2042, might as well make good use of that lol
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