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Starfield - Official Gameplay Trailer Reveal (2023)

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I honestly thought that I’d be watching the Starfield gameplay multiple times like I do with all games I’m hyped for, but it was a bit underwhelming to be honest, especially the choppy framerate and janky combat. I remain optimistic that the game will be in much better shape in time for its release next year.


I'm curious about all the explorable worlds, it's impossible for them to implement well designed levels/areas for everything.

There's a big Fallout game in there somewhere, my guess is split between 50-100 planets, featuring quests, towns, outposts, dungeons etc, with the important areas being fully hand-crafted. To find these planets and quests there'll be many ways of getting coordinates for them- talking to a guy in a bar, intercepting a radio transmission, accessing a computer, and so on. The rest of the planets are your No Man's Sky Plus, they'll be fully procedurally generated and used for gathering materials and gaining XP by fighting monsters, in varying levels of value/challenge/reward.

I honestly thought that I’d be watching the Starfield gameplay multiple times like I do with all games I’m hyped for, but it was a bit underwhelming to be honest, especially the choppy framerate and janky combat.

It didn't wow me as much as I thought it would, that first trailer was a lot more impressive visually speaking. The combat looked dull and I thought it was a shame they gave so much time to it. The scope and ambition of the game can't be denied though.
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I think some people are overhyping this game and some people are underhyping this game. I think it will fall some where in the middle. It's rough, it doesn't look great and the combat look serviceable at best. But, the concept and idea is great and IF they can deliver on those it will be good or great. I'm not fully sold on it, but I'll pay attention along the way. It needs to have substance and quality content (I don't expect this on every planet) and not just be big for the sake of being big.


Haters do what haters do. "Not like that" is so common with forums like these. It's to be expected.

Ngl, wasnt a big fan of the show though. I had no expectations. Only real bangers I saw were Forza and Starfield. Both delivered the goods though.
They actually arent bothering me today for some reason (plus i'm getting a rep boost from all the triggered and laughing smilies from them).
I think because the deep dive exceeded my expectations by so much, i just dont really care about their tirsome drivel.
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Gold Member
This looks a lot more like Fallout in space than Skyrim in space to me. But I guess that was kinda inevitable.

It's definitely giving me No Man's Sky vibes for sure.

"this is the tree planet" "this is the ice planet" "this is the tropical palm tree planet" "this is the mountain planet" and on and on.

Yeah, I do wonder if any planets will have multiple biomes. It's probably a pretty good bet that they won't, and that once you've seen one small part of a planet you've seen it all (except for hand-placed towns and stuff). That's my biggest problem with NMS: it has a shitload of planets that can vary quite a bit from one another, but everything on any one planet looks exactly the same everywhere, so there's never a reason to explore more than a small area of each one.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
What a let down... I wish I had some heroin I could intramuscularly inject to forget about how excited I was for this showcase...

The environments look amazing, everything else was average or pish. The faces are mildly better than Fallout 4, the gunplay was crap... I'm so disappointed I can't even be bothered to explain the reasons. I'm off for a few days to do something else.

*blows raspberry*
Just rewatched the trailer in 4k and somehow it looks worse than it did on the stream. i think the 4k stream actually exposes some of the flaws in the visual fidelity. It's still a generational leap for Bethesda over Fallout 4, but some areas look really rough. I saw shadows entirely missing in one shot. The city doesn't really look that impressive. Foliage areas look really rough especially when compared to current gen games like HFW.

But then you get shots like this and im like wtf this is next gen. Very schizo game.




James Sawyer Ford James Sawyer Ford


Just rewatched the trailer in 4k and somehow it looks worse than it did on the stream. i think the 4k stream actually exposes some of the flaws in the visual fidelity. It's still a generational leap for Bethesda over Fallout 4, but some areas look really rough. I saw shadows entirely missing in one shot. The city doesn't really look that impressive. Foliage areas look really rough especially when compared to current gen games like HFW.

But then you get shots like this and im like wtf this is next gen. Very schizo game.




James Sawyer Ford James Sawyer Ford

I'll have a look soon, I didn't watch the 4K version yet because I'm still watching the PC Gaming Show.


Gold Member
all these neo accounts coming out of the wood work. hmmmmm wonder why lol
I just don't think it will accomplish what its trying to be, I see too many gaps in the video. I don't even know the audience they are going after. I guess it looks similar to what Scam Citizen is trying to pull off, but with Scam citizen the people who are paying for it probably already know what they signed up for. Who knows I might be wrong and it turns out to be great, but if you are going to go all out like that you must go all the way because if you half ass it it's going to show, just like with all the previous similar games like no mans sky, spore. I admit there's a lot of assuming on my part, but so far it's gone only 1 way.

Mister Wolf

I will be disappointed if the encounter with the intelligent aliens only happens at the end of the game or its some bullshit like they are a long extinct civilization.


Graphically I was expecting more, but the gameplay looks like it will be fun. Shooting looks janky still. The promise of delivering a space exploration game, Bethesda might actually pull it off. They pulled a lot from no man's sky.

I was not expecting 1k planets, or even being able to fly the spaceship. Positive and negative traits is a great thing to see, will it have rpg stats like strength and intellect? I wonder.

What will replace Vats? Customizing space ships is cool!

Overall, I'm underwhelmed in certain sections (shooting, graphics) but blown away in others ( space flight, 100 solar systems.)


Looks way too good to be true. Especially from beth.

Learn from Cyberpunk.
Honestly, with AAA budgets, i think aiming for these kind of ambitious projects even if it turns out janky, is much preferable to following the same dull safe formulas again and again.

Despite all the issues, i still consider Cyberpunk 2077 a positive net income in terms of what we got. Theres just no game like it to fall back on.
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How did they even think they could meet the 11.11.22 date i dont know but this games looks way more rough than i think it would.

Also, a little boring maybe?

I dont know maybe i grown out of todd howard games 🤷‍♂️

Redfall looks good though so there is that i guess...


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Definitely got a lot of No man's sky vibes at points. At other times I felt some fallout vibes. I'm definitely optimistic, but I can't imagine being able to go anywhere on a planet is actually going to end up being a selling point.

Any else thought it was weird they only posted the release year when they had a hard date in the past?

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
They actually arent bothering me today for some reason (plus i'm getting a rep boost from all the triggered and laughing smilies from them).
I think because the deep dive exceeded my expectations by so much, i just dont really care about their tirsome drivel.
Say less ..

Starfield was absolutely glorious. I don't think I've ever seen with such massive scope.


I've watched the gameplay 20-30 times already and it just doesn't stop being as impressive as the first time during the livestream. And I wasn't even interested in the game at all, I thought it's gonna be just another junk from Bethesda, but as a sci-fi lover, they just fucking nailed it, the design of everything is just so spot-on, futuristic but still grounded, realistic, believable. And I'm not gonna lie, they fully got me at space battles.


All the Bethesda jank is here sadly. An outdated engine and it shows as the game looks janky. I don't know why Bethesda insists on this engine like they lost a dare. UE4 would have been a better choice.
It will definitely be held back by it - if you're making a next-gen only game with an extended development period I don't know why you wouldn't go for a new engine. I'm sure it would save time in the polishing phase too, not having to deal with this old, janky engine.


Say less ..

Starfield was absolutely glorious. I don't think I've ever seen with such massive scope.
You have to wonder what the Star Citizen devs must be thinking after watching that deep dive. I mean SC will be even bigger in scope, if they hit their targets, but thats what?, 10 years away>

There is a SC streamer i watch, it will be interesting to watch his salt later.:messenger_beaming:


Looks good for Bethesda, this reveal also couldn't hide that Bethesda jank that I have come to appreciate and/or tolerate. I think this is one of those games where the whole package is what matters rather than the individual components. The few individual components as shown did not impress me much aside from the ship building/customization but the game is frankly not done and polish is the last thing to get tackled . The stuff that wasn't shown is what intrigues me like how space exploration and combat are linked to the main story. How traversal to individual planets is handled matters and flexibility in that regard can improve the experience. Do we really need or want to physically fly into orbit and then break into atmospheric entry then fly around in search of a landing zone every time or is simply clicking on a planet on a map to get a landing cutscene enough? I want to say the former but after 100+ planet approaches/entries/landings I bet I would welcome the latter specially if the majority of planets will be procedurally generated. Even if most of the planets are indeed procedurally generated you can bet your ass that main story line planets and locales will be hand curated and look noticeably better than rando exploration filler planets. How will interstellar travel be handled? If all the proposed systems interact in a coherent way this game will be generation defining even if it isn't the nicest looking one (until it is modded to hell and back). It's an ambitious title and a lot can go wrong but here's hoping they pull it off and have this be another game where people dump 2000 hours into it and not even finish the main story line.


It looks great in some parts and rough in others, i want to see more.

But i'm not into spaceship fighing that much and i don't care about the building your settlement thing so i guess that i'm less impressed compared to many others.


Looks good! Frame rate a bit ehhhh.

Shooting looks like typical Bethesda stuff, a bit janky looking.

Will play for story and exploration, I'm sure they'll spruce up the combat a bit by release time.

If not, I'm sure the game will have a bajillion mods as time goes on to improve it lol


Looks like NMS to me, lots of content, none of it interesting for more than a couple of hours, will definitely wait on reviews
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