People working overtime to shit on this game.
I'm curious about all the explorable worlds, it's impossible for them to implement well designed levels/areas for everything.
I honestly thought that I’d be watching the Starfield gameplay multiple times like I do with all games I’m hyped for, but it was a bit underwhelming to be honest, especially the choppy framerate and janky combat.
Horrible take.Needs multiplayer. 1000 planets and single player?
Haters do what haters do. "Not like that" is so common with forums like these. It's to be expected.Skyrim in space. Screw the haters, it looks great.
Schlongs of Starfield. Can't wait for that alien dick.The sex mods are going to be "astronomical"
Need way way way more polish.
Its cyberpunk all over again.
all these neo accounts coming out of the wood work. hmmmmm wonder why lolI have little faith in this game and I don't think it'll be what It's trying to be. It'll die on the vine like the rest.
They actually arent bothering me today for some reason (plus i'm getting a rep boost from all the triggered and laughing smilies from them).Haters do what haters do. "Not like that" is so common with forums like these. It's to be expected.
Ngl, wasnt a big fan of the show though. I had no expectations. Only real bangers I saw were Forza and Starfield. Both delivered the goods though.
It's on series S anyway so might as well be cross Gen. Looks good but this type of game bores me.Is this on xbox one as well? looks cross-gen
It's definitely giving me No Man's Sky vibes for sure.
"this is the tree planet" "this is the ice planet" "this is the tropical palm tree planet" "this is the mountain planet" and on and on.
Just rewatched the trailer in 4k and somehow it looks worse than it did on the stream. i think the 4k stream actually exposes some of the flaws in the visual fidelity. It's still a generational leap for Bethesda over Fallout 4, but some areas look really rough. I saw shadows entirely missing in one shot. The city doesn't really look that impressive. Foliage areas look really rough especially when compared to current gen games like HFW.What a let down... I wish I had some heroin I could intramuscularly inject to forget about how excited I was for this showcase...
The environments look amazing, everything else was average or pish. The faces are mildly better than Fallout 4, the gunplay was crap... I'm so disappointed I can't even be bothered to explain the reasons. I'm off for a few days to do something else.
*blows raspberry*
all these neo accounts coming out of the wood work. hmmmmm wonder why lol
Just rewatched the trailer in 4k and somehow it looks worse than it did on the stream. i think the 4k stream actually exposes some of the flaws in the visual fidelity. It's still a generational leap for Bethesda over Fallout 4, but some areas look really rough. I saw shadows entirely missing in one shot. The city doesn't really look that impressive. Foliage areas look really rough especially when compared to current gen games like HFW.
But then you get shots like this and im like wtf this is next gen. Very schizo game.
James Sawyer Ford
I just don't think it will accomplish what its trying to be, I see too many gaps in the video. I don't even know the audience they are going after. I guess it looks similar to what Scam Citizen is trying to pull off, but with Scam citizen the people who are paying for it probably already know what they signed up for. Who knows I might be wrong and it turns out to be great, but if you are going to go all out like that you must go all the way because if you half ass it it's going to show, just like with all the previous similar games like no mans sky, spore. I admit there's a lot of assuming on my part, but so far it's gone only 1 way.all these neo accounts coming out of the wood work. hmmmmm wonder why lol
I’m confused, were people expecting this to be a solid framerate, revolutionary graphics and excellent combat? Who was expecting this? Does anyone play these games for that
i do. i know.Who knows I might be wrong
Honestly, with AAA budgets, i think aiming for these kind of ambitious projects even if it turns out janky, is much preferable to following the same dull safe formulas again and again.Looks way too good to be true. Especially from beth.
Learn from Cyberpunk.
Ignore the hate, 99.9% of them are fanboys. Most rational gamers will agree the game looks fantastic.People working overtime to shit on this game.
Say less ..They actually arent bothering me today for some reason (plus i'm getting a rep boost from all the triggered and laughing smilies from them).
I think because the deep dive exceeded my expectations by so much, i just dont really care about their tirsome drivel.
I hope the foliage work showcased here are placeholders:
It will definitely be held back by it - if you're making a next-gen only game with an extended development period I don't know why you wouldn't go for a new engine. I'm sure it would save time in the polishing phase too, not having to deal with this old, janky engine.All the Bethesda jank is here sadly. An outdated engine and it shows as the game looks janky. I don't know why Bethesda insists on this engine like they lost a dare. UE4 would have been a better choice.
People working overtime to shit on this game.
You have to wonder what the Star Citizen devs must be thinking after watching that deep dive. I mean SC will be even bigger in scope, if they hit their targets, but thats what?, 10 years away>Say less ..
Starfield was absolutely glorious. I don't think I've ever seen with such massive scope.
Chance based speech skill checks? Why don't they learn their lesson alreadyCheck out all them character backgrounds with different starting skills. And I love that there are so many more on the side.
And for that i'm grateful.Seems like it wants to build upon No Man's Sky but single player.
I don't think I've ever seen with such massive scope