After a bit over a hundred hours, it's fair to say I really enjoy the game but it also has some pretty big faults. On the plus side, the sheer amount of stuff to do makes wandering around compelling in a way that BotW never really was for me - I ran out of interest in that game around 30 hours in - and the greatly increased enemy variety helps things feel fresh. I'm not especially interested in the classic armours or weapons, but they add to a more interesting variety of rewards than everything being a shrine. On that note, the shrines are also generally more compact and better for it, as well as the variety of challenges feeling greater. The Ultrahand mechanic, even if I'm not someone who feels inclined to be especially inventive with it, is also incredibly impressive and can be quite entertaining. Ascend, too, is a nice addition which is a rare example of the game cutting down timewasting.
On that note, the downsides. This feels like a game which takes an inordinate amount of time to do a lot of small things, and almost always puts extra steps in your way. This can be small things that add up, like the text in shrines taking forever to disappear or having to skip multiple short cutscenes upon collecting a Blessing, or bigger things, like having to visit two locations to convert zonaite into batteries. The controls can be idiotically cumbersome (and having a dedicated whistling button beggars belief considering how many vastly more essential functions could have done with it) and not without the occasional glitch, like the glider very intermittently not opening on the first button press or Link's movement sometimes spazzing out for a split-second (there are conditions that tend to trigger this, but I can't remember what they are). The amount of farming is also insane and if it weren't for the item duplication glitch when it came to building up my battery specifically, I might well have largely ignored the depths, which are agonising slow to traverse and illuminate without being able to build a vehicle to greatly speed things up.
should have been more easily accessible given its importance in the same way that dumping Hestu out in the middle of nowhere and hoping players stumble upon him is insanity, just as it was in BotW. A friend was getting frustrated with the game so I sent him a list of things to do to get him properly into the game, and the list kept getting longer and longer. It seems most people are more than happy with it but to me the game has a very big barrier for entry before you can start enjoying it fully, sometimes requiring cheating (item duplication) to make surmounting it more bearable.
As I said, I really like the game but it does seem to get in its own way quite a bit. And most of the dungeons/temples and their associated bosses are still a bit rubbish, only now the powers you get from them are largely useless as well.