Microsoft has Closed the Activision Blizzard King Deal


Forza and Starfield received scores in the mid-to-high 80s. Does that make Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Horizon: Forbidden West, Death Stranding, and Ghost of Tsushima “middling” too?

Besides all that, COD has reviewed in the 70s for years now and it hasn’t effected consumer interest at all.
Don't forget Hi-Fi rush which is at 89 on open critic.

Of MS's 4 first party games released this year, only Redfall scored badly (cause it sucked).


Moderated wildly
Trash/Trash/Trash/Trash/Super Trash/Very Good/Trash/Good/Ok

Good/Trash/Good/Ok/Trash/Good/Super Trash/Ok/Good

Since regulators allowed this, let the bloodbath ensue. Any other acquisition by Sony should be allowed no matter the size.

And any future xbox buy will be down played as small and meaningless in comparison so they'll let that through too.

im gonna sit here while gaming is slowly destroyed.

The best part is that COD will soon be sold for what its worth, $9.99

Is this what we came for?


We're only about 6 months away from ultimate gamepass costing $20 a month. Who the hell wants to pay that
Lol... They better not even dare think about it. But good job in the acquisition MS...this will only force Sony into stepping up their 'game' too!

The Stig

Finally I now know what the K stands for in ABK.

Who the fuck is King?

edit - this buyout doesnt really affect me as AB lost me at Diablo 3 but buyouts like this are usually bad for the consumer so I'll just contribute with this:
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When did this happen?

Here, I can't link to the tweet

Microsoft has confirmed to The Verge that Sony's 10-year Call of Duty deal is limited to CoD. Microsoft originally offered to keep "existing Activision console titles on Sony”, including future versions of current Activision games on PS till end of 2027.

Microsoft basically made Sony agree to sacrifice the guarantee of everything ABK has for Call of Duty and please don't misunderstand, whilst it's true Sony didn't HAVE to agree to this deal, it was also made very clear by Sony that every other deal Microsoft offered regarding Activision content was either unacceptable or not fit for purpose.

So fans like me who love and grew up with Crash and Spyro etc. Can pretty much go fuck ourselves. If we get it, we have to be really happy. But Microsoft clearly intend to withhold content from PlayStation.

And Microsoft are very likely going to continue purchasing more major publishers and companies until they virtually devour the market until they're the majority. As much as I hate this market consolidation it pisses me off even more when people say, "well if Microsoft don't do it Tencent will!!" What a crock...

Iced Arcade

Now what would be real funny is if Sony bought Ubisoft and had control of the Xbox/Activision streaming rights lol

The Joker Film GIF

Now... Put those games on gampass asap philly


metacritic and opencritic are only part of the equation- gamers matter too. There is a major difference in the sort of conversation a game like fucking Spider-Man gets compared to Starfield. Look at this forum. Look at the videos. Look at the user scores of both games on Steam. Metacritic will have you believe these are games on the same tier.... they're not

And yet HiFi Rush is rated higher on Steam than all these games you cite. released this year from the same ‘culture’ you speak about.

Your point?

10 years from now this will be seen as yet another failed acquisition that a company paid way too much for and whose identity and brand has completely eroded

All in the name of career moment empire building power fantasies

Yes, Phil Spencer convinced Satya Nadella, Brad Smith and the rest of the Microsoft board to sign off on their biggest ever acquisition by telling them it would boost his career.


Looking at the revenues and profit ABK brings in, you’d be hard pressed to argue that they’ve spent way too much on the deal.
Yes, Phil Spencer convinced Satya Nadella, Brad Smith and the rest of the Microsoft board to sign off on their biggest ever acquisition by telling them it would boost his career.


Looking at the revenues and profit ABK brings in, you’d be hard pressed to argue that they’ve spent way too much on the deal.

I’m sure these deals looked great at one time as well

Paying for past performance doesn’t always pan out



I’m sure these deals looked great at one time as well

Paying for past performance doesn’t always pan out

Ah. Yes. The good old cherry pick.

Cleverly avoided Mojang, LinkedIn, GitHub and any other success stories, eh?


They did it, the fucking madmen did it.

Shows you can achieve anything, even triple the size of your gaming division revenue in less than 10 years, as long as you have passion.

Great job to everyone involved.

This shit is embarrassing. "Passion"? fuck off, they bought their way to this point because they have no idea how to innovate and make exciting games. Let's see if this moves the needle, I doubt it when cod remains on PS.
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