Reverse groomer.

Remember this graph? It's a pretty interesting graph because it showed that the most played video games in 2023 were years old games.
Some dumb people took this to mean that we're going back to the old school singleplayer games and that it's all because the modern gaming industry sucks. But I don't see it that way. These are all live service games.
But the thing that pisses me off about them... is that they're just OLD.
Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto 5, Rocket League, Mario Kart 8, League of Legends...
None of these games are younger than 7 years old.
We've been hearing about these same exact names in Video games for 10+ years now. These same properties have been dominating the charts for YEARS. Why? I think a lot of it has to do with the GaaS model.
It's so much easier to update a game and keep adding new content to it as opposed to making a sequel and revamping it from the ground up, or getting a new IP. But because of that, these same games keep dominating the charts, keep hearing about them over and over again.
I can give props to Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Splatoon because they at least have the nerve to update their franchise with a new entry every couple of years. You can go back and talk about what previous games did right, and different aspects of different games you liked. You don't get much of that with GaaS. You're stuck on the latest update, and you have to keep hearing about the same exact game for years upon years upon years.... it's stagnant. We don't get new multiplayer games because they can just keep updating the old ones, and people will keep playing.
It's so. Fucking. LAME!
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