Avowed has pronouns


Identifies as young
Almost 10 pages over the most minute detail in a game and you guys think woke people are crybabies.


Better than crying over the number of pages in a thread.
I think it's a lot more games that get in this category than otherwise. A simple pronoun selection, unless it turns into a case where the character beats others over the head with it (like Taash), is completely benign, IMO.
You are missing the forest for the trees. The very existence of pronoun selection is the literal virtual signal of what the main content of the game would be about. It isn't put there by accident; it is put there to tell you what you are playing. Part of DEI is that they need everying spelled out in capital letters and screamed from rooftops. And the result is that they HAD to put in a pronoun selection at the very start of character creation, because it is the earliest they get to announce their presence.

Just because colourful frogs are poisonous doesn't mean the colours are what caused the poison. But if that means you are going to ignore the warning of colourful frogs, you deserve to get poisoned.

The Pronouns selection is not what makes the game bad, but if the game had to put that in the early game it saves you wasting time playing the rest of it. Take the warning and walk away from Pronoun selection games, it saves you money and time.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You are missing the forest for the trees. The very existence of pronoun selection is the literal virtual signal of what the main content of the game would be about. It isn't put there by accident; it is put there to tell you what you are playing. Part of DEI is that they need everying spelled out in capital letters and screamed from rooftops. And the result is that they HAD to put in a pronoun selection at the very start of character creation, because it is the earliest they get to announce their presence.

Just because colourful frogs are poisonous doesn't mean the colours are what caused the poison. But if that means you are going to ignore the warning of colourful frogs, you deserve to get poisoned.

The Pronouns selection is not what makes the game bad, but if the game had to put that in the early game it saves you wasting time playing the rest of it. Take the warning and walk away from Pronoun selection games, it saves you money and time.

Well it's a good thing most people don't subscribe to this kind of thinking, otherwise many would turn off games like Baldurs Gate 3 right at the character creation screen too.


I mean it's not that crazy - everyone has a preferred pronoun and in modern business you aren't always dealing with names that you are familiar with.
"Can you tell Haiyan that he needs to get working on that proposal"
"Haiyan is a woman"

The problem is nearly no one has "preferred" pronouns.

99.9 percent of us have the ones that are assigned to us by sex and language. I never decided anything. I simply am a he.

Pronouns in games exist to cater to a tiny, tiny fraction of the potential audience and to scold the vast majority into agreeing that sex is a construct.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The problem is nearly no one has "preferred" pronouns.

99.9 percent of us have the ones that are assigned to us by sex and language. I never decided anything. I simply am a he.

Pronouns in games exist to cater to a tiny, tiny fraction of the potential audience and to scold the vast majority into agreeing that sex is a construct.
But you are ok with someone referring you as her or she? I mean it's good that you are comfortable with that I guess but if someone refers to me as 'her' I am gonna correct them.


Not buying it.
People keep going on about 'it's just X' and 'who cares it's only Y' but you only get to cutting girl's tits out or giving them hormone blockers by normalising the ideology behind it one little step by one little step.


Gold Member
not surprised at all.................

So what I'm getting from this pic is that all 13 people have been mislabeled for years as They, so they have to tell the world their actual correct pronouns which are all he/she. Got it.

Dont forget to update the pic saying whats their ethnic background and religion just in case people get those wrong too.

Side note: Lori Wright looks milfy.


If the writing is good and gameplay is good. If I can get enthralled and lost in this fantasy world, if this provides me a new gaming addiction as Stalker 2 has.. then I could not care less about there being pronouns.

BG3 let you be the most muscle bound, bearded pink demon with tits and a dick, was still my GOTY when it came out.

Is the game fun? That trumps whatever DEI related things the game might have.


Gold Member
So what I’m getting from this pic is all the males at Xbox leadership go by he and all the females are she?

Someone correct me if I’m wrong. When I learnt this at age 2 and a half I recall it was a bit confusing.
Yeah, 99.9% of the population uses normal ass pronouns because they aren’t terminally online Redditards.

Every time you see pronouns in entertainment the goal is to legitimize non-binary nonsense. That’s the meta and why people reject it.


Gold Member
Definitely a red flag, but it doesn't mean the writing will be trash.
As people have pointed out, there are games with this crap that still manage to be well written and enjoyable.

So what I’m getting from this pic is all the males at Xbox leadership go by he and all the females are she?

Someone correct me if I’m wrong. When I learnt this at age 2 and a half I recall it was a bit confusing.

Basically a mix of attention seekers and people with a mental disorder have convinced a large part of the corporate world and entertainment industry that the norm should be that next to your name you always state if you suffer from this particular mental disorder or not.

Why we do it for this particular one and not all the others I don't know.
Knew there was something off about this shit and wasn't even that into it. Glad this evil shit is exposed so won't even think about supporting it anymore even on sale or if it's free.


Gold Member
Definitely a red flag, but it doesn't mean the writing will be trash.
As people have pointed out, there are games with this crap that still manage to be well written and enjoyable.

Basically a mix of attention seekers and people with a mental disorder have convinced a large part of the corporate world and entertainment industry that the norm should be that next to your name you always state if you suffer from this particular mental disorder or not.

Why we do it for this particular one and not all the others I don't know.
What wil determine whether Avowed gets grilled to high heaven over pronouns is if the game is great and how much he/him stuff is in the game.

A game like BG3 can get away with it because the rest of the game is excellent and consistently reviewed well and winning awards.

Games like Concord, Veilguard, Suicide Squad jam it in your face as part of the game, other parts of the game can be trash and Veilguard is in a unique situation because the game is much different than older games where they switched it up making it more campy, bright, and an action slasher game where you cant even control NPCs anymore. And a lot of identity politics cut scenes.

So the more negative ammo a game gives, the more it gives gamers and streamers opportunity to rag and make fun of the game because they spent time on pronouns instead of making the rest of the game better to begin with.

So if a game is going to get political, they better make sure the game as a whole is rock solid.
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Damn, so many folks are getting triggered cause people don't wanna spend their time and money on a pronoun game. If you like pronouns you've got a wide selection of modern content made just for you. For most of us, the pronoun game just ain't it so we're gonna pass and yes, it's okay for me and others to not spend money on these games. And being vocal about it let's the rest of the world know it's okay for them to pass on it too.


Gold Member
Damn, so many folks are getting triggered cause people don't wanna spend their time and money on a pronoun game. If you like pronouns you've got a wide selection of modern content made just for you. For most of us, the pronoun game just ain't it so we're gonna pass and yes, it's okay for me and others to not spend money on these games. And being vocal about it let's the rest of the world know it's okay for them to pass on it too.
I think people are smarter than that.

What the pronoun supporters know is that the more political a game gets, it may get grilled too and laughed at, so it sells less. So what happens is it flops and pronoun media starts to disappear as game and movie companies finally scale back the DEI content going forward.

So they end up feeling like shit and blame normies for not supporting their cause when content disappears. They need the gamers who dont care about pronouns to buy the products.
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did bg3 really have pronouns?

I played through the game 3 times at launch and never noticed any women telling me I had to call her 'they' or anything like that

Either it was really subtle or they added the "feature" later on


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Knew there was something off about this shit and wasn't even that into it. Glad this evil shit is exposed so won't even think about supporting it anymore even on sale or if it's free.

Wait pronouns are evil?

I take it you havent played very many RPGs with character creators, cuz if this is evil, we been on the dark side for quite some time, and even given out GOTY awards to these heathens spreading evil.



I think there are three different things:

1.) How a person appears to others in society
2.) How a person actually feels about themselves (self-identifies)
3.) Whether society accepts that person's self-identification
I don’t see why there is a need for any of that to be in a game, or above everybody’s head in a company photo where nobody goes outside the biological norms so it’s like looking at a picture book for 1 year olds pointing out who’s the boy and girl. To me the whole thing seems extremely personal and like something you talk to a shrink about to help storting it out if you truly don’t feel like you fit in anywhere. Changing the whole society for a tiny group of confused people seems absurd.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
3 times at launch and never noticed any women telling me I had to call her 'they' or anything like that
did bg3 really have pronouns?

I played through the game 3 times at launch and never noticed any women telling me I had to call her 'they' or anything like that

Either it was really subtle or they added the "feature" later on

Did you create a character?
Then you selected a pronoun for that character.
Same situation as here, you give your character a pronoun that the rest of the world will call them by.

Pure pure evil if you ask me!


Gold Member
did bg3 really have pronouns?

I played through the game 3 times at launch and never noticed any women telling me I had to call her 'they' or anything like that

Either it was really subtle or they added the "feature" later on
It did, but it's an option when you create your character and that's it. You don't pull up your character sheet and see Human Rogue They/Them.
Did you create a character?
Then you selected a pronoun for that character.
Same situation as here, you give your character a pronoun that the rest of the world will call them by.

Pure pure evil if you ask me!

It did, but it's an option when you create your character and that's it. You don't pull up your character sheet and see Human Rogue They/Them.
Certainly not a good sign. But obviously games like Elden Ring have body type 1 & 2 on the character select screen and then no harmful political ideology in the content of the game. I would be cautious anyway though just because of how bad The Outer Worlds was


Gold Member
So what I’m getting from this pic is all the males at Xbox leadership go by he and all the females are she?

Someone correct me if I’m wrong. When I learnt this at age 2 and a half I recall it was a bit confusing.
yup , these people are 2 years old again and confused


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
did bg3 really have pronouns?

I played through the game 3 times at launch and never noticed any women telling me I had to call her 'they' or anything like that

Either it was really subtle or they added the "feature" later on

It has been there since they put out the character creator before the game's release, and multiple characters in dialogue segments also use gendered terms when referring to you, including they/them if you use the non-binary option. I don't have a supercut or anything like that handy, but it is the case.

We do not know what extent of it is used in Avowed, nothing in anything that has been shown or any of the previews mentioned anything like this specifically, nor has there been any clip that is anywhere near comparable to the whole Barv thing.

As of right now, the only thing we know that the game will have some kind of pronoun option, like a lot of other popular recent games do. If it factors into literally anything beyond the character creator and stat screen, is anybody's guess.
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No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
Pronouns are EVEN MORE necessary in a fantasy game. How the fuck am I supposed to know if this Orc I'm talking to is a male or a female?
Stop bitching about nothing, guys. Just enjoy the games
Then put the gender. Not modern day political shit jargon. There’s no defense for this crap.
I don't really care too much about pronouns and one look at many developers' personal social media pages sadly shows many looks to use them
I care more about whether the game is fun and good to play with an interesting world to explore.


Has Man Musk
I'm still trying to figure out what was DEI about BG3. None of the characters talk that tranny bullshit. All companions are traditionally attractive even if being a different species. None of them are fat as fuck. None of the women spout a bunch of feminist propaganda.
I think it's mainly that all companions are pansexual, you can romance and make love with them however you like regardless your character genders. I don't really mind as you can fuck more than just humanoids, you do it with fiends, bear, and even fucking mind flayer. But I do think old school gender-locked romance added more depth and authenticity to the characters, like in OG dragon age or mass effect.

Mister Wolf

I think it's mainly that all companions are pansexual, you can romance and make love with them however you like regardless your character genders. I don't really mind as you can fuck more than just humanoids, you do it with fiends, bear, and even fucking mind flayer. But I do think old school gender-locked romance added more depth and authenticity to the characters, like in OG dragon age or mass effect.

I really don't have a problem with that. Keeps everyone happy. Now if Gale started dressing in drag and telling me he is now "she" then we got a major problem.


I dont mind the pronouns as long as there isn't a single line of creepy/awful/unenncesary discussion regarding it (like in that new dragon age game). That just made it utterly useless and worse in my opinion.

But a toggle in a menu - its fine.
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